Chapter 622 Choice (2)

Can you enter the city and work in a factory as a worker?

When the Xu family heard this, they were full of expectation and longing for going to Jinling to work as a worker.

This is something that has been dreamed of for many years.

Old Xu is considered a regular worker, but the forest farm is about to close down.

Now that the forest farm is about to close down, it is natural that his children cannot be accommodated, and their family has no land, how can life be satisfactory.

However, Shen Guanglin hadn't finished speaking yet.

He also gave them another option.

This was carefully prepared by Shen Guanglin, and it also fit the reality of their old Xu family.

For this reason, Shen is somewhat proud that this is a business opportunity he found through his own vision.

Isn't there a river around here, called Chushui.

Mr. Shen went to the river beach to see that there was really sand.

In these years, when building houses in the countryside, they went to the river beach to sieve sand by themselves.
Mr. Shen paid for it. Let's buy a sand dredger, a transport truck, and find an empty place to pile sand.

Someone from Shen came to run the formalities, so don't worry about the diesel issue, someone from Shen will help to solve it.

If you want money, you have money, if you want tickets, you have votes, if you win, it's yours, and if you lose, it's mine.

Now, the speed of economic development is so fast, and the speed of urban construction will definitely be faster in the future.

Sand is definitely in high demand.

In this industry, you can definitely earn more money than working in a spinning mill.

Shen Guanglin even helped them find a sales outlet.

Isn't Jinling undergoing the renovation and upgrading of the teachers' village apartment? Sand is needed in the first place, and someone from Shen can just say hello, and there is no need to worry about sales.

Not much to say for a year, the income of one hundred and eighty thousand is no problem.

Shen Guanglin even thought, how many years later, the Xu family will become a local tyrant in Jinling.

This is a golden finger opened by someone Shen.

With two roads in front of him, Shen Guanglin asked the Xu family to choose.

How to choose?
Needless to say.

The Xu family chose the first option without hesitation, of course it was to work in the factory as a worker!

Someone Shen almost broke his old waist.

Is it so good to be a worker in a factory?

The textile industry will still develop for a period of time, but by the end of the 90s, it will go downhill.

Even the central enterprise No. [-] Textile Machinery has closed down.

Xu's father and son don't think so. It would be great to be a worker in a textile factory. As for the master of the country, it's safe.

What should I do if I am self-employed and the tail of capitalism is cut off?
Makes sense.

Shen has nothing to say.

Live without love.

Okay, I'll send you into the factory as workers!

Then see what job you want to do, the job in the spinning mill is up to you.

Without waiting for the New Year, Shen Guanglin brought the whole family to the spinning mill in one go.

Not wanting to bother, Shen Guanglin called the factory manager directly, this is my uncle, this is my cousin, this is my cousin, you come and arrange some suitable jobs for them.

The factory director thought, who are you?So awesome, you are the factory director and I am the factory director.

Shen Guanglin came to pick up things a few days ago, but he was looking for an acquaintance in charge of logistics, not the factory manager. Unexpectedly, the factory manager didn't know who he was.

For Great Wall Garment Factory, the Jinling base is just a very unimportant base, and it is naturally impossible for Fatty's family to stay here permanently. How to prove the identity of Boss Shen has become a problem.

Professor of Beijing University, Chief Scientist of Great Wall Group.

What's wrong with this?
What does it have to do with Jinling Textile Factory?
We have been restructured and accepted the leadership of the Great Wall Group, but we don’t want everyone to be the leader. We will arrange people when we come up, and the company has repeatedly issued orders to prohibit nepotism.

Oops, this face fell to the ground with a bang.

Shen Guanglin had no choice but to make a phone call to prove who he was, and the other party immediately asked the factory manager to answer the phone.

Three minutes later, the factory manager came out with a shocked expression on his face.

Mr. Xu, do you want to enter the office or the workshop?How many positions are needed, five, right? No problem, can the work standards be configured according to the age line?

The front is arrogant and the back is respectful, but that's all.

The Xu family didn't know how to pick it up.

"Professor Shen, look." The factory manager immediately lowered his posture, this person can't be provoked.

"It doesn't matter, it's up to them to choose."

If you can choose the office, who chooses the workshop?

Only the Xu family would choose this, because they haven't read much.

Aunt Lin is the only educated person in the family. It is more suitable for her to join the labor union. As for Lao Xu, he should be a gatekeeper.

Two cousins, let them do what they want.

The preliminary intention about the work has been settled,
"Is there a place to live? Is there any spare house in the factory." Shen Guanglin thought about going to the water to arrange their residence as well. It is not so convenient to buy a house in this day and age.

This is a family and we cannot live apart.

"There are really no vacant suites. The shortage of housing has not been a year or two." The factory manager could only helplessly refuse.

However, seeing Shen Guanglin's complexion became unbearable again, the factory manager trembled in his heart: "However, a batch of single dormitories have just been built in the factory area, and they have not been assigned to move in yet. They are preparing for resettlement after the next year. You see, temporary transition is not necessary. .”

"What kind of bachelor dormitory?"

Then have to go and see.

While walking, the factory manager introduced that it is an ordinary one-story house, and the room size is not small. There are more than [-] square meters per room, and there are ten rooms in a row. This kind of dormitory is also called row house.

The houses are all built, and there are many rows, which is still very spectacular.

After the reorganization of the factory area, if you have money, you will naturally have a new house. However, there are other changes, that is, the factory area no longer provides family rooms, and they are all single dormitories.

The wages have risen, and I want to improve the housing, so I spend my own money to buy it.

"Is it possible to live in such a house? If not, I'll think of a way." The factory manager looked at Shen's worried expression and tried to figure out his attitude.

Such a powerful person, why not arrange them directly to the factory of the Great Wall Group with better efficiency? I recruited a few masters myself, and how to manage them in the future.

However, the leader's reprimand made him understand that Professor Shen couldn't be provoked, and he could really dismiss himself with a single sentence.

Shen Guanglin was quite dissatisfied with this place, but the Xu family was very satisfied.

"It's a brand new house, why can't I live in it? It's pretty good. The doors and windows are all new. One room is divided into two. Give us three rooms and our whole family can live in it."

Hey, Old Xu is not demanding.

He has already planned that his husband and wife will live in half, the girl will live in half, the eldest family will live in one room, and the second and third children will live in one room. This is much better than their house in Mule Mountain.

Although the house is built of bricks, the eaves are covered with mosaics, and the doors are brand new, with green paint and the smell of tung oil.

It's just that there is no furniture in the room, and the water and electricity are connected. What about the big 40-watt light bulb, they don't have running water or electricity in Mule Mountain.

Being able to see the real joy in the Xu family's heart, Shen Guanglin didn't force it. He only wanted to improve the living conditions of the fourth girl, and the others just incidentally.

Since their requirements are not high, someone Shen will satisfy you.

In fact, Shen Guanglin was angry mainly because the Xu family did not follow his plan.

You have clearly arranged such a profitable business, and you don't want to pay the capital, but you didn't choose it!
"Okay, then this row of houses will be for you to live in." Shen Guanglin made a decision.

"What? This row?" Lao Xu and the factory manager both expressed surprise.

Is Mr. Shen serious, arranging people to live in a row?
"That's right, there are ten rooms, isn't that enough?"

Old Xu quickly said: "Enough is enough, there is simply no room for ten rooms."

The factory manager also said that they lived in less than ten rooms.

Shen Guanglin is angry again, you don't know how to look at the problem from the perspective of development, don't you get married and have children with so many children?

"The two ends are surrounded by walls, and the stubble is connected to the front row of houses, so that the yard will be [-] square meters. You can also make a vegetable garden or something like that. Find a room to repair a toilet and take over the steam from the factory. , make a heat exchange device, Jinling is quite cold in winter, so there is hot water for heating.”

Shen Guanglin is not good at anything else, but he is always very thoughtful about arranging a comfortable and comfortable life.

Looking at Shen Guanglin's plan, the Xu family was dumbfounded. Is this the life that ordinary people can live? Only landlords and rich people can occupy such a large place.

The factory manager didn't dare to question any more, and remembered while listening, "It may not be finished a year ago, and work will start after fifteen years after the year."


"I will give you 24, oh no, 48 hours. The walls and gates must be built. If they are not repaired by then, it means that the leadership's execution is not good enough. Everyone should retire early."

To be honest, Shen Guanglin was a little dissatisfied with the factory manager. He was in a bad mood today, and everyone was angry.

It was so happily decided.

People, the hardest thing to change is the mind.

For the Xu family's choice, Shen Guanglin said that he has no opinion, but is angry with himself.

Really, we totally respect their choice.

It's good to be a normal person.

At least, it can be proved that they are really not greedy at all.

Someone Shen was willing to lend them the capital at their own risk, but they still refused to take it.

Let them be!
What the boss told me was really a big deal.

In two days, not only the work has been settled, but the residence has also been arranged properly.

Come here again, it's completely different.

The courtyard wall was not only built, but also plastered, and the paint was applied after it was almost dry.

The inside of the yard is also leveled, and the greenery is ready-made for transplanting. Suddenly, a piece of green plant is vacant in a certain area of ​​the factory area, and I don't know where it went.

A room in the middle was transformed into a bathroom and toilet, and other rooms were used as housing, and even more than a part of the bed and furniture were used. There are brand-new bedding in the factory, which can be directly spread to live in.

In short, put your mind to it, and did nothing bad.

However, Shen Guanglin was still not satisfied. He suddenly thought of another matter, "When the factory was restructured, what about the houses of those leaders? Where did they go, and who were they arranged for?"

I really forgot that the Jinling Spinning Mill is an old mill after all, and there are still a few old villas in the factory area. It is said that the devil once lived there.

"Those villas?" The factory manager immediately understood what Shen Guanglin was talking about. Those villas in the factory had a history and were built during the Republic of China.

"The leaders are still here."

"who you?"

"No, no, I don't. After all, I'm new here. My family lives in the family area. It's still the old leaders. They haven't moved away." The factory manager hurriedly clarified that he wanted to live, but he couldn't. .

"Haven't you moved away yet? Didn't you say during the reorganization that all the management will be transferred away, not even one!"

Only then did Shen Guanglin know that their people had left, but the house hadn't. After all, they had worked in the factory for decades and their forces were entangled.

What's more, there are only five or six villas in that villa, and the location and environment are very good. He is also unwilling to move away.

"Let them go immediately! During the restructuring, all the houses were converted into money, including the housing of those retired employees. The houses of the employees are ignored. Those leaders, don't they have houses in the new units?"


"Could it be that the security department's knives aren't sharp enough?" Shen Guanglin is not used to them. "Also, you insist on retreating, and it has nothing to do with other people."

(End of this chapter)

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