Chapter 632
In later generations, there was a starlet who liked to sing, but after breaking up, his girlfriend wrote a small composition.

This involves not only lies, but also blackmail, and the ex-girlfriend's vicious best friend, faced with doubts from netizens, still clamored there: "This prosperous world is as you wish."

Then, the best friend started to pretend to be deaf and dumb, and the ex-girlfriend was also arrested, and the end might be even more miserable than Bobo's third girlfriend.

The phrase "as you wish" does not have a certain status and cannot be said easily.

Shen Guanglin didn't mind using thunderous means for such a tough-headed and provocative person, otherwise how would he show the heart of a bodhisattva.

"Old Qi! Old Qi! Come here!" Shen was about to shake someone.

Lao Qi hurried over from behind, he was waiting for this moment.

The reason why Lao Qi didn't show up just now was because someone Shen wanted to intensify the conflict first, and then find a chicken that could be killed.

"Old Qi, look who this is? Didn't he say that he will be dismissed? Please satisfy his request."

Shen Guanglin stretched out his hand and called Lao Qi over.

Lao Qi came over. This young man he really knew was indeed the son of an old factory manager.

However, the old factory director was not the leader of the General Textile Factory, but the old factory director of the printing and dyeing factory.

The root red seedlings are also true. Back then, after the million-dollar crossed the river, Jinling was liberated, and the old factory manager stayed in Jinling and transferred to work in the local area.

Actually, Lao Qi was a little hesitant, but he still scolded: "Liu Yun, what are you doing here!"

It was obvious that he wanted to protect him.

However, the young man who uttered big words just now refused to bow his head no matter what: "Qi Weimin, you were promoted by my father back then. Why, the ungrateful thing is handled quite neatly."

Lao Qi is a little embarrassed to speak, he is indeed Liu Yun's father's old subordinate, in China he pays attention to master and apprentice like father and son, he was promoted by old factory manager Liu back then, otherwise he is an outsider, how could he have a chance to succeed.

However, this is the defect left over from the promotion of cadres in the factory, and there are too many constraints.

However, Shen Guanglin knew that if he couldn't make an example of others at this time, then when he went back to the capital, Lao Xu's family would not be able to suppress the gang of princes in the nursing home.

"Professor Shen, can you take a step to speak." Lao Qi was also in a dilemma.

However, everyone is here, this matter is not something that Shen Guanglin can use just by talking.

Lao Qi, a smart man, is a bit unwise now.

"Don't borrow a step, either you go or he goes!
What is he doing here?Unreasonable trouble, forcing the palace, what do you think this place has to do with him, if he comes to make trouble, he must bear the responsibility for making trouble. "

Shen Guanglin did not intend to ease the incident, this was no time to save face for Lao Qi.

It's gotten to the point where it's either-or.

That being the case, what else is there to say.

Lao Qi tidied up his clothes, "Liu Yun, you should go to the city recruitment office to report tomorrow, you don't have to come to work in the factory."

In a word, Liu Yun's identity as an employee of Jinling Textile Factory was directly ruined.

"Why?" Liu Yun was startled suddenly, but he was still dissatisfied.

Recently, quite a few people have been sent to the city's recruitment office, so he might be the same one.

"Just because I'm the factory manager." Lao Qi didn't save face for him anymore, because he didn't save face for himself in the first place. If he scolded him, he could save it by borrowing the donkey from the slope.

If you fight against the boss, you will suffer less, young man.

"Even if you are the director of the factory, you can't fire employees casually. The shift hasn't started yet, so you don't have the power!" Liu Yun was still unconvinced, biting the bullet and arguing.

Indeed, in ordinary state-owned enterprises, as long as there is no pressure for promotion and salary increase, it is okay to challenge the factory manager.

Because, even the factory director has no right to start an employee who has not made a principled mistake.

"Young man, Jinling Textile Factory is no longer a state-owned enterprise, it is a joint venture controlled by Great Wall Group.

Great Wall Group is a Xiangjiang company, so, to be clear, if you are fired, you are fired!Moreover, not only you, your family members, relatives and friends, but anyone who works in Jinling Textile Factory is no longer suitable for this position. They will report to the Recruitment Office with you. "

Shen Guanglin made the final decision, he just wanted to engage in continuous sitting, otherwise it would not be enough to form a deterrent.

It doesn't matter to you, does it matter to others?

Don't think it's unfair, how did you get this position, why can your whole family work here?

Liu Yun was completely dumbfounded. He didn't expect this person to be so vicious that he wanted to fire his whole family.

The crowd of onlookers also began to waver. They came here to make a fuss on purpose. They were supposed to eat and drink for free, so what's the point of not being allowed in now?
Moreover, they came here with anger. After so many days of Chinese New Year, they have not been able to enjoy the beautiful scenery and delicious food here, and they are panicked.

Shen Guanglin cleared his throat: "Who else of you wants to come over and make trouble? Yes, Jinling Textile Factory can fully satisfy your wishes. The Great Wall Group is in business, not charity, and it is impossible to support you for nothing."

Seeing that Shen Guanglin wanted Old Qi to make a list again, everyone who had been watching the excitement suddenly dispersed.

The young man who shouted may not know them, but Lao Qi probably does.

This man has defected to the capitalists.

Although Lao Qi has various shortcomings, his execution ability is not a problem, otherwise he would not be promoted to the position of chief factory director.

Now that the can is broken, he naturally carried out Professor Shen's decision to the letter.

Everyone was waiting to see the result of the treatment, to see if Liu Yun could escape.

However, chances are useless.

The result was faster than they expected: Liu Yun, including Liu Yun's sister Liu Hong and Liu Yun's brother-in-law Zhang Dalei, were all removed from the workers' ranks.

What?Are you really involved?

It's useless to make trouble, the security department in the factory is brutal, and anyone who dares to steal cloth from the factory will be beaten severely.

The three siblings have left. As for what kind of jobs the Municipal Recruitment Office can place for them, it depends on whether their background relations are strong or not.

On the same day, Liu Hong went back to her mother's house in tears to complain.

In the past two days, Director Liu's house has not been peaceful.

They finally couldn't sit still.

On the third day, the old factory manager went out in person, took two bottles of Moutai, and found the factory manager Qi's home.

A man can bend and stretch, and the current situation is stronger than others. Lao Liu is not a very powerful person in the backstage.

In this case, no matter how senior he is, he can only give in.

Fortunately, Lao Qi didn't put on airs as a leader, and he still received their family.

It is impossible to keep a meal, and it is very polite to arrange a cup of tea.

"Xiao Qi, Director Qi, can you give Lao Liu some face, my three children are all good children, Xiao Yun was also confused for a while, and his mind was twisted at that time, can you see if you can accommodate me?"

Lao Liu came over with two bottles of old Moutai as a gift. These are the three major revolutions. If Shen Guanglin saw it, he would probably forgive him.

For the sake of the child, Lao Liu doesn't want to lose face anymore.
He wasn't a face-saving person in the first place, how much is face worth?

On the contrary, Liu Yun, Lao Liu's son, is young and vigorous, and has a good face.

"Liu Yun, come here quickly! I apologize to Uncle Qi."

This is not a public place anymore, and Liu Yun doesn't have that much ostentation anymore, after all, with a bruised nose and swollen face, he can't afford to be ostentatious anymore.

He bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Director Qi, I spoke too badly that day, and I blamed that grandson for adding fuel to the flames, deliberately set up a trap for me, and made me lose face in front of my friends. I didn't mean it .”

"Don't, don't, I can't accept your apology when you talk like this. Do you know who that young man is?"

Lao Qi didn't dare to call Boss Shen "that grandson". Whenever he heard the name of the boss, he would be respectful. This is his accomplishment.

"who is it?"

"He is a professor at Capital University and the chief scientist of our Great Wall Group, and his research achievements include cloning cattle and insect-resistant cotton.

Let's not talk about anything else, just talk about insect-resistant cotton. After promotion, it can increase cotton production by 30%.How much cotton is produced in our country? 500 million tons, even if the production is only increased by 100 million tons, how much is it?More than a billion!

In Jinling City, who can bring more than one billion more income to Jinling? "

When Lao Liu heard this, he was in awe.

He immediately picked up the chair on the ground and threw it at someone again, "I'll let you talk about ostentation! I'll let you save face! I'll let you be lazy! Who is he? And who are you? Why should I give you face? Still going to make trouble! Still not convinced! I will let you not accept it! I will let you not accept it!"

Lao Liu's wife was not by his side, and he lacked a professional supporter, so Liu Yun was beaten up and howled like ghosts and wolves.

"I got it, I really got it!"

Lao Qi also stopped Director Liu, who continued to be violent, "It's not going to happen."

Hit and beat, scolded and scolded.

Then it's time to discuss countermeasures.

Not to mention anything else, even if Lao Qi was replaced, it was just a matter of Professor Shen's words.

Who are they?A world-renowned scientist is the chief scientist of the Great Wall Group, and Jinling Textile Factory is not in the eyes of others at all.

Last year, the entire textile system accounted for 20% of Great Wall Group's turnover, while Jinling Textile Factory accounted for less than 3%.

How to do?
To untie the bell, one needs to tie it. After all, Lao Liu is Lao Qi's old leader, so it's not easy to see death without saving him.

The final attitude on this matter is still with Professor Shen.

And Professor Shen is currently living in the factory.

This is already all that Lao Qi can do.

He didn't dare to let the three of them come back to continue working. Without Professor Shen's nod, no one's orders would work.

It's not the way to obey the law and violate the law, and Lao Qi's competitors are not without it. If a black lawsuit is filed, it's time to get out.

Now that we already know where Professor Shen lives, let's just go to the door and beg for mercy.

When Old Liu's family searched over, Shen Guanglin was tutoring the fourth girl with her homework.

Si Yatou is smart or smart, but after all, it is a child's habit and likes to play.

This is not acceptable!We are already behind, and we must strengthen our studies.

Mr. Shen went to many cram schools when he was a child. Children, you still need to learn more things, so you don't overwhelm yourself with skills.

So, Shen Guanglin visited famous teachers and reported calligraphy, zither, painting, etc. to the girl.
School is about to start, make the most of every day.

Even if school starts, there are goals and plans for what to learn every day.

Because of the comprehensive quality of the fourth girl, Shen was also worried.

He didn't invite ordinary teachers, they were all well-known and rich, so he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to invite anyone?
Isn't the girl unwilling to go to the capital with us? It doesn't matter, the study has already been arranged for you.

Aunt Lin is very supportive of this. Girls, they want to learn some piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

For example, Aunt Lin herself is a representative of ingenuity. A pair of scissors can cut out various patterns, which are lifelike.

Awesome, intangible cultural heritage.

However, Aunt Lin said it was useless, at most she could cut out a shoe and use it, since it is not fashionable to put window grilles on weddings now.

Shen Guanglin is asking Li Rong to make up lessons for the girl, he lacks the patience.

At this time, Lao Liu came to apologize with his three children.

Lao Qi didn't follow, it was a taboo for him to do this.

If Old Liu wasn't his old leader, he certainly wouldn't say that Professor Shen lives here.

After knocking on the door, it was Lao Xu who opened the door. He saw the kid who caused trouble two days ago at a glance.

However, why did this kid have such a bruised nose and swollen face? I didn't hit him. Could it be that the boss and the second child did it behind the scenes.

However, you can't turn your back on the donkey: "Why, you're coming? Boss and second! Copy things."

This time is the time to help relatives and not to help.

Old Liu quickly stopped: "Brother, brother, we are here to apologize, don't get excited, don't get excited."

With so many people, is this what an apology looks like?
Old Xu didn't believe it.

"You son of a bitch, how did you explain it to you!"

With a plop, Liu Yun knelt down.

"Uncle, I was such a jerk that day, I'm sorry, I really came to apologize today."

This time, the old Xu's claws are on the edge, and he doesn't know what to do: "Xiao Shen, Xiao Shen! Come here!"

Hearing the shouts, Shen Guanglin had no choice but to show up.

Liu Yun didn't stand up, but changed direction and knelt again:

"Professor Shen, I was wrong. I offended you. It's not about my sister and brother-in-law. Your lord has a lot, so don't get them involved, okay? I'm willing to make an apology. You can do whatever you want."

Even Lao Liu said aside, "I'm sorry, Professor Shen, it's because I can't teach him well. He hangs out with cronies all day long. It's because I didn't discipline him well. I'm sorry."

As Lao Liu said, he was also ready to kneel down.

This can't be done!
Shen Guanglin has always been soft and not hard, facing their apology, he didn't know what to do to express his position.

"Xiao Shen, killing people is just a nod, let's forget it, we have nothing to lose anyway, it's just a matter of one sentence." Old Xu instead enlightened Shen Guanglin.

Even Old Xu said that, what else could Shen Guanglin say.

He pondered for a while: "It's impossible for you to return to work in the factory, but I can provide you with a new job position, and you can come to work in the nursing home in the future."

Anyway, the sanitarium needs to recruit people, and it is estimated that some will come to make trouble, so let their family be the villains. If they meet higher-level ones, then ask Lao Zhao from the Jianye Public Security Bureau for help.

Isn't the sanatorium closed?
It is no longer a charity, but it can be opened to the outside world and run as a restaurant.

In the future, the price will be clearly marked. With so many people visiting Xuanwu Lake, the business will not be bad.

"We are willing to do this job, don't worry, I will definitely protect our interests!"

 Back to Wuhan today, there is only one update, it was driven out on the train, and it has 4000 words
(End of this chapter)

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