Chapter 609 Second Stage (1)

Reluctantly, everyone finally left with a full belch, full of guilt.

Professor Shen is running around for everyone's health, regardless of his own honor, disgrace and hard work. How can he be so narrow-minded?

ashamed, ashamed.

They already knew in their hearts that they were probably being fooled.

Who is so malicious?If caught by me, he must be killed!
However, this is not important anymore. The important thing is that the Great Wall creatures did have to kill because there was no place to raise cattle.

Moreover, they have also eaten the meat of the cloned cow, and it tastes really delicious, much better than ordinary beef.

Of course, free things, can't they be delicious?

However, it really doesn't cost a lot of money to invite hundreds of people to drink a bowl of beef soup, and it doesn't cost a few cows.

The occasional crisis was successfully resolved.

The next question is: How can local governments be so inactive?

In order to study vaccines, people have to kill horses and cattle, and you haven't approved a piece of land for others.

Grant land, grant land immediately.

So, before the Chinese New Year, another large piece of land was allocated to Great Wall Creatures.

Sometimes Chinese people have no other advantage in doing things, but high efficiency.

This piece of land is said to be free of money, as long as it can solve the employment problem of land-lost peasants.

But the Great Wall Biology is very particular about things, and the land is determined not to be in vain.

This time we gave another 1000 mu, right? Let’s spend 1 million yuan to buy this thousand mu of land at 1000 yuan per mu.

If it doesn’t work, you can also buy it according to foreign exchange, and the official price will do. Anyway, there are too many foreign currencies to spend.

The money in the laboratory is really a bit endless.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is rich and powerful, and the money is almost as much as that of the Great Wall Group.

This made Shen Guanglin very unfulfilling. He worked hard to start a business, and the money he earned was not as much as the lab alms and extortion.

This made the people of the Great Wall Group very unfulfilling. They worked hard to make money, and they didn't make as much money as Professor Shen just opened his mouth.

The money of Shen Guanglin's laboratory is stored in the account of Great Wall Bank, which is much more than the deposit of Great Wall Group itself.

During the recent period, the lab's money has indeed been a bit fierce.

Not to mention the money obtained from the alms of those internationally renowned pharmaceutical factories, the PCR machine alone can really be described as making money every day.

All the money was put into the laboratory, and there was nowhere to spend it.

With such a large amount of money, the financial and senior officials of the Great Wall Group are all jealous.

How about we also build a skyscraper in the capital?
Now, when the land was granted to Shen Guanglin's laboratory, the government originally said that the land did not require money, but when they heard that the laboratory could pay foreign exchange, they stopped talking.

Do you still have promising plots, boldly mention, we will go out to coordinate.

The land of the municipal government is pretty good.

This can be considered.

Forget it.

Shen Guanglin has no plans to open real estate for the time being. The purchasing power of the people in this era is not enough, and it may not be a blessing to encourage the growth of seedlings.

Hold off on other lands.

However, such a large piece of land was obtained, and we paid for it.

In this case, the nature of the land can no longer be arable land, right?

It can be used as industrial land or commercial land, or it can be called industrial and commercial land.

The government has no opinion.

Christmas and New Year's Day are coming one after another, it is supposed to be a holiday, at least foreigners should have a holiday.

However, the busy scene of the laboratory is still going on.

The foreigners who joined before in Shen Guanglin's lab didn't have vacations, and even the Davises sent by Pfizer didn't take a break, and they were working overtime.

It’s impossible not to work overtime. The research and development progress of the entire project team is very fast. If I don’t understand it every other day, I won’t be able to keep up with the rhythm.

When Davis first came to China, he still thought that this laboratory would work, but the headquarters even sent him to guide the work.

Reluctantly, but still to do things.

But when he really came and got to know him, they found that Shen Guanglin's laboratory was not what they imagined.

These guys are amazing!
They have solid theory and strong hands-on ability. If they don't lead people to chase after them, sometimes they don't know what they are doing.

This is too magical.

Davis never imagined that this laboratory could be so powerful.

At this time, he had to admit that even Pfizer's own drug research and development laboratory, the ability of scientific researchers is really not as good as here.

Among these researchers, there are two researchers from Citigroup, both of whom graduated from Harvard with a Ph.D. and learned from famous teachers.

Such good talents, Davis tried to invite them to work at Pfizer, but was rejected.

What we do is scientific research, not working for the enterprise.

That's right, in the minds of researchers in this era, doing scientific research is a higher level of existence than enterprises.

Therefore, they would rather not make money to work in Shen Guanglin's laboratory than work in a pharmaceutical factory like Pfizer.

Perhaps, only when the scientific research life is over, will you consider going to the enterprise to make money for the elderly.

The progress can really be described as fast. In the report to Citigroup, Davis praised the laboratory as a flower.

It's only been a while, and there are already more than ten kinds of derivatives in the laboratory, and the number is still increasing.

They proceeded in two steps, synthesizing compounds while conducting animal experiments.

Of course, the fate of most derivatives is doomed long ago: that is to be ruthlessly eliminated.

Whether it is eliminated by mice, pigeons or rabbits, it is their fate.

Those compounds with obvious defects, major toxicity, and adverse reactions have been eliminated one after another, and the ones left are relatively safe derivatives, which are waiting for the next test.

Of course, in the next test, some of the less safe derivatives will be eliminated again.

However, animal experiments on these compounds are more expensive and time-consuming.

Because, whether it's experimenting with dogs or testing with monkeys, it's a lot of money.

The laboratory is so busy that I can't wait to work 24 hours a day.

However, Shen Guanglin still doesn't appear here often.

Even if he came, it was a boost to morale, because, according to his knowledge reserve, he could not keep up with the fast pace of the laboratory.

There is no way, someone Shen can only learn from Zhuge Kongming and observe its general outline alone.

"Everyone worked hard and achieved results. I invite everyone to go to the clubhouse and have a good time." Boss Shen is a generous person.

"Where is the clubhouse?" The students were also looking forward to it.

"It's a meeting place."

Cut, such an old-fashioned way, what is there to celebrate, tea party, some units hold it every year.

Animal experiments cannot be completed in one day, but Shen Guanglin does not want to wait so long.

Boss Shen is a very humble person. Since experts from Citigroup have come, it is still necessary to learn from them.

So he asked the Davises if there were any good strategies to speed up the experimental process.

The kind that do more with less.

After all, he is an expert from Citigroup, so he should have some skills.

In fact, the treatment drug imatinib for chronic myeloid leukemia is actually a rare targeted drug with mild side effects and excellent curative effect. In the history of drug development, no other drug can match it.

However, no one knew that this would be the result until it was verified.

Davis talked about it according to the traditional drug development process, and Shen Guanglin didn't want them to continue to help.


Because, they're so annoying, it's frustrating to say the least.

After listening to Davis's explanation, Shen finally understood why it is so difficult to develop new drugs.

Before a new drug is officially launched, not only the curative effect must be considered, but also the cross-reaction with other drugs must be considered.

The reason must be reasonable. A patient will not only take one kind of medicine. What if taking your medicine and taking other people's medicine alone is fine, but when they are mixed together, the medicines have conflicting properties, what should I do if I take the medicine?
This is like eating winter jujubes alone and eating bananas alone are both fruits with unique flavors.

But if you take a bite of banana and then a bite of winter jujube, and eat it together, it will be sour and refreshing. Whoever tries it will know, it is simply supremely delicious.

Of course, some netizens also said that when the volume ratio of bananas to winter dates is around 2:1, the taste can reach the peak of deliciousness.

It's all about trying.

Moreover, the test of a new drug is not only the problem of drug crossover, but also the problem of metabolites and genotoxicity.

In short, after thinking about the FDA, there are too many things that need to be tested, so many that Shen does not want to continue listening.

Every test costs money, untold amounts of money.

Is this okay?

According to Davis, every time a derivative of a compound is developed, it costs twice as much.

Therefore, in drug research and development, money is often lost here.

Boss Shen's mind is very clear: "Then why do you study so many derivatives?"

It's just an option for failure.

Shen Guanglin didn't know that drug research and development would be so troublesome.

Davis from Pfizer came here, and only then did Shen know that for each compound, even if it passed animal experiments, it would cost more than 5 million yuan and more than three years to go into clinical practice.

Boss Shen is not well.

If it fails halfway, will it take another three years to switch to another compound?


What about failure?

It is still the same, so drug research and development is not so easy. It is quite fast to make a new drug in ten years.

That can't go on like this!

Shen felt that he was almost 30 years old and couldn't afford it.

Although he doesn't come to the project team often, this project also takes up his energy and money.

In particular, wasting money is the most shameful, it's all because of my own hard work.

When about 5 compounds passed the preliminary animal experiments, Boss Shen came and stopped all experiments.

Boss Shen said that we can't continue to do this.

"Choose one of the best compounds, start comprehensive animal experiments, and go to clinical practice.

Starting today, the project stops, all stops.

Isn't there already 5 compounds? It's enough, but there are more.Choose one for animal experiments and later clinical trials, and seal up the others. "

"Aren't you going to continue?" The people in the project team were very confused. Davis just said that the more derivatives, the better. The more derivatives, the greater the chance of success.

Shen Guanglin said, "I won't do it. This project is over. Let's start the next project. I have decided. Because everyone is interested and has a foundation, our next project will continue to study blood diseases, let's study HIV."

ah?Is it so hasty?

Everyone was dumbfounded, but they could only follow the boss's wishes and complete the withdrawal within a week.

"Why? Shen, why did the project stop!"

Davis came in a hurry, not knowing what happened.

"I think drug research and development has been initially successful. If we continue to do so, the funds spent will exceed our budget."

Shen Guanglin felt that he was telling the truth.

To determine the target and compound, the original plan was 1 million, but Shen Guanglin only had [-] million in his heart.

The plan for doing animal experiments is 5000 million US dollars, and he plans to spend 500 million US dollars to complete it.

The clinical trial is planned to be 1 million US dollars, but his plan is to spend 1000 million, or RMB.

As for those leftovers that can't be used up?Many are of course laboratory.

Hearing that Shen Guanglin was only going to use one compound to continue working on, the others specially took it out to start the next topic.

Davis gasped.

Professor Shen is so headstrong?
He expressed strong disapproval of Boss Shen's decision, "This is a very unprofessional approach! Once the project team is disbanded, it will be difficult to re-establish it."

"Oh, this is my laboratory." Shen Guanglin said something irrelevant.

"What do you mean?" Davis asked puzzled.

"It literally means, my laboratory, so I have the final say." Shen Guanglin emphasized the ownership of the laboratory, no matter which research group he is in, it is he, Shen, who has the final say.

"Shen, you can't do this, this project team is too important, I know you have many project teams in your hand, you may not pay much attention to it, but it works very well, you don't need to disband it, you have never been here. "Davis was already incoherent.

"Didn't I come here?"

"You should guide the progress of the experiment when you come, instead of thinking about disbanding it."

"I'm directing the progress of the experiment right now."

"You can't do that!"

"Are you teaching me what to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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