Chapter 618 Overseas Visitors (2)

Back then, having overseas ties was a scary thing.

Serving as a soldier, enrolling in school, and taking a flight test, these units are out of your reach.

It's not just that there are these bad things, every time something goes wrong, this group of people with overseas ties must be gathered together to criticize severely.

Eat inside and out, did you do something bad, tell me quickly!

For the sake of overseas relatives, everyone has suffered so much and endured so much grievance.

But once those years are over, the better days come.

By the 80s, having overseas ties became even more enviable than having family ties with cadres at home.

In this day and age, having a relative who is an official in the family cannot bring much benefits, and he cannot subcontract projects and grant loans, nor can he help in power-money transactions.

Having such a relationship is nothing more than making it easier to do things and being able to find a formal job for him.

If you really have money, you can also ask someone to do things.

However, relatives with overseas ties are completely different.

If overseas relatives give a little help, get a little foreign exchange, build a big house, buy a farmer's car, the family will be completely rich in three to five years.

The agricultural vehicles of this era are really easy to use. They are good at threshing grain, drying yards, soliciting and transporting passengers, and making money.

Just look at the movies of this era and you will know that the ideal object is an old father who is an overseas Chinese.

Even the actor who played the rural girl who doesn't envy foreign life and is willing to be poor has emigrated overseas happily.

The Xu family also wanted to have relatives with overseas relations, but it was a pity that his family had eight generations of poor farmers, and their roots were very good.

Old Xu was born in Chuzhou, a serious farmer.

Our ancestors have been farming for generations, and they are still farming for others.

Later, without knowing what happened, Lao Xu got a beautiful daughter-in-law.

Others said that the daughter-in-law of the Xu family was an official wife of the Nationalist Party, her feet had never been bound, her hair was curled at first, and she had a curly appearance, so she didn't look serious.

It was precisely because of this that Lao Xu couldn't stand the rumors in the village, so he took his wife from Chuzhou to Liuhe, where he set up camp and started a new life.

The big-footed mother-in-law was indeed able to bear children. After Lao Xu settled in Liuhe, his wife gave birth to six children in one go, and two died halfway, leaving four, three boys and one girl.

The girl is the youngest, and above Xu Siya, there are three older brothers, all of whom are extremely beautiful, not at all like Old Xu, but very much like their mother.

The past few years were not peaceful, and no one dared to ask about my mother's life experience, and no one dared to spread it indiscriminately.

Later, with the reform and opening up, the Xu family's boys grew up, chasing after their mother every day to ask if our family had overseas relations.

Xu's mother can only say that there should be, but after the war, where can I find it.

Go back to my hometown, after so many years, shouldn't I go home and have a look.

One year, they really went to Shaoxing to find relatives.

No fruit.

No one at home.

Still, word spread.

No news is good news, maybe the relatives have really gone abroad.

Every time they show off, the Xu family brothers always say that our life will be easier when my foreign relatives come over with postage someday.

Unfortunately, from 1980 to 1986, nothing was expected.

If no one came to break the inherent timeline, their overseas relatives could not be found until the beginning of the century, and they were at the end of Shen Guanglin's grandma's ex-husband's house, but unfortunately they don't know their surnames.

Shen Guanglin looks like his mother, and also looks like his grandmother, so he can only pretend to be a relative here, but the pretending is a bit unreliable, and he can only take one step at a time.

For the Xu family, things about overseas relatives suddenly took a turn for the better in 1986.

The dream thing has finally arrived!

"Is this Xu Changhai's home?" The town staff came to the door.

"It's Xu Changhai's house."

"Your family is not a local. There are relatives from overseas. They will come to visit relatives tomorrow. You have to prepare."

"What's your last name?"

"I don't know, you will know when you meet tomorrow."

The person who came to deliver the news didn't leave at all, and waited to hear the gossip before leaving.

The members of the Xu family were all dumbfounded. Do they really have overseas relatives?

The age gap between the four children of the Xu family is huge. The eldest is over 30 and has already married and had children. The second child is also of marriageable age.

As for the two younger ones, they are really very young. The third child is only 14 years old, and the youngest girl is only ten years old.

That's right, fourth girl Xu is only ten years old.

Shen Guanglin made a misjudgment, and his mother was even younger.

Back then, the girl of the Xu family changed her age in order to get married earlier.

From this point of view, Old Shen made a lot of money!

There were more and more people who were watching the excitement, and when they heard that relatives from overseas had come to look for relatives, they all gathered around.

However, the daughter-in-law of Xu's family was not happy when she heard about it. Instead, she locked herself in the room, not even answering the little daughter's knock on the door.

Don't give people a chance to gossip at all.

It turned out that Shen Guanglin's grandma's ex-husband had come to look for him, but they couldn't find anyone. They heard about it when they went back to their hometown to visit relatives.

This time, grandma thought it was from there again.

Speaking of Shen Guanglin, he was extremely excited when he got news from his mother's family.

He was so dazed that he didn't know what to say.

That night, Shen played very well. Li Rong hadn't begged for mercy for a long time. Today, he really couldn't bear the ferocity of this animal.

I didn't sleep much at night, and I was still in good spirits the next day.

Oh, what kind of hotel is this? Why does breakfast start at 7:[-]?

Li Rong couldn't open her sleepy eyes. If she wasn't afraid of being impolite, she would have wanted Shen Guanglin to find relatives by herself, and take a rest by herself.

However, it's impolite after all, she is a good daughter-in-law of the Shen family.

Shen Guanglin drove while Li Rong made up for sleep.

Mule Mountain has arrived.

No wonder the Xu family said they were from Pingshan, the name "Mule Mountain" is really indecent.

Actually, the Xu family father and son didn't have a good rest yesterday, and the mother locked herself in the room and didn't come out all night, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

Early the next morning, many neighbors came over again, "Have your overseas relatives come?"

"No, tell me, when they come, will they bring me monkey rubber bands with flower heads?" Fourth girl Xu was still a child at heart after all, and ran back and forth excitedly.

In order to welcome her relatives, she also put on a new cotton-padded jacket for the New Year, and deliberately did not wear the outer smock, just to look clean.

What's more, she secretly applied her mother's cream, which was so delicious that she even applied it on her hair.

"Here, come, look at that car! Only foreigners can afford it."

When Shen Guanglin drove over, he was surrounded by many people.

But he wasn't stage fright either, so he smiled and took out a bag of candy for everyone to share.

However, he suddenly saw a little girl in a flowered jacket who was pushed to the front by everyone and looked at him timidly.

The little girl's face was flushed with cold, and she was not dressed in a foreign style, but her eyebrows were extremely delicate. This was clearly her mother!

Shen Guanglin didn't know what to think, he hugged the little girl suddenly, opened his mouth and cried: "Mom!"

Fourth girl Xu was frightened, she was hugged and at a loss.

If he hadn't come here in a car, if he hadn't brought a very beautiful woman here, everyone would have thought that this man was playing hooligans, even a ten-year-old girl would not let him go.

The gentlemen of the Xu family also came over, seeing Shen Guanglin hugging Xiaosi and crying loudly, they were also at a loss.


"I don't know, this young man, hugged your girl and called mom, and then started crying."

"Don't cry, don't cry, talk about things, talk about things."

Li Rong smiled awkwardly, Shen Guanglin didn't listen to anything and just cried there.

I don't know how long the sadness that I have suppressed has been vented at this moment.

The men of the Xu family don't know what to do, so let's invite the wife out.

"Mom, there is a young man outside, very similar to you, come out!"

Oh, it's not what I thought.

Shen Guanglin's grandmother didn't know how to deal with it at first, but when she heard that she looked like her, she immediately came out.

From Li Rong's point of view, this is really a rare beauty. Even though the years are not forgiving, the graceful temperament still makes people feel: this is not an ordinary person.

She must be Brother Guanglin's relative.

"Comrade, this comrade, are you a relative of my family?" Grandma asked, her voice trembling.

Her voice is just like mom's!
Li Rong handed over a towel, Shen Guanglin stopped crying, wiped away his tears and nose, and then looked at the young version of grandma, this one was more like a mother.

"Mom!" Shen Guanglin cried again.

This call mother is almost the same, a 9-year-old girl is still a little younger.

The Xu family brothers looked at their father, at their mother, and at Shen Guanglin. Not to mention, they looked alike.

This person really looks like his mother, there is an inseparable relationship between his eyebrows and eyes.

Seeing his son examining himself, Lao Xu didn't know what to say.

"She didn't say that she had other children before."

To be honest, Lao Xu was already a little unconfident.

She took advantage of it, and it should be in case someone has children. She said that she was married before.

Shen Guanglin cried for a while.

Grandma gently held Shen Guanglin's head and made him cry.

Although she didn't cry, tears kept falling.

"Son, you are a descendant of my Lin family. Tell me, which family are you from?"

Only then did Lao Xu feel relieved, as long as it wasn't her child.

Shen Guanglin was about to vent, and then he remembered that the lie that should have been fulfilled had not yet been fulfilled.

"Madam, you are from Shaoxing, right?"


"Then you should be a relative of my family. My parents are gone. You visited relatives in your hometown. I got a letter."

Shen Guanglin could only say so much.

Let them make up the rest. The more they say, the more mistakes they make.

Sure enough, grandma was thinking about it there.

"I don't have any sisters in my family. Are you the child of the uncle's cousin, or the child of the cousin?"

"I do not know."

(End of this chapter)

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