Start with a college teacher

Chapter 628 Chapter 650 Social Effects

Chapter 628 Chapter 1 Social Effects ([-])

The biology teacher also went to see Shen Guanglin after finishing his work here.

Sure enough, Professor Shen was nothing more than that, he was still clumsily mixing the buffer solution.

That's it.

He is also a well-known professor at Capital University, and I don't know how this professor title came about.

Let's not look at anything else, just see that his posture for holding the pipette is not standardized and correct. It is hard to live up to his reputation.

However, Shen Guanglin's next casual sentence immediately broke his defense.

"After this round of electrophoresis is over, try using the primers you designed."

What?Running electrophoresis?What runs electrophoresis?What do you use for electrophoresis?

Of course it's a primer.

People have already completed it.

Although Shen Guanglin's movements looked slow, there was no unnecessary step, there was no pause in the middle, and there was no link of thinking. He knew exactly what to do with each step.

Biology teacher can't do it here. His movements look neat, but they are just fancy on the surface. He still needs to use his brain to think, and many experimental steps and sequences are not right. The steps that should be carried out at the same time are disassembled step by step. It's done, and it's a waste of time.

In this way, before he knew it, Shen Guanglin won.

Even the onlookers were curious, why Shen Guanglin finished it first, obviously the biology teacher was faster.

Moreover, the equipment had been buzzing for a while before the biology teacher was done.

"Have you prepared your primers and are running electrophoresis?" The biology teacher was very surprised. He felt a little unbelievable that he was obviously faster than him.

"It's been a while since I ran away. I'm working on another type of primer. Wait a minute."

Shen Guanglin was still busy preparing the buffer there, not in a hurry.

However, the biology teacher was very curious: how did he complete the configuration so much in advance?
After a while, Shen Guanglin's second primer was ready.

I'm so surprised, according to this progress, he is much faster than myself.

How did it come out so quickly?
"Oh, I haven't done this kind of operation for a long time. Fortunately, I can finish it."

Shen Guanglin wiped his sweat in a daze, thankful that he didn't make a fool of himself in public.

If he lost to such a small person, what would the onlookers think of him.

Although he didn't understand why Shen Guanglin was so fast, the biology teacher still felt that his operation was more proficient.

"Professor Shen doesn't usually do too many experiments like this?"

The biology teacher who had calmed down was still very curious about how Shen Guanglin achieved the speed breakthrough.

He didn't have the nerve to say that Professor Shen's movements were very irregular. After all, he finished faster than him, and he couldn't do it so fast.

Shen Guanglin admitted the biology teacher's conjecture: "Of course, I majored in physics, and tinkering with biology means that I have become a monk halfway through and made a fool of myself."


Only then did the biology teacher think: Professor Shen is a professor of physics, and he has always taught physics, but he became the leader of the biology group only because of the 863 project.

As for the 863 project, I didn't even participate in it. Jinling University did have a biology professor involved in it, but he was responsible for the unimportant part.

He has never studied biology, but he is so much faster at making primers than he, who majored in biology. This is the talent gap, so why do I have the right to laugh at him?
The epee has no sharp edge, and it does not work well.

The results of the first round of electrophoresis came out quickly, with clear boundaries and complete images.

This new generation of PCR equipment is really good, with a high degree of automation. If the equipment reproduced by Jinling University is used to run electrophoresis, it will take at least a whole night to get a result.

However, with this new PCR equipment, even if the time for configuring primers is added, it is only about an hour before and after.

The biology teacher's heart sank completely. The PCR researched by his school's scientific research institute may not be able to compete with this. What should I do?
Soon, the second round of electrophoresis started again, and the source of the introduced DNA was still Shen Guanglin's own blood.

After all, it is the first time to do a DNA test, so it is always necessary to compare the results of the two rounds to see if the results are the same.

Only when the results of two rounds are 100% consistent can it prove that the primers and tests are effective.

After all, if the samples from the same person have different results twice, it means that something must be wrong.

About half an hour later, the second round of test results came out, and the boundary was still clear and the image was complete.

After comparison, it really is 100% consistent.

That's right, one pass.

Then comes the actual blood relationship test.

As soon as this was mentioned, everyone became nervous, even Shen Guanglin was no exception.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what other people thought, but what if the result of the test was not related?Shen Guanglin was troubled by this.

According to the test principle, the blood relationship between men and women is generally tested for the X chromosome. Of course, it is possible to test other chromosomes, but it is more troublesome.

If the sex chromosome is tested, what if the X chromosome in Shen's body is inherited from Lao Xu?
Although he looks very similar to the Xu family, the genes for his unbelievable looks are distributed on other chromosomes.

The test started. During the whole test process, Shen Guanglin asked everyone to go out and wait, and he guarded by himself.

Even Li Rong and that biology teacher were no exception.

In this way, in case the sex chromosome is wrong, other chromosomes can be tested instead.

Fortunately, the final result is in line with expectations, and there are no demon moths.

After testing, the X chromosomes of Shen Guanglin and Aunt Lin are quite consistent, which can prove that their X chromosomes are homologous and there is a direct blood relationship within three generations.

It would be funny if something went wrong.

Under normal circumstances, at this stage, it is impossible to select so many data for testing DNA, and sex chromosomes are the easiest objects to identify.

To test the relationship between mother and child, it is natural to test the X chromosome,
Of course, if you want to test the parent-child relationship, you need to test the Y chromosome, and the reason is the same.

Now that the result has come out, Shen Guanglin is naturally relaxed.

Everyone also laughed and guessed: how close is Shen Guanglin and Aunt Lin's blood relationship?

Here is a reasoning formula that can be calculated, and middle school students should be able to calculate it.

Then try again with the primers designed by the biology teacher.

Fortunately, the test passed normally without any problems.

Later generations, even students, can design primers correctly, which is not difficult.

Next, it was time to help Lao Zhao solve the case.

The tadpoles in male body fluids have Y chromosomes, and there are a lot of them, so it is easy to obtain genetic samples.

As for the other sample, it would be nice to test the Y chromosome directly from their blood.

Compare the two.

The result will be announced within an hour.

Even, in order to record this great moment, Jinling TV Station even came here to shoot a documentary.

This is the credit of Lao Zhao, he still understands the power of propaganda.

The TV station has been here for a while, and they were there when Shen Guanglin tested the blood relationship, so it is necessary to check the situation first.

When the case started, they began to record the scene.

In front of the cameras, they started with the case itself, then talked about the principle of DNA testing, and finally mentioned that this is the first genetic testing for criminal investigation in China, which was jointly completed by Capital University and Jinling University.

Next, the hostess excitedly pointed to a row of test tubes filled with blood and said, "In an hour, we will reveal: who is that vicious criminal."

In this day and age, there is no pursuit of human rights.

The group of people who were arrested in front were on the verge of a deep collapse, and they had reached the point where no matter who they asked, they would admit that they were criminals.

In the past, in this case, it was a lottery to see the face.

Now, high-tech finally gave them a chance to tell right from wrong, and they should thank Shen Guanglin.

Recorded by the TV cameras, each detainee had a tube of blood drawn, numbered and lined up in front of the PCR.

Life and death are at the next moment.

Sister Zhao, the forensic doctor, will also be in the mirror and start working. This is Lao Zhao's arrangement.

She first took a cryogenically refrigerated test tube containing bodily fluids collected from the victim.

Shen Guanglin did not enter the country, and the forensic lady did it herself, separated part of the body fluid, put it into the PCR instrument, and turned on the switch.

She has learned how to use it, and she has started running electrophoresis.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the imaging results of body fluids to come out.

This is an imaging map of DNA.

The camera lens takes a big shot.

The next step is to test the suspect's blood samples.

The actual waiting process was actually more than an hour, because there was only one PCR instrument, and there were several suspects.

If the Jinling Public Security Bureau has money, how many more should we buy?

No need, everyone can wait.

The final test results proved that the public security organs are still very powerful. When only the fourth test was performed, the imaging results were very similar to the body fluid imaging. It can be judged: this is the same person!

Although the Public Security Bureau caught a little more suspects, they did not catch the wrong person.

As for the runners who were caught as suspects, it would be great if they could be released safely. As for state compensation, there is no such thing.

"Sure enough, using DNA to find suspects is more accurate than fingerprint retrieval. It is convenient and fast, and the accuracy rate exceeds 99%." The host paused, "As for why the 1% is still there, it is because there are still [-]% left." There are twins."

This one-liner, in Shen Guanglin's opinion, is not funny at all, but the social effect has already come out.

(End of this chapter)

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