Start with a college teacher

Chapter 649 Chapter 671

Chapter 649 Sixth Seventy-One Discussion on Merit Rewards (1)

The press conference ended quickly, but the aftermath dissipated very slowly.

In this matter, the one who benefited the most was the Capital University.

After all, no matter anticancer drugs, new generation vaccine technology or blue light diodes, these are all scientific research achievements of Beijing University.

No matter where he goes, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is established by Capital University.

Even Shen Guanglin himself has always proudly admitted that he is a member of Capital University, and this affiliation will not change.

Originally, the current time point was only the beginning of the semester, but who asked Shen to release such a large two satellites.

There is no way, the school must express something.

How should I express it?Painful and happy, that’s probably what it means.

It is imperative for the commendation meeting to look like this.

Moreover, this commendation meeting is not something that can be done by a physics department at all, because Shen Guanglin's laboratory also involves a lot of graduates, including those from the Department of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. And math.

These people have nothing else but love to be bald.

How big is this? Some people in Shen Guanglin's laboratory have already followed the same trend as Zhang Cheng, heading towards the Mediterranean Sea and never returning.

The reason why Shen Guanglin is so lazy is that he doesn't want to be bald.

After all, the side effects of Zhangguang 101 are quite serious, hair transplant?just forget it.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory actually has a lot of math students?

There is no way, Professor Shen's own math performance is not very good, so he especially likes the students of the mathematics department. Although these people are a bit ugly, they think beautifully.

Mr. Shen has some new ideas, and he can't figure it out by himself, so let them figure it out immediately.

Perhaps inspired by Shen Guanglin's new product launch conference, there was also a performance at the commendation meeting of Capital University.

Although time is tight and tasks are heavy, the rehearsal is still in full swing.

Not to mention, several colleges put together can really pick out a few good-looking girls, not all of them can scare a cow to death just by looking back.

No wonder the animals from Wudaokou Technical School always like to come to Jingcheng University to hunt. The number of girls in Jingcheng University is quite large, and the quality is not bad.

For example, if you are also a physics major, the male to female ratio of Wudaokou Technical School is 7 to 1. There are 30 students in a class, and the number of girls will not exceed 5, and each of them is more manly than men. Capital University is different, there are at least seven or eight girls, Some majors can even get half points.

If it weren't for the brats from Wudaokou Technical School to make trouble, it is impossible to say that Capital University can still fulfill its beautiful wish of self-sufficiency.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory showed its face this time, and many people were commended. Anyway, they were all trained by their own school, and the fat water did not flow to outsiders.

This time, the school not only gave them certain material rewards, but also prepared to give them corresponding professional titles.

It’s impossible not to give it, their achievements are too outstanding, if it’s not for the short working years, they are already depressed, and they are enough to judge professors based on the number and quality of papers published.

Many of the old professors who came from the school's sports years have not published articles in top international journals.

Now, not to mention the team leaders in Shen Guanglin's laboratory, even a researcher who has worked for more than two years has already had the experience of being the first author to publish.

As for the second author and the third author, it's enough if you have hands. Even if you have a good relationship with him, you can get a name by just saying hello.

There is no lack of opportunities at all, only rewards.

This commendation meeting is actually not an act of the entire school, but the graduates of whichever college is involved, and the students from that college will participate, and it is also an encouragement and expectation for them.

"Brother Gou was in our dormitory before, and he used to peep at his junior sister together. Now he is going to be an associate professor, and I haven't even obtained the qualification to study abroad."

"The same goes for Xiao Zhu. He is still my classmate. I heard that the lab sent him a classmate who looks like a fairy. Why don't we get this treatment?"

This time, more than a dozen staff members of Shen Guanglin's laboratory were commended, and several team leaders were even promoted to associate professors, and they were about to catch up with Shen.

This promotion speed is much faster than someone Shen.

At least, when Shen was their age, he was still a student.

On the day of the commendation meeting, the audience was full of students from all grades, and they were really returning home from Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

No, everyone wore their best clothes and hid in the background, waiting for the awards.

At the same time, Shen was not idle, he was also chatting with the school leader in another room.

"Xiao Shen, you really kept it secret this time. We didn't even receive any news before the press conference." While drinking tea, Comrade Principal chatted kindly with Shen Guanglin. They were almost equal.

Shen Guang and Lin Xin said, "Isn't it over when you receive the news? Someone Shen has emphasized the awareness of secrecy for so long and conducted secrecy education for so long. If everyone knows about it, what's the point?"

"It's called a surprise. Isn't it good? The school can apply for more funds again. The annual report should also be written. In the future, I will hold a meeting with those people from Wudaokou Technical School. Will there be more material for ridicule?"

Shen Guanglin and the leaders are also very familiar, and the cooperation between the two parties is extremely harmonious.

The most important point is that he, Shen, does not take up the school's research funds, and every time results are achieved, the state has to allocate additional funds, otherwise it will be unreasonable.

"You narrow-minded bastard!"

Everyone had a tacit understanding and didn't mention the commendation meeting. Everyone knew that this was not a problem.

After chatting for a while, the leader wanted to talk to Shen Guanglin about other topics.

"Professor Shen, there is one thing I want to hear from you now."

Seeing that it was time to talk about something serious, Shen Guanglin also looked at it squarely, "If you have anything to say, say it."

They really had something to do with Shen Guanglin, and it was related to Shen Guanglin's major.

University leaders said that Citigroup has approved the project, and their Congress has approved the Human Genome Project and approved $10 billion in funding.The question now is whether we should participate.

Oops, so fast!

In real history, the Human Genome Project was proposed in 1985 and was not officially launched until 1990.

Probably, because of the joining of someone Shen, everything has become faster.

The most direct reason is that due to the participation of Mr. Shen, the PCR equipment has been updated very quickly. Now it is the third generation, and the fourth generation technology has also come out.

In real history, when the Human Genome Project was established in 1990, it cost more than 30 billion U.S. dollars. Now it is 1987, but the project budget has been reduced to only 10 billion U.S. dollars. This is due to technological progress.

However, people in this era would not have imagined that by 2020, the cost of doing a comprehensive gene sequencing for a person will only be 1348 US dollars, which is still calculated by the organization.

"Get involved! Why don't you participate?" This is a good thing, and it's also a major event. Why not participate? Naturally, Shen Guanglin strongly supports Huaxia's participation in this matter.

In real history, Huaxia participated in the 1% project and spent a huge amount of money. The results were not many, but they were of great significance.

In fact, the PCR machine is still limiting the Human Genome Project.

This is the same as the development of storage technology, from 1.44M floppy disks, to hundreds of megabytes of optical disks, to U disks with G as the unit, and then to mobile storage devices with T as the unit.

Today in 1987, the capacity of the computer is only a few megabytes. People in this era would never have imagined that in the future, the computer hard disk will be counted in T, otherwise the seeds would not be able to hold it.

There are even those who use graphics cards to mine, purely using electricity to simulate computing power.

In later generations, even township hospitals would not lack a PCR instrument. At that time, no one knew what the PCR instrument could do.

In real history, it took only four or five years from the advent of PCR to winning the award, but it was a pity that someone Shen missed it.

Now, Shen has a lot of points to win prizes, but the time for these achievements is too short, and they haven't matured yet.

Now, Shen Guanglin promotes LED products and technologies with great fanfare, in order to expand these technologies in the shortest possible time.

Shen someone needs prestige.

 Just arrived at the destination, the people on the train were chaotic, and only wrote a chapter

(End of this chapter)

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