Chapter 620 Blessings (2)

When visiting Jinling, the most prosperous place must be Xinjiekou.

Today is the small year in the south, and the small year in the north ended yesterday.

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, Xinjiekou is naturally crowded with people.

Although the car is very eye-catching and stylish, it cannot be driven in at all, so it can only be parked on the side of the road and walked in.

Fortunately, the traffic police in this day and age don't know how to post stickers. Those who can drive cars are rich units. Maybe they will take care of them for you.

The entrance of Xinjiekou is full of parked bicycles, and the spectator pays 2 cents to help you keep watch for a day

The three happily went shopping together, all shopping for the girl.

I don’t lack for anything, and it’s quite fun to buy things for others.

The fourth girl is more sensible, she is not willing to ask for this, nor is she willing to ask for that, Shen Guanglin is about to get angry.

How do you know it was bought for you, just for you to try it on.

In the end, Shen Guanglin took the girl to Xinhua Bookstore to buy a lot of tutorial books, including mathematics and composition.

This is what I bought for you.

The girl was dumbfounded.

By the time we came out of Xinjiekou, it was already getting late.

Each of the three people carried a lot of things, but it was still quite heavy.

Si Yatou was originally worried that it would be too late to go back, but when she thought that brother Guanglin and sister-in-law Rongrong had a car, she felt nothing to be afraid of.

I went to the revolving restaurant of Jinling Hotel for dinner, and the little girl called out, so tall.

Just for the sake of gaining insight.

Poor and rich girl, this girl is so juicy, she can't be fooled by someone.

After eating and resting for a while, he felt even more tired, and Shen Guanglin didn't want to move anymore.

Such a day is quite tiring, with great mood swings, plus shopping, it is indeed a lot of physical exertion.

"Why don't you go back today, girl, is the house you live in cold at night? Brother, can I take you to a hotel?"

"It's not cold. It won't be cold if I cover it with a cotton jacket. Dad has a military coat and will cover me at night."

However, the little girl hesitated for a moment, looked at Rong Rong's sister-in-law, and agreed.

Such a nice hotel, she never thought about it.

The room at $90 a night is definitely not the same.

They lived in a suite with two beds.

This is the first time for a girl to live in such a hotel, her eyes are full of excitement, if only I can live in such a house in the future.

"If you want to live, we can live every day."

"I don't want to live every day, I just want my house to be airtight."

Tired after playing for a day, Li Rong took the four girls to take a bath and put on new clothes. Oh, she looks like a little princess.

How could such a beautiful girl sleep in the kitchen, it was all blackened.

There is a TV in the room, and it is wired, and can receive many channels. This is the first time she watches TV, and her eyelids are fighting and she is still reluctant to sleep.

Naturally they slept in separate beds at night, Shen Guanglin slept in the outer room alone, and the two sisters slept in the inner room.

The little girl slept soundly and snored slightly.

Talk to the other side.

Shen Guanglin took the four girls away, but it didn't prevent the neighbors from continuing to visit.

However, this time around, no one would smoke or candy.

Seeing the pile of rice, flour, grain and oil at home, the neighbors are really greedy.

What does this relative do? It can't really be a reactionary background.

What, he is a professor of Beijing University, and he is also from Jinling, Jiangning.

Yo, City People.

At night, there was still an endless stream of guests at home, and some of them were even ready to propose kisses to Xu's second child.

With such hard-working relatives who will build a good house in the coming year, just this handsome young man, is he afraid that no girl will marry him?

That's right.

The boss's daughter-in-law wanted to see the eldest of the Xu family look good, so she married here without being too poor.

Hey, if all these rice noodles and meat were exchanged for money, it would be enough to build two new houses.

In fact, it was more than that. Xiao Shen and the others also brought some good cloth and satin fabrics. It's a pity to make clothes. Let's see if they can be sold at a discount. Whoever wants to make new clothes, this cloth is so good.

The fabric is of course good. It was installed from the Great Wall Textile Factory. It was popular in this era to tear the fabric and make clothes by yourself.

Shen Guanglin didn't bother to bother, so he packed the whole cloth directly.

You know, a piece of cloth is 90 feet long and 30 meters long, how many clothes can be made.

Aunt Lin and Xu's daughter-in-law carefully touched the cloth and made various plans, even thinking about the wedding clothes for the children.

However, it's very late, why haven't they come back yet.

I have found a good place to rely on, and there are still meals in the pot.

Xiao Si left his watch at home, it was already 12 o'clock, but there was still no movement outside.

Xiaosi won't be kidnapped, right?
Human traffickers can abduct a little girl with just a few pieces of candy. What are they trying to do with such a large sum of money?

The family members began to murmur.

Only Grandma Lin said very firmly, "No, Chang Xiaoshen belongs to Jiang Ning, so I might as well live in his hometown."

That's right, don't worry about it, there are so many things, marrying a big girl is enough, who would kidnap a yellow-haired girl.

Didn't the village cadres keep a letter of introduction? I'll check it out tomorrow and I'll know.

Early the next morning, before Lao Xu went to the village, Shen Guanglin and the three of them had already returned.

After collecting so many good things, the fourth girl couldn't help but want to go home.

She has a child's heart, and she can't help but want to show off in front of her mother and sister-in-law, and she can't hold it anymore.

Shen Guanglin also looked at her dotingly, as long as she was happy, she could even take off the moon.

She said go, then let her go.

Originally, I planned to continue to take her around today, so I can go back first.

When they came back this trip, they brought another cart of New Year's goods.

However, apart from the quilt and mattress, everything else in the car was bought for Si Yatou, and nothing was left behind for food and clothing.

As for the three men, that's no way.

Of course, Shen Guanglin is not that bad at being a human being, "I don't know what your shortcomings are. Let's each get 200 yuan and buy what you lack. It's the end of the year, so you should have more money and don't play cards."

The few men who were depressed suddenly smiled.

The boss feels that he is already married, but he is too embarrassed to ask for it.

Shen Guanglin can only say that this is the New Year's money given to the child in advance, the little Maomao is quite cute, he is less than one year old, and he doesn't know what to say.

I bought too many things for the girl, and there is no place to put them.

The kitchen is definitely not suitable, so it can only be temporarily put in the room of the old couple.

There are not even extra cabinets in the house.

Originally, the Xu family planned to go to the village to verify whether Shen Guanglin was a liar, so there was no need to go now.

Cut some meat for the elders, and hurry up to celebrate the New Year while the new year is off.

Grandma Lin also said: "Xiao Shen, I don't mind taking your things to borrow flowers to offer to the Buddha. Life is not easy if you are poor."

Grandma is indeed educated, and what she said is different for the Xu family.

"Of course I don't mind. We are all a family. These things are here for you."

The old family's daughter-in-law has helped the family a lot these years, so the relationship with the family is not very good.

This time I went to make up for it, after all, it belonged to the folks in the village.

Oh, these words are so open, it seems that the Xu family is not the owner who only takes advantage.

In fact, if you are really rich, who would like to take advantage of your relatives for nothing.

Shen Guanglin said that he should drive to see him off.

That's not necessary. They are all dirt roads in the mountains, and cars can't pass them.

On such roads, tractors will overturn, and some roads are even just rice field ridges, which can only be walked.

I cut a bit of pork, beef, and mutton, and I also took some white noodles and brown sugar. I didn't dare to move the 200 yuan, and I was waiting for Lao Xu to arrange it.

Packed up, the family of three was ready to go.

There is a saying that goes, can a handsome person be eaten?

Here at the boss of the Xu family, yes!

Because Xu's family is an outsider and works in the forest farm, there is no land to grow at all. Since the forest farm has no forest, the family's life is almost difficult.

Later, the boss of the Xu family talked about a person, an ordinary family, and an ordinary appearance, but the girl fell in love with the boss Xu at a glance.

It's because he doesn't marry.

Not to mention a penny of the bride price, the dowry is not a lot at all, and I don't think his family is poor.

There is such a woman, what else can I say, let's get married.

However, no one expected that the Xu family's finances would be so difficult. The son-in-law not only helped the family with work, but also had to be subsidized by the family.

Even the egg nutrition for the daughter-in-law who is pregnant and confinement is all subsidized by her natal family.

Therefore, it is only natural that the eldest brother of the Xu family can't hold his head up in his father-in-law's house.

My brother-in-laws all looked down on this skinny kid.

Today is different, a family of three, Xiao Mao Mao is still naive, the couple walks very vigorously.

"The son-in-law of the Xu family is here to pay respects."

"Yeah! You're busy too"

The eldest of the Xu family was carrying a big pannier on his back, and the daughter-in-law was holding the baby, and walked towards the house with deep feet and shallow feet.

The back basket is so big, it can hold a lot of things, and today is a young year, what are they doing here?

I saw the couple coming from afar, the old couple hadn't said anything yet, the brother-in-law and daughter-in-law were already upset, "Close the door, close the door, your broom star is here again."

"What, that's my sister."

"My sister, my sister, if I go to the house, my sister will be gone."

While talking, the family of three came to the gate.

"Xiao Xu, you are here"

"Dad, Mom, you are busy."

Boss Xu laughed very honestly, it could even be described as brilliant, but thanks to his good looks, otherwise he would be smiling silly.

"Xiao Xu, I'm going to kill two ducks, and I'll take them back after lunch, and I'll see some meat at home during the holidays."

The mother-in-law is still thinking about their family, and thinks that it is not easy for them to celebrate the New Year, so she wants to make up for it.

Even if the son-in-law is not his own, so is the daughter.

"Mom, no need, my family has no shortage of meat for Chinese New Year today."

"Mom, since my brother-in-law said that there is no shortage of meat in the house, then the ducks will not be killed, and they will lay eggs." The elder brother is not easy to speak, but what the sister-in-law said does not hinder her.

The mother-in-law didn't listen to the daughter-in-law's angry words, "Why are you being so polite, I'll boil some hot water and kill you later."

"You're not being polite. I brought meat. Look."

The son-in-law opened the big basket and lifted the lid. Inside was a large piece of pork, beef, lamb, a bottle of wine and two cans.

(End of this chapter)

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