Start with a college teacher

Chapter 614 Reagents

Chapter 614 Drug Testing (2)

The house of Fuyuanmen is full of guests.

It's hard to say whether this is Shen Guanglin's home or Lao Li's house. No one has lived in Lao Li's ordnance factory for a long time.

Although housing in the capital is very tight, and although the house has been idle for a long time, no one dares to take it back.

It’s better to live here in Fuyuanmen. You can get what you want. There is heating in winter and air conditioning in summer. The most important thing is that there is a huge vegetable greenhouse in the yard. There is never a shortage of vegetables all year round.

This is a good thing that no one can envy.

The palace is not as comfortable as here.

Today is a gathering of several families, but none of them are familiar to Shen Guanglin.

Of course, it's not like they don't know all of them. Lao Jiang, a leukemia patient, is really there.

The old man's complexion is not bad. After all, he has chronic myelogenous leukemia. Even without medical treatment, he can persist for a long time.

Lao Li's classmate was surnamed Jiang, and Shen Guanglin could only call Jiang Ziya's Jiang Uncle Jiang.

There is no Professor Shen here, only Xiao Shen.

There were a few others at the table, all of whom were Lao Li's classmates. They all worked in various units in the capital, and they were quite well mixed, with some social status.

If Shen Guanglin was in the officialdom, with so many uncles and uncles, he would be promoted to the position just by supporting him.

It's a pity that he is in the scientific research world, and he has almost reached the highest peak, so he doesn't need to rely on anyone.

Today is a family banquet, and the elderly, middle-aged and elderly men are sitting at a separate table in the living room. Besides, the young people will be crowded in other rooms. Anyway, there are enough rooms, so they don't need to occupy the aisle or balcony.

Today, several tables were gathered, and it was very lively. Li Rong and her mother-in-law were cooking.

Originally, Old Jiang was supposed to invite everyone to dinner. After all, he was going to test the medicine in advance, and he was afraid that if something happened, it would not be a holiday.

But in this era, even the hotel's supplies are not abundant, so it's better for Lao Li to treat guests, but the vegetables at home are more complete.

When everyone saw the vegetable greenhouse in the yard, they all exclaimed that they had learned a lot.

This greenhouse covers an area of ​​more than half an acre and grows more than ten kinds of vegetables, but the whole family can't finish it.

That's right, what everyone lacks now is not money, but what everyone lacks is green vegetables. Even the dishes in the Beijing restaurant are not as many as Lao Li's.

Shen Guanglin felt that he belonged to the young man, and wanted to sit with the young man, but he couldn't.

He was treated like a star and the moon, and was pushed to the top of the list. Behind him was a landscape painting - the picture of the crane and the year.

In contrast, Lao Li, as the de facto owner of Fuyuanmen, can only sit near the door and accompany the guests in front of the food picker.

"Xiao Shen, you are the biggest hero. Today, no matter what, you have to drink a few cups." The person who spoke was another elder Shen Guanglin who was not familiar with. He had met, but was not familiar with.

Shen Guanglin is face blind and remembers people very slowly. Up to now, he still can't tell whether his sister is good-looking or his sister is good-looking.

There are also many young people here today, both men and women, but Shen Guanglin doesn't know each other.

Seeing that he was praised so highly, Shen Guanglin was naturally flattered, and he quickly declined, "I am a junior, so I dare not sit in this position."

Another elder stopped him, "Xiao Shen, in terms of age, you really shouldn't be in this position, but in terms of contribution, you deserve it."

"That's right. Although everyone here today is an elder, they are also human beings. Everyone has five diseases and seven disasters. Lao Jiang is sick, and everyone is a classmate. I feel the same way. You have developed a cure for leukemia, and your achievements are in the contemporary era. , the benefits are in the future."

Come on, then we can't refuse.

Professor Shen has indeed done a lot of things that are of great benefit in the present and future. For example, the hepatitis B vaccine is an example, but they didn't mention it.

Lao Jiang also said in response to the occasion, "Xiao Shen, I will give you my hundred and eighty catties. From now on, I will be your man in life and your ghost in death."

Several people laughed out loud, "This is not too bad for your daughter."

Lao Jiang did have a daughter who was of marriageable age, but Shen Guanglin was Lao Li's son-in-law after all, so it was not a good joke.

Shen Guanglin could only say helplessly: "In front of my father-in-law, all uncles, restrain yourself."

"Old Li is not that stingy person." A person who knew Lao Li very well just laughed, "Old Li, express your opinion!"

Before Lao Li could express his opinion, Shen Guanglin said it himself: "My daughter-in-law won't agree to it either. You are not afraid that the food you will eat later will be salty? She is in charge."

Everyone laughed again. I didn't expect Xiao Shen to be so humorous.

After joking for a while, the uncle who spoke just now said again, "Lao Jiang's disease is also thanks to a scientist as powerful as Xiao Shen, who happened to develop a new medicine, otherwise the old friends who have been seeing each other for so many years will lose sight of each other." myself."

"Yes, yes, Xiao Shen is amazing."

"Old Li is blessed."

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to make a promise: "The new drug developed by our laboratory has not yet been verified for its effect. It's really too early for everyone to say this. I really can't guarantee whether this drug will work or not."

"It's okay, I'm equivalent to Shennong tasting herbs, isn't it? A dead horse is treated as a living horse doctor, I don't blame you." Old Jiang is quite open-minded.

Everyone laughed again, "Old Jiang, you want to blame, everyone is gone."

"Xiao Shen, how long have you been researching this new drug? Three months, four months?" One of the people who should be related to drug research asked from the side.

"Not only that, it's been more than half a year. I have been collecting data since last summer. Now I just finished the animal experiment and haven't verified the effectiveness of the drug yet. There are still a series of clinical experiments to be done in the future."

Shen Guanglin also told the truth, if it wasn't for Lao Li's recommendation and Lao Jiang's insistence, he would not have offered it.

"That's amazing. Where did the preparation for the clinical experiment start? Was it also the people in your institute who tried it first?" the uncle continued to ask.

No wonder he asked this question. In China in this era, those who research new drugs or vaccines all start experiments on themselves.

Including Mr. Tu, who discovered artemisinin, and Mr. Tao, who made the vaccine, they all tried the medicine first with themselves.

Everyone has a simple point of view. If you dare not try the medicine you have developed yourself, how can you give it to others.

However, Shen Guanglin is a pharmaceutical man in the new era after all, and he has abandoned this unscientific point of view. He never planned to do so.

"I don't plan to use people who don't have the disease to do this kind of experiment, so I will recruit volunteers in the next year. Of course, if there are special requirements for clinical trials according to the rules, it's another story."

"That is to say, you don't dare to use this medicine yourself but you want to give it to my dad? It won't be the same as Professor Zhang Tingdong in Harbin Hospital. It also uses arsenic, it will poison people to death."

The person who asked the question was a girl with a good hardware configuration and everything she needed, white sneakers and white socks, blue jeans with straps, and a sweater that could show her curves. The room was hot so she didn't wear a coat, and she exuded youthfulness all over her body.

She came to deliver food to the main table, and just overheard what Shen Guanglin said.

"Miss Jiang, drug testing is a very systematic and complicated thing, and everything must be done according to the process." Shen Guanglin said the usual words.

Xiao Jiang answered: "So, you dare not use yourself as a test?"

These words are more sharp, and put Shen Guanglin here.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to quarrel with her, and there was no point in defending her, so he had no such plan.

"Yeah, I will develop a lot of new drugs in the future. If I have to test every new drug on myself, I won't be able to die."

It is not in Shen Guanglin's character to be aggressive and aggressive, especially with such a woman.

"Then I don't agree to give my dad this medicine!" Xiao Jiang's tone was very firm.

"Son, what are you talking about? There is no other medicine that can be used now. The hepatitis B vaccine that Xiao Shen and the others are researching is very good. This medicine must be useful." The girl was embarrassed.

"He didn't even dare to make a guarantee, and he didn't even dare to use it himself." Xiao Jiang still insisted on her point of view.

"Then don't use it. As I said earlier, this drug has just been tested on animals, and its effectiveness and side effects have not been verified clearly. It is not ready for official use at all."

(End of this chapter)

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