Chapter 616 Journey to find relatives (2)

The hometown in Jinling has not been populated for a long time, and there is a musty smell everywhere.

It is not suitable for living here, mainly because I am too lazy to do sanitation, the grass in the yard is waist deep.

Although it is already winter and there are no snakes and insects infested, it is inevitable to be desolate and desolate.

Fortunately, the house was newly repaired and did not collapse.

Originally, Uncle Lao Shen was going to continue working in Jinling, but who asked Shen Guanglin to buy them some prosperous shops?

The shops that Shen Guanglin bought were really prosperous, and after they were rented out, the business was very good.

Originally, Old Shen didn't think about anything, but who let others make so much money, they took the shop back and ran it by themselves.

It's the same as many bad landlords in later generations. When they see other people's business is good, they take it back and run it themselves. As a result, the business plummets.

Lose it, deserve it!

Old Shen did the same.

The final result was just as everyone imagined, and the business was indeed not as good as others.

It can even be described as bad.

Fortunately, the rent was free, otherwise I would have gone bankrupt.

In the end, someone saved them.

Su Youpeng discovered their business difficulties when he arrived in Xiangjiang, so he let them specialize in the products of Great Wall Group, and then they started to improve again.

There are people to help, but it is different.

In particular, the Apple game consoles produced by the Great Wall Group are selling very well in the market, and Lao Shen's purchase price is low, which can really be described as making money every day.

His shop can not only retail, but also wholesale, and many purchases, even those from Shencheng or Yangcheng, will also come to his shop.

So, now, Lao Shen has really made money.

Shen Guanglin didn't even think about it. Now, everything in the old Shen family has changed.

After the uncle's family arrived in Xiangjiang, they didn't want to come back, and Lao Shen even bought a house for Xiao Shen.

This is not relying on the money given by Shen Guanglin, it is earned by his own business.

The business market is really good, and you can buy a house in a month.

Lao Shen even planned to take a few more shops from Da Liu, so he went to the Great Wall Bank to inquire about his credit line.

"Are you the father of Mr. Shen Houdao?" The girl at the counter smiled sweetly. If it wasn't for her son's disappointment, it would be nice to marry such a white-collar worker.

"Ah?" Old Shen was thinking wildly, he was a little confused when asked, what's the matter with Shen Houdao.

"I've verified your identity information. Your credit limit is average, but your son, Mr. Shen Houdao's credit limit is very high."

The girl at the counter was also surprised that Shen Houdao had no savings in the bank yet was still a super VIP customer.

"Really?" Old Shen didn't believe it.

"It's not wrong. If Mr. Shen Houdao handles the mortgage, the credit line we can give is 300 million Hong Kong dollars, or an unsecured and interest-free loan. If you do it yourself, according to your assets, it is only [-] million Hong Kong dollars , but the loan interest can be discounted.”

In the end, Lao Shen didn't get the loan and left with a puzzled expression.

It's really inexplicable.

Is it because that brat is registered in Hong Kong?It doesn't make sense, he's still a student.

However, Old Shen had never taken out a loan in his life, so he still had to think carefully about it.

It's not that old Shen doesn't have money now, but if he wants to get more shops, he still needs some money.

Think again.

If it doesn't work, I will owe it for a few days first, and then pay it when I have it. Boss Liu said that he has a good relationship with Guanglin, and he can owe it.

It's just, will it embarrass Guanglin by doing so?

Forget it, don't trouble him.

In order not to take advantage of Shen Guanglin too much, Lao Shen even wanted to move, from Mosaic Villa.

After all, it would be easier to take care of business if you lived in the city.

However, Shen Guanglin did not object. He also said, you can move and find me a nanny or Filipino maid to live in. The house must not be empty.

What?Let them live in vain, but also give them money?

Old Shen suddenly felt that it was not worthwhile.

It's better to live by yourself first, and rent out the house you bought first, and see what the future nephew and daughter-in-law say, we can't take advantage of the eldest nephew.

In fact, Li Rong didn't care about this, she had long been numb and didn't care about how much money Shen Guanglin had.

Shen Guanglin can earn US$5 or US$8 in one class. As for how much money he has, Li Rong doesn't care.

She only cares about his health and whether he has other children outside.

However, Li Rong was also very open-minded. She didn't want to restrict Shen Guanglin to such a dead end, so let him do what he wanted, as long as he could pay the public rations on time.

Teacher Shen said that the pressure was very high.

After the two arrived in Jinling, they first went to the Shen family's old house to have a look, and then decided not to stay here.

Couldn't get in at all.

This is similar to going out to work for a year and then not being at home when you come back.

Fortunately, they didn't have other places to live. Whether staying in a hotel or a guest house in a textile factory was a good choice.

Mr. Shen will only remember when he arrives in Jinling that he still has property in Jinling.

But he has never cared about this textile factory, and has always let them fend for themselves.

Fortunately, relying on the convenience of the Great Wall Group, Jinling Textile Factory did not get worse. Instead, it provided Shen Guanglin with accommodation and transportation.

Now it's easier to go out.

What I brought from the company was a new car, a small car made in Shanghai—Santana.

Well, a generation of magic cars is finally about to start to shake the rivers and lakes.

The Santana in this era is very precious. This shit costs 20 yuan. Those who have the money to buy this car are all sick in their heads.

With this money, if you exchange it all for a house, how much can you turn it over in a few years?
As a time traveler, Shen Guanglin felt that it would be nice to have a Santana driving.

Santana is always better than a van. Last time I came back, I even used the van in the factory.

As for buying a house, Shen Guanglin no longer has this hobby.

The quadrangle courtyards in the capital are very fragrant, but that's it, you can't buy Prince Gong's Mansion.

That's awesome, but Shen Guanglin really wants to work hard, it may not be impossible, even if he really got this house, he probably won't live long.

You know, he, Shen, is now the largest real estate developer in the country, and the newly established Great Wall Real Estate Company has carried out expansion and assistance campaigns for teachers' residences in many cities across the country.

Everyone thinks that the Great Wall Group is a great benevolent person.

Some teachers' residences have already been built, and the rent is very cheap. Depending on the rent, when will the construction cost be recovered?

This is doing charity.

However, for this kind of thing, let's take it one step at a time. Anyway, the developed shop is owned by Great Wall Company, which will be worth a lot of money in the future.

Shen was pampered and used to having a tricky appetite, but the living environment in the textile factory was still not good enough.

They finally checked into the Jinling Hotel.

This 37-story high-rise has a very modern feel. Only living here can Shen Guanglin feel that he has returned to the 21st century.

Of course, the revolving restaurant above is still not open to Chinese people, and you can only go inside to see the scenery for 5 minutes for 5 yuan.

In fact, foreign-related hotels are different in different places, but basically they can get bad reviews

Shen Guanglin didn't live in Jinling Hotel, so it's hard to comment too much, but he has a good say in the capital and Shanghai.

No matter where the foreign-related hotels are, there are two faces in receiving Chinese people and foreign guests, which is what they have in common.

The foreign-related hotels in the capital, although the attitude towards Chinese people is a bit poor, but the price can be more than half cheaper.

Facing foreigners, their enthusiasm is enthusiasm, but behind the enthusiasm is doubling the price, doubling is conscience, doubling is heart.

The Shanghai Metropolis is different, and everyone is treated equally in terms of price.

Although we warmly welcome foreign guests, our attitude towards domestic people is a little less.

However, in terms of collecting money, we are in agreement: Nong Ai will not come, it is too expensive, Nong Su Bei Ning?
Su Beining, also known as Gangbo Ning, has been an unwelcome gesture since the Republic of China to the present.

Jinling people like Shen are treated like Gangboning when they arrive in Shanghai.

Shen Guanglin's family is in Jinling, located in Jiangning District. Judging from the geographical location, he is indeed from Jiangnan, while his mother's hometown is Liuhe, and geographically speaking, she is from Jiangbei.

Oppa Gangnam style.

Liuhe, the birthplace of the Chinese folk song "Jasmine Flower", and the hometown of "Yuhuashi", a must in China, should actually be pronounced as lùhe, just like Lu'an, another city in Huizhou Province, which is pronounced as Lu'an.

Liuhe originated from Dingshan, also known as Liuhe Mountain.

Because the mountain has six peaks, namely Hanshan Peak, Dengzi Peak, Shiren Peak, Furong Peak, Miaofeng Peak, and Shuangji Peak, and the six peaks surround the river, so it is called Liuhe.

Shen Guanglin's original mother's surname is Xu, and his hometown is not one of the six peaks, but it is also on the side of the mountain, called Pingshan, which later became a scenic spot.

It was still early before the new year, and Shen Guanglin didn't want to spend every day in a hotel making people, so he said to Li Rong: "Rongrong, let me take you to visit the famous mountains and rivers."

(End of this chapter)

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