Start with a college teacher

Chapter 629 Going Astray

Chapter 629 Going Astray (2)

In 1987, it was really extraordinary.

Just after the Spring Festival, two good things happened in the country.

First, the national high-tech research and development plan (863 plan) with the goal of tracking international high-tech was officially launched, and Shen made a great contribution.

Second, China and Portugal signed the "Joint Statement on the Question of Macau", and this island is about to return.

You know macau is not my real last name.

Mr. Wen has knowledge under the spring, and he can rest in peace. The seventh son in the song of the seven sons has finally determined the time to go home.

History is moving forward in an orderly manner. That is to say, from this year, Shenzhen City has sold state-owned land use rights for the first time with compensation. Therefore, the free use of state-owned land will soon become history.

In fact, to be honest, every time Shen Guanglin took the land, he also paid for it.

It's just that he pays in different ways, including donations, premiums, and cooperation. In short, he doesn't want to put himself on the hat of taking advantage of the loopholes of the times.

Spending money to buy land is justified.

Now, the whole Jinling has spread: the PCR machine is really a good thing.

After proving its value, Shen Guanglin retired, hiding his achievements and fame.

In the future, the work of operating the PCR equipment will also be handed over to Sister Zhao.

Doesn't the fat and water flow into outsiders' fields? Doing this job is better than practicing medicine, isn't it?

Presumably, her work will be very busy in the future. The backlog of cases that had no chance to be solved in the past finally has a new method.

It is estimated that Sister Zhao will stay away from the forensic profession.

At first, the second cousin didn't even know what a forensic doctor did, so he thought she was a doctor from the Public Security Bureau.

Being a doctor is also very good. Among her tools, there is a small electric saw that is very useful. It is used to cut bones and get bone marrow. It works very well.

Shen Guanglin didn't even have the heart to tell him the truth: that thing was probably used for craniotomy, or the skull of a dead person.

He just hoped that the second cousin would not follow Sister Zhao to the scene.

The biology teacher also knew that Professor Shen lived in Jinling Textile Factory, so he invited Shen Guanglin to visit Jinling University every now and then.

The kindness is hard to come by, he was originally a passer-by, and this also let Shen Guanglin know his name: surname Wei, Wei Shusheng, he is indeed a scholar, with a scholarly spirit.

You can also go to Jinling University to have a look.

Jinling University, also known as National Central University during the Republic of China.

The presence of this school is not very strong, and there are not many well-known alumni. The famous female physicist Mr. Wu Jianxiong is one of them.

It was because of her name that Shen Guanglin agreed to come and have a look.

Mr. Wu is a very powerful physicist, known as "Madame Curie II". She has proved many difficult problems in the physics world through experiments, including the physical discoveries of Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengdao.

Many people think that Mr. Wu should have won the Nobel Prize, but he didn't, which is a pity.

The reason why Shen Guanglin is willing to come to Jinling University is because he heard that Mr. Wu is now living in Jinling University and has just received a doctorate from Jinling University.

Well, the 74-year-old doctor has made up for his regrets.

Mr. Wu's hometown is Liuhe, Taicang, Suzhou. He graduated from Jinling University and has retired. He is currently visiting Jinling University.

This is a Chinese woman who participated in the "Manhattan Project", known as the "Mother of the Atomic Bomb", and proved the parity violation in the weak interaction through experiments.

With a pilgrimage in mind, Shen Guanglin took Lao Wei to Jinling University.

He has a car and can go wherever he wants, isn't it annoying?

The current Jinling University has not yet expanded its enrollment, and its main campus is the later Gulou Campus, which is simple and rich, with pleasant scenery.

Although Jinling is located in the south, it likes to plant sycamores here, and the sycamores are deciduous, so they are quite bleak in autumn and winter.

Speaking of the French Indus in Jinling, I have to say Chang Kaishen.

This is the man who planted a large number of French phoenix trees in Jinling. Later, a leader surnamed Ji cut down the phoenix trees and his career.

Of course, the plane tree is not a true plane tree, nor is it native to France.

As early as the fourth century, the eminent monk Kumarajiva of the Three Kingdoms came to China to spread Buddhism and brought this tree, so it is also called the Kumarajiva tree.

When Shen Guanglin came over, he heard that Mr. Wu and her husband, Mr. Yuan, were living here in the hostel of the school. They both received honorary doctorates from Jinling University at the same time.

The two have retired and are investigating everywhere. They still know how to play at Jinling University and are quite good at attracting people.

Mr. Yuan is also a very powerful person. He is also a physicist. He is the grandson of President Yuan Da, and his background is even more prominent than the comedian Xiao Feng.

Facing Chinese celebrities in the physics world, Shen Guanglin respected them very much.

After all, this was his pride when he was studying. In the Chinese world of Citigroup, the prestige of Mr. Wu and his wife is as high as that of Yang Li.

However, we met today, and the dialogue between the two parties is equal.

In other words, now, Shen Guanglin and Mr. Wu's status seemed to be no worse than them.

Of course, they had also heard of Shen Guanglin. The two waves of people were very warm to each other when they first met.

Jinling TV was addicted to filming documentaries, and remembered this classic moment.

In Jinling University, this is also called "meeting of the century".

Shen Guanglin came by car, and Mr. Wu and his wife were waiting at the door. They shook hands warmly and expressed their admiration for a long time.

Shen Guanglin said that he grew up reading Mr. Wu's stories. During his study of physics, he realized the brilliance and greatness of Mr. Wu, and he was proud of it.

But Mr. Wu said: If she is not already old, she must find a way to prove the ideal state physical model proposed by Professor Shen. Xiao Shen's scientific achievements are unparalleled in the entire physics world.

Shen Guanglin also said that physics is good, which is a fine tradition in our Chinese academic circle.

There are not many other things in China, but there are many excellent physicists.

Everyone laughed.

This is the actual situation. Whether domestic or overseas, there are too many physicists of Chinese origin.

but.Mr. Wu is also heartbroken, "Xiao Shen, why don't you continue to study physics recently? Research on superconducting materials can still be regarded as a part of physics, football is a bit biased towards chemistry, but cloning cows, hepatitis B vaccine, this is getting better and better. It's far away."

This is a mistake.

Shen Guanglin was ashamed while explaining.

Because studying physics can't make money.

China is too poor now, and there is not much funding to support cutting-edge technology research.

Therefore, if he raises his own funds, he always finds some industries and channels that can make money to explore.

He initially chose chemistry and new materials, but these are too slow to be realized, and it is difficult to apply and promote them. It is still biotechnology and pharmaceuticals that make the greatest contribution to the country and the world.

At least, it makes money.

Just like insect-resistant cotton, it can reduce the use of tens of thousands of tons of pesticides every year, which not only protects the environment, but also increases national income.

As for the hepatitis B vaccine, it is a great protection for people's health.

Now, his lab is close to developing a drug for leukemia, which could bring in a lot of money.

The money, whether devoted to education or scientific research, can bring about greater progress.

It is true that if Shen Guanglin wants to continue to study high-energy physics, this is of course possible and can produce results, but it cannot improve people's livelihood.

Shen Guanglin explained his behavior, and Mr. Wu believed it.

She couldn't help feeling: "Xiao Shen, what you did is right and you did a good job. Scientists still have their own motherland and people. They are rich and powerful, and they can promote the progress of science and technology."

Shen Guanglin took advantage of the opportunity to invite her to visit Capital University, and she agreed.

Shen Guanglin and Mr. Wu chatted very happily, and brought Li Rong to visit every day.

However, Xiao Wei's original intention for inviting him was not like this.

Xiao Wei invited Shen Guanglin to give him an idea: they have already produced a crude version of PCR, how to catch up with the advanced, can Professor Shen generously support it?
What kind of support law?
Of course, I don’t hesitate to enlighten you, isn’t the PCR instrument produced by Great Wall Group, and you are their chief scientist, can you get some information from there to help us improve and improve it.

You too have gone astray.

(End of this chapter)

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