Start with a college teacher

Chapter 624 Conflict

Chapter 624 Conflict (2)

In this way, the campaign to check the vacancies was launched vigorously.

Do not check, I don’t know, I’m scared.

In the entire textile factory, there were quite a few people who were paid empty-handed. More than 4 people were cleared out of the four factories, which was enough for a combat battalion.

Even if one person is paid 60 yuan a month, more than 300 people are close to 2 yuan. How much money will this group of people spend in a year?

No wonder the textile mills don't make money.

It's not that there are too many people, it's that people don't come, and the money is taken.

All unpaid staff will be cleared immediately!

Those who are really capable and related can be resettled, but only those who are really useful to the enterprise will be given treatment.

Foreign-funded enterprises do not support idlers.

What if it is really the nephew of a great leader?
This is not easy. A special department is set up to be responsible for outreach and publicity work. The salary is doubled and the attendance is free.

As long as it doesn't break the production discipline, it will be fine.

This is the level of management that an enterprise should have.

If you are really good at it, all the red buildings will be built for you.

Shen Guanglin, a textile factory, found a new house for him, and Lao Xu's family was about to move.

This year's Spring Festival will be spent in my new home.

With 10 rooms, even landlords and rich people can’t live in such a big house. The building area alone is two to three hundred square meters, which is really generous.

However, Shen Guanglin could only help them.

There were some villas in the factory that were going to be taken back, but Shen Guanglin didn't plan to live in them.

Virtue does not match, and it is not good to be missed.

Living in this kind of dormitory remodeled yard is also pretty good, who knows what you guys are doing in it after the wall is fenced.

Lao Xu's family is very contented and extremely satisfied. There is no better house than this.

There are so many rooms, the eldest family of three chose one, the remaining three siblings each chose one, the old couple lived in one, the kitchen counted as one, the bathroom and toilet counted as one, that’s it, there are still a few spare rooms The house is not arranged yet.

Does Xiao Shen want to come and live?

It’s okay to stay for a few days, and the running in the Tiantian Hotel’s factory area is also tiring.

As for moving, it's even easier.

Isn't this a textile factory, there is never a shortage of transport vehicles, and a big liberation directly took away all the valuable things.

If there is something missing, just buy it temporarily.

For the Xu family's life, Shen Guanglin didn't plan to help more, but also to give others a chance to fight.

What he and Li Rong had to do was to arrange and decorate Si Yatou's room, so that Si Yatou's food and clothing could not be short-changed.

Shen Guanglin even bought her a piano.

After really getting to know this old textile factory, Shen Guanglin discovered that there are quite a lot of good things in this textile factory.

They not only have a villa area, but also a nursing home.

That's right, it's a nursing home, and the specifications are quite high.

You are a textile factory, not to mention building schools and hospitals, but even building a nursing home.

Why, workers with work-related injuries can really live there to recuperate?

Of course not, no one below the level of the workshop director can go.

Now, those who can go there are some leaders of the China Textile Bureau, and those leaders who have retired from the original textile factory but are of sufficient rank.

Who pays for the running costs?
Of course it is from the textile factory.

now also?

Now too.

Who took the benefits?

What are the benefits?
Of course it's personal connections.

do not know.

How can you bear such a thing?

Taking advantage of the Chinese New Year, take the whole family to the nursing home to experience it. Our old Xu family will soon be factory workers, and we don’t even know there is such a thing as a nursing home.

The sanatorium is located in Xuanwu Lake, not far from the Shen family's old house.

Confirmed again and again, did this place count the money during the joint venture restructuring?

After counting the money, the converted price is not low, but, in this era, one item is missing, and the land has forgotten to count the money.

The Xuanwu Lake Scenic Area is a place where every inch of land is expensive, and high-quality tourism resources cannot be bought with money.

Since the money was converted at the beginning, it's good, and when someone Shen plays wild, he will have the confidence.

If their service is not good, someone Shen will get mad.

There was no room for one car, so Shen Guanglin asked the factory to arrange another car, and Lao Qi came to deliver it in person.

Although it is the end of the year, there are quite a lot of people coming to the nursing home.

"These people came here, did they pay?" Shen Guanglin asked again.

"No, these people are the old leaders of the original textile factory and their families. They can only come here when they reach a certain level." Lao Qi also learned about it from the logistics department.

This is not good and should be changed immediately.

"In the future, this place will be changed to open to the public. It can be regarded as the tertiary industry of the textile factory." Or, "Does Uncle Xu have the heart to run this place?" Shen Guanglin also thought about it.


"I said that in this place, the rent is free, and the profit is for nothing. It is nothing more than a loss of the salary of the service staff. The big deal is that the service staff will continue to be paid by the factory." Shen Guanglin is making plans. This is another plan for the Xu family. A way out, I will have a place in Jinling in the future.

Is this also possible?

Of course you can, after all, they are relatives of your own family, who is not facing your own family?

Old Xu is really tempted, this is something from the unit, he takes care of it, this is a fat job.

As they walked, the two of them made up their minds: in the future, everyone will have to pay to come in. It doesn't matter whether he is an old leader or not. Only real leaders in the city can receive them. Others, whatever they want.

Moreover, everyone is paid, and the reception is a matter of receiving people, and the textile factory also needs to give money.

In short, wanting to whore for nothing does not exist.

It's true, I haven't finished dealing with the empty payment yet, and I meet someone who enjoys privileges again.

Where is this sanatorium? This is clearly a tourist attraction.

There are all kinds of entertainment facilities inside, even connected to Xuanwu Lake, and there are two cruise ships.

Moreover, the building was a few years old, and after inquiring, it was indeed built during the Republic of China. It is said that Chang Kaishen came to live there.

Hey, it's another confiscated non-performing asset, which was allocated to the textile factory back then.

Such a good thing can't be bought with money.

Lao Qi said that he was not familiar with this place, and he was usually busy with work, so he hadn't been here much.

Shen Guanglin believed half of this.

Factory Manager Qi is newly promoted. A textile factory with such a big stall must be busy with work, but when it comes to the fact that he has never enjoyed it, let him believe it.

This is not Tangshan, and there are no hot springs, but it is still a scenic spot with flowing water.

Surrounded by mountains and rivers, with pavilions and pavilions, even in winter, the scenery is still very good, it is really a good resort.

Shen Guanglin had never even been here before crossing.

This is also normal.

Don't all scenic spots have restricted areas where people are not allowed to enter.

The scenery in those areas that are not open to the outside world may not be bad.

There are places to eat, play and live here, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to leave.

Lao Qi still has things to do, and there are still many jobs in the factory waiting for him to preside over them. After he settled Shen Guanglin and the others, he went back to the factory first.

It's all work arranged by Boss Shen, and it must be completed within a time limit.

Because it was late when I came, and it happened to be time for dinner after playing for a while.

Come to a big box, the whole family can just sit down.

The dishes are good, Laoya Soup, Jinling Stewed Raw Knock, River Fish Stewed Ginseng, Casserole Big Fish Head, Raw Fried Butterfly Slices, Jinling Small Square Cake.

These are all Jinling dishes that Shen Guanglin once liked.

How about where you live?

Of course, it is also possible, there are thirteen guest rooms here, known as the Thirteen Taibao of Suzhou Province.

All are named after places, one place and one room.

Hey, it's very homestay style, isn't it?

"Come to five rooms." Shen Guanglin opened his mouth to ask.

The service staff looked distressed, but this was an important VIP that Director Qi had told them to do, so they decided to arrange it anyway.

The room is really nice, antique, and looks clean, and the bedding is not white or yellow, which is completely different from the guest house of a textile factory.

Then settle down and not go back at night.

Continue to play in the afternoon, Shen Guanglin also took the Xu family to visit their Shen family's old house.

This is a wealthy family. How much did it cost to build such a big house?

The Xu family had their eyes opened, but Aunt Lin was very calm. She told Xiao Shen that our Lin family also has such a big house in Shaoxing, so we have to take the opportunity to find it.

Shen Guanglin is not from the Lin family, so naturally he has no interest in finding him, but he also promised to help.

In the evening, after a tiring day, everyone had to go to rest.

The fourth girl was a little scared by herself, so she asked Sister Rong if she could continue to sleep with her.

No, Sister Rong also has her own life to live, how many days have passed, you will understand later.

I have to get used to living alone in the future.

OK then.

Although Si Yatou didn't know much about these things, she also felt that it was not good to disturb others all the time.

That night, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong took a bath and got ready for bed early.

As soon as he got up, he heard Si Yatou calling at the door, crying.

"what happened?"

"They kicked me out, saying it was their room." The fourth girl knew that her cousin was a capable person, so she came to them immediately.

"who is it?"

After getting dressed, Shen Guanglin rushed to the door angrily, but the other party was more confident than them:

"Why, we were still living here yesterday, so we won't be allowed to live here today? What do you mean? You think my father is no longer the leader of the textile factory if he retires, right? A dog's eyes look down on people, don't you?"

The speaker was a woman, in her thirties and less than forties, with a very high-pitched voice.

It turned out that the staff gave Shen Guanglin and the others the room that was originally occupied by tenants. After all, the room was in short supply, and they couldn't refuse what Director Qi told them.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to hear the reason, but wanted to know if the girl was wronged or not.

"So, you kicked my sister out of the room, didn't you?"

"Go to the waiter and reason. This is the room we have been living in all the time. Just ask the waiter to open you another room."

Women can't help it either. The service attitude of the waiters in this era is not so good. Not hitting people is already a high-quality service.

"Why don't you go to the waiter yourself, you know how to bully a little girl?" Li Rong also came over. After all, women are slower to dress, and the Xu family members also came over.

Seeing more and more people, the woman's voice became high-pitched, as if the louder the voice, the more reasonable it was:

"Why did we bully the little girl? Is it appropriate for her to occupy such a big room by herself? Didn't you see that our family has no place to go?"

The Xu family felt that it was for this reason that this room was left to them, and Aunt Lin was going to take the four girls away.

Shen Guanglin disagreed, "Girl, what did they do to you?"

"No, I just pushed me and hit the threshold. It's okay. But my things are still in the room. They pushed me out and didn't let me in."

The girl still felt a little wronged, and then Shen Guanglin saw that there was a little skin on her ankle.

In winter, the skin is very fragile, and it is easy to break if you touch it casually.

"Where are your things, just go and get them yourself." The woman also prepared to restrain her voice and go back to rest. Today she won a big victory.

Shen Guanglin clearly saw that the fourth girl's things, including some flannel dolls just bought for her today, were all left on the wooden coffee table at the door, and some of them were on the ground.

Is that what you do?
Shen Guanglin didn't want to hit a woman unless he couldn't help it.

He felt that no matter what, the girl should not be wronged, not even a little bit.


This was Shen Guanglin's slap with all his strength, and the woman who slapped was stunned for a long time, her ears buzzing.

Shen Guanglin squatted down and gently stroked the broken skin, "Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt."

Before they could have any more communication, the woman howled, "What are you guys doing in a daze, he has bullied me to such an extent!"

Li Rong was gearing up and ready to fight side by side with someone Shen, she was not needed at all.

The four gentlemen of the Xu family went up together.

No wonder there are more males in the family. If you don't talk about poverty, you don't get angry.

When you have a lot of family members, everything you say makes sense.

It seems that this family is used to fighting, and they are quite organized. Even Xiaosan is a master with quick hands and feet, no wonder he can't study well.

There are so many people, it is said that it is a fight, but in fact it should be a unilateral beating. Shen Guanglin thought he was the only one who would beat women, but he did not expect that the Xu family would also fight. When they beat people, they did not distinguish between men and women.

The service staff came and pulled away the two families who were fighting.

After the fight was over, Shen Guanglin quietly asked Aunt Lin, "Uncle Xu has not committed domestic violence, has he? He beats women so violently."

"What is domestic violence?" Aunt Lin said she didn't understand.

"That is, has he ever hit you?"

"How is it possible! You don't even look at what he looks like."

Also, in a family of six, he is the ugliest.

Looking at the unattractive Uncle Xu, Shen Guanglin suddenly felt a lot more friendly, and his appearance was finally not the bottom one.

(End of this chapter)

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