Chapter 623

Shen Guanglin finally found out that the factory manager's surname is Qi, Qi Huimin, a native of Ma'anshan, speaks authentic Jinling dialect.

Of course, Chuzhou people can also speak authentic Jinling dialect.

The other way around is also possible, Jinling people can speak authentic Huizhou dialect.

Lao Qi finally managed to get into Shen Guanglin's eyes, and he was no longer just a tool man.

"The old leaders of the factory live in those villas, let's do this"

Lao Qi lacked confidence. He was originally just a middle-level worker in a textile factory, and he was an outsider. It was because of this that he was promoted to be a leader.

One of the top management in the factory counts as one, and they were all eliminated during the joint venture restructuring.

It's not that they are incapable. In many cases, their inaction is also due to the system.

However, under their leadership, Jinling Textile Factory is on the verge of bankruptcy, so it can't be said that they are brilliant.

What Shen Guanglin can't stand the most is the group of old leaders: "Whose leaders are they, and who are they leading? Do you know what it means to attack dissidents? If you don't attack them, how can they become dissidents?"

Once the emperor and courtiers, a leader who does not attack dissidents is not a good leader.

"But what if they go to the city to make trouble?" Lao Qi was worried about the stability and unity in the factory.

There is still a problem with this way of thinking. Face new problems with the thinking of state-owned and old state-owned enterprises.

Shen Guanglin woke him up: "Who paid you your salary, and who is in charge of your promotion? In the city?"

Old Qi had nothing to say.

What is a big deal to Lao Qi is a trivial matter to Shen Guanglin. Even if all these properties in Jinling are gone, it will not be a big loss to Shen.

His basic set is not here.

Lao Qi already understood, and immediately arranged to vacate the working group, trying to get the house vacant before the Lantern Festival.

It's not about fighting for it, it's about it!
Shen Guanglin suddenly asked again, "How much do you have to pay in the factory now?"

Of course, he was just asking casually. After all, private companies basically do not allow the existence of empty pay, but Lao Qi replied very seriously: "There are quite a few."


Shen Guanglin expressed that he was not calm anymore.

This is not going to work, we are no longer a state-owned enterprise!

It has lost the life of state-owned enterprises, and is still suffering from the disease of state-owned enterprises.

There are many reasons for empty pay.

The children of various government leaders, the children of business leaders of brother units, and the children of various capable people, they are too lazy to come to work, and they are used to getting a salary just by putting their names on it.

It seems that there is no need to wait for tomorrow, just today, just now, and immediately hold a factory-wide staff meeting.

Someone Shen wants to see what the factory looks like now.

No matter it's really not working.

Back then, Great Wall Electric was restructured from a joint venture of a state-owned enterprise, so there was no such thing as a textile factory.

Of course, it also has something to do with whether the boss pays attention to it or not.

Jinling Textile Factory was raised by a stepmother, not to mention in the Great Wall Group, even in the Great Wall clothing system, it has no sense of existence.

Great Wall Clothing has a one-stop industrial chain in Shencheng, and the raw materials are all directly pulled from the Western Regions.

Jinling's raw materials are purchased from Hui Province, and some silk fabrics are collected locally, but this is not comparable to the silk industry in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so this is a tasteless one.

With the Great Wall Group providing sales outlets, there is no loss at all, but the scale of profit is also very limited.

Mosquitoes are meat no matter how small!
If you say a meeting, then hold the meeting immediately, even if all the production lines are stopped.

The Jinling Textile Factory has four factories, seven or eight workshops, and thousands of employees. It is not easy to organize a temporary meeting.

Even if it is not well organized, this is the moment for Shen to establish his prestige in front of his uncle's family.

This time, I also want to let you see how much influence Professor Shen of Capital University has in Jinling.

Shen Guanglin suddenly felt that there was nothing wrong with nepotism.

A real century-old enterprise, which one is not a family enterprise.

As far as the Xu family is concerned, the eldest cousin is relatively stable, and Shen Guanglin told him directly: "Today, I will give you the whole leadership."

The eldest cousin didn't believe it, but he didn't dare to speak out.

The auditorium meeting room of the textile factory cannot hold so many people at one time, and it is too cold to hold meetings outdoors, so they can only come one by one according to the procedure.

The first thing to be held was the staff meeting of the thread spinning factory and the printing and dyeing factory.

Everyone was temporarily called from the production line. Some people were still wearing work clothes. It was really inexplicable. The meeting was held as soon as it was said, and the production task was not completed yet.

This is the benefit of the restructuring. After the restructuring, all overtime hours are paid for. Therefore, the previous three shifts have become two shifts, and the overtime pay is almost higher than the salary.

Shen Guanglin looked at it, and the profound appearance of the employees is not bad. It can be seen that after the restructuring, the business is good, and everyone's income has also increased.

The meeting started, and Shen Guanglin didn't introduce himself, he just sat next to the factory manager and took his eldest cousin to sit with him.

The leader of the main factory sits on the rostrum, and the other deputy factory directors and workshop directors of the branch factories all sit under the stage.

The audience is full of people, and this is only the day shift, the time is short, and none of the evening shift came.

Shen Guanglin cleared his throat and held the microphone. He felt that he was holding power and a heavy responsibility.

"I am the special assistant of Director Qi. He authorized me to handle the current work and preside over today's meeting." Shen Guanglin decided to take the lead, and he personally took the lead in cleaning up the vacancy today.

He comes to do things, and Lao Qi takes the blame.

The first thing in the meeting is roll call.

This is the same process as Shen Guanglin's class.

Everyone first report the list of those who work on night shifts and those who ask for leave.

The employee roster was also brought, the eldest cousin read out the name, the audience answered, Shen Guanglin listened and read at the same time.

Someone Shen is familiar with this skill, he can even hear the voice of someone answering the question.

Well, some people are really dishonest.

Shen Guanglin interrupted the roll call.

"In this way, the employees of the printing and dyeing factory will go back first, and today only the staff meeting of the thread spinning factory will be held."

Some employees left cursing, isn't this tormenting people.

That's right, someone Shen just loves to toss, and he wants to toss one by one.

Continue to roll call.

However, instead of using this one-pot porridge method, isn’t someone likes to answer for you, let’s check them one by one.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin also intends to check one by one the list of people who asked for leave, why they asked for leave, whether it was real or fake, and whether wages were deducted.

The list of leave applications has already been submitted, and after repeated inquiries, there are no more leave applications.

Then check it out, then it is not a leave of absence, it is an absenteeism.

This time, we come one team at a time, who didn't come, and why didn't they come? Are we afraid that we won't be able to find out?
The first team, the cotton inspection team, was supposed to have 45 people, but actually got 43 people.

Shen Guanglin gathered the cotton inspection team alone. Who is the team leader? Come on, please give everyone a perfect explanation. There are two people missing.

The leader of the cotton inspection team was Li Dacheng, and the two people who did not show up were: Zhang Wei and Li Youcai.

"The two of them asked for leave. I forgot to mention it just now." Seeing that they couldn't get away with it, the team leader Li Dacheng could only explain it this way.

"When did you ask for leave, why, and who did you ask for?"

"Just today, you asked me to invite you. I forgot to mention it before the meeting, so I must pay attention next time." Li Dacheng didn't take it seriously.

However, there will be no next time.

Shen Guanglin directly announced: "The leader of the cotton inspection team, Li Dacheng, has neglected his duties. Now Li Dacheng's position as team leader is canceled, pending further notice."

"My team leader was arranged by the factory. Who are you? I'm afraid I don't have the power!" Li Dacheng expressed dissatisfaction. His father is still the leader who retired from the factory. I am afraid of you, a young man?

"He has!"

Lao Qi has spoken, if Professor Shen has no power, then Lao Qi will have no power at once.

"Li Dacheng has neglected his duties and will be dismissed from the position of team leader starting today, pending further notice." Director Qi repeated Shen Guanglin's words just now.

The deputy factory director and the workshop director of the thread spinning factory looked at each other and wanted to talk, but they didn't say anything, which was a tacit agreement with Shen Guanglin and director Qi's decision.

After all, he is the leader of the main factory, the biggest.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to finish his calculations like this. He planned to make another example: "Director Qi, people like Li Dacheng who cheat and refuse to accept management should return them to the Municipal Recruitment Office and let them handle it themselves."

"Okay." Lao Qi subconsciously lived under Shen Guanglin.

"You can't fire me! My dad is the old leader."

Although their textile factory is a restructured enterprise, they cannot dismiss employees casually.

"We didn't fire you, we just returned you to the city's recruitment office and asked them to relocate you." Lao Qi said, he hadn't used this power since he became the factory manager, but now he used it.

As early as the beginning of the restructuring, Shen Guanglin put forward special requirements for the acquisition of the cotton spinning factory: first, the original management should be resolutely eliminated; one.

You have a great organization, I can't fire you, but I don't want you.

It's not over yet, someone Shen deliberately found an honest person, at least from the appearance, he should be an honest person.

"Just you, your name is Zhang Weidong, right?" Shen Guanglin pointed to a young man in the roster and said.

"Yes, it is."

The employee named Zhang Weidong was terrified, thinking that he would also be dealt with, but he did not make a mistake.

"Tell me, what happened to Zhang Wei and Li Youcai?"

Zhang Weidong was taken aback, and realized that the leader was just asking himself a question, so he quickly answered, "They never came to work."

"I know they didn't come to work, please be more specific." Shen Guanglin asked.

"They never came to work." Zhang Weidong also told the truth, "I've been working all these years, but I haven't seen them, and I don't know them."

"It's empty pay, right?"

"Yes, there are two people on the night shift who are also in this situation, and they have never come to work."

"Very good, starting today, you are the leader of the cotton inspection team."

Shen Guanglin is still full of expectations for honest and good employees: more people should stand up quickly!

"Really?" Zhang Weidong expressed disbelief.

"Of course it's true, are you capable of being the leader of the cotton inspection team?" Shen Guanglin asked with a smile.

"I think I can."

"You can do it!"

The deputy factory manager and the workshop director wanted to talk again, but they didn't say anything.

next group.

The team leader was more flexible, and without waiting to ask, he took the initiative to report: "Hello, comrade assistant, all the employees who should be there for the day shift in our team have arrived, but there are also three workers in our team who are not paid. Not in the work group."

This is the attitude of work. Since they are paid for nothing, they should not be included in the work sequence. When the leader wants to ask about the actual situation, he must take the initiative to report it. This is what a qualified employee should have. manner.

"Very good, this employee prioritizes opportunities for promotion and salary increase."

There are lessons learned from the past, and the matter of checking the vacancy rate has gone smoothly. In a factory with 1400 employees, more than 80 people are on vacancy rate.

Fortunately, it's less than 10%, and it can be thrown off completely.

"The workshop director and the deputy factory director have something to say." Shen Guanglin was so jealous that anyone who touched his head would be unlucky.

The director of the workshop first stated: "If these people who are not paying their wages can be eliminated, the production efficiency of the workshop will be greatly improved, because many employees are not motivated to work because of them."

It can be seen that the workshop director is still not out of line, which is very good, and Shen Guanglin has no intention of targeting.

"That's very good. What about the deputy factory director?"

The deputy director of the factory spoke more maturely and steadily: "These employees who are not paid have their own origins, some are indeed resting due to illness, some are the children of the old leaders, and some are related to the brothers' units. If there are no fish, there will be no disciples if people observe it. I think it is better to analyze specific problems according to the actual situation.”

"That's also very good. From today onwards, Comrade Deputy Factory Director can seek his own employment. This position will be assumed by the workshop director temporarily. Comrade Xu just came and temporarily serves as the deputy director of the workshop. When will he be qualified to be the workshop director? , When will the workshop director be promoted to be the deputy factory director?"

You see, vacancies for leadership positions will come out, and there are still people taking them.

At this time and this place, Shen doesn't need to give face to anyone.

Moreover, it is fine for you to come here for nothing, but it is not because I have lost someone's face.

"What does Director Qi mean?"

"All those who are empty-paid will be cleared!" Lao Qi said that this situation will not be tolerated.

"Very well, it is still the director Qi who has the courage. This is the decision of the director Qi, and everyone must implement it carefully."

Today is a united meeting, a fruitful meeting.

In this way, isn't the Chinese New Year coming soon? Everyone's salary will be raised by one level on the current basis.

Didn’t it be found out that there are more than 80 vacancies, and their wages and allowances are taken out and distributed to everyone as wages, and everyone’s wages will be raised again.

Oh, it's just double happiness.

The employees who were trembling at first immediately became elated.

(End of this chapter)

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