Chapter 639 Not admitting defeat (2)

It turns out that men are also inexplicably angry.

Jiajia didn't know why Lu Fang was angry, so she could only explain in a low voice: "I haven't graduated from college yet, so I don't want to talk about marriage, so don't do that."

Lu Fang also began to wake up, he knew that this was not good, he could lose her so easily, and he couldn't be so stingy.

So, he changed the direction of talking about the topic again.

"Are you still writing poetry recently? I recently made a poem, let me show it to you."

This is Lu's specialty project. The 80s was the era of poetry, and he happened to be good at writing poetry.

"Okay, okay, I must read it carefully, but I was very busy at work during my internship, so I didn't have time to write poetry.

However, we are going to hold a new product launch event soon. It is said that it will be at the Beijing Hotel. You must come then. "

New product launch, what do you mean?
Lu Fang didn't know what was going on at all: "How do I get there?"

"I'll give you a ticket."

In fact, Jiajia doesn't know if she has tickets, but employees can get some tickets for general meetings.

She has been to several meetings, all of which are in big hotels, where she eats and drinks, and gets gifts.

It's just that she couldn't tell Lu Fang about this, because the team leader took her there too.

After returning to the unit, she asked the team leader if she could have a ticket for the new product launch.

Of course you can, but she asked for it for her classmate, named Lu Fang, who is the president of the National People's University Poetry Club.

The team leader originally had a very sad face, but he still gave her a ticket.

Lu Fang, right? Arrange a good position for him.

As for Jiajia, she can no longer be an audience in the audience. She stands on the stage and helps the project team to open the topic.

That's right, the report on the LED display was done by her.

Who made her look good? The team leader reported to Professor Shen, and Professor Shen agreed.

There is no need to introduce the history and status of Jingcheng Hotel, everyone knows it.

Although Lu Fang is just a student, he is not a person willing to be ordinary. He always thinks that one day he will live in this Beijing Hotel.

Now, here's your chance!
Jiajia took the time to send him an invitation letter, which said: 1987 new product launch conference, solemnly invite Mr. Lu Fang to attend, signed by Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University, and also included meal tickets for three meals and an accommodation exchange ticket.

Unexpectedly, attending the new product launch conference can also provide free food and lodging.

Such an opportunity to see the world is extremely rare, and of course Lu Fang will go.

For this reason, he also wore his most handsome clothes, a pair of flared trousers, and a fine white shirt on the upper body, but it was straight. These were the clothes he wore when hosting the party.

It's a pity that Jiajia is too busy with work these days. She said that she has very important tasks, so she has no time to receive him.

The world is full of beauty in April, and it's time for the result.

In the past few days, there have been a lot of foreigners gathered in the Beijing Hotel, not to mention the crowds, but also the voices.

Professor Shen is going to hold a new product launch event. This is the first time. Moreover, there are gossips that this launch event is very important, with heavy product releases.

Lu Fang arrived at the Capital Hotel early, and a group of girls came forward to receive him. They were all exquisite and capable, and they were all professional researchers of the Great Wall Group.

These women look extraordinary, and even give people a feeling of shame.

Someone instructed him to go to the hotel room first. In fact, he didn't have any luggage, but just got to know Taoism.

Lu Fang was so surprised. Not to mention the bustling hotel, the problem is that there are really many foreigners in it, and they all speak various languages.

They all came to participate in the 1987 new product launch conference of Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University.

After checking into the hotel, Lu Fang didn't go out. He even imagined that it would be great if Jiajia came to the room at night.

However, nothing happened.

The bed is so big, the quilt is so white, and the pillows are so soft.

The next day was the day when the press conference was officially held. The breakfast was self-service. There were plenty of meat buns, fried rice with eggs, and eggs, which were boiled with tea leaves, which were precious.

Tea eggs are a good thing, and the later generations of Chinese people can't afford them, and only the people of Wanwan can enjoy them.

Lu Fang He De He Neng, was able to eat six tea eggs in one sitting, and there was a smell of chicken feces when hiccupping.

After eating, Lu Fang was bored and went directly to the press conference hall.

The conference hall is very large and can accommodate thousands of people.

Lu Fang found his own seat according to his seat number plate. It was in the third row, and the position was very good.

Even those foreigners were far behind him. Seeing the position where he was sitting, they were very generous and took many photos of him.

The staff arrived one after another, and Lu Fang's mood gradually stabilized.

Fortunately, the people sitting next to him are all young people, and they are all Chinese.

More importantly, none of them were handsome, which made Lu Fang feel a lot better about his nervousness.

"Brother, you are Lu Fang."

Suddenly someone around greeted him.

Lu Fang was staring at the big curtain on the stage in a daze.

At the back of the stage, there was a big flower on it, covered with a red silk cloth like a plaque, it seemed that a ribbon-cutting ceremony was about to take place.

Hearing someone calling himself, Lu Fang quickly responded: "Ah! Oh, um, yes, I am Lu Fang." Lu Fang looked over, he didn't know this person, but it didn't matter, it didn't prevent him from smiling politely .

"My name is Zhu Zhengrong, let's get acquainted formally." This handsome man was wearing a suit, and he greeted Lu Fang solemnly: "We will have many opportunities to deal with each other in the future."

"Nice to meet you." Lu Fang didn't expect the other party to be so formal, so he quickly extended his hand and shook hands with the other party.

The two chatted for a while, and this person not only knew his name was Lu Fang, but also knew that he was a student of the National People's University.

For some reason, several young people around turned their heads to watch them chatting, with half-smiles in their eyes.

"Little pig, you are brother-in-law." A formally dressed man with a wretched face greeted him, which also broke the calm.

"You are such a dog that can't spit out ivory! No wonder your surname is Gou!"

Lu Fang didn't know what was going on, and Xiaozhu had already started to fight back.

"Stop making noise, the press conference is about to start, can you be quiet for a while. I'm going to give a speech on stage!"

It was another young man who stopped them this time, and he didn't look very old.

"You old horse can pretend, why don't you just research some broken medicine, what I made is no worse than yours!"

"Mine too." Maverick also chimed in unconvinced.

In the face of competition, we have not yet reached the stage where we can deal with it calmly.

Little Pig secretly said in his heart, I will not lose in both aspects!

Forget it, he also looked at Lu Fang.

Lu Fang couldn't understand what they were saying, but he still smiled back.

Immediately afterwards, the fourth and fifth rows at the back were also full. They seemed to know each other, and Lu Fang felt like an outsider.

Upon inquiring, he was indeed an outsider.

They are all from Beijing University, some are in school, some have graduated, and no matter what stage they are in, it is not surprising that they know each other.

Only at this moment did Lu Fang feel: Capital University is really good!

If I had worked harder, I could have been admitted to Capital University.

At this moment, someone from behind tapped him on the shoulder: "Classmates, don't worry about their small circle, what's so great about Beijing University, don't underestimate us graduates from ordinary schools, work hard, our grades are no worse than theirs!"

Hey, I'm not enough to compare with the top, but I always have more than the bottom.

Lu Fang felt aggrieved for a while, as he had something to show his sense of superiority, "Student, in fact, I didn't graduate from an ordinary school, I'm from the National People's Congress."

"People's University? Isn't that similar to our school?"

"where are you from?"

"I'm from the south."

(End of this chapter)

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