Chapter 643 Debate (1)

Scientific researchers are not saints.

This is true all over the world.

Shen Kuo, the master of previous generations of scientific achievements, a milestone in the history of Chinese science, is actually a very dirty person inside. He made a small report to assassinate Su Dongpo, and his behavior is not very moral;

Newton, one of the great physicists in modern times and the discoverer of the three laws of physics, used despicable means to attack another scholar, Leibniz, on the grounds that he also invented calculus.

Edison, the world-renowned inventor of the invention and the inventor of the light bulb, in order to suppress the contemporary Tesla, even had people catch cats and dogs and electrocute them to death with alternating current, so as to slander his competitors.

Really don’t think that a talented person will be very moral. Mr. Guo enjoyed all the glory during his lifetime, but after his death, the ground is messed up, why?

It wasn't about excavating Zhu Yijun's Dingling Tomb at all. What Lao Guo did, well, it's hard to say, what it looks like from a distance, and what it looks like up close.

Fuso scholar Inada Yoshiki is not a very academic and moral person, he is good at jealousy, greed, stinginess, but talented.

He is an old man in the Fusang biosphere, and he is even a bit of a schoolboy.

Therefore, he has always looked down on the biological humans who rose later, including Shen.

It's okay for you to kneel and lick in physics, but we absolutely disagree with biology.

However, Shen Guanglin challenged his bottom line time and time again, and he held grudges in his heart for a long time.

In the beginning, Shen Guanglin's research on insect-resistant cotton came into his sight. It turned out that some people in Huaxia also researched genetically modified technology.

Later, Shen Guanglin succeeded in directly cloning cows, which made him a little bit embarrassing. How did he come up with such a wonderful idea?
What's more, Shen Guanglin successfully used yeast to mass-produce hepatitis B vaccine, and applied for a patent in Fusang, which made him very unhappy.

Moreover, not only Inada Yoshiki was unhappy, but even the entire Fuso biological world was very unhappy.

This time, he finally felt that he was not old yet.

Can you discover the major flaws in Shen Guanglin's achievements in such a short period of time, isn't it amazing?

This can't be regarded as a flaw, this is a flaw!
If you were my student, I wouldn't let you graduate with that major flaw.

Moreover, he really can't wait to spread rumors in the future, that's too slow, if he finds a problem, he must point it out now, and you will be blocked on the spot.

Otherwise, jealousy would drive him mad.

However, Shen Guanglin's light words dispelled all doubts. I have researched all the results. Why do you question my research and development process.

Even if I deduce the healing mechanism based on the compound, you have to hold your nose and admit it, this is medicine!
Moreover, why do people show all the compounds? This is not a graduation defense.

And, why is this compound called 1605?Is it a molecular formula?
of course not!

There are international naming rules for the molecular formula, and it has been given in the notebook, which stops everyone from guessing from this aspect.

Now, everyone can use their imagination.

Try to imagine: Compound No. 1605, what does this mean?
Is the difficulty and difficulty of new drug development reflected in this figure?
Some people really began to speculate: Is it because of 1605 experiments that this compound was given this name?

The truth is about the same.

However, Boss Shen started naming it at 1500, and succeeded at 1605, and only 105 compounds were integrated.

"We only documented one compound in it because that one happened to work."

The meaning of Shen Guanglin's words is obvious. What are the effects of other compounds? This is still one of our scientific research results. Why should it be made public.

Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and said another paragraph as a summary:

"Your can't mean others' can't. For example, although you are not young, you are still an unknown scholar. And I am already a world-renowned scientist, whether it is physics, chemistry or science. Living things, that's all."

Inada Fangshu was trembling with anger. He didn't even know that there was a word called "Qi Shi Leng", which was very suitable for his situation: "Don't you know who I am?"

"This is my new product launch conference. Why do I need to know who you are? Is it because of your age?"

The greatest tragedy in the scientific world is: I treat you as an opponent, but you treat me as air.

In Shen Guanglin's scientific research world, there is no such person as Inada Yoshiki.

Inada Yoshiki could only sit down awkwardly, and returned home.

Answering the questions is the end of this session.

When will the drug go on the market and how much will it cost?This is also a matter of great concern to everyone.

Shen Guanglin also said that considering that China's economy is not rich, patients with chronic leukemia in China can apply to use this medicine at cost price.

Moreover, it is only the production cost and does not include research and development costs. As for the specific selling price, it will be discussed with the government department.

However, what is the recovery of the huge amount of money invested in the early stage?

Needless to say, of course it is the overseas market, otherwise why would Shen Guanglin's laboratory accept overseas funds, it is to consider the issue of win-win.

Pfizer and Takeda have spent so much money in the early stage of leukemia treatment drugs, and now they finally have the opportunity to show their faces.

They announced that they will soon set up a joint production line to jointly produce this specific leukemia treatment drug, and one-third of the profits generated in the future will continue to be returned to Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University.

Moreover, there is another good news to tell everyone that this drug can not only treat leukemia, but also inhibit other types of tumors.

This is important!

This is so important!
Among all the patients with major diseases, there are not many patients with leukemia, but there are quite a few patients with other tumors.

This discovery will open up a huge market.

Now, the guests in the audience looked at the brochures in their hands, and what they saw was no longer paper, but money, bills, bank deposit slips, remittance slips, and checks.

Moreover, they have already applied for a global patent on the special drug 1605 for the treatment of leukemia, and now they are only short of completing the second phase of clinical trials before they can apply for marketing.

Sure enough, someone started to ask again, "How much will the overseas price of this drug be?"

"There is no pricing yet, it should match the national income. For example, Fuso's current per capita GDP is 2 US dollars, so we tentatively set the price of the drug for a year's dose as 2 US dollars. It depends on the return on investment. Expect."

In short, it's not cheap.

After all, the development of this drug is costly, and it is impossible for pharmaceutical companies to shed blood and tears.

As for how to set the price, it is still left to the dealers in various countries to consider. Shen Guanglin is only responsible for domestic patients.

Hearing Shen Guanglin mention Fusang, Inada Fangshu couldn't sit still again.

"I heard that Takeda Pharmaceutical provided a large amount of money to your laboratory, presumably Pfizer also provided a lot of money, and I heard that your laboratory only spent less than one-fifth of the money to complete the drug. R&D, where does the extra money go? Are you going to make other patients around the world pay four-fifths of the extra money that goes unspent?"

Inada Fangshu's words did not have good intentions, but Shen Guanglin didn't care: "Not only that, but also the profits from business operations."

Shen Guanglin just wants to make this old man angry. If you are angry, I will be happy.

"As for the remaining money for research and development of drugs, of course it is the daily operating expenses of the laboratory. Of course, it will cost money to reopen the project or do other things in the future. For example, the money spent on the use of the venue for today's press conference is The scientific research funding they brought, so you also have a share in it."

"I didn't stay in the hotel you provided, and I didn't take the transportation you provided!"

"You used the conference room we leased, which also costs money."

This matter is unclear, and Yoshiki Inada didn't want to continue the debate on this aspect, so he thought about another aspect:
"I have visited other laboratories in your country. The researchers in some laboratories are very shabby, and they are reluctant to change gloves after a day. In your laboratory, it is said that each person uses more than 10 pairs of experimental gloves a day, and even For the convenience of taking off, I have to wear two at a time, and now, this bad habit has spread to our Fusang.”

The meaning of the old man is obvious. Your country is obviously poor, but your laboratory is wasting and squandering money. Although you have achievements, you don't deserve to be respected.

"This is the reason why you are not well-known, but I have achieved so much. The safety and time of a scientific researcher are far more important than money. A scientific researcher should not care about money, but should see whether he has achieved results. When it comes to you Age, except for the achievements of the greedy students, I guess there will be no achievements."

This is a bit murderous.

In fact, the scientific research achievements of Tanmo students are the norm in the industry, and even Shen is exploiting his own experimental dog.

But he still participated in the experiment process and pointed out the direction of scientific research. Middle-aged and elderly scholars like Inada Yoshiki, the greatest ability is probably that the achievements of chemistry students are for themselves.

"What evidence do you have for saying that?"

"Your gray temples are proof!"

Inada Yoshiki was also an accomplished scholar when he was young, but because he was old, his energy could not keep up, and his knowledge was aging, he became cynical.

He felt like he was going to die, what happened to his gray temples?
In the past, this was a sign of seniority, which meant that senior scholars were highly respected. Why did they come to him, but it became a shame.

In Fusang academia, qualifications are very important. If you don’t have qualifications, you basically have nothing. Even if you have strong personal ability, you will suffer unreasonable suppression.

"You too will be old one day!"

"When I get old, I will retreat bravely, and I will not bite people indiscriminately."

(End of this chapter)

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