Chapter 621 Chicken and dog ascend to heaven (1)

Although the mother-in-law's family is richer, they are just ordinary farmers.

The family has a few acres of land, and now the land contract responsibility system has been implemented, and the situation is much better.

But there is no one that can be completely eaten for nothing, and it still needs to be mixed with grain.

Even if it's the Chinese New Year, it's not bad to weigh three or four catties of pork, which is enough to fry a few hard dishes for guests.

Beef and mutton will never be bought, it is a waste of money.

I really didn't expect that my son-in-law brought so many things here today.

There was a big strip of pork, all of which was pork belly from the belly, with several fingers of oil, and when he weighed it with his hand, it could go up to ten catties, and the beef and mutton were no less than five catties.

Not only these, but also white flour and brown sugar.

They didn't bring any rice. When their Xu family didn't have enough food, they often donated rice from their mother-in-law's house.

"Aren't you short of life? It's such a waste, will you run out of food in the spring?" The mother-in-law was not happy when she saw these things, but became angry.

What is this for? How much does it cost? It’s useless to buy it all, and there are no patients at home. I also buy canned brown sugar for confinement!

It's Shen Guanglin's fault, who asked him to buy these things, if he didn't buy them, the boss of the Xu family wouldn't bring them either.

"We didn't buy this. Where do we have this spare money? It was brought by my cousin, a relative from my mother's house, he brought it."

Listening to his mother-in-law's scolding, Xiao Xu was still very happy.

He proudly reported everything that happened in the past two days. Today, we finally felt proud and accepted the support from our mother-in-law's family every time. In fact, he didn't want to do this either.

Finally got some of it back today.

And, that's not all, there are still a few pieces of cloth at the bottom of the basket, all new, and they are used to make new clothes for adults and children, after all, it is Chinese New Year.

Seeing the satin floral cloth, the eyes of the brother-in-law and daughter-in-law almost fell out of shock. What happened to the sister and brother-in-law? They were robbed.

Although it is the Chinese New Year, my sister-in-law and the others are not rich.

Naturally, it was impossible to buy new clothes, and it was just a brand new cage jacket for my child.

I really didn't expect that my brother-in-law could bring so many things here today. This new cloth is so solid that I can't touch it enough.

You must know that buying cloth in this era requires a ticket, and each person has a quota every year. If you have money, you can't buy it, and you can only exchange it from others.

Only Shen Guanglin, who had long been freed from the shackles of the ticket, went to the factory to get it directly, and no one dared to say anything when he picked the one he wanted.

"Didn't your Xu family come from famine? Why do you still have a cousin, and you are so rich?" Rural people don't pay attention to their speech, and the little sister-in-law can say whatever comes to her mind. To be honest, she has always looked down on her husband's younger sister and Brother-in-law's.

Isn't it just to look better, what's the use, my family can't get enough.

Faced with his sister-in-law's unreasonableness, Xiao Xu was not angry, he knew that no matter what, he had earned face today.

There is a powerful cousin who really gives me a face.

"They are relatives of my mother's family, and their hometown is also in Jinling, Jiangning. They came from the capital, and they are professors in the university, and they said it was the capital university."

Xiao Xu talked about his cousin's information more vigorously than talking about himself, and his tone was full of pride.

"That's impossible! How can your family have relatives from the Capital University?" The sister-in-law couldn't believe it even more, as she didn't even have such powerful relatives in her own family.

"I didn't believe it at first, but these things were brought by others. Yesterday they went out and bought a lot of things, all for Xiao Si. It can be seen that my cousin likes Xiao Si very much."

He is in his late thirties, and he is still envious of Xiaosi's pile of things.

It's useless if my sister-in-law doesn't believe it. If you don't believe it, it's just a way to express your surprise.

As for the more content about Shen Guanglin, Xiao Xu and his wife also said that they were not very clear. After all, it was only a day, so how could they understand so fully.

However, they also knew that Xiao Shen was a university professor in the capital city, and he came here by car. The people in the capital city were really rich, and it was not appropriate to spend money as money. When the brothers first met, each of them paid 200 yuan.

"200 per person? Cash? Not food stamps?" The sister-in-law was surprised again.

"Well, I don't even want it. After all, I'm so old, but cousin Shen said it's the lucky money for the child in advance, so I took it."

Just give 200 for the new year's money?In the current market situation, 1 cents is too much for children.

The little sister-in-law still said stubbornly: "What's the use of 200 yuan? If you spend it, it's gone. It's better to introduce a stable job."

But why is his tone so sour?

200 yuan is useless, and this is the income of ordinary farmers for more than two years.

"Don't worry about work. My cousin said that he will introduce us to work. Go to the city, not to Liuhe, but to Jinling."

In the eyes of Jinling people, Liuhe is indeed not Jinling, and even Jiangbei is not considered a city.

The little sister-in-law stopped talking, and just listened to what they said, envious of her real name.

Could my family also get some benefits from it? Anyway, the big shots in the capital don't care about such small things.

It is very enthusiastic to leave a meal at noon.

The men of the two families went to dig lotus roots in the pond, and caught some loaches along the way, just to improve their meals.

The lotus pond is owned by the public, and you can only earn work points for working, but the loach is your own, and whoever catches it will own it.

Of course, there is no need to kill ducks. The things brought by the son-in-law can indeed cook a few good dishes.

Just after lunch time, the gossip from Mule Mountain had already arrived, and it was almost the same as Xiao Xu's footsteps.

You know, a relative who drives a car came to the Xu family from Luozishan Forest Farm, and brought a fairy here.

Which Xu family?

It is the Xu family that gave birth to four beautiful children. The wife of the Xu family is very good-looking, and the babies she gave birth to are also good-looking. The capable person from the capital looks like the woman of the Xu family. At first glance, they are real relatives. Or her son.

Is it a son?

of course not!

Xiao Xu refuted the rumors, that was his cousin, not as old as Xiao Xu, how could he be his fucking son, it must be his cousin.

Also, it is impossible for the Xu family to pass on a son to go out halfway, from all over the world, this is still known.

Although Xiao Xu had already said about his cousin, it didn't prevent them from asking again, "Is that really your cousin?"

"Really, of course it is true, otherwise how could it be so similar, otherwise who would spend so much money in vain."

Xiao Xu's daughter-in-law also said that it must be true, "They look alike, just like brothers."

However, she didn't say that this cousin is still not as good-looking as her own man.

This time the relatives left, Xiao Xu lost face very much. The uncle and sister-in-law showed a lot of enthusiasm for them, and even drank a couple of taels of soju at noon.

Suddenly having such a real relative as Shen Guanglin, the life of the old Xu's family really changed.

In the afternoon, the eldest cousin hadn't finished returning to her mother's house yet, and Shen Guanglin was about to say goodbye again.

Although the neighbor's house can be borrowed, Shen is pampered and uncomfortable.

So, he asked Xiao Si if he wanted to go to the city to watch a movie.

In short, he really didn't allow the girl to live in that leaky kitchen.

Watching a movie is of course very good, Xiaosan also wants to go.

However, Mr. Shen didn't pick up on this problem at all. Boy, watch some movies and read books at home honestly. Didn't my cousin buy so many books?

Shen Guanglin's family of three rushed back to the city while it was still early.

In the evening, we will eat saury again.

Shen Guanglin, the three delicacies of the Yangtze River, has tasted two delicacies, shad and saury many times, but he has never eaten puffer fish.

Cherish life.

It is said that some people like the feeling of being slightly poisoned.

In the next few days, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong came over on time every morning and left in the afternoon, but they would bring the little girl with them every day.

These days, the life of the old Xu family has changed day by day. The bicycles are not used and the roads are uneven.

There are sewing machines and televisions, but what are the shortcomings?

Nothing short of power.

Why buy a TV, there is no electricity in Murakami.

What's so difficult about it.

Shen Guanglin bought them a generator, the kind that is stepped on, and artificially generates electricity.

Mule Mountain has been very lively recently. A TV set, like watching a movie, is placed on an outdoor table, and everyone takes turns to generate electricity and watch it around.

In this way, the three members of Shen Guanglin's family visited various scenic spots in Jinling. The fourth girl said that they had never been to Sun Yat-sen Mausoleum, so let's go to see it.

In short, with Shen Guanglin, nothing is a problem.

Even Li Rong was thinking: This person surnamed Shen, isn't he trying to trick this kid?
She is only ten years old, and she looks quite similar to someone Shen. Does this relationship count as a close relative marriage?

Ah, thinking too much.

She also knew that Shen must not be so dirty.

In short, in just three to five days, the Shen family has developed.

There is a saying that one person attains the Tao, immortals and chickens and dogs.

Regarding the future, everyone has also discussed it.

Now that the forest farm is about to close down, it is Shen's natural duty to find a way out for the Xu family.

In the past few days, Shen Guanglin has also inspected the surrounding topography and commercial and economic characteristics, and he has already had some concerns in his mind.

Two options.

First, Shen has some connections in the Jinling textile factory, so both old Xu and the Xu family brothers can go to work in the textile factory.

Primary three and four must continue to study, so there is no need to think about it.

The advantage of working in a textile mill is stability.

Income is stable, nothing to worry about.

Somebody Shen can help them arrange a place to live. Since the eldest is married, he will live in a separate courtyard, and the rest of the Xu family will live in another courtyard.

The second child is getting married soon, right? The second child also has a separate courtyard.

Shen Guanglin also thought about whether to put them in the Shen family's old house, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it was inappropriate, as it belonged to the Shen family.

Even if the old house is big, even if no one lives there, and even if the uncle may not come back, he still has to go back to his hometown to worship his ancestors during the holidays.

Moreover, between Shen Houdao and the fourth girl, Shen did not want to establish a relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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