Start with a college teacher

Chapter 638 Treatment

Chapter 638 Treatment (1)

Some people often write one or two angry words when writing a composition, such as: time flies like a white horse, and it is like a white cloud and a dog.

In the blink of an eye, two months have passed.

Time is gone forever, the past is still aftertaste.

It has been a long time since I came to the research group, and Jiajia is no longer a novice who knows nothing.

She also knew that the name of their research group is "LED Screen Display Task Force", which is an important scientific research topic in Professor Shen's laboratory.

As for how important it is, she doesn't know.

All she knew was that their lab had made a very small light bulb that could emit various colors, and it was quite nice.

What they have to do is to mount them on the wall and display different images by controlling the circuit.

And their ultimate goal is to be able to play animation and video on it.

After all, Jiajia is only a liberal arts student, so it is good that she knows this.

Using the color change of the light bulb to display animation videos and play movies is too powerful, why does it sound more sci-fi than sci-fi?

Jiajia doesn't understand the specific working principle of this, and she doesn't know what is the use of making this?

If you really want to watch TV, wouldn't it be nice to have a color TV?

Before she came to the laboratory for an internship, she had never seen a color TV, and she never thought that she could have a color TV in her dormitory!

In the entire laboratory LED research group, she is the most special existence.

She is everyone's treasure, and even the team leader's treasure.

You know, this TV set was specially assigned to her by the team leader. The TVs in other rooms are black and white, but she is in color.

There is no way, she is the only girl in this project team, and the others are all men.

Born to be favored.

Of course, she also knew that the team leader had some special "meanings" for her.

This can be seen from the teasing tone of the team members and the fiery expectant eyes of the team leader.

However, she is still young and doesn't want to talk about it.

Well, she is not small, if she is really small, she will not be so easy to attract attention.

Thinking of this made me a little irritable, shaking up and down when I jogged every morning was uncomfortable, and I was coveted by those stinky men.


However, although the team leader is a good person, he graduated from Beijing University, and he is one of Professor Shen's Eight King Kong, but this is not the reason for her to fall in love with him.

Because he doesn't look good.

This is no longer the Prince Charming in her mind.

At worst, it must be someone who looks like Professor Shen.

Professor Shen is handsome and talented. If Professor Shen... I haven't seen him much since he picked himself out of the crowd with his discerning eyes.

Professor Shen has been too busy with his work recently, and he has two important topics to prepare. This is his big move, and he accidentally held it back for another two months.

Moreover, Jiajia herself has someone she likes in school.

Since she came to the laboratory as an intern, it has been almost two months since she saw him.

That classmate's surname is Lu, and his name is Lu Fang. He is also very handsome, and he is also the host of various evening parties at the school.

This is what girls should like.

As for the class leader, he is a good person.

On this day, classmate Jiajia was riding a bicycle along Suzhou Street, and she was going to buy vegetables.

It was indeed her job to buy vegetables for the research group.

In fact, she went to the Friendship Store to buy things, which is the benefit of the laboratory.

The staff in the laboratory are not very good-looking, but they have a lot of money and demands. They want to drink Coke and eat chocolate, and they also need to eat that kind of imported chocolate. They say that they can replenish their abilities when they work overtime. .

What strength do you need?I really want to replenish energy, wouldn't a bowl of brown sugar water solve the problem?

Big deal, I'll put a few more pieces of ginger in it for you.

The team leader was even weirder. He didn't know where to learn from, and mysteriously made a shopping list and asked her to buy it, including lipstick and women's underwear.
What does this mean?
In spring in the capital, there are no other advantages, except that it is windy.

Mr. Lao She said: The spring breeze in the capital does not seem to bring the spring, but blows it away violently.

Traveling with the wind is good, but going against the wind is the most difficult.

"Jiajia, where are you going?"

Oh, it's Xiaoyue in my dorm room, I haven't seen her for a long time.

The two sisters were very enthusiastic when they met, and Jiajia also took this opportunity to go back to school to see her long-lost friends.

"Jiajia, where were you going just now?" We haven't seen each other for two months. Seeing Jiajia again, everyone misses her very much.

"I'm going to go shopping. The unit said that I'm planning to hold a small celebration banquet and need to purchase some supplies."

Saying that, Jiajia also covered her bag.

What was inside was not money, but foreign exchange certificates. She had never seen so much money in her age. It was given by the team leader, 2000 yuan, and she said she would spend it all at once.

Everyone didn't pay attention to her small movements, but continued to ask: "Didn't you go for an internship? Why are you still near the school?"

Everyone knows about Jiajia's internship, but most people don't know where Jiajia went for an internship.

Even Xiaoyue didn't expect to meet her near the school. Could it be that she has no place to practice?Just to fool everyone on purpose.

Are there any good internship places near the school?

The girl's mind moved faster, and she even began to question her personality in her heart, but fortunately, Jiajia explained it in time.

"I did my internship near the school. You have heard of Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University, right?"

Too heard of it!
Shen Guanglin's laboratory is between Beijing University and the National People's Congress, and many people know that place.

Because the greenery is very good there and the environment is good, it is a good place for couples to meet and take a walk.

The sisters were chatting happily when someone came to find her.

"Jiajia, Lu Fang is looking for you outside! He has been looking for you several times, but he has never met you. He is still asking for your contact information, saying that you haven't participated in the activities of the poetry club for a long time."

Not long after Jiajia arrived in the dormitory, some girls spread the news of Jiajia's return.

Especially the person Jiajia likes and also likes Jiajia: Lu Fang.

Lu Fang is indeed Jiajia's favorite person, and the two can even say that they are in love with each other.

In this day and age, the way people express their love is implicit, and it is a common way to make friends through literature, which is the case with her and Lu Fang.

But it's not working out recently. She really has work to do recently, and she has to face the care and love of the team leader from time to time.

When I saw Lu Fang again, he was also handsome.

Although the clothes are simple, they don't hide their handsomeness.

It doesn't look like the group of people in the experiment, they wear sportswear every day, they are sloppy.

It was only once by chance that she received a courier, and only then did she know that those sportswear were all sent from abroad, and the price was very expensive.

Since then, she no longer finds sportswear ugly.

It's been a long time, but when we met, I sighed.

"Jia Jia, where have you been these days, I haven't seen you for so long!" Lu Fang scolded her softly.

"I went for an internship. It's near the school, and I haven't gone far." Jiajia replied.

Immediately, she explained: She is not usually able to go out at will. The reason why she can go out today is because the researchers in the laboratory have special purchasing needs, and she will go shopping later.

The two were reluctant to part, since they wanted to buy something, let's do it together.

He also happened to be able to buy some presents for her.

"Let me go with you, where to go shopping? What to buy?"

"Friendship Store, here is a list." Jiajia found out the shopping list given to her by the team leader, and she will buy supplies according to this list today.

Hearing about the Friendship Store, Lu Fang fell silent instead.

He also knows about the Friendship Store, but he has never been there, and he knows that he cannot afford imported goods with his own financial resources.

In fact, not only him, even Jia Jia went to the Friendship Store for the first time.

However, she has already obtained the teaching experience. When she arrives at the Friendship Store, she can just apply directly to Capital University, and the waiter will receive her.

Instead of talking about this uncomfortable topic, Lu Fang changed the subject: "Jiajia, how have you been recently?"

"That's great! The atmosphere of our project team is very harmonious, even though they all graduated from Beijing University, they don't put on airs at all.

Moreover, the food there is very good. We have beef, pork belly, chicken, ribs, fish every day, and we can’t finish it.

Just because I am a girl, they specially prepared sweet and sour pork for me, which girls like to eat. The team leader said, girls should be treated preferentially"

Speaking of the project team, Jiajia has a lot to say, she likes it so much.

But Lu Fang didn't particularly want to hear this, and his focus was not here, so he continued to ask: "How many girls are there in your project team? Are they all from our National People's Congress?"

"It's just me!" Jiajia was very proud, "You know, I live in a dormitory alone, which has a special washing machine, a refrigerator, and a big color TV! The TVs in other rooms are black and white. I look like I'm a girl, specially"

If there are topics to talk about, the journey will go faster.

The Friendship Store will arrive in a while, and there are a variety of goods in it, all of which are in foreign languages.

Sure enough, they reported the name of Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Capital University, and the waiter gave them a very warm reception and took them in for a visit.

Follow the map to find out the clues and follow the vines.

Materials are being procured at a rapid pace.

Lu Fang is a delicate person. He calculated silently in his heart. In this list, the items used by the girls exceeded 200 yuan. Isn't he the only girl in their group? This is how all interns are treated?

The fun of shopping for girls, men do not understand.

Lu Fang didn't want to understand either. He was just very unhappy. As soon as he left the door of the Friendship Store, he questioned: "You are an intern, where did you get the money to buy these things? The price is not cheap!"

The prices of things in the Friendship Store are not cheap.

It's just because part of the list was made by Li Rong's team leader, and it was a gift specially given to Jiajia.

"The team leader said, girls should be treated preferentially." Jiajia's explanation was very pale. Of course, she knew that the team leader in the laboratory bought it for her.

"It's your team leader again! Then you can marry him in the future!" Lu Fang was angry. She mentioned the team leader several times during the call today.

(End of this chapter)

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