Chapter 611 Luck (1)

Proud Chinese people!

This is Davis' evaluation of Shen Guanglin.

At this time, he really wanted to tell Shen Guanglin a short fable story, the protagonist is a little frog who owns the whole well.

However, this is Shen Guanglin's laboratory, he has the right to make suggestions, but Shen Guanglin also has the right not to listen to suggestions.

The leukemia project team really stopped running at high speed, and the car stopped.

All test data began to be sealed, and personnel began to be transferred to another project team.

The next thing they have to do is to conduct animal experiments and prepare to enter the clinical trial stage.

Seeing them reckless but unable to stop them, insisting on bringing a promising project to a dead end, this kind of heartache and heartache made Davis have mixed feelings. Anyway, he has all kinds of feelings.

These days, he is not happy at all.

However, Davis' body is still free, and he can still travel in the laboratory without being restricted. As usual, he can do whatever he wants.

It can also be seen from this that Boss Shen is still generous.

It's good intentions for these people from Pfizer to come to help. After all, they are the big sponsors. As long as they don't make trouble deliberately, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to deliberately control them.

Anyway, someone Shen has arranged these tasks, so he won't come to the laboratory. You can say whatever you like, and I won't listen.

The weather is so cold, going to work is really not as good as sleeping at home, but it's a pity that my daughter-in-law has to go to work early in the morning, and there is one less person to warm the bed.

When the weather is cold, Shen Guanglin no longer goes out for running, and uses some equipment indoors to exercise more reasonably.

In this era, the concept of scientific fitness has not been fully proposed, especially in the fitness giant Citigroup, which runs from top to bottom, and many people suffer from running diseases as a result.

In fact, long-term running is a damage to the meniscus, and the human meniscus is extremely fragile, and once damaged, it will be irreversible.

Therefore, fitness should follow the reasonable advice of professionals.

However, Shen Guanglin did not follow the advice of professionals when doing new drug research and development, let alone fitness.

Now, Mr. Davis, a professional in the field of drug research and development, is about to worry again.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory has mobilized elite soldiers from the leukemia project team to form a blood disease HIV research team, which is raising funds from global pharmaceutical companies.

The conditions for fundraising are the same as before: the target amount is 10 million. If results are achieved, Shen Guanglin's laboratory will take [-]% of the profits or [-]% of sales.

Not harsh at all, right?

Then get the money now.

After all, HIV research is another hot spot of the times.

AIDS was just identified by Citigroup's medical research institute a few years ago, but it was not taken seriously at first.

However, with the continuous efforts and research of some staff members, they still found that this disease has an infectious cause, which is similar to the infectiousness of hepatitis B virus.

On July 7 last year, the World Health Organization Bulletin and the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses decided to rename AIDS as Human Immunodeficiency Virus, or HIV for short.

Because HIV mainly attacks the helper T lymphocyte system of the human body, once it invades the cells of the body, the virus will integrate with the cells and be difficult to eliminate for life.

Therefore, there is no particularly good treatment for this disease so far.

However, most medical institutions and pharmaceutical companies around the world are researching it, so it is very hot.

However, the heat must die.

Shen made a mistake in judgment.

Although Shen Guanglin's laboratory is very famous, everyone also believes in the scientific research capabilities of his laboratory.

However, spending $3 million to study this disease is still too expensive.

It is now the end of 1986, and AIDS has not yet spread in Citigroup, and it is rare in other countries.

We can't judge the spread of the disease clearly.

It's still a bit too early, people don't know enough about the dangers of AIDS, they haven't tried it, and even some pharmaceutical companies think they can beat this stuff.

This is not like leukemia. Human beings have been fighting against it for more than 100 years, and there has been no good way except chemotherapy.

Therefore, Shen Guanglin is willing to study leukemia, and some people are willing to pay for it.

HIV is not the same, we do not see the prospect of making money.

Isn't it just a virus? Even if it can't be cured, it won't be over if I make a vaccine.

Therefore, if Shen Guanglin wants to study HIV, not only Pfizer is unwilling to pay, but even Takeda and other pharmaceutical companies are also unwilling to pay.

In particular, they themselves are also studying this virus. Some researchers even vowed that we will soon develop a vaccine for HIV.

It's funny, until Shen Guanglin crossed over, no HIV vaccine was developed.

I'm afraid it's not in the clinical stage. If the vaccine goes on, people will really get sick.

Sometimes, things beyond the times really cannot be done.

You are not willing to pay now, and you will know in a few years. Since the basketball star Magic Johnson got AIDS, he has spent more than 3 million on his own medical treatment.

In short, the fundraising campaign on HIV has failed. Some funds are willing to contribute 500 million US dollars, but also to jointly develop and share the results.

Fuck off!

Shen has already looked down on these three melons and dates.

Shen Guanglin said that in view of not raising enough funds, Shen Guanglin's laboratory will no longer be engaged in HIV treatment and research and development.

Of course, since the project team has been established, it cannot be abandoned halfway.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory paid for it by itself, and their goal was to develop HIV-blocking drugs.

Give everyone a chance to make a mistake, please correct it within 72 hours.

It will be the end of the whole project.

The fundraising failed, but Davis was very happy.

Aren't you, Professor Shen, awesome? If it wasn't the road you walked, wouldn't others dare to walk again?

So why did the fundraising fail?

However, Dongfang Shen didn't seem too depressed, and he quickly contacted Pfizer again: The third phase of leukemia treatment is coming, you still have to pay, take the money, don't take the money, the matter of shares It's time for another discussion.

Davis was in a bad mood again.

Of course he knew that the animal experiments in Shen Guanglin's laboratory were basically over, and they were currently in the continuous observation stage.

If there is nothing abnormal in the animal experiments, then it is really time to enter the third stage-the clinical trial stage.

Before the clinical trial, for Shen Guanglin, there is still a very important step to do, which is to collect money.

The cost of clinical trials is [-] million US dollars, which is a must.

Shen Guanglin had already figured it out, the clinical trial fee should be treated as free treatment for patients.

As for paying them back?

This is to cure diseases and save lives, not to recruit volunteers to taste poison.

"I feel that I have an obligation to tell the company that we can no longer pay this money!"

Davis was very annoyed by Shen Guanglin's threat, but he only had the right to make suggestions and could not form a decision, so he wanted to pull Williams to strengthen his right to speak.

Williams was silent, and said after a long time: "This is not my job. My duty is to connect the PCR machine."

"However, it is your job to allocate funds to the project team. You clearly know that when the money is allocated, they will only spend less than one-tenth of the money for real experiments."

Davis was extremely dissatisfied with this. Shen Guanglin's laboratory had at least more than [-] million U.S. dollars that had not been used, and he began to ask for the third payment.

Williams asked seriously, "Have the animal experiments been completed?"

"Soon. In the near future." Davis did not lie.

"Did they fake it?" Williams continued.

"No." Davis could only continue to answer.

"Then I have no reason for the company not to pay the money." Williams was puzzled by Davis' seriousness, "It's not your money, and every payment has an agreement. If the company card With this money, other companies will get involved, and our shareholding ratio will suffer.”

"You mean Takeda Pharmaceutical?" Davis didn't like this Fuso pharmaceutical company either. Regarding how the FDA certified, this company really spared no effort to help.

"Yes, but not all."

Davis suddenly thought of a good idea: "You said that if we get stuck in the PCR machine and don't pay dividends, or if we do some manipulations in the accounts, there will be no profit."

"Oh, you'd better not think about it. All the PCR instruments and equipment are manufactured by the Great Wall Group, and they know the cost very well. Moreover, it is not difficult to know the price." Williams continued, "More than that, there is a clause in the agreement that if the sales channel cannot maintain profits, then they will take 10% of the sales."

Hearing this number, Davis' face began to flush red, "Who signed such an unreasonable treaty?"

Williams smiled awkwardly, "I signed it, and I was rewarded by the president for it. You know, the PCR instrument had nothing to do with our company."

"It has nothing to do with Shen."

"It doesn't matter, but he has all the upgrade patents." Williams sighed. If Pfizer was not the largest pharmaceutical company in Citigroup, they would not be able to obtain the PCR patent.

"How did he do it?" Davis was very curious about this. It was obviously the PCR instrument invented by Kelly Mullis, but why all the advanced patents were taken away by Shen, and what did they eat.

Williams asked a rhetorical question: "How did he do it so quickly in the development of leukemia treatment drugs?"

"He abandoned those theoretical verifications, put forward a treatment theory, and then prepared to go all the way to the end." Davis was angry when he thought of this, such a good thing, he gave up when he said he would give up.

"Do you think he will never succeed? You know, in the field of scientific research, Shen has never failed, remember, never."

"How could he have such good luck."

"I believe it's not luck, it's judgement."

(End of this chapter)

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