Start with a college teacher

Chapter 612 Compromise

Chapter 612 Compromise (2)

Now it's time to review the work responsibilities of the two people.

Williams' main job is to conduct business docking with Shen Guanglin's laboratory, mainly about PCR dividends and experimental funds.

That's the main job of Williams.

Davis's job is to verify the effectiveness of the work of the leukemia project team in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, which can be regarded as a technical job.

Existence similar to supervision.

Because of this, after Davis came to China, he turned from admiring Shen Guanglin to opposing Shen Guanglin.

It's really a bit sad and angry.

Here in Davis, he is the only sensible person in the whole world. Dongfang Shen is so short-sighted.

Moreover, those researchers in his lab are also stupid. It is obviously wrong to do so. They didn't even intend to persuade Professor Shen. They all happily went to the new project team.

Seeing the increasingly deserted leukemia project team, Davis can only depend on the pony every day.

But soon, Xiao Ma didn't have the heart to chat with him anymore.

Xiao Ma is still very busy with work, one radish and one hole. The original radishes in the hole have all gone, so he ordered some new radishes from the school.

This is also the task assigned to him by Mr. Shen. It is also a fine tradition of Huaxia to teach and teach students.

Students can learn in such a place, and the speed of improvement is very fast.

Shen Guanglin also wanted them to learn more useful things and not be affected by the bad atmosphere in society.

Williams and Davis are back together.

Because, the leukemia project team issued an official notice: Please ask the relevant companies to prepare the third payment, and it must be paid in place before New Year's Day.

It's already Christmas, how many days until New Year's Day?

Whether to pay the third payment, Davis has discussed with Williams several times.

The initiative on PCR is in the hands of the Great Wall Group, and Williams and the others can't get stuck at all, don't even think about it.

However, regarding the experimental funding of the leukemia research group, the two of them can indeed be a part of the master. As long as the two of them discuss it, they can really stop the company from paying for the time being.

However, what will happen after the relationship with Shen Guanglin deteriorates, this needs to be correctly evaluated.

The current situation is: Regardless of how many possible paths Shen Guanglin has abandoned, but his project team has indeed reached the stage of animal experiments, and there is no fraud in the middle, so according to the contract, Pfizer should pay .

If Pfizer does not pay, then in case the drug development is successful, or other companies pay the money, Pfizer will reduce the proportion of shares in the project team.

You should know that no matter the compound Shen Guanglin chooses or the compounds that have been sealed up, the ownership belongs to the project team.

There are many pharmaceutical companies in the world, and Shen Guanglin has a wide range of choices, so he is not in a hurry.

As for Davis, relying on his many years of work experience, he made a judgment in line with the actual situation: Shen Guanglin's desperate use of a compound will not make it to the end.

However, this is not absolute.

Because, no one stipulates that when developing a new drug, only one compound can be selected and it cannot go to the end.

In case, this compound happens to be just right.

For example, if the current best-selling drug did not make a single mistake during its development, how much less would it cost?
Deliberately not even using one-tenth of the funds.

Now, Shen Guanglin's plan is to spend less money and keep the money in a more useful place. After all, this is the project team's money. As long as it is saved, it will be the laboratory's money.

Davis even felt that the reason why Shen Guanglin did this was probably not thinking that the new drug would be successfully developed, they just came here to cheat money.

And those who left the project team, Davis can also understand what the idea is.

Because, the next work of the project team is mostly boring and boring repetitive experiments, and it is really meaningless to do it.

Their going to the new project team does not affect the past achievements. If the leukemia project team really achieves results, each of them will also have a share.

At least, Shen was quite generous when distributing scientific research results.

However, if Dongfang Shen did this, it would be really detrimental to these companies participating in the leukemia project team.

Even Davis was not afraid to speculate on Shen Guanglin with the greatest malice.

Everyone spent so much money, in case the drug research and development failed.

Others must not dare to enter this field.

After a year or two, Shen's laboratory will restart the project, and it is estimated that it can make another wave of money.

Moreover, they can switch to multiple manufacturers and continue to cheat money until the project is successful.

Probably, this is a kind of fame cashing out.

As long as the reputation is still there, you can continue to make money out of it.

This is the same as the great Hong Kong directors of later generations who went to the mainland to shoot movies. Although they didn't make bad movies, they made money from investors.

Everyone will be deceived when they see the staged results produced by Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Such a good thing must have a chance to succeed.

Therefore, how to stop Shen Guanglin is the top priority of Davis' work.

This is not only for Pfizer, but also for other pharmaceutical companies not to be deceived.

At this moment, Davis felt that he was really a noble person.

He has been in Shen Guanglin's laboratory for so long, and he has consciously grasped some inside information.

For example, he has a general understanding of the synthesis methods of the remaining several compounds, and he also has a general understanding of the molecular formulas of those compounds and the data of preliminary animal experiments.

Therefore, Davis thought, according to the strength of Pfizer, if we continue to study these kinds of compounds, it is impossible to say that we can really successfully develop a specific drug for the treatment of leukemia.

In this case, we don't need your Shen Guanglin laboratory to participate.

As for whether I violated the confidentiality agreement, at worst, you can sue me. As long as I have interests, am I still afraid of getting a lawsuit?

Think of it and do it!

Davis collected some information, and hurried away in the name of returning to China for Christmas.

However, ideals are beautiful, and reality is cruel.

When Davis arrived at Citigroup, he discovered that Shen Guanglin's laboratory had registered patents for not only the four compounds that performed better, but also those compounds that had been verified to be problematic, and they were also international patents.

He didn't leave any room for others to cheat at all. Anyway, it was the project team's money, and it was not wasted.

Moreover, the patent-registered law firm was also funded by Shen Guanglin.

Didn't it mean that Chinese companies don't pay attention to patent registration?Why is this happening.

Looking at Davis who went back and forth, Williams could only persuade him, "If Shen's laboratory does not pay attention to patent registration, then they will do nothing to develop the hepatitis B vaccine."

If you think about it, they can pre-register Merck’s hepatitis B vaccine patent, snatch the PCR patent right from Kelly Mullis, and what else they can’t do.

Now, Pfizer has come to its senses. The PCR patent probably belonged to Kelly Mullis. However, Shen Guanglin’s laboratory has strong research and development capabilities. When others were still building patent barriers, they successfully built a wall. The wall, on the contrary, encloses others in it.

However, it’s too late to say anything now. The subsequent patent ownership is in the hands of Shen Guanglin’s laboratory. If it weren’t for Pfizer’s huge influence in Citigroup, and the main market for PCR is in Citigroup, it is impossible for Shen Guanglin to leave them alone. .

Williams saw Davis was back and asked him for something:
"It's good that you're back now. The country has given me a new task. Let us negotiate with Shen. Can the genetically modified hepatitis B vaccine in Fusang be authorized for us to sell."

This is actually the credit of Williams.

Because, he reported the sales of China's hepatitis B vaccine to the country.

At the beginning, China did not pay much attention to it, after all, the patent was in the hands of Merck.

However, when they heard that the retail price of the Huaxia vaccine was 5 yuan, while the vaccine from Merck was 30 dollars per shot, they suddenly felt that a business opportunity had come.

Citigroup can’t sell it, so can I still sell Fusang Country?My sales channels over there are readily available.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's laboratory owns the patent for the invention of the genetically modified hepatitis B vaccine in Fusang.

Everyone is a businessman, and it's all about money.

Make money, not shabby.

Although Fusang has hepatitis B vaccine, the price is also very expensive. The biggest advantage of the genetically modified vaccine is its low cost, and the Great Wall Group has kept the cost to a minimum.

This is really low, and it has been so low that domestic companies have to find them as OEMs.

Even if it is imported to Fusang at the price of 5 yuan, it can make a lot of money.

Hearing what Williams said, Davis didn't think much of it. They plagiarized Merck's idea, so how could they pretend to reject it sensibly.

The straight male thinking of scientific research workers is also silly and cute.

Williams didn't care about Davis' complaints, but replied seriously: "Of course we have to talk about it, because Takeda also wants to get the right to sell the hepatitis B vaccine."

Davis asked from behind: "So, what do you want to say?"

"I want to say that we should not only give him the money for the third phase of leukemia research and development, but we should also use money to participate in the HIV research group. Only in this way can we take the lead when negotiating the hepatitis B vaccine .”

Williams is a businessman. He has already weighed the pros and cons and figured out how to make a steady profit.

"Impossible! I don't agree!" Davis frowned.

"Okay, then you go back."

"Where to go back?"

"Go back to your country. I suggest someone else come here. The soil here is not suitable for you."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't understand the art of compromise at all."

(End of this chapter)

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