Start with a college teacher

Chapter 646 Change the World

Chapter 646 Change the World (2)

Even more unscientific things are still happening later.

This foreigner came to power, but Shen Guanglin didn't know him, and wanted everyone to be sure that he was not a trustee.

of course not!

After the foreigner came to the stage, he introduced himself. This is a chemist from the Czech Republic. He came here specially to attend Professor Shen's press conference. It is true that he is not a trustee. There are many people who can testify.

Oops, if you come here especially for the name, then this is pure powder.

Now, Czechoslovakia is still a whole country, and it hasn't broken up peacefully yet, and hasn't met Jack and Ruth yet.

The chemist's name was Javier, which sounded like a Spanish name—Javier.

Well, Harvey is good at the game.

Shen Guanglin suddenly thought that he hadn't paid attention to football matches for a long time.

Chinese football in this era is not yet sea cucumbers. Sea cucumbers look hard, but are actually very soft.

The national football team of later generations is worthy of this title, and even Vietnam dared to lose.

Shen Guanglin and Harvey shook hands.

According to what was agreed before, Shen Guanglin asked Harvey if there was any gift he wanted in particular. If not, he would take out the gift bag of the century he had prepared.

Hey, people really have them.

He didn't want the gift package of the century, he just wanted to invite Professor Shen to visit Eastern Europe, to his country, to his alma mater, and tell his juniors how amazing Professor Shen is.

Moreover, Havel also asked him: Do you have any objections to brother countries belonging to the same camp? Why did he go to Western countries before?

Shen Guanglin really hasn't been to these countries in his brother's camp. He is not afraid of other things, but he is afraid of bad security.

This topic is very sensitive, Shen Guanglin is not easy to answer, he can only express it with actions.

Shen Guanglin said that there is no need to look for opportunities, he will go to the Czech Republic for an academic visit this year, and the lectures are free of charge.

This era is not rich, even if the Czech Republic is a developed country in the future, these few years are their poorest days.

Javier is overjoyed, is this true?
of course it's true.

Professor Shen really wanted to visit Eastern Europe. He had wanted to go for a long time, but never had the chance.Now, he has been invited in public, so he can indeed go and taste his wish.

It can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone. It not only promotes the reputation, but also fulfills the wish. You can also go to this country that is particularly powerful in arms manufacturing.

It has been more than half a year since my eldest brother-in-law went to Eastern Europe. It is said that the situation has opened up a bit, and it is time to check.

I heard that the eldest brother-in-law did not go to CCCP. The camel is bigger than the horse, and the elder brother’s family is strict. On the contrary, those countries in Eastern Europe have a single industry and the economy is more difficult.

Professor Shen is the savior, and he can indeed go to the rescue.

However, the most urgent task right now is the new product launch. Shen Guanglin has just started, and the mystery has not yet been revealed.

"Mr. Havel, since what you want is this gift, someone else will get the gift originally given to you, do you have any objection?"

Of course there is no objection, Javier got his wish and didn't care about material conditions at all.

"Okay, then let Mr. Havel draw the next lucky guest." Shen Guanglin continued to make arrangements.

How to smoke
Of course, it is the same as what Professor Shen did just now. Call start first, then pause, and whoever stops will get a big gift bag.

Some people are already speculating that this may be a brand new projection technology, for example, combined with a computer.

That number jumps in real time, which can only be simulated by a computer.

They guessed half right.

Javier called out, and the numbers on the screen began to jump rapidly again.

However, since Javier was standing on the stage, when the numbers were jumping, he turned his head to look, only to realize that this is not a "movie curtain"!It turned out to be a whole wall made up of small light spots one by one!
It's amazing!
For a while, he even forgot to call a timeout.

The audience in the audience is anxiously waiting, what are you doing, stop, maybe we will have a chance to be on stage.

Amidst the urging voices from the audience, he finally came to his senses, and hurriedly called out: "Stop!"
The number I stayed this time was No. 545, and he was another foreigner, but judging by his attire, he should be a big guy from the Middle East, with a beautiful beard and pure white clothes.

A big guy dressed like this is a sign of wealth in any era.

Soon, the bearded man in national costume walked quickly to the stage. Before he could introduce himself, Javier whispered there, "Look at the screen behind you, too."

The big guy in the Middle East turned his head and looked, damn it!what is this?

He was also stunned.

"What is this thing, and how is it done?"

The big guy in the Middle East took a few steps forward, leaned up to touch it, and the touch confirmed his guess. These are really small light bulbs one by one.

You're finally seeing the difference, aren't you?
Shen Guanglin was waiting for this moment, "Do you want to ask, what's going on with this screen?"


"Come on, staff, continue to cut the screen to the guests at the scene."

For this press conference, their team has done a lot of work.

They even spent money to buy a whole set of TV live broadcast equipment, the purpose is to have real-time live broadcast images like a surveillance camera.

Following Shen Guanglin's order, the scene really switched to the auditorium under the stage.

Some people whispered to each other, while others stared intently.

Then, as the staff shook the camera head, they actually saw themselves on the stage screen!

This is really a live broadcast!
Moreover, as soon as the screen turned, the field of vision came to the outside again. This is the seat on the roof, showing the scene outside the Beijing Hotel.

Although there is no heavy traffic on the road, it is still flowing like a shuttle, which is like a picture of going up the river during the Qingming Festival.

The point is, this screen is huge, and the images are in color.

This is simply an oversized TV!

Could it be that China has been able to make such a big TV?
How did they achieve such a large size glass?
Now, it is very difficult to make a screen larger than 30 inches, and this screen looks flat, not a curved surface.

Immediately, someone began to ask: "How did you produce such a large screen, and how did you move it into this stage? You know, the door is much smaller than it."

Shen Guanglin smiled slightly, "I think the two gentlemen on the stage should be able to answer this question for me."

Sure enough, it was Javier who responded the fastest, "This is not a big screen, but a wall made up of countless small light bulbs."

small bulb?
What is the reason for this?
Well, Mr. Shen's class is about to start again.

Change the world, starting from a small light bulb!
(End of this chapter)

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