Chapter 635 Wish (read this chapter later)
Sitting on the carpet back to back, listening to music and chatting about wishes.

You hope that I will become more and more gentle, and I hope you will put me in your heart.

You said you wanted to give me a romantic dream, thank you for taking you to heaven.

Everyone has their own paradise, and if she can't find it, then he can't.

After Shen Guanglin arrived in the capital, he held a particularly vulgar mobilization meeting: everyone boldly imagined, to see what wishes they have, and someone Shen will help you find heaven.

Can any wish come true?

Can you talk about it, in case it comes true.

"Boss, I want a Mercedes that is exactly the same as yours." It was a young man who spoke. A man is a teenager until his death, and people like cars regardless of age.

Immediately call one over!
For such a small request, the laboratories with deep pockets are naturally no problem.

Not to mention one car, ten or one hundred is also appropriate. As long as several more LED application products can be developed, how much output value can it bring?
"But my salary can't afford gas now, and the gas ticket is not enough." The classmate talked about his situation, after all, everyone is short of money.

Although everyone's salary is high, but wanting to maintain a car is still stressful.

"In the future, all expenses will be borne by the laboratory, regardless of refueling and maintenance, all will be borne by the laboratory!" Naturally, Shen Guanglin will not be stingy with such a small amount of money.

Things that can be solved with money are nothing.

"I want a wife who is as beautiful as the boss's wife. The seniors all have blind dates, but we don't." This is the wish of another ordinary-looking student who has a need in his heart.

What kind of thing is this? I will ask your sister Rong to introduce one to you tomorrow. This is what their organization department does. If this is not well organized, how to organize it.

"I heard that Sister Rong graduated from the National People's University." He meant something.

It turned out to be this plan, right? The National People's Congress, is there any promising girl in their school now?
"Yes, but she doesn't care about me."

"I'll help you, let's go now!" Professor Shen also felt that he could give full play to his strengths as a parent.

"But, twisted melons are not sweet. She has a partner who looks better than me."

"And don't underestimate yourself, it doesn't matter, the teacher will make the decision for you!"

Shen Guanglin really went and took his students with him.

My lady, my gentleman is good.

As expected, beauties emerge in endlessly, especially in colleges and universities in the capital.

There are talented people from generation to generation, and there are good-looking girls at every age, and they will never be cut off.

Li Rong's school girl is really good-looking, if it wasn't for him already having Li Rong, if it wasn't for the girl that Shen Guanglin's student favored, Shen's old heart would be shaken.

Yes, the young man has vision.

After all, Shen Guanglin is a very well-known beast in the capital, and soon met the girl named "Jia Jia" on a formal occasion.

"Hello, classmate Jiajia." Shen Guanglin sat upright in a small office with his student who was like a dog.

"Hello, Professor Shen!" The girl was very excited. She glanced at the person next to Professor Shen. She felt familiar, but she didn't know him.

"Student Jiajia, I heard that you majored in human resource management. Our laboratory has an internship opportunity to manage the logistics work of our laboratory. I wonder if you are interested? The allowance is not much, only 200 yuan a month."

In this era, the student subsidy is only 23 yuan a month, and Shen Guanglin opened his mouth to pay 200 yuan a month, and this is an internship in Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University. Such an opportunity is as rare as it is!
You know, she is only in her third year of college.

"Can I?" Jiajia was excited with some disbelief.

"Of course! And I have already greeted your college. But there is one thing, we are going to carry out scientific research, and the laboratory is under closed management. You have to be mentally prepared. You are not allowed to go out for at least three months. .Can you?"

"I can!"

Shen Guang Lin Xin said, then I will give you three months to be alone for a while, if it is not enough, I will assign it to you when the work is assigned, and then let you continue to be alone until you are free.

As for girls wanting to study abroad?My students are so optimistic about you, then you will not have the opportunity to study abroad.

Boss Shen has this confidence.

If this still doesn't work, we have to eat the melon first.

Whether it is sweet or not, you have to taste it to know.

The scientific research of Shen Guanglin's laboratory physics group has officially started!

There are many research groups, some continue to study the Blu-ray group, some configure the white light group, some study digital and text display, and how to process graphics and images.

Shen Guanglin's ultimate goal is not only to do lighting, but also to be able to display pictures or photos on the LED through the control program, and then to display the video.

This is an ambitious plan that requires everyone to work together.

Therefore, he, Boss Shen, also needs to buy people's hearts.

Talents are always the most rare. Shen Guanglin learned from Chang Kaishen, using teacher-student relationship, money, and beautiful women to make students work hard for him.

However, since Shen Guanglin has decided to publish the achievement of blue LED, it is time to publish the paper on it.

This is an extremely important paper, and Boss Shen personally organized and wrote it.

I haven't used a sword for many years, but the sword is still young.

This submission is still "Science".

Everyone has become numb. Shen Guanglin's laboratory submits several articles to "Science" every year, and he prefers this journal.

Junk journals like "Nature" have already asked for manuscripts several times, but he just doesn't want to submit.

Sure enough, it didn't take long for another scientific article to be published: "The advent of blue LED, the future of the lighting industry has come!" ".

That's right, the great Professor Shen Guanglin has finally returned to physics.

He found that gallium nitride displays blue light after packaging, that is to say, blue light LED has been successfully launched!
Now, the yellow, red, and blue LED lights have been assembled, and it is possible to make LED lights that match all colors.

What will this mean?
Some media asked Professor Shen: What will this mean?
Shen Guanglin replied unceremoniously, "This means that Nobel should consider me, someone Shen."

The Nobel Prize in Physics in 1986 was awarded to several people who invented the scanning electron microscope. In fact, Shen Guanglin also wanted to invent this thing, but he was not professional and missed it.

West German scientists Ruska, Bienig and Swiss scientist Rohrerin jointly developed the scanning tunneling microscope, so they jointly won last year's Nobel Prize in Physics.

As for the chemistry award, the Chinese scientist Yuanzhe Li took it.

Li Yuanzhe is a native of Wanwan, not a drifter from the mainland, Shen is not familiar with him.

As for the prizes in biology and medicine, they also missed Shen.

Shen Guanglin's achievements in biology are not many, and the only thing he can show is cloned cows.

Such as anti-insect cotton, hepatitis B vaccine, and even PCR are not considered groundbreaking researches. These are all researched by others first, and he took over the second crop.

Among all the biological subjects of Shen Guanglin, the truly groundbreaking work is the targeted drug for the treatment of leukemia.

This is Shen Guanglin's original creation.

Whether it is the preparation of the theoretical basis for targeted drugs or the entire drug development process, this was first proposed by Shen Guanglin.

This is groundbreaking work!

In real history, four people won the Nobel Prize in Medicine or Biology for the invention of Gleevec.

Therefore, it is reasonable for Shen Guanglin to say that it is time for Nobel to consider him, someone Shen.

Shen Guanglin has already met the conditions to win the award, he is just too young, and his achievements still lack practical and widespread application.

However, this is like two people in love who have already lived together, and sooner or later a gangster will get it for the girl's first blood.

Shen Guanglin's work on the physics group hadn't been completed yet, and sure enough, the leukemia research group came over again: their experiment was a success!
What do you mean?
This medicine really works!Our experiment worked!
 Something happened today, it was already 10 o'clock when I coded, and the typo was sent out without changing it.I haven't got full attendance for several months, I'm very poor
(End of this chapter)

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