Chapter 627 Primer (4000 words for today's update)
The love of adults can also come as violently as a flood.

Love at first sight, love at first sight.

Second Cousin and Sister Zhao fell into the vortex of love, they were like a pair of old sour bamboo shoots, exuding the sour smell of love wherever they went.

At the beginning, the two of them still didn't admit it, they said they didn't know each other well, if you said anything else, they wouldn't go shopping with you.

Then don't come.

That won't work, you spend money indiscriminately, and you have to be supervised, even if it's to help you get some things, it's okay.

That day, tired from shopping, Shen Guanglin and Li Rong clearly saw Sister Zhao measuring the second cousin's ribs, and said that in terms of anatomy, entering the knife from here would not damage the diaphragm.

The second cousin is also asking if the fascia can be cleaned if I kick the big bone with a scalpel.

It turned out that when the big bones were stewed for the joy of housewarming, the meat on the bones was not shaved clean, and a lot was wasted, which is a pity.

Can a large bone be cut open with a planer's cutting tool?The bone marrow inside is sweet.

Men and women in love, scary topics are also full of sweet factors.

When Shen Guanglin heard this, they were terrified and fled.

Now, the PCR instrument has become the introduction of their love, and since then the relationship has been confirmed.

During the Spring Festival, Sister Zhao didn't go back to celebrate the New Year. Everyone crowded together to watch the 1987 Spring Festival Gala.

They were so energetic, they couldn't bear to sleep for everyone, so they found a place to rest.

They are all men and women in their thirties, and it is no big deal to live in the same room.

Except Si Yatou, everyone pretended not to see this matter.

Early in the morning on the first day of the new year, everyone gave each other red envelopes.

Shen Guanglin lent money to Lao Xu and Aunt Lin and asked them to seal a big red envelope for Sister Zhao.

Seeing Sister Zhao coming out of the second brother's room, the fourth girl was very curious:
"Don't we still have a spare room? Why doesn't sister Zhao sleep alone?"

"She's afraid of the dark by herself."

"Then you can sleep with me too."

"You snored while sleeping, didn't sister Rong sleep with you without seeing her?"

"is that true?"

The girl was very puzzled, why didn't she know that she was snoring.

The two of them hang out for another day in the first day of junior high school, and they no longer need to follow Shen Guanglin and Li Rong as a shield.

In the second day of junior high school, the two hugged each other and went back to their parents' house, as if they were newly married.

No way, they might get married and have a baby earlier than Shen.

Their children do not need a PCR machine for testing.

Using a PCR machine for paternity testing is a tool and means for many organizations in later generations to survive and make money.

In fact, PCR has a wide range of uses. In the early days, any hospital in China could use this method to conduct various tests for pregnant women. In addition to screening for diseases, it also screened for men and women by the way.

This is much more accurate than B-ultrasound, and much earlier.

Later, the state issued a special policy to hand over this power to a few institutions, and it would be illegal for others to do so.

Therefore, this has become a tool that some institutions rely on to make money, called genetic screening.

It costs several thousand yuan to do it once, but most of us still have to go.

In fact, the working principle of PCR is very simple, design appropriate primers, and then amplify the target DNA.

The amplification of DNA increases exponentially, and the amplification effect is very good.

Among the various components of a PCR reaction, template DNA and primers are two of the most important factors.

PCR is highly sensitive and can detect very small amounts of DNA, so it can also be used in archaeology.

Even very weak DNA gene fragments can be captured and amplified.

Of course, what is being done now is a paternity test, to identify the blood relationship between Shen Guanglin and Aunt Lin.

The on-site conditions are extremely sufficient, and there is no need to be so frugal.

Whether Shen Guanglin's blood sample or Aunt Lin's blood sample is enough to support the completion of the test, if it is not enough, we can still take some more.

As for the criminal case at the Jianye Public Security Bureau, although the bodily fluids left by the criminals were sufficient to complete the test, they had to be used with caution, as there was not much room for error.

So, let's start with the paternity test.

At this stage, using PCR can be regarded as a technical task. The Jianye Public Security Bureau was afraid that their own personnel would not be able to learn it, so they specially invited young teachers who studied biology from Jinling University.

The biology teacher at Jinling University is pretty amazing.

Although this biology teacher is young, he is also older than Shen Guanglin.

However, he was still very excited when he saw Professor Shen, and he felt like meeting a great god.

"Professor Shen, I admire you so much. You are so amazing. I will learn more from you later. You are a leading figure in the biological field in our country."

The leader is right, but when it comes to learning, in fact, Shen Guanglin himself is also fuzzy.

Because, regarding how to use PCR equipment for DNA testing, he has never actually operated it himself. In the past, his disciples did the rough work. Now, he lacks confidence in getting on the horse himself.

Fortunately, he knows the principle of the experiment, and has participated in the research and development process, so he is not completely unconfident.

In fact, PCR detection is not very strict on the purity of the template DNA, as long as it cannot be mixed with protease, nuclease and Taq enzyme inhibitors.

Primers are the key to determine the correct PCR results.

Moreover, there are special requirements for the selection and design of primers, preferably 15-30 bases, and there should be no complementarity between the two primers and minimize repeated bases.

Those mature commercial companies in later generations sell finished kits, which can be used as primers directly.

However, this PCR instrument is brand new after all, and no suitable primers have been prepared, so you still have to prepare it yourself.

Fortunately, Shen Guanglin had someone make this kind of primers when he was in the capital, and he had already done a DNA paternity test. He wasn't unfamiliar, but he wasn't proficient either.

It's only the fourth day of the fourth day that work has started, and I really can't wait, Lao Zhao has already urged me several times.

The equipment is here, try it quickly, so many suspects spent the Spring Festival inside, find out the real culprit as soon as possible, and send everyone out as soon as possible.

After Shen Guanglin and others and the biology teacher from Jinling University arrived, the test was about to begin.

The new instrument has been moved here a long time ago, and it is not too big. This is the third-generation PCR instrument. It is controlled by an integrated chip, and the degree of automation has been greatly improved.

If it weren't for the peak period of profit harvesting, it would not be technically difficult for them to launch the fourth and fifth generation PCR machines.

The location of this DNA test is the physical and chemical laboratory of the Jianye Public Security Bureau, and everyone will be a witness together.

After all, this instrument was originally donated by Shen Guanglin to the Jianye Public Security Bureau to solve the case. It was first used to test the DNA match between Shen Guanglin and Aunt Lin, which was also the first attempt.

It also allows everyone to see whether the high-tech is useful or not. It is time to update the concept.

It is said that it costs more than 1 US dollars for such a broken thing.

However, if the case can be solved, more than $1 is actually not expensive.

It is not expensive for the unit, but for the individual, this instrument is still a bit too expensive.

Everyone gathered together, and no one dared to touch it easily, that is, Shen Guanglin was tearing the wrapping paper with a utility knife.

In addition to the main equipment, the PCR instrument also contains various fragile equipment, such as various reagents and buffers for designing primers, etc.

Of course, these things should be wrapped tightly, using foamed plastic bags, a patent designed by the Great Wall Group.

"As expected of the equipment produced by Citigroup, the packaging is really good." Everyone sighed, even a beaker was wrapped in a foam bag, just like the packaging of later generations of express delivery.

"This is not equipment produced by Citigroup. It is an instrument produced by our Great Wall Group." Shen Guanglin pointed to a sign that was not very conspicuous but was eye-catching enough: "Everyone look here."

Everyone looks at: MADE IN CHINA
real or fake?

Is the Great Wall Group the Great Wall Group that is a joint venture with our Jinling Textile Factory?

Yes, that's it!And don't underestimate yourself, our Huaxia will become more and more powerful.

Shen Guanglin installed the instrument, connected it to the electricity, and was ready to wash the beaker and prepare the buffer.

"Professor Shen, do you want me to help?" The biology teacher had been waiting for a long time, and he was just about to make a move.

Shen Guanglin was originally here to teach. This biology teacher is willing to learn, so of course he is also willing to teach.

The principle of designing primers is also very simple. Shen Guanglin took out the instruction manual and prepared to explain it to the biology teacher.

The instruction manual is in pure English, it should be translated, this is not friendly enough.

The biology teacher read it by himself, but it was quite difficult.

However, after Shen Guanglin's explanation, he understood and said that it was indeed very simple.

"Professor Shen, I can design this primer. I have done it before." The biology teacher was very confident.

"You did?"

"Yes, our school also bought a PCR machine, and I have operated it. After a while, I can also get one. We will start mass production soon."

The biology teacher was talking nonsense, and Shen Guanglin asked, "What do you mean mass production will be realized soon?"

"It's the PCR instrument. In fact, our school has already reproduced it, and is preparing to organize production?" The biology teacher sighed, and then he said: "I didn't expect this broken equipment to be replaced so quickly. We still want to You can earn some foreign exchange with it."

"What? Has your school produced a PCR instrument?" Shen Guanglin was surprised. Have you been authorized?

The biology teacher replied casually: "Yes, a scientific research team in our school paid for this equipment first, and now it has been made according to the model, and the principle is not complicated."

The principle is really not complicated, but is it really good for you to do this?

"Professor Shen, you said this PCR machine was produced by Great Wall Group?"

"Ah, yes, Great Wall Group helped Pfizer manufacture it. In fact, all PCR instruments in the world are produced by this company." Shen Guanglin didn't have the nerve to say that he was the boss or chief scientist of this company. He could only brag. Let's see how strong this company is.

"Well, we still want to rely on this export to earn foreign exchange, and I don't know if they can provide a market." The biology teacher continued to sigh, and their own PCR instrument has already started trial production in Yizheng Instrument Factory.

"Aren't you afraid that others will sue you? This is patented." Shen Guanglin asked curiously, "Is there no one to care about such blatant plagiarism?"

"Who cares? This is a good product that fills the gap in the country. Who will sue us? And why sue us?" The biology teacher replied confidently.

Also, in this era, filling the gaps in the country and breaking the technological monopoly of foreign companies are all sensational events worthy of newspapers and TV. As for patent infringement, then you sue me?

Before entering the market, the domestic protection of patents is better than nothing.

This is the same as Guo Xiaosi, I copied it on my own ability, why should I apologize.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to talk about this topic anymore, and he should start debugging the instrument next.

However, Shen's operation level is too average, clumsy, and it is impossible to tell that this is a well-known professor.

At this moment, not to mention others, even Li Rong was watching Shen Guanglin's operation seriously.

She has known Shen Guanglin for so long, and this is the first time she has seen Shen Guanglin Zhenger's operating equipment for experiments.

Of course, Shen Guanglin was doing theoretical physics research at the beginning, and he didn't need to have the ability to operate it at all.

Of course, if Mama-san is beautiful and coquettish enough, it is certain that the health care business will be better.

From the perspective of the biology teacher, Professor Shen's operation level is worse than that of his students.

Originally, Professor Shen operated it himself, and his expectations for him were quite high, but in the end, he was disappointed.

"Mr. Shen, let me help you."

"Okay, let's design a primer separately, primer, you can design it?"

"I will! I will do it a long time ago." The biology teacher was full of confidence, even, he was thinking: "

Oops, what if my operation level accidentally exceeds that of Professor Shen. "

Sure enough, the connoisseur will know if there is any.

Also busy in front of the console, Shen Guanglin did everything slowly.

But my biology teacher is fast and accurate, whether it is cleaning test tubes or sorting reagents.

Comparing the two, a judgment is made.

Although this is just an ordinary biology teacher, he is also a biology teacher at Jinling University. Even if his experimental level is not as good as the scientific research dogs Shen Guanglin experimented with, he is still extremely smooth and fast.

On the other hand, Shen Guanglin is a layman who has never studied biological experiments systematically, so many movements are not correct and standard, and he is afraid of making mistakes, so he does it very slowly.

Professor Shen is too "stupid", this is what everyone thinks.

Such a clumsy movement does not match his reputation.

Shen Guanglin didn't pay attention to the eyes of the people around him at all, and didn't even look at the teacher's professional model.
Although he has seen the whole process of this experiment, there are always things with high eyesight and low hands, and he still needs to concentrate on it.

Originally, lab dogs were supposed to do the work of preparing the buffer solution and cleaning the beakers and test tubes with alcohol, but now there are only two people on the scene, busy with their own tasks.

However, primer design is not only manual labor, it still requires brains, and the solution concentration, centrifugation time, and buffer ratio must be considered.

The biology teacher looked professional and fancy, but, even he didn't know it, his work was behind.

After all, what Shen Guanglin did was just a repeated experiment.

Soon, Shen Guanglin prepared the primers, connected the equipment, and started electrophoresis.

Then, he turned around again and began to tidy up the table slowly.

Some reagents are dangerous, so be careful not to touch them.

"Professor Shen, do you think the primers I made are correct? I'm used to it."

"After this round of electrophoresis, try yours."

(End of this chapter)

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