Chapter 617 Looking for relatives (1)

Although Pingshan is not famous enough, it is also a scenic spot in Jinling.

Jinling is full of tigers and dragons, and there are many famous mountains.

Zhongshan, Zijinshan, Qixiashan, unfortunately they didn't go to these famous mountains, they rushed to Pingshan.

Pingshan is in Jiangbei, still north of Liuhe.

From Jiangnan to Jiangbei, you need to cross the bridge to cross the river.

The Jinling Yangtze River Bridge is a landmark building in Jinling. Of course, no matter the landmark, there is a toll to cross the bridge.

It's impossible not to charge money just because he's handsome, even the little piano prince spends money, but somehow he got exposed.

There will no longer be a bridge toll for crossing the river, probably after 05.

Jinling Hotel is the most high-end hotel in Jinling in this era. It is difficult to say anything else, but there are indeed a lot of rare delicacies.

Shen Guanglin is rich, has US dollars, and can speak English, which is a great advantage.

He said the day before that he wanted to eat saury, and he wanted to eat the freshest Yangtze saury.

With foreign exchange, the requirements of customers will definitely be met.

Yangtze saury is very rare in later generations, but it is still common in this era.

The 80s are good, rich, all kinds of food can be eaten, and it's not illegal.

After carefully tasting the saury, Shen Guanglin set off with Li Rong full of expectations.

Fortunately, most of the trips are in the city, even in the suburbs, the roads are still smooth.

It's been a long time in this era, everything else is fine, the biggest inconvenience is the road and traffic.

So the saying is right, if you want to get rich, build roads first.

Wherever you want to go, the biggest obstacle is the impassable roads. How long has it been possible for every village to have roads?

In this day and age, even the national roads are not easy to travel.

The road is difficult to walk also has two meanings. On the surface, it means that the road condition is bad and the road is not easy to walk.

There is another meaning, young people, go out, free and rich, the road is not easy to travel.

As we walked, people disappeared.

However, this is Jinling after all, not a barbaric mountainous area.

It is convenient to have a car, even if it is just a Santana, it also has air conditioning, heating, and a radio.

If you are tired from driving, you can also push the car in the car.

The scenery along the way is not enough to see, and it didn't take long along the way to reach Pingshan.

Well, this place has mountains, water, and the sun.

The sun is shining brightly, and the water is rippling and sparkling.

When I came here, I saw it through the roadside signs. It is still a state-owned forest farm, and it has not yet been developed into a tourist attraction.

In later generations, it seems that this place has been changed to Pingshan National Forest Park.

But it is not possible now. There is only a reservoir nearby, and most of the places are bare, that is, there are still a few trees left for some forestry workers to survive.

It is said to be a forest farm, but in fact, the forest resources are about to be exhausted. There are not many mature trees on the mountain, and almost all of them are stone deserts and some low shrubs.

Those tall trees have long been cut down.

It can also be seen from this that the benefits of the forest farm are indeed not very good.

When people travel in the 21st century, they often lament that there are no big trees.

However, in this day and age, when people go out, they often don't see trees, not even medium trees.

On many mountains are small saplings more than ten years old.

In fact, in the whole of southern China, deep mountains and old forests are not counted, and most areas do not have many towering trees.

Regardless of southern Hunan and northern Hunan or Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions, it is said that these places have abundant rainfall and many hills, but there are no big trees.

There may have been a few hundred-thousand-year-old trees in the ancient villages, but they were absolutely invisible on those barren hills and hills.

It is said that this is a political achievement left over from the period of great iron and steel smelting. All the big trees have been cut down, and the people's ability to clean up the list is extremely strong.

It is said that in the future generations, it is very difficult to climb barren mountains to erect telephone poles.In the past, people cut down all the trees on the barren hills, and it was very difficult and bitter.
Indigenous steelmaking, the more refined the more barren.

"Brother, the scenery here you chose is really good." Li Rong said teasingly to Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin could only smile awkwardly. "I didn't know it was going to be like this."

Looking around, besides the reservoir, you can see a few glimpses, which are actually barren mountains.

If there is no forest in the forest farm, it is not considered a barren mountain, which is absurd.

Fortunately, the purpose of Shen Guanglin's coming here was not to see the scenery, but to see the people.

Shen Guanglin vaguely remembered that his original mother was probably the daughter of a forest farm employee, and her family was not rich since she was a child. The reason why she married Lao Shen was also part of the meaning of robbing the rich and helping the poor.

My mother's surname is Xu, from Pingshan, Liuhe, and she has been a well-known beauty since she was a child.

However, what the old Xu family didn't expect was that this daughter turned out to be a "white-eyed wolf". Her husband's family was rich, and she also controlled the financial power of the Shen family, but she treated her natal family with courtesy and a bottom line.

It can really be described as losing his wife and losing his army, because the Xu family didn't take advantage of it at all.

Old Shen's family has a lot of houses in Jinling, but one of Shen Guanglin's uncles got married and wanted to borrow them. Old Shen didn't say anything, and was directly rejected by his mother.

There is no such possibility!
If you come in, you won't be able to move out.

I really have no place to live. I will pay you half a year's rent and rent a house by yourself. If there is more, there will be nothing left.

It is precisely because of this that the relationship between their family and several uncles' families is not very close. Although they are all in Jinling, they are one south and one north, and there are very few contacts.

Only during the holidays, Shen Guanglin would visit his grandparents.

Grandpa Xu is from Hui Province, and later moved to Liuhe. Grandma does not know where she is from. She looks extremely dignified. The old lady of that era can speak foreign languages.

Old Xu made money. She gave birth to three sons and a daughter, all of whom were fair and beautiful, perfectly inheriting the advantages of the old lady.

Around the beginning of the century, Shen Guanglin only found out that his grandmother was once a wealthy family in Shaoxing, and his ex-husband was a pilot.

Old Xu didn't choose a good place, Liuhe was too poor, he should be more courageous and go directly to the city.

With the development of the times, the ancestral home and village of the old Shen family in the south have developed into the core area of ​​Jinling, while the development of Liuhe Pingshan in the north is still far away.

Even in the 21st century, there are still large tracts of farmland here.

Several of Shen Guanglin's uncles have skins and not many talents, but the mother is an exception, she is a very independent woman, although she is good-looking, she is fierce and tough, and the Shen family father and son are submissive.

When Shen Guanglin thought of this, he smiled unconsciously. According to her age, she must be twelve or thirteen years old now. I really don't know how to get along with her when we meet.

However, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

I asked all over the forest farm, but I didn't find any family surnamed Xu, and it must be a family with three sons and one daughter.

I have also seen all around Pingshan. The Second Jiang, Hu Ying, Ma Ying, Yang Ying, Wang Ying, and Zhang Ying are all the names of the former garrison locations.

However, although there are families with the surname Xu in these village groups, there are still no people who fit the characteristics in Shen Guanglin's mind.

She came from out of town, the wife is very good-looking, and there are three sons and one daughter at home.

It is said that the characteristics are clear enough.

Just a good look can rule out most people.

Shen Guanglin's grandmother, even though she is over sixty years old, is still a beautiful old lady.

However, where is my mother?
Shi Ye, Meng Ye, turned into a butterfly.

Shen Guanglin's whole body is going to be bad. Could it be that he has influenced the times?
The pilot took grandma away?No cheap old Xu?

Thinking about it, Shen Guanglin didn't have the heart to eat lunch anymore, he was in a trance, and his face was ugly.

What can Li Rong do, she can only drive Mr. Shen, who looks like a walking corpse, back to the hotel to rest first.

Along the way, I didn't dare to say, and I didn't dare to ask.

The saury at night is not sweet anymore.

I can't just leave it at that.

The next day, Shen Guanglin cheered up again, and specially wrote a letter of introduction to find relatives, and went to the civil affairs unit to check.

Those from Chuzhou, whose surname is Xu, should not be many.

Li Rong was right in front of him, and it was difficult for Shen Guanglin to reveal the names of his uncle and mother, so he had to let them look for them first.

Although Professor Shen is not well-known, he is a professor of Capital University after all, and he is a big shot.

What does the Xu family have to do with you?
The wife of the Xu family has overseas relations, and she has relatives in Shaoxing.

Oh, I don't know if Lao Xu will be jealous.

Shen Guanglin could only pretend to be from his grandmother's ex-husband's family.

Otherwise, as for the Xu family, the grandparents have been innocent for generations, so it's hard to get close.

Shen Guanglin can only say that relatives who have returned from overseas have come to look for relatives, and see if there is a family surnamed Xu in the surrounding area.

As for the family having three sons and one daughter, it's hard to talk about it. He just watched silently to see if there were any who fit this characteristic.

Not far from Pingshan, there is a place called Luzishan. There is a family named Xu. This family has three boys and one girl, and their ancestral home is Chuzhou.

Come, come, bring the name quickly.

Shen Guanglin didn't remember the names of his grandparents, but he still knew the names of his uncle and mother.

Check one by one, yes!

It's them!

The names are all correct.

Excited heart, trembling hands.

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to express his mood at this moment, but in front of everyone, he hugged Li Rong with affection and willingness.

As expected of a university professor, life is about letting go.

Li Rong is a shameless person, she really couldn't stand this, so she quickly pushed him away.

Even though they are old couples, they still have to save face outside.

Shen Guanglin also calmed down, it is inappropriate to rush to the door, gifts, yes, go buy gifts and prepare some New Year's goods.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what to buy. For Chinese New Year, pork, grain, oil, and clothes were all options.

Buy and buy!
In half a day, the trunk is full.

After all this tossing, it only cost a hundred dollars. Money in this era is really well spent.

If this continues, it will not cost 1000 yuan to recognize ten relatives.

(End of this chapter)

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