Chapter 608 Speech (2)

Another half month has passed since the last milestone celebration.

Christmas and New Year's Day are coming soon, and everyone has no intention of taking a holiday.

Pfizer's experts have also been working long ago, and it seems that they have no plans for Christmas.

Everyone was busy, but Shen Guanglin was not.

It's cold, the roads are slippery, and this society is complicated.

Instead of being busy, it's better to just stay at home and rest.

With the subject compound, the development process of derivatives is very fast. A benzene ring is added to this chain, a hydroxyl group is added to that branch chain, and an alcohol is added to the tail. These are all new derivatives.

Each derivative is first tested for activity, and after it is proven effective, it will be tested on animals.

So, batch after batch of little white mice, little white pigeons, and little white rabbits were twisted and sent into the laboratory.

Then, every few days, another batch is taken away from the laboratory and disposed of.

Under the strong protest of Citi experts, they did not eat these cute animals, what if they were really poisonous.

However, many people don't take it seriously, let's just remove the internal organs.

Later, at the insistence of Shen Guanglin, these animals were euthanized and destroyed humanely after experiencing the experimental drugs.

Of course, everyone is not short of food recently, especially beef.

I used to feed a lot of cows in the cow cloning experiment, but now I have killed them all, just to make room for new animal experiments.

These cattle were collected at a high price, and some cattle were useless from beginning to end. They even practiced the skills of farming, but they had no chance to use them, and they became a piece of meat on the table.

Not only those ordinary cows, even some meritorious cows, they will be killed if they say they are killed.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory sent someone over to screen them, just like they screened the West Route Army back then.

The red seedlings were left behind, and the useless ones were killed.

Moreover, many of the cloned cows produced by Cuihua were also killed, except for Cuihua and a few other animals that had been used for scientific research and observation.

The matter of cloning the cow has come to an end, and the people in the experimental group have also evacuated and disbanded.

Some have gone abroad to study, some have returned to Dou Wei's experimental group, some have been assigned to Xiaoma's leukemia research group, and some are doing vaccine research with Mavericks.

In short, everyone has something to do.

Hepatitis B vaccine is not the end point of the calf project team.

Genetically modified pharmaceutical engineering is a type of engineering, not a single engineering.

There are many types of vaccines that can be produced through genetic engineering, and there are even genetically engineered vaccines that use genetically modified plants in later generations.

Therefore, student Xiao Niu is also very busy, he has also found the starting point of his career, and his mind of competing with Xiao Ma has eased a lot.

In fact, in terms of contribution to people, Mavericks' contribution is even greater than that of Pony.

The importance and influence of vaccines definitely exceed the importance and influence of leukemia treatment drugs.

It's just that vaccines aren't that profitable.

On this day, everyone was doing experiments as usual, and the sudden parade broke the tranquility of the biological base.

No one knows what the purpose of their protest is.

There was a lot of noise at the door, and no one dared to go out.

Fortunately, the security level of the biological base and the laboratory is very high, and there are many security personnel, and the parade team did not violently attack the park.

They're just protesting, hoping someone will come forward and give them an explanation.

Who can come forward?

Dou Wei?pony?calf?

These people are not enough, and they can't be the masters, so Boss Shen still needs to come forward.

When Boss Shen received the call, he couldn't help complaining, what's the matter.

No way, he still drove to the back door and slipped in from Tiangong-[-].

Quickly asked what happened?

How did the relationship between the evolved and the masses of the people become so bad.

Because Great Wall Group's benefits are so good, they feel it's unfair.

It's unfair and shouldn't be blocking our door?

The reason is roughly that we recruited workers without social recruitment, and they were recommended internally. The trigger was that we killed cows, and some people said that we killed cloned cows.

Are the cloned cows killed?

Killed of course.

Only four or five cows were left for scientific research samples, and all the other cows were killed. Keeping them was a waste of food.

After collecting this information, Boss Shen said that he understands that this matter is easy to deal with. Isn't it just that some people are instigating the masses who don't know the truth? Let's just tell them.

At this time, the phone rang, and it was Lao Li calling, asking him if he needed support. Lao Li could contact a strong security force and take some radical measures.

no, I'm fine.Shen didn't want to be scolded secretly for decades.

In this way, isn't it cold now? All the cooks in the kitchen are dispatched, and a few large pots are set up at the door to cook beef soup and offal soup for everyone, using cloned cows to cook.

They have eaten cloned cows, so they can't say anything, and they were killed especially for them.

However, this incident must have been instigated by someone behind the scenes, otherwise it would be impossible to surround so many people.

Want to see a joke, right? Let's show you a joke.

Shen Guanglin explained the second step. He set up a stage at the door, and Boss Shen was going to give a speech.

I'm afraid it's not safe.

There is nothing unsafe at your own door.

Call a few more people to watch below.

If it is really unsafe, grab the boss out quickly.

everything's ready.

The beef soup was almost done before Boss Shen left the house.

Before leaving, Boss Shen asked someone to spray his hair with liquid nitrogen to form a layer of frost, indicating that he came from elsewhere in a hurry.

Don't spray it on your face, it's easy to get frostbite, and you won't be handsome in the future, so the girls will cry.

At this time, it is not appropriate to wear a down jacket to appear on the stage. The army coat has the opportunity to appear on the stage, and it is the same style as Andy Lau, and you can still feel the cold icy rain being slapped randomly.

Surrounded by a high platform built with several tables.

"Everyone has worked hard!

I am Shen Guanglin, and everyone must have heard of me.In order to thank everyone for their care and love for our laboratory, I asked the kitchen to make some food for everyone to warm up, you are welcome, everyone has a share. "

As Shen Guanglin said, the staff in the kitchen also started serving meals, each with a big bowl of beef vermicelli soup.

Everyone queues up, everyone has a share, no crowding, no money, free drinks, and refills if you don’t have enough.

The chunks of beef are large, and the amount of beef offal is also quite large. With vermicelli and chili, it is spicy and delicious.

Everyone was dumbfounded, but seeing that there were really delicious food, some people were hungry for a long time, and they were already hungry.

"Don't worry, everyone has a share. You can add more if you don't have enough. Xiaogou, arrange for the kitchen to kill another cow. Well, can you give me a bowl too, I rushed over from another laboratory, and I haven't had it yet. Have a meal."

As he spoke, Shen Guanglin shook his hair, and the ice crumbs fell from his hair.

"Oh, it's cold, so I wore a scarf. My wife knitted it for me. Don't joke around."

Shen Guanglin's military coat is not new, it can be seen that it has been worn many times, his scarf is not good-looking, very bulky, and not fashionable at all, but the icicles on his hair are very shiny, which looks a bit grey.

Watching Shen Guanglin's performance, no one laughed, and even felt a little distressed.

"I heard that everyone came to care about our laboratory. I came here from another project team in a hurry."

At this time, a girl in the audience shouted loudly: "Professor Shen, aren't you cold in such a cold day? Why don't you wear a hat?"

"Cuckold? I have to ask my partner."


Shen Guanglin's words made everyone clear up the barriers.

"You don't have to feel bad, my partner is a good man, and I have money. You should have heard about it a long time ago. I can get 5 yuan for a class, or US dollars. Now the market has gone up. I don't know if it is [-] yuan or not. One hundred thousand."

At this time, Shen Guanglin's student Xiaogou said, "You don't know, Professor Shen doesn't even have a watch."

There was an uproar in the audience.

A watch is a status symbol, that is, people without money have a diamond or a Shanghai brand in their hands. Professor Shen doesn't even have a watch.

"In winter, the watch is cold and uncomfortable." Shen Guanglin explained, this is the truth, but everyone didn't believe it.

"Okay, since everyone has eaten, it's not so cold, let's start chatting and see what everyone wants."

The ice-breaking operation is over, let's get down to business.

"Professor Shen, please don't kill the cloned cow."

"Ah? Don't kill the cloned cow? But everyone has already eaten it. What we eat together is the cloned cow." Shen Guanglin greeted everyone with a smile.

The people in the audience were dumbfounded again, how could it be like this?This is not playing according to the routine. If so, we will not eat this bowl of beef soup.

Shen Guanglin's ability to control the field is still good. After all, he has seen bigger scenes. He waved his hand, "I know what you mean, and everyone cares and loves our laboratory. Here, let me tell you, Cui The flower is still there, that’s right, the cow that often appears on TV is called Cuihua, come, take her out for everyone to have a look.”

Sure enough, the staff really brought out a cow. Everyone looked familiar, and it really was Cuihua who often appeared on TV.

"I think everyone may have misunderstood a little bit. In fact, many cows have been cloned in the laboratory, and Cuihua was the first one to be cloned. This is our merit and glory, and of course we must protect it well.

However, there are too many cows cloned in the laboratory now, which are no longer of research value, so they can only be taken out and killed. "

It turned out that this was the case, as long as Cuihua was still there, it would be fine. At least half of the people at the scene had calmed down, and felt a little embarrassed instead.

"It's not that we are unkind, we feel sorry for killing them, but what to do, we have to raise other experimental animals.

Do you know what we do with so many useless animals?Improve food? "

There was another burst of laughter from the audience, "Can raising mice improve food?"

It seems that the audience can form a good interaction.

Shen Guanglin went on to say:
"Do you have the impression that there are dead pigs and sheep at home, and you don't want to throw them away, so you cut a piece of meat and throw it to the dog at home. The dog is fine after eating it, and the people will eat it again."

"Yes, yes, my sheep died from poisoned wheat, if they were given to the dogs first."

What Shen Guanglin said is very close to life, which is the case in this era.

"This is also the purpose of keeping so many animals in our laboratory.

As you know, we have recently developed a hepatitis B vaccine. However, the newly developed vaccine is directly administered to humans. What if it kills someone?
Therefore, we are also doing experiments, first injecting mice and rabbits, and we will consider using them for human beings after they are fine. This is for the sake of everyone's safety.


It turns out that it is useful to keep so many things in the laboratory, not just for fun.

"You may not know that before our laboratory intervened, a hepatitis B vaccine cost 80 yuan. After our research and development, now the hepatitis B vaccine only costs 5 yuan.

In addition, everyone may also have a relatively common disease, that is, congenital polio, also called polio.

If the child is vaccinated at birth, it is completely possible to prevent this disease.

It is because the vaccine is too expensive now, so now there are still baby paralysis.

Now, I would like to report the good news to you. Our laboratory has developed this vaccine, and it may be put on the market in the next year.I hope that in the future, there will be no more baby paralysis in our country. "

Shen Guanglin paused.

"I know my thoughts are arrogant, but this is my dream. I hope you can support me and join me, and we will accomplish this dream together!"

"Okay! We support, we will definitely support!"

Some emotional people were in tears.

Talking about unfair recruitment at this time is playing hooliganism.

(End of this chapter)

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