Chapter 615 Traveling (1)

We are about to go out to Jinling, and this time we will fly there.

Originally, it was the same, we couldn't celebrate the New Year in the capital every year, what difference was there between this and a visiting son-in-law.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong there, Aunt Yu was going to stay in the capital to take care of the children, and Sister Man Li had to go to work.

It's better to be the boss, leave if you want, stay if you want.

Li Rong is used to asking for leave. Anyway, there are too many vacancies now, so as long as she doesn't want to get promoted, it doesn't seem to be a big deal.

Is it a big deal to fire? Do you still care about writing food stamps?

Mr. Shen is from Jinling after all, so he always goes home during the Chinese New Year.

Speaking of Jinling, I always feel a little weird.

Not to mention Jinling, the whole Suzhou province is weird.

There is a saying in later generations, which is called Su Sheng in bulk.

This province is very strange. It is a province where both the Yangtze River and the Huaihe River flow. That is to say, part of it is in the south and part in the north.

Its cities are also very strange. Kunshan feels that it does not belong to Sucheng, Jiangyin also feels that it has nothing to do with Xicheng, and Jinling is even more strange. Except for itself, other people in Suzhou think that Jinling belongs to Hui Province. .

Although it was already the end of the year, Jinling didn't have many relatives to visit, so it was natural to keep things simple.

Of course, there is also an old aunt in Yangzhou. Although there was little contact in the previous life, it is different now. With the eldest niece, the relationship between the two is still good.

As for presents, I am too lazy to bring them, I just need to buy some when I arrive in Jinling
Waiting at the airport.

Facing someone from Shen's harassment, Li Rong dodged repeatedly.

Although the two of them have already obtained their certificates, there is no need to be too intimate in public.

"Brother Guanglin, you're leaving now. Are you done with the arrangements for the lab?" Faced with Shen Guanglin's aggressiveness, Li Rong finally compromised, and this person also showed bravery in public. Cowardly.

"What can happen in the laboratory? Of course everything has been arranged."

Shen Guanglin didn't take the laboratory matters seriously, those were not important.

Li Rong didn't ask further, what happened after the treatment for Uncle Jiang that day?

The matter about the treatment did not end badly that day, and everyone still had a happy meal, but Shen Guanglin did not make any promises.

I can't give it.

You want to enjoy the medicine in advance, you can!
This is already looking at Lao Li's face.
It is impossible to find psychological comfort or other guarantees.

Of course, the ugly words must be said first, so why should I, Shen, issue a military order?

Everyone is not a child anymore. Once you get excited, I will be fooled. I swear that there is no problem at all and it will be cured.


There is no cure for this disease.

Shen Guanglin just wanted to break their illusions. If he got leukemia, he should accept the arrangement of his fate honestly. If it gets better, it is naturally due to me. If the condition gets worse, this is the doom that fate should have.

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao will arrive.

No, the bridge section of "Looking for a Husband from a Thousand Miles" was staged at the airport.

Knowing that Professor Shen is going to Jinling and probably won't be back before the Spring Festival, Xiao Jiang is very anxious and immediately chases after him.

Her family should have some influence, otherwise she wouldn't have the background to make a fuss at the airport.

Not to mention making trouble, but exercising some privileges, finding Shen Guanglin, and suspending the plane from taking off.

Shen Guanglin asked calmly: What can you do with me?

"My father is still ill, how can you leave?"

This is a bit unreasonable.

"Miss Jiang, I'm not a doctor. I'm a physics student, and I don't know special abilities. Could it be that I can still cure diseases?"

"I hope you will do it on purpose, no, my dad will be given medicine soon, you must not pay attention to it." Xiao Jiang ordered people with confidence, she is still young, and she doesn't know how to consider other people's feelings.

"There are so many professionals in the hospital, and my laboratory is not empty. If you decide to try this new drug, I will let them arrange it. It doesn't matter if I am or not."

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that he shouldn't agree to Lao Li on this matter, and wait until the new drug is on the market to talk about it, but now he can't get rid of it.

"No!" Xiao Jiang was still reluctant.

"Why can't it work again?"

"They asked us to sign a stack of materials, such as an informed consent form, and a liability waiver agreement. Each one is more scary than the other."

Isn't signing various waiver agreements a routine for hospitals?
Oh, hospitals in this era don't have these routines yet.

If the hospital cures someone to death, then he will die, why do you still want to blackmail him?

Anyone who dares to make trouble will stop your work and cut off your food coupons.

The agreements presented by the hospital were invented by Shen Guanglin in the final analysis. The hospital thought it didn't matter, so they just signed it. It may be a foreign process, which is quite reasonable.

However, Xiao Jiang and his family members were frightened. Is this saying their final farewell?

"You don't think it should be signed? Then what disease is there to treat? Isn't it good to stay at home and entertain your grandchildren? You also work hard, maybe Uncle Jiang can see the next generation."

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that this little Jiang was actually not bad, except that he was a little savage, but he was also pretty good in other aspects, which was good for his fertility.

She was a little messy, but it was also to treat her father, which was understandable.

Of course, good-looking girls can be forgiven for messing around.

"What are you talking about, you are playing hooligans in front of Sister Rongrong." Xiao Jiang's face turned red.

Although I don't know if she has a partner, anyway, she is not married yet, it is a bit too early to talk about having children, she is not so vigorous.

Li Rong also pinched Shen Guanglin, talking nonsense.

Through the thick clothes, hey, it doesn't hurt.

It's time for Li Rong to come forward.

She comforted Xiao Jiang, "Everyone enthusiastically supports Uncle Jiang's treatment. There is no one who does not want Uncle Jiang to be good. Isn't the current situation just doing one's best and obeying fate? My dad and Uncle Jiang have been classmates for so many years. He made a fuss, Brother Guanglin may not be able to develop this drug."

This makes sense.

Shen Guanglin's research on the treatment of leukemia was really inspired by Lao Li, but it was really not for anyone.

However, in Li Rong's place, it was their older generation of classmates who were deeply affectionate, and Lao Li begged Shen Guanglin to develop new drugs as a last resort.

What Xiao Jiang didn't know was that in order to find a cure for leukemia, Lao Li went to Harbin in person, so although the arsenic treatment of leukemia was unreliable, it was also found by Lao Li.

Li Rong still knows the language skills, and with just a few words, Xiao Jiang no longer has any reason to make trouble out of reason, but is full of guilt in his heart.

"Thank you, Sister Rongrong. Our family will never forget Uncle Li's great kindness. I also heard that Professor Shen is leaving, so I feel uneasy."

"Relax, auspicious people have their own appearance."

Xiao Jiang's emotions really calmed down. It's really not easy for Professor Shen and the others to do this.

"Compared to Professor Shen, I am also in a hurry, thank you!"

"If you want to thank, please thank my father-in-law. Do you know how much it has cost to develop this drug? 2000 million US dollars, so I also hope that the drug will be successful."

"So much money!" Xiao Jiang was extremely surprised. She was not ignorant, but she was still shocked when she heard that so much money was spent.

"Professor Shen, I still want to ask, is my dad's illness really curable?" She also asked a topic that she had never dared to ask.

"Of course it can't be cured, it can only be maintained. If it can be maintained without getting worse, it is the best result." Shen Guanglin didn't give her any chance to imagine at all, this disease is so cruel.

If I really want to be cured, the only way to go is bone marrow transplantation.

However, bone marrow transplantation is so easy.

Really want bone marrow transplantation, which involves another ethical topic: cloning may be possible.

Shen Guanglin had long thought that human cloning might really be able to solve the problem of organ transplantation.

Those who study living things in later generations are all studying cloned organs.

However, cloning organs is difficult, but human cloning is easy.

In movies, it is often set that rich people customize human clones as their own spare organ banks.

In fact, technically speaking, this is achievable.

However, Shen Guanglin did not dare to take this step, at least, so far he did not intend to take this step.

Maybe, when he gets old, he will change his mind, not necessarily.

During the conversation, it was time to board the plane, and everyone bid farewell to each other, leaving behind the reluctant little Jiang girl.

Shen Guanglin took Li Rong on the plane, and seeing them holding hands, Miss Jiang's eyes were full of envy.

It's been a long time since I've been on a plane, and the plane is still so messy.

Those who drink and smoke are all existences that Shen Guanglin can't get used to.

I really want to buy my own private jet.

Is the gulf stream out?

Fortunately, there was no surprise or danger along the way, no explosives and no hijacking incidents.

Even the incident of harassing the beauty of Rong didn't happen, and the hero was not even given a chance to save the beauty.

The plane landed at Jinling Airport smoothly.

It was the end of the year, and the temperature in Jinling was higher than that in Beijing, but it was still very cold.

It's just that the way of cold in the north and south is different.

The cold in the capital can be resisted as long as you wear thick clothes; the cold in Jinling is the kind that can freeze to the bone.

While on the plane, Shen Guanglin asked Li Rong: "Did you know Xiao Jiang before? Are you familiar with her? What is the relationship with her family? She can still stop the plane."

"Of course we know each other. Her family background is similar to mine, but she is a few years younger than us, and we don't have a common language, so we don't know each other very well."

The meaning of Li Rong's words is obvious. Her relationship with the Li family can also stop the plane. Just make a phone call and the plane can wait.

Mr. Shen is ignorant. In future generations, many people can stop the plane. Even when some officials go abroad, they sometimes say, "Let the plane take off two hours late."

The secretary could only tell him: "This is not our country's plane."

"Then who are your peers who also have awesome backgrounds? Are you familiar?" Shen Guanglin was also curious.

"Familiar is familiar, but they are all married." One sentence made Shen Guanglin no longer know what to say.

Ordinarily, they should have gotten married a long time ago. They have already received their certificates, and they have never held a wedding.

However, Shen Guanglin was a little scared, although he didn't know what he was afraid of.

In his time, it was not uncommon for some people to be unmarried in their 30s.

However, in this day and age, not to mention Shen Guanglin, Li Rong is already an older young woman.

Fortunately, they got the certificates, so Lao Li acquiesced that they were married, thinking that Xiao Shen didn't want to make public.

"Rongrong, don't worry, I will definitely give you a grand wedding, but I don't know what I think, I always feel that no one is making decisions for me, and I feel uneasy."

"Maybe it's the lack of elders around."

"Probably." They are here to meet the parents, the real parents.

(End of this chapter)

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