Chapter 607 Parade (1)

The sale of live organisms has always been a major source of income for Great Wall Biotech.

Both dogs and monkeys are expensive.

In later generations, a monkey can be sold for tens of thousands. Although it is not that expensive in this era, two or three thousand dollars is still required.

In the past, Volkswagen imported a batch of monkeys from China for exhaust gas experiments, and the price was 3500 euros each.

With the help of Boss Shen's good external relations, Takeda Pharmaceutical and some universities and research institutes in Fusang will import some experimental animals from Great Wall Biology.

This not only maintains the relationship between the two parties, but also gains benefits, so why not do it.

It is because of this that Great Wall Biotech has maintained a profitable state over the years.

Of course, after the arrival of the spring of domestic science and technology, the demand for experimental organisms has also increased to a certain extent.

However, they couldn't afford it, or were unwilling to bid.

I always feel that it is a loss to spend so much money on your things.

So, the very fucked behavior appeared.

Sometimes they would rather buy experimental animals that Great Wall Biology exported to Fusang and then imported, rather than directly ask Great Wall Biology to buy ready-made and cheap experimental animals.

After all, it sounds different. We are experimental organisms imported from Fusang, and it is much more comfortable to do experiments.

Great Wall Biology has always wanted to open up the situation in China, but it has not been particularly ideal.

It is not uncommon for domestic laboratories to ask them to buy experimental organisms, but most of them just buy a little for a symbolic amount, and then start cultivating them themselves.

Just raise it, and Great Wall Biology will issue guidance, and you must teach it hand-in-hand.

It turned out that what they bought was not experimental animals, but seedlings.

Moreover, once the animal standards they bred are not up to standard, it must be something wrong with the seeds.

Could it be that your Great Wall creatures had evil intentions when they were sold, wasting our manpower and material resources for nothing.

Therefore, Great Wall Biology has been established for several years, and the live experimental animals bred are not sold to many other places except Beijing University and Wudaokou Technical School.

Even, until now, he has not left the capital.

Therefore, these experimental animals are exported abroad when they are due, and the payment is straightforward, and there is no need for after-sales, which is much simpler.

As far as domestic customers are concerned, Capital University is the most important customer of Great Wall Biology.

Including the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University, they buy a lot of experimental animals every year.

In particular, the biology team of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, their ability to digest experimental animals is still very strong, and they are VIP super customers.

The last time the biological group developed the hepatitis B vaccine was fine, and the demand for experimental animals was not too great. After all, there was only one category that needed to be tested.

The vaccine is produced by yeast, and does not require special attention and handling. Animal experiments are easily completed, even simpler than animal experiments with insect-resistant cotton.

This time is different.

The number of animals required by the leukemia project team is completely different, growing exponentially.

Because there are many compounds that they need to synthesize, and each derivative needs to do a full set of animal experiments.

Flexible book lovers know that the prices of fast food and full meals are different, and the patterns are also different.

Of course, some compounds and derivatives may not be able to do the full set.

For example, when doing experiments on small white mice, more than half of the mice died when they came up, so this kind of derivatives will be eliminated, and there is no practical significance to continue.

This is the same as the book friends in front of the screen.

The idea is very good. I booked a one-stop package, but I trembled at the first item, and the rest is the sage time. This has become a saint, so naturally there is no need to continue.

However, even so, they need a large number of animals. Even if it is fast food, there must be the first meal at the beginning.

Shen Guanglin Laboratory and Great Wall Biological Company are two different entities, although they work together.

But brothers have to settle accounts clearly.

Great Wall Biological Company is actually Shen Guanglin's small treasury, and Shen Guanglin's daily consumption and money for buying antiques are all taken from here.

Therefore, there is not such a strict financial system here.

It can also be said that this enterprise is not for profit. Their huge reception center is losing money, and the farm does not make much money. It just provides benefits to the employees of the Great Wall Group.

The only way to make money is to sell experimental organisms to the outside world.

In short, for so many years, their profits have been very stable, they don't make much, and they don't lose money.

Now, the Great Wall biology is about to develop.

They received a huge order all of a sudden, the order was so large that it exceeded the annual turnover of Great Wall Bio.

This order was not made by anyone else, it was naturally the leukemia research group of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Among other things, the initial amount is 1000 million, or US dollars.
So much money was sent in one click, without delay at all.

There is no way, the laboratory is too rich now, PCR dividends are coming in a steady stream, and Boss Shen's ability to cheat money is very strong.

If you want to say which company has the most foreign exchange in the capital, it must be Shen Guanglin Laboratory.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory purchased experimental equipment from Great Wall Biology, and the settlement price was the same as the export price, and his own people did not take advantage of their own people.

Such a large order came suddenly, and it will be used later.

The addition of all the experimental animals of Great Wall Biology is not enough for them.

It's like, there are only 10 girls in the village, and [-] strong men come all at once. Some of them still want to play flower jobs, and one person wants two. How can this meet the demand.

This is how to do?
Let's expand capacity.

The Great Wall Biology used to have quite a large piece of land, Tiangong-[-] occupied one piece, the isolated grove and green land in the middle took up another piece, the reception center took up another piece, and Shen Guanglin's laboratory biology team took another piece.

The real Great Wall creatures don't even have a third of the land they use for themselves.

Such a large piece of land is not enough to divide it up.

There is no way, now we can only do both.

Applying to the government for land allocation is one aspect, and another direction is to make better use of existing land.

Anyway, if you have money, everyone should hurry up and get busy!
Although the weather is cold, there is a hot and busy scene in the Great Wall Biological Base.

This time, Great Wall Biological Company is recruiting again!

It is said that the purpose of recruiting this time is to raise mice and rabbits.

"real or fake?"

"Of course it's true. My brother-in-law's aunt's aunt's niece and niece work there, and they're vacating the space. The biological company used to raise a lot of pigs, but now they've all killed them, and they've also killed a lot of cattle."

"Oh, it's almost Chinese New Year. People's welfare is good. They kill pigs and share the meat for the New Year. They don't need tickets or money. I'm so envious."

It's really enviable. The employees of the Great Wall department have high salaries, not to mention the high salary. The key is that they always pay benefits, which are oil, food, and meat at every turn.

When distributing, neither tickets nor money are required, it is divided according to the number of people.

"If we are recruiting this time, do we have a chance? Hurry up and sign up, my second kid is a sophomore in high school, and his age is just right."

"I'm afraid not. I've asked a long time ago. They implement a recommendation system called internal referral, which means that only those recommended internally can go to work."

"Then find an acquaintance to recommend."

"An old employee can only bring in one new employee. And there are restrictions on education and so on."

"I protest, it's not fair!"

In this era, there are many unfair things. Great Wall Biotech is a foreign-funded enterprise, not a state-owned enterprise, so what is fair or unfair?

There is no way around this, as people like to recruit whoever they like, the opportunities themselves are rare, and it should be popular.

"Just now you said they even killed cattle?"

"That's right, cows take up a lot of space, how many rabbits can be raised with one cow vacated."

"The cloned cow was also killed?"

"How do I know that?"

As a result, a different trend of thought was brewing again. Everyone's envy and jealousy towards the Great Wall Group gradually turned into hatred.

How can they even kill cloned cows, how can this work?
real or fake?

Of course it's true, and the cloned cows don't make money, so they must have killed them.

That can't be done, isn't this a prodigal son? The cloned cow is the pride of our men in the capital, how can we kill it.

I don't know who organized it, and I don't know who took the lead. Soon, the petition team appeared.

A group of people listened and talked, surrounded.

More and more people gathered.

What's wrong? What's wrong?
I heard that the Great Wall Biology is going to kill the cloned cow. Isn't this killing the donkey?They have earned us such a big face, so we can't kill them.

It cannot be killed.

Then let's go protest together?

Go together!

"When I was young, my family also had a cow. It was used for farming. It was raised for more than ten years. Later, there was a riot and it couldn't be kept alive. I, Dada, wanted to kill it and use it as rations for fleeing famine.

At that time, when it was learned that it was going to be killed, the cow's tears came down, that pitiful spirit, I remember it to this day. "

A passer-by was moved by the story of the cow. Chinese people and cows have deep feelings.

"Did you kill that cow in your family?"

"Kill it, I've never eaten such delicious beef. Without that cow, our family wouldn't be able to support Beiping."

It's cold, but the heart is warm.

Many people surrounded the entrance of the biological base, most of them were young people.

Some people took the lead in shouting slogans: We want freedom, we want fairness.

The uncle at the gate said, no, we are just a breeding base, and what you said has nothing to do with it.

Why don't you get along? When you recruited workers, you were not fair and just, and, for the sake of profit, you even killed cloned cows who made great contributions to earn money.

More and more people gathered at the door, and it became a mass event.

(End of this chapter)

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