Chapter 626 Love (2)

On the last day of 1986, Si Yatou finally had her own independent room.

It was a beautiful moment that she never dreamed of.

Although I used to live alone in the kitchen where I slept in the leaky air, but the feeling is different.

In the past, she felt like a piece of smoked bacon, but now she has become someone Shen's heart.

He was a bit too nice to her, he was meticulous and thoughtful to the extreme.

This is a treatment that Li Rong has never experienced.

The girl also likes this room very much, she keeps saying that she feels like she is dreaming.

The old Xu's house is a row room of a standard dormitory, all of which are single standard rooms. Each room is large in size, but it is monotonous.

For this reason, Li Rong also specially designed the home for Xiaosi. She is a professional and has been trained.

The walls are painted a light pink, and all the furniture is carefully selected, not to mention being particularly particular, but also very well-matched.

Moreover, there is a special desk and piano in the girl's room, which is very foreign.

As for desk lamps, dolls, everything a modern girl should have, she has it all here.

Shen Guanglin bought whatever he saw, and even bought a special phone.

Not for anything else, just for the convenience of contact.

If you want to get in touch, you can call anytime.

In this day and age, this is really the only shit that scorpions do.

Shen Guanglin asked the girl if she wanted to go to the capital with him after the new year. The conditions for studying there would be better, and she could go to Beijing University with a low score.

Fourth girl refused.

She thinks it's good to be with her family, and she can go to the capital for fun. She also wants to see Tiananmen Square and Grandpa Mao, but she doesn't want to leave her hometown to live so far away.

That's right, she is still young, Shen Guanglin respects her choice.

Now that the living conditions are so good, she will definitely not suffer anymore.

Thinking of this, Shen Guanglin always regretted that he didn't come here sooner.

But it's not too late.

Big deal, just work harder and come to Jinling a few more times.

In the past few days, Lao Xu's family has been busy moving and cleaning up. Everyone is tired and happy.

All kinds of furniture that should be added have been added and arranged, and the remaining things can be bought slowly when you have money later.

Now not only the four girls, but also the second and third children have their own independent space.

The third child is still young, but the second child is actually older than Shen Guanglin. He should have gotten married a long time ago, and he doesn't even have a partner yet.

It's obviously a first-class appearance, isn't it because the family is poor, and no one wants to marry him.

In fact, there are two children between the second and third children of the Xu family.

However, there were many things experienced in that era, such as natural disasters, the first illness and the second illness, two children died one after another.

The third child and the girl were born later.

The boss was lucky and kidnapped a woman to be his wife, but he also took up a room in his hometown.

Even if the second child wants to get married, he must have a house.

Do you want to be a door-to-door son-in-law?

Xu's second child refused to live and die, and it's only now.

These days after returning from the Xuanwu Lake Nursing Home, Sister Zhao is not in a hurry to work anymore, and goes shopping with her little sister Li Rong every day.

The relationship between the sisters is really good, I didn't see that Zhao Fayi was so enthusiastic.

Shopping can’t be done in vain, men and women can work together without getting tired.

Shen Guanglin called the fourth girl and the second cousin together.

Fortunately, the second cousin doesn't even know what forensic medicine is, so he feels quite happy to be with Xiao Zhao.

After chatting, they turned out to be the same age!
Men and women are not young anymore, so they can't make do with it.

The current situation is: the male is as beautiful as a flower, and the female earns money to support the family.

Of course, Shen Guanglin's second cousin will soon become the general manager of the tertiary industry service company, so the gap is not too big.

In the future, with such a young lady as escort, the business will be even more secure.

You know, the old man is a big member of the Jianye Branch Bureau. Although his achievements are not comparable to that of Lao Li, they are not bad.

In the past, the family background gap was too great.

However, with Shen Guanglin as the bridge, everything is possible.

Who is Professor Shen, who is Li Rong, Professor Shen's cousin, with this relationship, the Zhao family and the Li family are also related.

Moreover, seeing how similar Professor Shen and Xu's brothers look, they must be cousins.

That day, Shen Guanglin said that he could help Lao Zhao solve the problem, and he could tell who the murderer was through DNA testing technology.

Sister Zhao was also very interested after hearing this, and now she is waiting for the equipment to be in place.

She has come here every day for the past few days, pretentiously asking if the equipment has arrived, but it didn't take long for her to go to the second cousin's room.

Isn't the female forensic doctor calm and indifferent? It turns out that there is also spring.

She wouldn't want to move in, would she?

I really have this plan.

Because Shen Guanglin and Li Rong moved into Lao Xu's new home and occupied a room.

But there are still two spare rooms. Sister Zhao wants to study, so it is normal to occupy one.

Unlike the old Xu's own rooms, which are full of new and old furniture, these rooms are relatively simple.

After all, it is a guest room, so it doesn't need to be so fancy.

In fact, this is a bit like Shen Guanglin's feeling when he first lived in the dormitory at Capital University.

At that time, although Shen Guanglin had no money, he had passion and pursuit, and he was happy.

Li Rong asked Shen Guanglin if she still remembered those youthful years. She often traveled thousands of miles to visit him from the Public Security Bureau.

Of course I remember, that girl on the bike was very heroic, and the grapes were not yet ripe at that time.

What grapes?What about grapes?Hate!
The dormitory at Capital University not only left the shadow of my sister, but actually my sister spent a lot of time there.

My younger sister is here to study, to learn foreign languages.

Speaking of this, Shen Guanglin thought of his sister again.

Next year's New Year, I must spend it with my sister.

In the past few days, no matter where Shen Guanglin went, he would take the four girls with him. As long as he felt that the girl needed it, he would spend money to buy it, and he was never ambiguous.

To be honest, Li Rong was a little jealous.

Seeing Shen Guanglin's doting on the fourth girl, Li Rong said, "Brother Guanglin, when the instrument arrives, do you want to test the blood relationship with Auntie?"

Shen Guanglin wanted to say no, it still needs to be tested?You can tell by their looks that they are relatives.

However, everyone is very curious, what kind of instrument is so powerful, and can also test parent-child relationship?
That being the case, let's test it out.

How to measure?Do you recognize your relatives by dripping blood?

Really, just draw some blood to test whether there is a relationship.

The fourth girl said happily, "Pick me up."

Shen Guanglin didn't dare.

Can't explain.

It is better to test Aunt Lin's blood. The blood relationship between her and Shen Guanglin must be in line with genetic characteristics.

Last time, Shen Guanglin said that he had a way to help Lao Zhao solve the problem, and now it's time to show it.

He asked someone to send a PCR instrument from Shanghai, which is specially used to measure DNA, and it will be here soon.

If this instrument is easy to use, it is estimated that it can be popularized in China.

Early in the morning, Shen Guanglin received a call that the PCR instrument sent from Shanghai had arrived!How to use it is still waiting for Professor Shen to arrange it.

Take it home?
It's better not to, this is a home, not a research institute.

It's better to send it to the Public Security Bureau, just the second cousin's dowry at that time, okay?
Unexpectedly, Zhao Forensic Doctor said that it is of course okay to use this as a bride price, and she accepted it.

real or fake?

Alas, second cousin, it's time to express your opinion.

The second cousin was a little dazed, he didn't even know if it was love, and he was already talking about marriage.

(End of this chapter)

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