Chapter 648: Contributing and Literate (2)

Next, it is the link of product display.

There are many types of application products, not to mention the super-large super-sci-fi big screen, there are LED flashlights, surgical shadowless lamps, lighting tubes, and ceiling lamps.
The young ladies came up one by one, and each brought a miniaturized product, just like a Victoria's Secret catwalk show, and stood in the back row after the display.

In this way, every time a product is displayed, Jiajia will introduce the characteristics of this product and can also conduct a practical demonstration.

It seems that Xiao Jiang is the spokesperson of Shen Guanglin's laboratory for medicine, and Jiajia has become the spokesperson for Shen Guanglin's laboratory of electrical lighting.

Xiao Zhu has a good eye. This girl is good at singing and dancing, and she has a good eloquence. Under her explanation, each product fully shows its own characteristics.

It's just that Xiao Lu's heart is a little restless. Is this still the Jiajia I know?
As the girls came to the stage one by one, several rows of new LED products were displayed, with products of various application types. As long as everyone can think of it, they have thought of it and realized it one by one.

They are going to complete the road of LED products, and they will not give others a way to survive.

This group of people even made street lights and traffic lights, can they go too far?

In the past, Shen Guanglin has always been willing to cooperate and share with others, regardless of drug research and development or other product development. Only in LED products, he holds all the patents.

As for how to promote it globally in the future, we will talk about it later.

Right now, the people in his lab are still writing new patents continuously.

Recently, various invention patents in Shen Guanglin's laboratory have emerged one after another, and the number is increasing every day, and it is almost a blowout.

You know, this is a trillion-level market. LED has monopolized 90% of the lighting industry's application products in later generations. It is one of the most incredible scientific achievements in the 21st century.

In the next step, everyone can take turns to come to the stage to see new products. Drugs are not easy to check, but these LED products are ready-made and can be watched directly.

Everyone can't wait.

Shen Guanglin thought about this press conference very early on, and he thought about what kind of effect would be achieved if these achievements were thrown out.

For this reason, he felt that he could not be more prepared.

Now, it can be regarded as half a success.

The reason why Shen showed his scientific research results by announcing the new product launch conference was also deliberate.

First of all, Mr. Shen has not made any major scientific research results for a long time, especially in physics.

Secondly, whether it is domestic or international, everyone's enthusiasm for Professor Shen has a tendency to cool down. Especially in China, the popularity of the hepatitis B vaccine has only lasted for a week.

This made Shen very dissatisfied.

You know, when the Wubi typing method was developed, the media touted it: this is the fifth greatest invention, the greatest invention of the new era, none of them.

That kind of bragging made Shen Guanglin blush.

When it comes to insect-resistant cotton, it's okay, but it's also full of articles.

Since the cloning of cows, the atmosphere has become a little bit wrong. The media first promoted it and then suppressed it, because many people raised the ethical issue of cloning.

What does this have to do with Professor Shen, he personally opposes human cloning.

However, the domestic media in this era is so pissed. Whenever the foreign media questioned it, the domestic media began to follow suit, as if Shen made a big mistake in making a cloned cow.

The man who loves to open the door opened Pandora's box.

Now, Shen Guanglin needs some sensational deeds to boost his morale. The building of skyscrapers is not easy to publicize. Scientists, scientific research results are the most convincing.

Shen someone really needs a couple of good projects.

Even though the hepatitis B vaccine is a good project that benefits the country and the people in China, it does not fit Shen's status and ambitions.

In particular, some people are still criticizing him for making money and being shameless. Who is Shen saving money for?Not for the health and safety of the nation.

Some people just can't see it, but feel that he has squatted a foreign patent, which shouldn't be.

Shen Guanglin's life was not as easy as he imagined.

Although he is rich, seeing that year after year has passed, he has made a lot of achievements, but he has not received any international awards, so he must be upset.

This time, he made such a high-profile publicity in order to deepen his reputation and speed up the promotion of his achievements.

No matter when, Shen always walks at the forefront of technology.

Based on the level of scientific research in 1987, no matter whether it is researching targeted drugs or making blue light LEDs, it is an activity at the forefront of science and technology.

In particular, in recent years, Dabelko has advocated genomics very strongly.

Now, Shen has achieved initial results in this matter, which is really a huge impetus for genomics.

I've already voted for peaches, shouldn't you reciprocate with favors?

On the Nobel Prize, shouldn’t you also say a few good words for me, Mr. Shen? Give me a recommendation, just push it.

Many people think that there are already several Chinese Nobel Prize winners, so why don't they recommend Professor Shen.

Who knows, Professor Shen doesn't like to buy into them, probably this is the main reason.

Some people have become famous and like to go to China to show off their sense of superiority.

However, the Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Capital University is a very unique existence. All scholars in the world, no matter old or new, have to pay attention to it and even look up to it.

This makes people very uncomfortable.

Mr. Shen is too lofty, he did not carry people in a sedan chair.

Although he tried his best to be approachable in daily communication, but in fact he was proud and would not be inferior at all.

Shen will never take the initiative to meet internationally renowned scholars who come to China to visit, unless you come to ask for advice.

It's okay for foreigners, but it's hard for fake foreign devils. I'm here to be respected, and I want to visit you at home, which is not acceptable.

Seeing that the reputation and popularity are decreasing day by day, Shen has already decided to change his mind. The smell of wine is also afraid of deep alleys, so it is better to take the initiative to do more publicity.

Shen Guanglin announced two Nobel Prize-winning achievements in one breath, especially in medicine. You must know that Gleevec's research and development process has brought four Nobel Prizes.

Somebody Shen has directly taken out this medicine now, doesn't it mean that the international community doesn't express anything?
All in all, Shen was doing this press conference for both fame and profit.

Making money is second to none. Professor Shen's contribution to mankind and the world, everyone should seriously evaluate it.

It is estimated that from tomorrow onwards, the media will start to report: from now on, cancer will no longer be scary!
Professor Shen Guanglin said no to cancer!

From conjecture to reality, a lighting lamp that only emits light and does not generate heat is born!
Have you ever seen a five-meter-high TV?

Shen Guanglin's 1987 spring new product launch conference was really extraordinary and deafening.

All the scholars who came to listen to the lectures and participate in the new product launch conference are people with a certain status in the world. They also came after hearing that Professor Shen had made a very important breakthrough.

Well worth the trip!

Originally, they thought that Professor Shen just made some novel gadgets and put forward some novel viewpoints.

Unexpectedly, Professor Shen was able to propose such a new theory, and he mentioned two theories, involving the treatment of major genetic diseases and vaccine research.

In addition, he and his laboratory have also developed cross-generational products.

Although it is a bit too hard, LED is indeed a good product.

Whether it is leukemia treatment drugs or LED lights, they are all masterpieces that affect this era.

The successful research and development of leukemia treatment drugs directly pointed out the direction of future drug research and development.

In the future, whether it is the research and development of targeted drugs or the research of MRNA vaccines, everyone will have to mention Shen. This is the purpose of Shen Guanglin's work.

Zhang Hengqu once said, establish a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations.

"Zuo Zhuan" has said: "The Supreme Being has the virtues, the second is the meritorious service, and the second is the establishment of the words. Although it will not be abandoned for a long time, this is called immortality."

The two theories put forward by Mr. Shen are just words and deeds. Mr. Shen has developed vaccines and released LED products.

In fact, this is not the first time Shen has done this kind of thing. Nanotechnology and high-temperature superconducting materials are all research directions proposed by him, and others can no longer avoid him.

Today, cloning cows is not counted, and he has opened up two new fields.

It is relatively easy to only cultivate a certain field and achieve certain results.

However, it is really difficult to start a new category.

This matter not only needs to be capable enough, but also needs to be recognized by people in the same industry or across industries.

Shen Guanglin is a physicist, which is recognized by the whole world, but he has crossed into the biological world and developed a cloned cow. Everyone only thinks that he has ideas and is lucky.

This time, someone Shen directly dropped two blockbusters again. In the world of biology, they are really no less than a little boy and a big fat man.

The future is difficult to judge, but what Professor Shen judges is the future. I'm afraid you don't believe me, so I brought something from the future to show you.

This means: take a look, this is what will be developed in the future.

As for whether other people can develop results from it, it depends on each person's good fortune.

(End of this chapter)

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