Start with a college teacher

Chapter 625 The Power of Science

Chapter 625 The Power of Science (1)

Although Uncle Xu's appearance is ordinary, she is tall and powerful, with quick movements, and at such an age, it hurts to beat someone.

It turned out that he also practiced martial arts, from a family of ancient martial arts.

Well, the so-called martial arts are actually practicing some routines, which are used in lion dances and are beautiful.

It is normal for rural people to not have enough to eat and not to wear warm clothes. During the slack season, they dance lions and earn some porridge and dry food.

Lao Xu and his sons can do some superficial kung fu, they can't do anything else, and they are quite agile in fighting.

The brothers also learned some routines since they were young, and followed the family tradition of lion dance. Even the little girl can play tricks a few times, Shen Guanglin didn't know that there was such a thing.

He has never seen it.

It's just that the lion dance atmosphere has faded in recent years, and the old Xu's family's business is not easy to do, and they can barely survive starvation by relying on this.

Back then, Lao Xu was able to abduct Aunt Lin because of his height, strength, and good skills. Aunt Lin felt that following this man would not be a disadvantage.

After all, it was during the war, so you must have your own way of life. It is not easy for a beautiful woman to escape from Shaoxing to Chuzhou.

Following Lao Xu, her life was indeed saved, but she had been poor for most of her life following Lao Xu, so it was hard to say whether it was a loss or a gain.

If he hadn't met Shen Guanglin, he would probably have to wait until Xiao Si married a good family before the old Xu family could improve their lives.

Without Shen Guanglin, they would eventually meet a family named Shen.

Today, the Xu family has made great efforts. The four masters are extremely powerful in fighting, regardless of men and women, they will be beaten fiercely.

This made Shen Guanglin feel embarrassed.

Originally, he was venting his anger for Xiao Si who was bullied, but now why does he feel that he is the one who bullies others?
"Now that the fight is over, let's withdraw quickly." Old Xu gave a pertinent suggestion.

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses, but a bad man often dies because of talking too much.

"If someone has a foot and blocks us here, we won't be able to afford it at all."

It seems that they are still experienced, and they know that they will run away after the fight, and it is easy to suffer if they linger too much.

However, Shen Guanglin refused to leave. It would be a shame to just leave like this. He said that there is no need for such a thing, so we don't need to be afraid.

He said this with evidence.

It is conceivable how desolate a family can be bullied even by waiters.

So, such a little fight is nothing.

Even if it was a unilateral beating, so what, do you still want to get revenge?

As for whether the other party has a foot, what kind of foot, just ask the waiter directly.

Sure enough, the waiter said that the other party has no roots, and the leader has retired for several years. This family loves to take advantage of it on weekdays, and they refuse to leave because they are poor.

Also, if it is really a very powerful character, can the waiter cancel their room at will?

However, the waiter was also curious as to what the roots of these people were.

Taking advantage of no one's attention, the service staff quietly called the factory to confirm the identity of Shen Guanglin's family.

Now they all know: the big leader of the group, no matter what, the family's perception and attitude are the most important!
"Mr. Shen, you should live boldly. If something goes wrong, the factory will be responsible. We will ensure the safety of you and your family."

They even wanted to get involved in the matter of fighting: if they dare to bully our distinguished guests, it is a light fight.

Now things are simple: the wave of people was ruthlessly "invited" out by the waiter.

Saying "please" is all polite, but because of the face of being beaten up, he didn't continue to be violent, and if he beat him again, something would happen.

Since there is no excitement to watch, let's end the show like this, and everyone goes back to their rooms to have an early rest.

Tonight Shen can only sleep alone, the fourth girl was frightened, Li Rong wanted to take the fourth girl to sleep together, the two of them just happened to be companions.

Oops, I picked grapes just after taking a shower, and I haven't caught Gillian yet, so I was confused by these things.

Shen is very fortunate that we can rest for another day.

When I was in the capital, it was actually okay. Everyone was relatively gentle, and the demand was not very strong. It was okay for you to come and go back and forth.

As a result, Shen Guanglin always felt that Li Rong would be much more excited every time he went out.

If that's the case again, we won't go out in the future.

That is, on the day when he first met his relatives, Boss Shen played super-level once, killing Li Rong, who was out of breath and weak in limbs.

But it was quickly brought back by Li Rong.

She is also angry, isn't she just arrogant for a while, and she still wants to call herself Dad.

Now I'm calling you dad, why don't you dare to answer.

She didn't know what special hobbies Shen had, so she insisted on calling her Dad.

"But, tonight we just go back to sleep carelessly, don't we really need to make some preparations?" Old Xu was still worried, always feeling uneasy.

What if people really bring people to surround them?What if the government comes over?Who doesn't have a few powerful relatives?

It's okay, let's make some preparations, Li Rong will have to take charge of this matter.

Although Li Rong came from an ordinary family, she also has some poor relatives in Jinling.

"Isn't Lao Li's classmate here? Why don't you call and explain the situation." Shen Guanglin explained to Li Rong. classmate.

"What classmate, whose classmate?"

"It's Lao Li's classmate, Li Rong's father. He probably worked in the military region before, but now he's in the public security system. In Jianye, he should be a small leader."

Shen Guanglin comforted Lao Xu's family. He didn't know exactly what work Lao Li's classmates did.

Since Uncle Xu's family is worried, let's make some preparations.

If someone came over at night, Shen would not mind revealing the family relationship of an ordinary family. There are not many poor relatives in that family.

Lao Li's classmate is surnamed Zhao, he had already helped Lao Shen's family last time, and this time he wanted to trouble him again.

When Shen Guanglin just crossed over, Li Rong was on a business trip to Jinling, and he was looking for this Uncle Zhao, and on the way back, he even picked up someone from Shen.

Of course, they didn't mean to bother him this time, they just walked around each other.

Only in this way can we deepen and connect with each other.

Using the phone at the service desk, Li Rong took out the phone book and called Lao Li's classmate: "Good evening, Uncle Zhao, I'm Li Rong, we've come to Jinling, let me wish you an early New Year's greetings."

After the phone call, Li Rong came back and announced: "Let's live boldly, no one will come and make trouble."

The Xu family was skeptical.

Shen had a good night's dream.

The Xu family was originally worried that someone would come and find fault, but they didn't.

Things like the police knocking on the door in the middle of the night that everyone expected did not happen.

In fact, that family knew a lot about current affairs, and they really didn't show up again.

They knew that such a domineering family would definitely not be offended, so there was no need to go to such lengths for the sake of face.

At that time, they just couldn't get angry, bullying the weak and afraid of being tough, seeing that it was a little girl who wanted to be arrogant, seeing that they couldn't fight, they retreated.

We are all adults, how can there be so many endless situations, knowing that you can't afford to offend someone, and insisting on revenge, that is really unwise.

The second half of the night passed peacefully, nothing happened.

As an elder, Comrade Zhao was naturally inconvenient to come and visit Li Rong and the others directly, so he sent his own child, Comrade Xiao Zhao, who was also a police officer in Jianye.

It was Xiao Zhao, but it was actually Li Rong's sister Zhao, who was a year or two older than her.

Before breakfast was finished, Xiao Zhao came.

Sister Zhao is of average appearance, she looks good when she smiles, and she is relatively quiet.

"If it's Chinese New Year, don't shake hands." Sister Zhao is a forensic doctor, and many people are taboo to deal with forensic doctors. She smiled and talked about the nature of her work.

Shen is an atheist and doesn't believe in this.

However, since Sister Zhao proposed not to shake hands, let's not shake hands. It's impolite to touch a girl's hand.

Everyone hadn't seen each other for a long time, and Shen Guanglin didn't listen to the many private conversations. Getting a certificate, giving birth, etc. were all idle things.

Not long after Sister Zhao came over, Lao Qi also came over.

He also came here specifically to ask about yesterday's incident, and asked Boss Shen if he wanted to hold the other party accountable.

What kind of investigation method?

This is the family member of a retired old leader. Their family also works in the factory. We fired them?
Still don't need it.

Although it is fun to decide the fate of people, there is not much need for it. It is enough not to give them privileges in the future.

Shen Guanglin explained that not only would they no longer be able to enjoy special treatment, but everyone, including the Xu family, would have to pay to come here again.

The charging standard has to be clearly marked, so if you think it's too expensive, don't come here.

Shen Guanglin also confessed his intention to hand over the management of the nursing home to his second cousin, and Lao Qi took orders to leave.

After what happened last night, everyone is no longer in the mood to play.

Old Xu wants to go home to clean up the house, so Shen Guanglin, Si Yatou and Li Rong will follow Sister Zhao to Lao Zhao's house as a guest.

Old Zhao's house is quite far away, in Jianye, and it's not yet time for holiday.

Shen Guanglin and the others had been at home for a long time before Old Zhao came back.

Professor Shen is a well-known professor at Capital University, so of course we should pay attention to the visit of such a person.

Old Zhao had told about Shen Guanglin's glorious deeds. After meeting him, he quickly said: "I have long admired and admired you for a long time."

Moreover, he did not regard Shen Guanglin as a junior, but with his generation or elders: "Professor Shen has made so many outstanding contributions for the country and the people, which is really admirable."

It's business bragging, who can't, Shen Guanglin also said, "Director Zhao manages all kinds of opportunities every day, eliminates harm for the people, and keeps one side safe. This is admirable."

What admiration, Lao Zhao has encountered a problem.

The reason why he came late was because he had a rape murder case in his hands. There were weapons and liquid left by the murderer at the scene, and a bunch of suspects were caught, but he couldn't tell which one was the real murderer.

After a fight, they all admitted that they had killed someone, but if they didn't fight, no one would admit to being killed.

Shen Guanglin said, "I can solve this matter."

"How to deal with it?"

"Believe in the power of science."

(End of this chapter)

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