Start with a college teacher

Chapter 619 Shopping

Chapter 619 Shopping (1)

It doesn't look like crying outside, let's talk at home.

The location where the car is parked is still a little far from home, so I can't drive it.

"The car will not be lost, drive to the village committee."

Only then did Shen Guanglin realize that there was something in the trunk.

Two bags of rice, two bags of white flour, two buckets of vegetable oil, half a piece of pig, some new cloth, one sheep, and a large piece of beef
Old Xu's family is about to develop!

It's time to save face!
Lao Xu's three sons are like the gods of war, and it is not difficult at all to carry things to the house.

The little girl also wanted to help bring it, but Shen Guanglin refused to let her go, holding her hand and refusing to let go.

The new clothes Shen Guanglin bought for her were too big, a down jacket covered her knees, it was almost like a military coat, and the sleeves were too long, so that the fingertips were not exposed.

However, the little girl still likes it very much. The clothes are so warm and beautiful.

At this time, I can only ask Li Rong for help. Is there any gift?For girls.

Of course, Li Rong took off her watch and handed it to the fourth girl.

Xiao Si didn't dare to accept it, the watch was too expensive.

"Take it, it's all my family."

She still didn't dare, Shen Guanglin couldn't help but force her to put it on.

"This watch is so pretty. It will reflect light in the sun. It's colorful."

No one told her that it was actually a diamond, and this watch was very precious.

Every watch that Shen Guanglin bought for Li Rong was very expensive.

Every time Shen went out, he didn't know what to buy when he came back. He either bought a bag or a watch.

Therefore, Li Rong's watch could never be worn out, but it was also because it was expensive, and she was not willing to give it away.

The fourth girl has made a lot of money.

Under the envious eyes of everyone, the old Xu's family finally moved all the gifts back home. How many times has it been moved?

Santana's trunk can hold a lot of things, and the rear seat is also full.

Shen Guanglin bought everything he could bring, even imported milk powder, and there happened to be a child under one year old at home.

Now there is no need to prepare New Year's goods anymore.

This is going to be a fat year. There has never been such a fat year.

The fourth girl had never bought such meat since she could remember. Even when her elder brother got married a few years ago, she only bought a few catties of fatty pork.

Shen Guanglin came here this time, not only took half a piece of pig, but also brought a large piece of beef and a sheep, that is, poultry such as chickens and ducks. He thought that the family should raise them, so he didn't buy them.

Those rice and white noodles are enough for half a year.

However, the matter of recognizing relatives is only half recognized now, let's continue.

Entering the house, Lao Xu's house was indeed impoverished.

There are a total of three earthen houses with tiled roofs and earthen walls. Old Xu and his wife live in one room, the eldest family of three lives in one room, and the second and third brothers live in one room.

The fourth girl has no place to live, so she can only make do with the kitchen in the east wing.

Shen Guanglin looked at each room carefully, and found that the conditions were not good, especially the kitchen where the fourth girl lived.

Shen Guanglin's tears fell again.

This is the life she has lived since she was a child.

Li Rong was also wondering, when did Mr. Shen become so sentimental? When he went to the Shen family to recognize his relatives a few years ago, he felt quite ordinary.

Moreover, this Xu family should be regarded as a distant relative, why is it more emotional than seeing an uncle or aunt?

Oh, she doesn't understand Shen's inner world.

Old Shen's family is rich, old Shen is a cadre, and has skills. Shen honestly said that kid has never suffered.

The Xu family is different, life is not rich, and the fourth girl did not have a good day before she got married.

Everyone sat down in the main room, let the fourth girl go to boil water for the guests, and everyone continued the topic just now.

However, Shen Guanglin insisted on holding her hand and not letting her go to work.

The girl's little hands were as cold as radishes. Jinling usually doesn't get frostbite, but she did. Shen Guanglin touched it lightly with his hand, but she wouldn't let it, it was itchy and painful.

We can only let the daughter-in-law of the elders boil water and make tea for the guests. We must know some etiquette.

With no outsiders around, Grandma Lin took Shen Guanglin's hand and looked at it carefully.

Look at the eyebrows, look at the appearance, it is always right that they are relatives.

However, it is really hard to say what kind of relatives they are.

Grandma's family name is Lin, which Shen Guanglin just knew.

As much information as grandma can disclose, Shen Guanglin can grasp as much information.

Anyway, if you don't ask, I won't tell, and if you ask, I don't know, so I can only guess.

Grandma asked about Shen Guanglin's family situation, and Shen Guanglin also said that his father was an underground worker and had passed away.My hometown is in Jiangning, and there are uncles and aunts at home. As for my mother, I don't know anything about it, except that it is in Shaoxing.

It was only when I went back to my hometown to visit relatives that I realized that they had also looked for relatives a few years ago, which was an indirect connection.

However, when it came to more past events of their Lin family, Shen Guanglin really didn't know anything.

Grandma's Lin family used to be a big family indeed, and the heirs of poetry and books seem to have some connection with Chang Kaishen, but they got separated during the war.

It's really hard to say where the family members went, because the information is not developed enough now.

As for which family Shen Guanglin should belong to, she couldn't tell.

Judging by their looks, they must be relatives.

"You can decide this matter, I don't know who the relatives are."

Finally, it was agreed that Lao Xu was the uncle, and Grandma Lin was the aunt. The three sons and one daughter were designated as two cousins, one cousin and one cousin.

This is how the relatives recognized it.

Old Xu was indeed a worker in the forest farm. He came to Liuhe from Chuzhou in his early years and settled here.

Now the boss and the second child are also working in the forest farm, but they are all temporary workers.

There is no field in the family, only the eldest daughter-in-law has an acre of land, which is not enough to eat, and the family is very poor.

Of course, it's not Lao Xu's family who are poor. The entire forest farm is poorer than the other family.

A forest farm is no different than a farm. The farm has a harvest. If there are no trees in the forest farm, there will be barren hills left. People can really starve to death.

Relying on the relief of the state, sooner or later he will starve to death.

What about Xiao Shen? What are you doing now?
Taught at a university, Capital University.

Oh, great, this is incredible.

Shen Guanglin didn't brag about the amazing things he had done, but simply introduced that he was a professor at Beijing University and his wife Li Rong was from Beijing, that is, an ordinary family.

While talking, it was almost noon, and Shen Guanglin didn't mention going out for dinner. He brought so many tough dishes, so let's cook it himself.

If you show too much, isn't this looking down on your poor relatives?

Li Rong was originally going to help out. With so many people in the Xu family, naturally she wouldn't let her work.

Shen Guanglin didn't meddle in anything, so he caught the fourth girl and asked questions.

How old are you, how many grades do you have, and how are you studying.

Si Yatou is very sensible, and she also likes this cousin very much. It would be even better if he didn't touch her hands all the time.

According to the girl's description, she is ten years old this year, after the eleventh year of the new year, she is in the fourth grade, and she is going to quit school after the fifth grade.

"Who came up with this bad idea?" Shen Guanglin gritted his teeth in hatred, how could he not study.

"It's useless for a girl to study too much." The fourth girl is still willing to study, but her family is poor, what can she do.

Now the third brother in the family is studying with her, and life at home is even more difficult.

If you don’t study, go out and find a job as a temporary worker, go to Jinling to serve dishes to rich people and take care of children, and your family’s life will improve.

Shen Guanglin hurriedly stopped her from this idea, resolutely saying: "We can't think like this, look at your sister-in-law."

"My sister-in-law didn't study, she didn't go to school all day." When the fourth girl talked about her sister-in-law, she reflexively referred to her as the eldest daughter-in-law.

"It's not this sister-in-law. I'm talking about your sister-in-law Rongrong. She has studied at a university, the Central People's University, which is amazing, and she still wants to continue her studies."

"Really, it's so powerful!" The fourth girl didn't know how big Renmin University was, but it was just as good as it was.

Shen Guanglin finally let go of the girl's hand, and began to touch the girl's head again:

"With me here, you don't have to worry about it in the future. I will help you study in the future. We will not only go to middle school and university, but also go abroad to study."

The fourth girl nodded happily, "Yeah!"

The lunch was very sumptuous, and Aunt Lin was good at cooking.Jinling local dishes are very suitable for Shen Guanglin's taste.

Si Yatou's craftsmanship must have been learned from her mother, and Shen Guanglin is familiar with it.

While eating, Shen Guanglin felt his nose sore again.

Old Xu is lucky, Aunt Lin can go to the hall and go to the kitchen. If it wasn't for the war, he wouldn't be able to marry such a wife.

Everyone is full.

Since the morning, neighbors have been coming to visit me in an endless stream.

Sure enough, the Xu family has overseas relatives.

That is, you can see that Xu's daughter-in-law is so foreign-looking, it looks like she came from a big family.

Is this her nephew or nephew? They really look alike.

They also didn't say, look at the daughter-in-law they are looking for, she is really handsome, I heard she is from the capital.

Shen Guanglin and Li Rong also behaved generously, and they had to be polite to anyone who came.

When the man comes, he will hand over a cigarette, or a filter-tipped one, Zhonghua Cigarette.

The women grab a handful of candy, although it is just the most common hard candy, it is also very sweet.

After a short while, half a bag of candy cubes scattered out.

The little girl was very distressed, "Let's close the door, they are so annoying."

"The gate will not be closed, Xiao Si, cousin will take you to the city, let's buy some new clothes for the New Year, shall we?"

"In a car?"


"Okay, okay, I haven't been to Jinling yet. The last time I said it was organized by the school to go to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum. I don't have the money to buy a ticket."

The sun at noon is quite bright and warm, suitable for shopping.

The eldest of the Xu family was married and was much more stable. The second and third children actually wanted to go with them, but Shen Guanglin didn't think of inviting them.

Since coming here, his full attention has been on Si Yatou.

It has to be said that the fourth girl is clever and supple, she must be a beauty when she grows up, and she should be likable.

As for the three stinky men, well, they look a little handsome, but they are even better-looking than someone Shen, that's too much!
Shen Guanglin couldn't bear the presence of men who looked better than himself around him.

And there were still three.

After waking up and eating, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong took the fourth girl out.

(End of this chapter)

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