Start with a college teacher

Chapter 606 Animal Experiments

Chapter 606 Animal Experiments (2)

How many steps does it take to have a child?
Answer: Three steps.

The first step is to find a beautiful woman.

The second step is to use means to get her pregnant.

The third step is to let her give birth to the child.

At Boss Shen's place, pharmaceuticals are also like this.

For example, the hepatitis B vaccine was developed last time.

The first step is to decide to make a vaccine.

The second step is to set up a project team.

In the third step, the vaccine is ready.

Now this medicine for treating leukemia also follows similar steps.

The first step is to decide to make leukemia treatment medicine.

The second step is to set up a research and development project team.

The third step, the medicine is ready.

Now it is time to verify the effectiveness of this drug.

The medicine is out, this is a very big phased victory!
At least, half the battle is not.

The celebration of phased achievements ended successfully at the Capital Hotel.

Everyone enjoyed the American-style party and Chinese-style feast, and felt that the trip was worthwhile.

Except for the calf, everyone is addicted to beef and steak.

In fact, Mavericks didn't eat less, but he didn't admit it.

He himself said that he drank all Coke, got drunk, and didn't remember anything.

If you don't get drunk, everyone gets drunk. There are indeed many people staying in the hotel at night, and the waiter will wash the sheets the next day.

However, the next day, no one reminded them, and everyone returned to their respective jobs early.

You can't slack off at this time, it's not time to relax yet.

The work plan has also been drawn up long ago.

Shen Guanglin couldn't come, and everyone knew what they were going to do next.

The next step is to find enough derivatives and try them one by one.

This is the stage where you start spending money.

According to the pharmaceutical plan given by Pfizer, from the perspective of normal drug research and development, at this stage, they have already entered the middle stage of pharmaceuticals.

There are only a few steps away from the end.

For example, developing a rational production process for medicines is one step.

For example, conducting animal experiments is also a step.

For example, the first phase of clinical trials, the second phase of clinical trials, and the third phase of clinical trials are also considered as one step.

Until the drug is actually put into use, it has to be optimized while producing it.

In fact, at this stage, if the drug is to be launched as soon as possible, the research team can already conduct animal experiments on the drug while developing derivatives.

After all, any kind of derivative can only enter the next stage of clinical trials if animal experiments are fully carried out.

Before medicines are given to people, everything must be treated with caution.

In fact, for the development cycle of any new drug, 3 or 5 years is a relatively short cycle, and 10 years is not too long.

10 years ago, I didn't know you, and 10 years later, you don't belong to me.

This is all too common.

There are countless examples of failures, and there are always more than successes.

The people in Shen Guanglin's lab were so optimistic that Williams couldn't bear to interrupt them and tell them the truth.

Can it go wrong?
After all, it has only been three months since the leukemia research group started working hard.

Even if the time period of the previous research is added, it is only half a year at most.

It takes half a year to make a medicine, is it awesome?
Many people think that at this stage, drug development is considered a success.

If Shen Guanglin is brave enough, at this stage, he can really take this medicine for others.

The effect is definitely there, regardless of whether he has side effects.

As far as the domestic environment is concerned, there are not too many cases where a dead horse is used as a living horse doctor.

No, all those intractable diseases that cannot be cured by Western medicine end up seeking help from Chinese medicine.

There is really no other way.

What can Chinese medicine do?You can only cross the river by feeling the stones.

According to the theory of Chinese medicine, coupled with free play, Hu's combination with some medicine, as for whether it can be successful, it is up to the fate of the world.

In the West, it is too difficult for an original drug to be successfully researched.

Now, if Shen Guanglin announces that he has successfully developed a specific drug for leukemia, the teams of other pharmaceutical companies in the world can really hang themselves.

Of course, according to normal progress, there is still a long way to go in the research of leukemia treatment drugs at this stage.

After all, pharmaceuticals are different from vaccine development, and pharmaceuticals are still more complicated.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory produced the hepatitis B vaccine in two weeks. Although everyone was surprised, they thought it was reasonable.

After all, vaccine research is relatively simple, especially if there are already successful precedents.

The so-called research and development of hepatitis B vaccine in Shen Guanglin's laboratory is just a repeated experiment.

Although they also have a whole set of procedures to verify the effectiveness, they feed pigeons, mice, rabbits, dogs, and monkeys. In short, they have done various animal experiments.

But that's just a process.

These animals were not wasted, so the monkeys were not eaten, and were sent to the zoo at Shen Guanglin's suggestion.

All the other animals were eaten by them, nothing wasted, not even the mice, they were as delicious as they were roasted, and they were cultivated in the laboratory, very clean.

Many people say that the reason why the Hepatitis B vaccine in their laboratory can be successfully developed, in the final analysis, is that they have followed the path that others have walked on the premise of others' success.

Everyone knew from the beginning that there would be no problems, and there were no problems later.

In short, Citigroup Merck Pharmaceuticals can do this, but Shen Guanglin's laboratory can't do it without reason.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory made the hepatitis B vaccine quickly, which only shows that they did a good job in repeated experiments.

As for the development of leukemia treatment drugs, in the eyes of the outside world, this is not a simple repeated experiment, it is a groundbreaking research.

And, this is a great breakthrough.

From pharmaceutical principles to new breakthroughs in engineering practice.

This is the world's first gene therapy drug, and everyone is waiting to see if this theory can work.

This is why when Shen Guanglin said he was short of money, countless pharmaceutical companies were willing to contribute.

A disease with gene expression, the cause of the disease has been found, and now they want to stop the gene mutation from the genetic level.

The idea is very bold, whether it will work or not, everything is unknown.

However, for Shen Guanglin, all of this is still repeated experiments.

In the previous life, Novartis had successfully developed imatinib, using this method, this target, and this direction.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory was nothing more than repeating the experiment without knowing that there was a successful precedent.

In fact, many pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, have a deep desire and fear for real original drugs.

After all, even a company as big as Pfizer does not come out with new drugs every year, especially original drugs.

You must know that it is very difficult for a drug from the beginning of the project to its successful development, and it will fail in all likelihood.

However, after it is successfully listed, it can bring a profit period of up to 20 years, and some will add an exclusive sales period of about seven years.

After such a wave, how much money can you make?
Shen Guanglin himself was also thinking, if this drug is developed, how much money can it make?

Without anyone answering, he knew the result himself: before the patent expires, the final sales that can be completed are 500 billion U.S. dollars.

As for pharmaceutical costs?

Maybe not even one percent.

In fact, as early as the beginning of the project, Shen Guanglin's plan was to spend 2.5 million US dollars to develop this drug.

It is divided into three major stages.

In the first stage, useful compounds are found.

In the second stage, animal experiments are done to find suitable compounds.

The third stage, clinical trials, verifies the effectiveness.

He skipped those theoretical preparations and R&D ideas, and just let everyone keep trial and error.

In these three stages, he said to the outside world that each will cost 1 million, 5000 million, and 1 million.

He said that the pharmaceutical factory didn't believe it, but he still agreed to his nonsense.

What if it works.

After all, Shen Guanglin is invincible in all battles. With him, no project or company has lost money.

Anyway, PCR earns enough, so what if it loses points.

As a result, Shen Guanglin completed the first phase of the task with less than 1 million US dollars, most of which were fixed asset investment and purchased experimental equipment.

From the perspective of those who don't have enough structure, the remaining 9 million should continue to be used for research.

Someone Shen doesn't think so, the second stage has a fundraising goal for the second stage, and I should just ask for money.

Williams reported Shen Guanglin's desire for money, and the money was sent within the same day.

Along with Qian, they also sent a team of experts who are very experienced in biological experiments and can provide some help.

We don't pay wages, huh?

Of course, Pfizer is willing to pay for it itself, just to verify with its own eyes whether this drug will work.

Sure enough, within a few days, the expert team arrived, led by a middle-aged white man named Davis.

Davis looks like Bush Sr., very friendly and capable.

In this era, Huaxia has a good impression of people who look like Bush Sr. in Citigroup.

In future generations, this kind of person is a typical example of anti-China.

When Bush Sr. was in China, he did really well. He often rode a bicycle to eat roast duck, which was seen in many old capitals.

Now that the money is in place and the people are all here, let's boldly carry out animal experiments.

(End of this chapter)

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