Start with a college teacher

Chapter 645 Unscientific

Chapter 645 Unscientific (1)

Even though there are many experts in biology and medicine in the audience, Shen Guanglin still did meticulous science popularization work.

Who made him a teacher.

He did this to let everyone understand the whole story and principle of this matter, and to give them the opportunity to go out and publicize their greatness.

The master is lonely, how can he show Professor Shen's master demeanor if he doesn't pretend.

Regarding biological genetic knowledge, Shen Guanglin is not learning and selling it now. He learned it a long time ago and only now sells it.

In recent years, Shen Guanglin has read the most cutting-edge magazines, what? , What <Science>, <Nature>, <The Lancet>, he reads every issue.

Moreover, having been a scholar for so many years, he can actually understand such advanced papers.

It is really understandable, not just a fake.

After all, one way is all right, ten thousand ways are all right.

In fact, it is only the 80s, and the knowledge and arguments in high school biology textbooks of later generations are already at the forefront of science and technology in this era, and some biological theorems and phenomena have not yet been discovered and verified.

So, Shen Guanglin began to preach like a high school biology teacher: Nocturnal emission is a normal phenomenon after puberty, so don't use your hands to interfere with its normal process.

Well, the above words are impossible to say in such a venue.

What Professor Shen actually said was: "How is genetic information converted from DNA to protein? Transcription is a very important part of it.

When a genetic gene is expressed, RNA is first synthesized using a strand of DNA as a template, and this process is transcription.

There are three types of RNA, and the focus here is on mRNA, also called messenger RNA, which is a template for protein synthesis.

For viruses, after obtaining the key information of mRNA, as long as it is passed to the human immune mechanism, the human immune system can be activated, so that the human body can directly obtain immunity.

As for any inactivated virus, or any virus protein that is replicated in bacteria, it is safer and more convenient to directly give the body's immune system a biological signal to directly allow the body to generate immunity. "

Explain the profound things in a simple way, and go into detail.

After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, not only those who majored in biology and medicine, but also those who majored in physics could understand it, and even Jia Jia and Xiao Lu who majored in liberal arts could understand it.

In fact, this idea was only proposed in 1994, and Shen Guanglin had already proposed it in 1987 today.

In later generations, some high-end vaccines were manufactured using MRNA technology, such as the new crown vaccine.

Of course, the high-end vaccines here are not Wanwan’s high-end vaccines. The Wanwan dustpan would kill people, and Xiaoying didn’t dare to fight, only dared to ban the P picture to change his face.

The first half of today's conference was simply a live teaching and conference of genetics and genomics.

There is only one drug, but two methods are mentioned, and both methods have broad prospects.

Presumably, after Shen Guanglin finished speaking, they will immediately become the hot spot of the times.

Professor Shen's ability to have such a fantastic idea is naturally worthy of respect.

There was a long and warm applause from the audience, and the duration of the high-frequency papa papa easily exceeded one.

Dong is the Dong of Da Qiangzi, a man's life is not easy.

Someone asked, Professor Shen, have you made a virus vaccine based on messenger mRNA?
Not yet.

However, this is probably one of the main directions of future research in Shen's laboratory.

In order to save the world and relieve the pain, he, Shen Guanglin, invited everyone to use genetic engineering methods to study the means of treating diseases, and using genetic engineering methods to obtain vaccines that can immunize the human body is the future trend.

Professor Shen is willing to be the knocker.

When he said these words, Professor Shen was sincere and serious, and he didn't use locomotives or routines.

Everyone also understands that Professor Shen is really great. For the development of science, he has never thought of self-preservation.

This is the same as the research on superconductors and nanomaterials. He said it to invite everyone to participate, not just to show off.

In the field of nanotechnology, many people entered this field because of the door opened by Shen Guanglin, and thus achieved certain achievements.

Under the suggestion of Shen, everyone thought of Shen Guanglin's past. How many times has this knocked on the door?

Sure enough, there was another burst of sustained applause from the audience, this time lasting at least three dongs.

However, Yoshiki Inada, who was sitting in the audience, couldn't help but questioned again: "But, Professor Shen, you just said that you want to change the world. Is this the only way you can make a few medicines and develop a few vaccines?" Did it change the world?"

At this time, everyone thought, why is this old man so annoying? Van Kirk should have thrown more little boys and big fat people in 45.

Perhaps, as long as there is a good aim, the world will be clean.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to answer the old man's question at first, but he caught up again, and the villain was hard to find.

He can only say, "I really want to change the world, but I don't need your reminder when I change the world."

After all, this matter has been prepared for so long, and everything has a routine and process.

After changing the subject, Shen Guanglin continued the topic just now and said: "We just talked about two more professional topics in succession. To put it bluntly, they are actually the prospects of genetic engineering in the future. Now, please relax first! "

Ah, did you watch another show?
"Music, dance, let's go!"

The little girl who changed her costume bounced onto the stage.

"Ha! Under that street lamp, there is a little girl crying.

Don't know where she came from either, ha! The little girl cried so sadly.

Don't know who abandoned her, where she should go now.

Dear little sister, please don't cry.

Where is your home, I will take you and take you back."

It was the song and dance troupe just now again, student Xiao Lu was worried again, because his classmate Jia Jia was in it again.

This is a woman of many talents.

However, if they dance again this time, they are not the enchanting Feitian, but the cheerful song and dance DISCO "The Little Girl Under the Street Lamp".

There are not many people who like DISCO in the audience, because there are not many young people.

It’s okay for foreigners, this kind of modern dance is more or less acceptable, but many middle-aged and elderly scholars in China can’t appreciate such a noisy and avant-garde performance at all.

Probably, after hearing everyone's complaints from the bottom of their hearts, the red curtain in front of the stage was slowly drawn.

The music didn't stop, but the performer was no longer visible.

When the red curtain was opened again, the group of people dancing just now were no longer on the stage, but had arrived behind the curtain.

The music is the same, the dancing is the same, but what about the people?It has been transferred to the screen.

This is the movie video played!
This party is very attentive, and they are still pursuing a little fantasy effect.

In fact, this is Shen Guanglin's inspiration from the closing ceremony of the 04 Athens Olympic Games.

At that time, a group of long-legged girls dancing jasmine flowers on the Great Wall was playing on the big TV screen, and suddenly they came to the show.

The little cheongsam jumped up!

It's just that a small cheongsam with long legs couldn't do it in that era, let alone this era.

Lao Mouzi was scolded for this, but it also made all the LSP applaud.

Even, some people like girls with cheongsams and buttocks the most when they play touch and sing.

Moreover, Shen himself really likes this way of acting.

Hey, born in the wrong era.

The singing and dancing was over, and someone Shen continued to go on stage.

The "screen" at the back no longer displayed the song and dance just now, but displayed a row of big characters: "Let's suffocate our dreams together!"

Come on, everyone suffocate!
In fact, this is the second time that Shen has suffocated for his dream. Many years ago, he once suffocated, but everyone probably forgot it. This time he suffocated again, and everyone still felt very fresh.

But, how did the word come up?slides?Why is it still in color.

Shen Guanglin took the microphone and continued: "Now, let's play a small game. There are 960 seats, and each seat has a number. Next, let's draw a prize. I will complete his A wish. If it doesn’t come true, then he will get a special gift from us, and it’s the world’s first epoch-making product, which means a lot.”

This sentence immediately attracted everyone's attention.

What is an epoch-making product?
lottery?How to smoke, do you prepare a big box to smoke table tennis balls?

Of course not, this is a link specially designed by Shen Guanglin, which is the digital jumping game of the later generations of Rotten Street.

However, using this method is to make everyone notice the difference in the screen behind.

"Next, look at my back!"

A large number box appeared on the 'movie curtain' behind Shen Guanglin, with 000 written on it.

Many people in the audience lamented that the projection fit really well.

"I call start, and the number will roll randomly. I call stop, and when the number stops, which guest will stand up, everyone agree?"

"it is good!"

Some people were still driven by Shen Guanglin's vulgar atmosphere, but most of them were still confused.

Does this number jump?
Why, how is this achieved, the slides cannot achieve this.

Shen Guanglin didn't care what they guessed, he directly shouted: "3, 2, 1,. Let's go!"

Under the attention of the entire audience, the numbers on the screen really scrolled crazily, with sound effects, spinning around.

This is how the same thing?

Shen Guanglin didn't look at the screen behind him either, but stood on the stage and walked from one side to the other. Halfway through, he even shook hands with the guests sitting in the first row.

Finally, he seemed to have remembered something, and immediately shouted: "Stop!"

The beating numbers really stopped!

The number shown above is: '256'.

According to the rules, guest No. 256 stood up. He is not an ordinary domestic audience, he is a foreigner.

However, the scrolling of the numbers just now was amazing, and what was even more amazing was that as the foreigner stood up, the "movie curtain" began to play the picture of the foreigner!

Some people have already suspected it before. If it is a pre-recorded scene, how did the broadcasting time be calculated when the numbers jumped and displayed for so long?


This is not scientific at all.

Now, it is even more unscientific that the foreigner's course of action can be displayed on this screen in real time!

(End of this chapter)

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