Start with a college teacher

Chapter 644 The Knocker

Chapter 644 The Knocker (2)

Inada Yoshiki was angry. He said that he had been greatly insulted, and he must have left on the spot.

Moreover, he also called on the scholars of Fusang to go together, even your Takeda company is no exception.

However, he stood up, and the others did not move.

The agenda of the meeting said that there are two important scientific research results released today, and this is the first one. They want to continue to see if Shen Guanglin's laboratory has any new results.

Although this result is shocking enough, the other result is still very yearning.

Professor Shen should not have made such a big show, one big one and one small one.

Oops, Yoshiki Inada is having a hard time riding a tiger now.

Can you go?
don't go?

If you don't go, I won't go either.

Because, Shen Guanglin is really telling the truth again, he can't leave at this time, or he will lose money.

All the other tool people got off the stage, leaving only Shen Guanglin standing on the stage alone.

He began to make a formal speech, and the topic of the speech was how to open a new door.

Sure enough, the content of his speech was both related and unrelated to leukemia treatment.

The direction of targeted therapy is indeed a new door, a new method of disease treatment, which was opened by Shen Guanglin. In the future, no matter who is researching targeted drugs, he will have to mention Shen.

Another father!
However, in Shen Guanglin's heart, the cure for leukemia is someone else's scientific research achievement, and it is good that the honor allows his disciples to go, as he only needs money.

For money, do nothing.

For example, those ladies who touch and sing, they have good looks and acting skills, so what's wrong with earning a little money.

The same is true for Boss Shen. He has good looks and acting skills. What's wrong with earning a little money?
"The series of content just now expressed is the recent scientific research results of our laboratory's biology group. Although it is very powerful and awesome, everyone's sense of participation is not strong, right?
Now, I decided to set up a new proposition and invite everyone to participate together. How about we conduct a scientific research competition? "Shen Guanglin also started to season the mouth.

Science competition?

real or fake?

What subject is it?There will also be research competitions.

In the scientific research career of any well-known scholar, it is always inevitable that there will be competition or competition, and no one who is good at it will have great achievements.

If you can't knock others down, how can you tilt your scientific research resources towards yourself?

The growth path of a generation of academics is so simple and bloody and cruel.

However, it was the first time that Shen Guanglin proposed to hold a scientific research competition.

Some people really thought about competing with Shen Guanglin in scientific research, but they had no idea what Professor Shen was doing on weekdays?
Professor Shen dug holes everywhere, regardless of whether they buried them. It seemed that he was only keen on opening the door, and he was not willing to dig deep.

Moreover, as long as there are scientific research competitions he participated in, he has never failed.

Others have worked so hard to climb to the second floor, but he just took one step, and he has already reached the fifth floor.

Hearing Shen's words, some scholars who are researching frontier topics suddenly felt chills: He is not focusing on my research direction, is he?what should I do?Is there any funding for the next issue?

Immediately there were buzzing whispers from the audience, Shen Guanglin felt that they could not continue to speculate, he had better reveal the mystery himself.

Otherwise, when will I be able to show my next achievement? This should be just a pretentious episode.

"Does anyone know that my laboratory is still researching vaccines in addition to researching leukemia?"

Know!too know!
Many people in the academic circle have heard that Shen Guanglin's laboratory completed the preparation of yeast hepatitis B vaccine in only one week.

Moreover, he also preempted the hepatitis B vaccine patents in Huaxia, Fusang, Southeast Asia and other countries.

Although squatting patents is the norm in the business world, for a world-renowned scientist like Professor Shen, doing so seems a bit contrary to scientific ethics.

Moreover, I heard that he also used some disgraceful methods on the PCR machine?

"Really or not? Isn't the inventor of the PCR instrument very clear? It's Murris from Citigroup. He, Shen, didn't participate in it either."

"He didn't grab the honor, but he grabbed something else! Murris originally only launched the first-generation PCR machine, but Professor Shen's laboratory directly applied for all the patents for the second-generation and third-generation PCR machines. He Walking the path that others want to walk has already left others with nowhere to go."

"So powerful? How did you solve it later?"

"The three companies reconcile and share profits."

As long as there is no subject that Professor Shen is interested in, there is nothing he can't take. This is already the consensus of the academic circle.

It is a difficult problem for others, but it is just an ordinary argument for Professor Shen. Everyone works under him, as long as they find reasonable arguments based on Professor Shen's arguments.

"It's just a good thing. Professor Shen only likes to create new topics, and rarely invests a lot of energy in other people's research and development fields, unless the topic can make money."

"Is it true?"

"Why not? Do you think someone told you that cancer can be cured before that? Do you believe it? Only he started from this and developed a new treatment method, which opened up a whole new field."

"It's not said that anyone has been cured?"

"In principle, is the method he proposed a cure for cancer?"

"It really is."

Targeted therapy drugs really treat diseases from the pathological point of view, and the purpose is to cure them.

As for whether it can really be cured, it depends on the final curative effect and the type of disease.

Shen Guanglin also said that the research and development direction of targeted therapy is not limited to cancer, some congenital genetic diseases can also be treated by this method.

This is indeed a heavy door!
Shen Guanglin didn't care about everyone's discussions, and went on to talk:
"What I'm going to talk about today is not the hepatitis B vaccine, nor the polio and DPT vaccines, but a new idea and method for developing vaccines."

Look, look, I know this is a brand new door!

Sure enough, he was about to knock on the door again.

Everyone sat down, and some even took out paper and pens, ready to start taking notes.

"As you may know, the development of vaccines has gone through two stages so far. I call them the first-generation vaccine and the second-generation vaccine.

The first stage is the stage of using inactivated viruses to immunize humans.

In 1798, Jenny used vaccinia vaccine to prevent smallpox, creating a historical precedent for artificial immunization.

After that, the production method of the first-generation vaccine was obtained by means of virus inactivation.

In recent years, the development of vaccines has entered the second stage.

It is the current trend of vaccine development to produce genetically modified vaccines from the natural components of microorganisms or their unique immune units. My laboratory is currently vigorously researching and promoting this kind of vaccine. I call it the second-generation vaccine. "

This is all nonsense, but what comes out of Shen Guanglin's mouth, everyone still thinks it is very important.

"I believe, everyone here, even if you are from a developed country, the second-generation vaccine has not yet been widely used. For example, take the hepatitis B vaccine as an example. The patent of Fusang country is still pending in my laboratory. "

Inada Yoshiki felt uncomfortable again, but he didn't continue to refute. Just now his face fell to the ground, and he hasn't picked it up yet.

"Although the second-generation vaccine has many advantages, such as lower production costs, higher safety and better efficacy.

However, as long as it is a vaccine, there is a certain chance of causing various adverse reactions to the human body, such as allergic reactions, such as poisoning reactions. Some people have passed away early because of the vaccine, which has to be said to be a pity.

Now, here, I will propose the research and development direction of the third generation vaccine - gene vaccine. "

The knocking has begun!Shen Guanglin didn't play tricks, he directly talked about the research and development direction of the third-generation vaccine.

Because, even if he doesn't say anything, this matter will soon be exposed by others. This is actually a matter of thinking and thinking.

For piercing the window paper, Shen is a professional.

"We know that a vaccine is to inject the characteristic protein of the virus into our body, so that our immune system can recognize and produce an immune response, so as to protect against the real virus. Both the first-generation vaccine and the second-generation vaccine are based on this principle , and the third-generation vaccine will be different.

The third-generation vaccine is to record the signals of our human immune system when it produces an immune response, express them on some vectors, and make a vaccine.In this way, instead of inactivating viruses or genetically modified substances, we can directly arouse human immunity by giving the body an immune signal. "

The people in the audience suddenly felt that they had been splashed with cold water.

It turns out that vaccines can still be developed in this way?
It is a method that has never been thought of before, but it is very feasible.

How did his brain grow?

This is indeed another door.

(End of this chapter)

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