Start with a college teacher

Chapter 631 Emergencies

Chapter 631 Emergency (2)

The Spring Festival of 1987 was the most luxurious and richest year in the history of the Xu family.

The most unbelievable thing is that not only their lives have been improved, but their jobs have also been solved at once.

The eldest of the Xu family joined the Jinling Textile Factory as a worker and became the deputy director of the workshop. This is a height that other workers can hardly achieve in their lifetime.

Moreover, the eldest daughter-in-law also entered the factory as a worker. She knew how to sew clothes, so she entered the garment workshop to learn first.

Originally, Shen Guanglin was already planning to cancel the establishment, but they refused to admit it, and Shen Guanglin could only continue if they insisted on this thing.

In their concept, this is different. Those who have a staff are regular workers, and those who do not have a staff are temporary workers.

The workshop director turned out to be a temporary worker, who else could he control?

Well, it makes sense.

It is not yet the time for state-owned enterprise restructuring and bankruptcy. Workers are still the masters of the country, and only a few enterprises in the country have been acquired by foreign-funded enterprises.

In the Great Wall Group, there are two kinds of people, one is the official regular workers, and the other is the contract workers recruited later.

Although, within the group, equal pay for equal work, but in fact, their salaries are not the same.

As far as wages are concerned, assuming that they are all 100 yuan, contract workers can get 100% of their wages, which is not a lot. However, how much they can get for weaving workers depends on how much the superior department pays, and only 50 is possible.

The Great Wall Group first gave the money to the superior department, and they paid the salary.

However, even so, those people still stick to their establishments and resolutely refuse to work as contract workers.

According to Shen Guanglin's plan, the little sister-in-law was going to enter the office, but she didn't want to.

Forget about entering the office, she hasn't read the book, it's not that material.

From this level, her conditions are really not as good as the boss of the Xu family.

The Xu family's children are all educated, at least, they have studied for a few years.

Aunt Lin came from a scholarly family. When the children were young, she would teach them to read and write, and when they were old, she would teach them for a few years.

Therefore, the Xu family brothers are really capable of both civil and military skills.

The work of Mr. Xu's family has been arranged in this way, and they will officially start working after the new year.

As for Xu's second son and Lao Xu's couple, after thinking about it, Shen Guanglin arranged for them to work in a nursing home.

Such a good place, of course, has to be taken back.

In Shen Guanglin's heart, the nursing home is more important than Jinling Textile Factory.

Factories can be built at any time, but resources in scenic spots are good things that money can't buy.

It's just that I really didn't expect that the company would spend such unjustified money every year to raise those moths.

In the future, this will definitely not happen.

Shen Guanglin said, this place will be run independently for you, and the waiters and chefs inside will take whatever they want, and return it to the factory if they don’t want it.

However, in the future, this site will be responsible for its own profits and losses, and the factory will not ask you for rent in the early stage.

All business income can be controlled by you first, and then we can talk about it after making money first.

In short, you should start working on this business place first, it’s a big deal, and you’ll just give Jinling Textile Factory an internal member’s price in the future.

If you want to go whoring for nothing in the future, call me out.

However, the idea is beautiful, but the implementation is not easy.

Before Shen Guanglin left Jinling, those who were used to whoring for nothing were already making a fuss.

We used to be able to eat and live for free, so why can’t we now?

Long before the Spring Festival, Shen Guanglin and the others went to a nursing home for a day, and many unexpected things happened.

From then on, Shen Guanglin asked Lao Qi to close the nursing home first, and everyone went home for the New Year.

Happy New Year for seven days, free prostitution is the happiest.

Shen Guanglin and the others were quite happy, but some people were not so happy.

In Shen Guanglin's Great Wall Group, there is a 7-day holiday for Chinese New Year.

He doesn't care about other units. At present, some units do not have holidays, while some units have holidays, but they only have three days off.

Shen Guanglin insisted that his employees should live with dignity, and all of them should have 7 days off, not less than a day.

This concept is very similar to the large hadron.

Da Qiangzi also said: He wants his employees to live with dignity.

In this way, Da Qiangzi is actually a good person, he has not done anything bad, you can no longer laugh at his 2-minute anecdote, it is not good.

What if it was just a bad day?

A strong man who couldn't be defeated by tens of thousands of complaints and bad reviews, lost to a woman's two words, it's amazing to think about it.

After this battle, every adult man with more than 3 minutes has the right to stand on the chain of contempt for male animals.

Although I have no money, I am strong.

However, during the Chinese New Year, the sanatorium was closed for the holidays, and the leaders who were used to living there were exhausted.

In particular, some people didn't prepare the supplies for the New Year at all, and they planned to eat and live there these days.

In the end, you didn't open the door, what do you mean?
What do you mean?
Faced with frequent door-to-door questions, Lao Qi asked Shen Guanglin, what should he do?
What should I do?Of course it is salad.

The sixth day of the lunar new year, the horse day, the poor day, suitable for business opening, the sixth day is smooth.

This was the first day the Xu family and his son took charge of the nursing home, and Shen Guanglin took them there together.

However, as soon as they arrived at the nursing home, they were blocked by the old leaders who didn't take advantage of it.

Be sure to ask for an explanation.

In state-owned enterprises, these old leaders may have made some contributions, but their greater contribution is to enjoy privileges, grab as much profit as possible openly, and even don't care if they bring the company down.

Don't you see, who are the people who charter the intensive care unit of the top three hospitals for a long time? Are they really sick?
Those who take up and waste medical resources, you say they are public servants, there should not be too many such servants.

Looking at these people, old and young, blocking the door, Shen Guanglin was very unhappy. He said with a serious expression: "Who are you? What are you here for? You don't have to go to work anymore."

"Who are we? We built this factory. When we struggled hard, you didn't know where to get rid of the mud. What? We worked hard all our lives, but in the end we were bullied by you. Heaven is right, is there any law for the king?"

Everyone talked about their qualifications and achievements with righteous indignation, but Shen Guanglin, as a capitalist, did not accept this account.

"As far as I know, this factory was built by entrepreneurs during the Republic of China, and was later taken over by puppet Wang. Judging by your age and seniority, you should have worked with devils and puppet soldiers. I have read the files. You have also produced military uniforms, and you have done such a thing to help the evil, what right do you have to say that you are so pure and pure?"

Shen Guanglin unceremoniously exposed their "essence".

In fact, no matter the workers in the Northeast or other places, no matter what era they are in, they are just eating and drinking.

Old Shen, that is, Shen Guanglin's grandfather, was from Jinling and worked as a fitter for the puppet army's arsenal, so he was not liquidated.

Shen Guanglin continued: "Jinling Textile Factory has been restructured, and now it is a joint venture. Your retirement salary has an agreement with the government, and you will not be in short supply. As for the nursing home, sorry, it belongs to Jinling Textile Factory. It will be open to all workers, the price will be clearly marked, and there is no deceit. If you want to eat for free, get out as soon as possible! When the system was restructured, the Great Wall Group paid the government. It is not our obligation to support you.”

With these words, the momentum of the crowd has been suppressed a lot, but some people are still unconvinced: "Don't scare people with joint ventures, what's so great about it."

"Who are you, what's your name?" Shen Guanglin pointed at the person who was speaking, and looked at the person who was not old, not retired, and dared to sneak in and make trouble.

"Don't point fingers at me. I hate people pointing fingers at me. My father is the original factory director. He was born in an old revolutionary. He is not a puppet army as you said." The person who was pointed out by Shen Guanglin just now was angry. , yelling loudly: "You have the guts, so stop my dad's pension and give me a refund."

"Okay, then as you wish!"

(End of this chapter)

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