Chapter 65 Hotel
Sure enough, along the way, little girl Bai Bing was arrogant and rude, and at the same time, she was respectful and flattering to Vice Principal Liu.

Hmph, there are two faces in the little girl's film.

Nice job!

Vice President Liu was also smug and complacent. He emphasized many times that he was the head of the regiment and took full responsibility for this trip. Everyone must abide by the discipline and remember not to be sloppy.

Otherwise, he will make a report on the content of this visit and report it truthfully. Anyone who loses the face of the exchange group will lose the face of the country, and whoever loses his own face.

Even Shen Guanglin and Li Li, whom Principal Liu disliked, casually criticized them.

It is rare that Shen Guanglin did not refute.

Teacher Shen doesn't have the same knowledge as him, so hurry up and dance, sooner or later you will cry.

The capital is in the East Eighth District, and Los Angeles is in the West Eighth District.

It was daytime when we set off, and after flying all the way, it was still daytime when we arrived.

Around noon, the plane roared and landed.

The experience of this long-distance flight is also very surprising. We not only saw the bustling city, but also saw the boundless sea.

Everyone had already filled out the entry application form on the plane, and then, with the help of the flight attendant, adjusted the time according to the local time zone, and then they were ready to get off the plane.

Now it's time for Vice President Liu to perform again.

He stood up with a majestic face: "Everyone line up, cheer up, pay attention to the international influence, and don't let people see jokes. At this time, it is not only your personal face that will be lost, but the face of the entire country. ."

I'm going, there's another one out there.

Everyone was very "obedient", lined up to get off the plane together, and then lined up together to get on the shuttle bus, which was just embarrassing.

Shen Guanglin and Li Li didn't have a choice either, they could only be like mummies on display, dressed in uniforms prepared by the school, and filed down the plane ladder to the shuttle bus.

It's summer, and the school uniforms for them are long-sleeved white shirts, black suit pants, and even bow ties, looking like a hotel or casino waiter.

Fortunately, everyone in this exchange group is not fat. Everyone dressed like this is still in good spirits, but they are a little older.

Looking at the colorful outside world, and looking at herself restrained by Vice Principal Liu, Li Li also complained, "Why are you still not free in the country after coming out?"

A row of people walked like this, just like the patrolling guards in front of Tiananmen Square, lined up neatly, taking a one-two-one-two pace.

Brother Bing walks with imposing manner and looks good-looking; these men, women, children, the old, the weak, the sick and the disabled walk with temperament, out of a kind of silly temperament.

Fortunately, there are a few good-looking people who have forcibly saved their respect. Li Li and Bai Bing are beautiful girls, and Teacher Shen is a handsome guy. They saved some hopeless faces.

"Some comrades don't talk nonsense there, don't talk to each other, pay attention to the influence, and don't feel that they can be unscrupulous when they are not in the country." Vice President Liu really did his duty.

A group of people just walked like this, and the international friends really cast a surprised look.

Even a few hippies imitated their walking posture, and several people formed a line and walked side by side with them.

A group of people can only turn a blind eye.

They are like monkeys being exhibited in an exhibition hall, and they can only face it all with indifference.

Where to pick up luggage is also a knowledge. At first, everyone thought that they would pick it up on the plane.

Under the leadership of Shen Guanglin, everyone took their luggage from the automatic carousel, and after their passports were checked, they officially entered the country.

As soon as he walked out of the terminal, Vice President Liu regained his authority. He continued to drive the regiment leader to gain power, and then a group of people lined up to start looking for the bus provided by Professor Charlie.

A white guy held up a sign that read "Professor Shen, Wellcome!".

Foreigners are too lax in their work. Shen Guanglin is obviously just a "doctor", at best a "lecturer", and he has been upgraded to a Professor here.

Everyone knew that Shen Guanglin was the real master, but when they saw that there was only a welcome message on the sign, everyone was still a little unhappy.

Everyone refers to President Liu, who can "represent" everyone.

Vice-principal Liu greeted him as if nothing happened, and greeted him in broken English.

Even without the English teacher, Bai Bing was required to do the translation, so that the two waves of people could communicate normally.

The guy didn't know which one was Shen Guanglin, and thought that Vice President Liu was Professor Shen, and respected him very much.

"We have already booked the Marriott Hotel. Due to limited funds, we have reserved an executive suite for you, Professor Shen, and the others are standard double rooms. Your group of 8 people can allocate 5 rooms, including 1 suite and 4 standard double rooms. ."

Everyone started cheering.

Marriott Hotel is an internationally renowned old-fashioned hotel, founded in 1927 and headquartered in Washington.

Except for Shen Guanglin, no one else thought that they would be able to stay in such a luxurious hotel, which is almost a grade higher than the Peace Hotel in Beijing.

Everyone "filed" into the bus, and an air-conditioned bus has never been encountered in China.

In Shen Guanglin's opinion, this car is also very ordinary, ugly in appearance, not functional, and has no TV. It is much worse than Yutong and Jinlong, not to mention BYD.

In later generations, BYD even dominated the public transportation market in the Middle East.

Los Angeles International Airport is right by the sea, with the Pacific Ocean to the west and the direction of the city to the east, about 20 kilometers from the city center.

The bus drove all the way, and everyone did not speak, looking at the scenery along the way with curiosity.

Shen Guanglin and Li Li were sitting in a row. He was in the aisle and Li Li was by the window. The best view was given to her, and Shen Guanglin helped her explain.

"Los Angeles is a nice city, but it doesn't have many high-rises, and that's a Citiland feature.

Except for New York City, where there are more high-rise buildings, most other cities are low-rise buildings, which have not changed for decades. If you want to see the high-rise buildings, you should go to Hong Kong and Tokyo. "

"Brother Guanglin, you're wrong, look at that building, it's so high!"

The slap in the face came quickly, Shen Guanglin followed her finger to look over, "That's Aon Center, you can't say that others don't have a single high-rise building, after all, it's an old capitalist country."

"We don't have it in the capital."

"There will be later."

Indeed, there will be not only tall buildings in the future, but also tall buildings over 500 meters.

Everyone else was looking at the scenery outside the window with great interest, only Vice-Principal Liu pretended to be calm and looked like he was well-informed.

He cleared his throat first, then began to give orders:

"The comrades of the organizing committee said just now that we have 5 rooms, and I will assign the order of the rooms below."

Could it be that he wants to use the executive suite himself?

"Well, that's what I thought about it. We have 8 people participating in this exchange meeting. The rooms are not very well allocated. Isn't there a suite? None of us live in it for reception. Then the men and women live separately and the rest is left. 4 rooms. Let's assign roommates, the first one, Mr. Shen Guanglin, Mr. Zhang Feng, you two will live in one room; two lesbians, you will live in the other room; Mr. Liu Yong, you and I will live in one."

Vice-principal Liu is able to serve as deputy administrative officer. He is really a bit of a level, and his organizational skills are not a problem. No one can say anything about his assignment.

The room was quickly allocated, which was reasonable, at least he didn't go to the executive suite himself.

President Liu's reasons are also very good. The overseas Chinese and comrades from the consulate may come to offer condolences. It would be great for everyone to receive them here.

"Do you have any comments?"

No one spoke, it was a default of his distribution plan.

Shen Guanglin had an opinion in his heart, but he didn't want to mention it now, and he didn't want to be a maverick, but he felt that Li Li and Bai Bing had to be separated.

Because Bai Bing might run away one day, Li Li will be implicated as a roommate.

However, let's wait until the hotel to talk about it. If it really doesn't work, he will open another room by himself, and he will live with his sister Li Li.

The Marriott Hotel is in the Staples Center, easy to find, and the bus quickly pulled up to the hotel parking lot and stopped.

Everyone got out of the car one after another, and they were still immersed in the shock of the capitalist developed countries. All this was too novel!

Their performance is actually not as good as Su Youpeng and Shunzi who went to Xiangjiang for the first time.

Professor Charlie was already waiting for them in the hotel lobby.

Charlie is not a polite person in the first place, his courtesy is only given to those he likes:

"Shen, welcome to the beautiful America. You must be tired from the long journey. Let's wash up and eat."

Even, he didn't take Vice Principal Liu in his eyes from beginning to end. Since Shen hated you, I hated you as well.

Shen Guanglin was still polite. He thanked Professor Charlie for his busy schedule: "Thank you for your hospitality, and at the same time, let me introduce, this is my girlfriend Li Li."

Keeping Li Li there, he didn't say anything about Bai Bing's English name Lily.

"What a beautiful lady, she is a perfect match for Shen Zhen."

Charlie knew that this Li Li was really important to Shen Guanglin, so much so that such a high-end academic conference would take her with him.

Charlie personally helped Shen Guanglin and Li Li go through the formalities. As for the others, there were naturally staff to entertain them.

Vice-Principal Liu's success was not in vain. The executive suite was designated by the organizing committee for Shen Guanglin's use.

"Professor Charlie, is there a souvenir for this event? Help me get some and distribute it to my colleagues."

"Yes, wait a moment."

Principal Liu wanted to isolate Teacher Shen for a while, but for the sake of the gifts he won, it was fine.

Shen Guanglin took Li Li upstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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