Start with a college teacher

Chapter 610 The Road

Chapter 610 Road (2)

It's not that Shen Guanglin doesn't want to follow the normal process.

It's really time-consuming to go like this.

Imatinib is destined to be a drug with very good efficacy and very few side effects. If you develop and try several more, it is nothing more than a few more generic drugs.

When Boss Shen came over, he was naturally here to hang out.

Otherwise, what's the point?
Moreover, this is Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

No one can teach him how to do things.

Although Davis is the representative of Pfizer, although he represents the sponsor, he is here to assist in the work.

No one can be Boss Shen's master.

Skipping Davis, who was half dead with anger, Shen Guanglin took a whiteboard and wrote directly on it:

Targeted drug development schedule for chronic myeloid leukemia.

The steps are clear and concise.

The first step is to find out a compound, if you choose a name, call it "Life".

The second step is to conduct comprehensive animal experiments on this compound. Yes, all that can be used are given.Try to complete all animal experiments before, um, Spring Festival and Beginning of Spring.

The third step, after the first month, formally conduct human clinical trials.

Some people raised their hands below: "But, there are five derivatives with better performance, how to choose?"

Boss Shen personally chooses the dice, and each dot represents a plan.

A dice has six sides, what if the one thrown is six?

Then vote again.

Then what?
vote again.

Boss Shen chose the compound so casually.

And nothing happens if, on the first throw, three points pop out.

Then choose Compound No. [-] as the breakthrough point. Its official name is: "Life No. [-]".

It is said that the same is true when Joe’s gang released Apple: he sat there practicing yoga and meditation, placed a product in front of him, stretched out his hand, and released the one he decided to place.

The Davises were about to explode. Not long ago, they lamented how powerful Dongfang Shen's laboratory was.

Now, he actually disbanded the project team.

It is not accurate to say that it is disbanded, and a new project team is about to start. Blood diseases, HIV, are another extremely serious disease.

This time, Gou finally had a place to use his skills.

Xiao Ma is still in charge of the next animal experiments and clinical tests, but other core researchers can start to consider switching to AIDS research.

This is not a joke.

This time it is still a free choice. You can choose to stay in the leukemia research group, or you can go to the HIV research group.

After the initial surprise, everyone chose the HIV research group.

Even Davis's two compatriots made this choice.

"Why? Why did you choose this way?"

"Why not choose this way? Isn't the rest of the leukemia project team all repetitive and stupid work? Is it still interesting for scientific researchers?"

As far as drug research and development is concerned, it is true that it is only halfway through now, but for scientific researchers, there is nothing new.

Boss Shen is the god of the laboratory, and what he says is the imperial decree.

Everyone happily prepared to do HIV research.

Davis was so angry that he reported Shen Guanglin's self-willedness to the company.

However, the company said: There is nothing we can do, maybe Professor Shen just found out that the development of a specific medicine for leukemia could not go on, so he deliberately stopped the loss.

"No, the chances are still great, and the preliminary experiments went smoothly." Davis also said something.

"Since it goes well, then you just keep reading. If you don't want to read it, then come back. PCR has brought a lot of benefits to the company, so Shen is the biggest." The company's reply is full of rationality, and it is impossible for them to interfere with Shen. The process, at best, is to give advice.

"I think the decision Shen made was wrong, and the company should step in." Davis is still making his own suggestion.

"Until Shen fails, no one can question his decision."

So angry!

Davis really wanted to leave, but was reluctant.

After all, this is the closest he is to the successful development of a new drug, and he wants to see what you can do.

Since Davis is not leaving, Shen Guanglin also arranged a job for him.

His logic is also very clear. It is useful for Pfizer to send you here, not for nothing.

Shen Guanglin assigned a task: From now on, in order to pass the review of the FDA or other countries' drug regulatory bureaus, we will redesign the experimental process, which is specially designed for the review.

Aren’t you Pfizer awesome? Take out the experimental process of your drug research and development, and everyone can learn from it.

Davis refused.

If you don't want it, it seems that Takeda also has it. What's the matter? It's childish.

You see, Takeda is very cooperative.

Takeda also studies the FDA every day, and they also have a completed project development process.

With their assistance, the experimental procedures were quickly confirmed.

Shen Guanglin also said: "Strive for a customs clearance!"

The design of this project is very detailed, what is the preamble, what is the intermediate process, what to do in the follow-up, and the results of each step, all must be recorded in detail.

In the end, someone from Shen announced in a serious manner, "Be sure to keep a good record. When our drug is successfully developed, this will be the first-hand evidence, and it will be useful to appear on TV."

Davis sneered, "Do you think this will be able to complete the new drug test?"

"if not?"

"What if this so-called Life Compound [-] fails?"

"You want to teach me how to do things again?"

Davis's aggrieved tears were about to fall.

Shen Guanglin looked at the middle-aged man's grievance, and comforted him:

"Don't be discouraged, let me tell you, even if it fails, at worst, I will raise some money to continue this project. Anyway, there is a stage of spending in a stage."

That's right, that's what Shen Guanglin planned.

Animal experiments raised 5000 million yuan, and as long as the animal experiments are completed, the second stage is over.

The third stage raised 5000 million yuan. If it fails, it will start again from the second stage, which is another [-] million yuan.

Teacher Shen's thinking is so simple and unpretentious.

You can come to supervise, we will not cheat.

Shen Guanglin paused, and said to Davis: "I just have something to tell you. You can mention it to the company later. Isn't the new HIV project established? How much do you plan to pay?"

"Are you still asking for donations?"

"That's right, look, this is a fundraising advertisement I wrote for HIV. The amount is not much, and it's also 3 million US dollars. How much do you think Pfizer can pay?"

Shen Guanglin felt that he had more and more talent for fundraising.

This fundraiser must be calculated carefully, save some money, and wait until 89 to last for a few more years.

"Our company won't produce a cent! I can say that according to your approach, a new drug will not be developed."

Davis has worked at Pfizer for more than 20 years, and this is the first time he has seen such a wayward scientist.

Everyone said that scientists were not very good-natured, but this was not reflected in Shen Guanglin.

He has a good personality and listens to "persuasion".

I shouldn't "persuade" him. The result of persuasion is that he gave up the path that a normal project team should take.

"Well, it doesn't matter if you go out. There are Johnson & Johnson, Jielikang, and Glaxo. You'd better not pray for me to fail, because if I don't do it, other people will not be able to continue this project."

Shen Guanglin was not afraid at all, he spoke easily and firmly.

"Why? That's impossible. Leukemia is a hot topic of the times. Haven't you thought about competition in scientific research?" Davis knew that according to Shen Guanglin's approach, once this compound failed, he could start another compound and try again if it failed again. .

In the end, all failed and can be re-synthesized, but it will be slower.

Shen Guanglin didn't take it seriously, "Scientific research competition? Before, I thought that scientific research competition would be fierce in the scientific research field. Since I came here, I have never encountered scientific research competition, so that I am not good at making up stories in the face of new successes. make up."

"What do you mean?"

"You always talk about the normal pharmaceutical process, so let me ask you, according to the normal pharmaceutical process, if Pfizer develops its own leukemia treatment drug, how long will it take to reach the stage of animal experiments?"

Davis thought and thought, "Three years."

"That's incredible. I've only been able to do this for three months. Tell me, who will compete with me?"

This is where Shen Guanglin's confidence lies.

"Professor Shen, I really admire the pioneering work you have done before, but you should also follow the normal process for the following work."

"Didn't I ask you about the next process? If you don't tell me, I still got it from Takeda."

"That's not a normal process and it's going to fail."

You better hope this project doesn't fail.Because my project team failed, others will not come again, including you Pfizer.

Davis thought about it, and it was true.

If Shen Guanglin's laboratory fails to make this drug, other pharmaceutical companies must think about it when they consider getting involved. Why did they fail in the first place?

The cost of pharmaceuticals is huge, and any decision must not be sloppy.

Knowing that it is difficult to succeed in medicine, I still have to do it, and that is the first iron.

Therefore, they are very likely to reject the project team at the project approval stage.

"What do you want to express?"

"As long as I say the way I want to go, others will not dare to go again."

(End of this chapter)

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