Start with a college teacher

Chapter 630 Application

Chapter 630 Application (1)

Before the reform and opening up, even before China's entry into the WTO, no one cared about whether patents were patents or not.

Not to mention the military aspect, our military industry was originally born out of following and imitation, and most of the military weapon industry in the world has no patents.

Because, since it is necessary to apply for a patent, it is natural to disclose the technical details. If they disclose everything, how can they maintain the advanced nature of the technology.

Of course, an arsenal in later generations imitated the classic Glock pistol and sold it overseas.

Glock was very angry. They really applied for a patent. They even launched a boycott and patent lawsuit for this, but it was useless.

In the civil field, there are even more infringements on patents, and a new term called "shanzhai" has been born.

Of course, Shanzhai was originally the English abbreviation of Shencheng.

For those unbranded products, such as mobile phones or other imitations, they will write "SZ" on the box, and then ship it all over the country.

Many industries in China started from imitation.

Even on the eve of Shen Guanglin's crossing, the domestic protection of patents is not good, and infringements occur frequently.

Not to mention anything else, piracy websites are so rampant, no one has ever taken care of them, let alone others.

Faced with Xiao Wei's repeated warm invitations, Shen Guanglin didn't know what to say.

Not only are you not afraid of Li Kui, Li Gui, you even invited Li Kui to visit you. What do you mean?
Since the hospitality is hard to turn down, let's go and see it.

On this day, after leaving Mr. Wu's place, Shen Guanglin followed Xiao Wei to their research institute.

This is actually a very ordinary research institute inside the school. The conditions are simple, but everyone is very motivated, and there is no rest after the Chinese New Year.

PCR is very popular, especially recently, it has been reported on TV. With it, not only the blood relationship between father and son can be determined, but also criminals can be tracked and difficult problems can be solved.

Moreover, this instrument can detect infection, which is very useful for disease judgment and virus detection.

Therefore, it can be seen that it will be used in both scientific research institutions and hospitals in the future.

In later generations, any county hospital will have a PCR laboratory, which is useful for testing viruses and HIV.

For Jinling University, imitation PCR is a major scientific research project.

Moreover, they have achieved considerable results.

If Xiao Wei hadn't discovered that a new generation of PCR instruments had come out at the Jianye Public Security Bureau, they would have placed orders for new products from their research institute.

Originally, before the Spring Festival, they had negotiated a cooperation with Yizheng Instrument Factory, and they sold the prototype after the other party produced it. Now, products with higher performance appear, so they want to bet on others.

During the period when foreign countries imposed a technical blockade on China, being able to imitate foreign advanced instruments and equipment was a great thing that benefited the country and the people.

However, after we joined the WTO, we had to face such problems.

Especially in terms of export, patents are an issue we have to consider.

Even Rebs from Xiaomi said that patents are the biggest obstacle to Xiaomi's development.

Yes, they fill the gap in the country and fill it in themselves. Shen Guanglin also doesn't know what to say.

When Shen Guanglin followed Xiao Wei, he saw a relatively new 2nd generation PCR machine.

This is produced by Great Wall Company, and the traces of dismantling are very serious, so it should be thoroughly researched.

Needless to say, they completed the imitation on this basis, and there are several instruments similar to it, which are larger in size and rougher in workmanship.

"Professor Shen, hello! I am the director of the institute. My surname is Zhang, and I am Li Zaozhang." The director is not very old, in his forties, and he is in the prime of life.

"You are welcome, Director Zhang, I know this chapter, it belongs to Zhang Shizhao." Shen Guanglin also greeted politely.

After being polite, I entered the topic.

Director Zhang excitedly introduced the scientific research team he led: they have filled another domestic gap.

"Although the conditions are poor, we have overcome many difficulties in the whole process. There are more than a dozen difficulties in the centrifuge alone, as well as the water bath and the polymerase. At the end of the research and development, guess what we got stuck in. place?"

Director Zhang is very talented in storytelling. He tells stories with twists and turns, which is similar to the pattern reported in newspapers. He always has to go through untold hardships to complete a breakthrough.

"Where is it stuck?" Shen Guanglin asked cooperatively.

"It's stuck on the integrated chip. They concentrated the control functions in a small chip, good or bad! We really can't make this, so we spent money to invite radio experts to come over to help. After multiple analyzes, this is from It basically solved the problem.” Director Zhang was very upset when he mentioned the control chip, but in fact that chip is a primary product produced by Great Wall Company, which is about the same difficulty as game console chips.

"How did you solve it?"

"Look, there are a few more rows of buttons here, and the problem is solved. It's just that the manual is a little longer and the operation is a little more complicated. However, the equipment is also heavy and solid."

What a talent.

Shen Guanglin looked at the inside of their instrument, and found that a large number of electronic tubes were used, and the circuit boards were useless. Even the communication and actions completed using serial lines were difficult for them.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to mention patents, he knew it was not easy to use.

However, he still asked, "How efficient is the PCR instrument you made, and is it easy to use?"

"It was easy to use originally, not much slower than the original version."

Shen Guanglin then asked, "You guys are imitation machines of the second-generation machine, right? They have launched the third-generation machine, and the efficiency has been increased by more than ten times. If you make this now, can you still sell it?"

Shen Guanglin was also thinking about them, the gap between the second generation machine and the third generation machine was too big.

In the third-generation machine, the performance of the PCR instrument has been greatly improved, and the research and development capabilities of the project team of Shenguanglin Laboratory have become more proficient. In this machine, they have synchronized the steps that can be performed simultaneously, and saved the steps that can be saved. , in short, in terms of efficiency improvement, great progress has been made.

"We are also worried about this now. However, our instruments are cheap. Their instruments sell for 1000 US dollars, but ours is [-] US dollars, okay?"

"I'm afraid not. The institutions and departments that want to buy this equipment are all rushing to follow the forefront of technology. Do you think that since they want to challenge the international advanced, why would they buy such a backward product like yours?"

It is true, after all, this is not a mass commodity, and the pursuit is cheap.

This is for scientific research competition. How much time advantage can a good instrument bring to everyone?
What is value for money.

Director Zhang got tangled up, and then stopped mentioning the matter, "Let's eat, it's time for dinner, let's have a light meal together."

It seems that he has other ideas.

No need to drive, there is a famous restaurant near Gulou Square called Ma Xiangxing Restaurant, the most famous of which is the halal beef. Of course, their beauty liver, squirrel fish, and anchovy shrimp are also unique.

Director Zhang invited Shen Guanglin to this halal restaurant.

Such a meal is not cheap. Looking at the menu price list, Shen Guanglin felt that the research institute must be looking for something because it costs so much.

Moreover, on the way out of the research institute, Shen Guanglin saw the director's hesitation and hesitation, and knew that there was no good banquet.

As soon as he finished ordering, Shen Guanglin told Li Rong to pay the bill, so as to save his mouth.

We are not short of that little money, how can we be put here by them?

Ma Xiangxing restaurant is indeed a time-honored restaurant in Jinling. It has been passed down from the Daoguang period to the present. It combines the northern Muslim flavor with the southern tranquil and elegant food. Even Mr. Yu Youren is a frequent visitor here, and he also offers it up words.

The food tastes good, but I don't drink alcohol.

In halal restaurants, alcohol is generally not allowed.

Director Zhang really wanted something: "Professor Shen, we are really not good at integrated circuits and programming skills, but I have heard that your Great Wall Group is very powerful in this field. It's not right to say it."

"It's not appropriate to say." Shen Guanglin sandwiched a piece of beef tongue, which tasted quite good.

Professor Shen doesn't play by the rules.

The director didn't feel embarrassed, but continued, "I heard that you have a close relationship with the Great Wall Group. Can we ask you to order a batch of chips from the Great Wall Group."

"If it is used for the production of PCR instruments, don't mention it. Do you know that there is a word called 'patent'. The Great Wall Group and Beijing University jointly own 30% of the PCR production patents. What you imitate is actually our own. So you don’t count as filling the gap in China, because in this field, there is no gap in the country.”

Shen Guanglin is also very weak: "Don't you inquire about it before imitating it? The latest patented technology of PCR was actually developed by our Beijing University. You use it to set up a research team to imitate it. What's the point?"

Shen Guanglin also didn't want to hide it from him anymore, it was because they were not authentic, and they plagiarized themselves.

Director Zhang didn't show any sense of shame, but his eyes lit up, "You said this technology was developed in our country?"

"Of course! Although the first generation of patents belonged to others, the latest patents belong to our school. We cooperated with Pfizer just to sell it to the world."

Now, most of Shen Guanglin's laboratory's funding comes from PCR machines, just like a money printing machine.

Everyone stopped talking, and when they finished the meal and settled the bill, they discovered that Professor Shen had already bought the bill.

Everyone went home. On the way back, Xiao Wei asked Director Zhang, "We have invested so much, what should we do next?"

"This is not easy. Since it was developed by Jingcheng University, we can apply to the higher authorities and ask Jingcheng University to give us some kind of patent for us to use."

(End of this chapter)

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