Start with a college teacher

Chapter 66 Self-help

Chapter 66 Self-help
Shen Guanglin has attended many academic conferences and is quite experienced.

In fact, there are only a few people who often attend academic conferences. Except for some high-end scholars, the rest are their disciples and grandchildren.

Especially in the field of theoretical physics, there are only thirty or fifty real high-end scholars, and the rest are some enthusiasts and their students.

Because this major has its particularity, it cannot produce direct economic benefits. Therefore, although the specifications are high-end, few people pay attention, and most of them are playing by themselves.

In fact, it doesn't cost much to organize a grand event of this scale, as long as there is sponsorship from the sponsor.

Even in terms of the level of excitement, it is not as vivid as those three days and two nights of brainwashing classes in China that talk about successful learning.

Even, many scholars come at their own expense, and even have to pay conference fees.

This kind of behavior is actually similar to that of celebrities rubbing against the red carpet.A slight difference is that those who rubbed the red carpet are for fans and brands to see; the scholars who rubbed the conference are for students and some units who do not know the truth.

Moreover, the real "grand event" is that the first and last days are more important, no matter how many days there are in between, they are all foils.

Usually, the organizing committee will arrange a large conference hall and several small conference halls.

The large conference hall is mainly used for keynote reports, and the small conference hall is used for group discussions.

It's a bit like attending a people's congress.

Since the funds of the gold owners are often very precious and limited, they must be used carefully, and sometimes they have to be responsible for their own profits and losses or have a small surplus.

Therefore, academically, no matter how high-end academic conferences are, as long as they are not Nobel Prize ceremonies, those grand opening ceremonies are usually not held.

If you can have a reception dinner with a good specification, it is already quite a "beautiful competition".

Although the theoretical physics academic exchange conference Shen Guanglin and the others participated in was indeed very high-end, there was no opening dinner, and everyone went to the hotel to eat buffet together.

There are many interesting legends about the origin of the buffet.

The most popular saying is that it originated from the unruly Nordic Vikings.

This group of people were known as pirates in that era.

Pirates tend to eat faster than they serve, just like a group of classmates who are having a dinner party in college. They are used to eating without restriction. overstep.

As a result, the pirate leaders thought of a new form of dining, which is to place the prepared dishes on the long table in advance, allowing them to choose and eat freely.

This culture was gradually adopted and popularized by some restaurants in Europe, so there was a buffet.

In Shen Guanglin's era, almost no one went to eat buffets. Occasionally, there were buffets in hotels. Specialized cafeterias were almost synonymous with places where low-quality food gathered.

Compound steak, vermicelli shark fin, zombie meat, you name it, you'll find it all here.

However, in the memoirs of international students in the 80s, being able to eat a hearty buffet was a true manifestation of the American dream.

The English name of the buffet is "Buffet", which is derived from French and originally intended to be a table where food is placed.But Citi has a very vivid name, called "All you can eat", which is "all you can eat".

In this era of extremely poor material abundance, it is too easy and too happy to be able to eat all you can.

Li Li and Shen Guanglin took the elevator upstairs and said, "What kind of meal will you eat later? Is the Buffet similar to the picnic you organized? Can you eat whatever you want?"

"Yes, a low-quality buffet party. It's a low-key thing to say." Shen Guanglin thought they would hold a Western-style dinner party, but it seems that they won't.

"How can it be low? Don't you want to be full?"

Shen Guanglin didn't know how to answer. The buffet dishes are still very rich, and the buffet in a five-star hotel really can't be said to be low. Oh, let's find a room.

This floor is all business executive suites. Shen Guanglin stayed in "Executive Suites". Everyone only knew that it was a deluxe room, but there was no concept of how luxurious it was.

The room has arrived.

Entering the door is the large living room. There are oil paintings on the walls, walnut furniture, a large TV of more than 30 inches on the TV cabinet, Persian-style cashmere carpets, and leather sofas. All these immediately made Li Li look dumbfounded.

Shen Guanglin went in and threw off his shoes, then helped Li Li to take out his slippers, plugged in the room card, turned on the central air conditioner, and turned on the TV. The Super Bowl was playing, which is the hottest sport in Citiland.

It is said that adult TV can also be played on the TV, so you can watch it together.

Not understanding Shen Guanglin's wretched thoughts, Li Li is still immersed in this American-style modern decoration style with a heavy home style and can't extricate herself:
"If only I could live in such a house in the future."

"It's simple, it's nothing more than decoration. I'll make a set for you when I return to the capital."

In Shen Guanglin's impression, her pure Chinese-style house was more expensive than this American-style house, and she didn't like it.

Li Li didn't wear slippers, and walked around the room with bare feet. Immediately, she blushed, "Brother Guanglin, there is only one bed."

"Isn't there just one bed in a suite, is there any problem?" Shen Guanglin pretended to be stupid there.

"We're not married yet, is it appropriate to live together?" It turned out that Li Li was worried about this issue.

"Then you can go to get the certificate now. The Los Angeles consulate has this function, but it is estimated that they have not done similar business. I can call and ask. I asked for the consulate's phone number before I came."

Shen Guanglin had really done his homework in this area, but he didn't have any plans, so he just took a step by step.

"No! That's not what I meant. I still want to study. I didn't want to get married now."

"Then you still come with me?"

"I thought there would be several rooms in the suite, but I thought there would be only one room and one bed that could sleep." This is also what worries Li Li.

"Have you ever lived in a suite?" Shen Guanglin was surprised.

"Well, yes, there were several rooms, and it was called Executive, but it wasn't like that."

In fact, Shen Guanglin is ignorant. There are luxury hotels in the capital, but he has never stayed in it himself.

For example, the Jingcheng Hotel was completed in 1920, with a full seven floors, magnificent and magnificent.

There is such a sentence in the mouth of the old capital, "You don't think it's bad here? Then you go to the Beijing Hotel!"

Shen Guanglin went to take a shower first. After more than ten hours of journey, the plane was full of old smokers, and his body was full of smoke, and he died of discomfort.

When he came out, Li Li's sister fell asleep on the sofa. Sports programs were still playing on the TV. It was obvious that she was also tired.

He originally wanted to go up and kiss her secretly, but he was smoked back by the smell of smoke, and Li Li was also pickled by second-hand smoke.

"Okay, don't sleep, take a shower and change your clothes. I don't want to wear this kind of uniform for a while. I can wear it casually at the buffet later. You can wear jeans and a T-shirt." Shen Guanglin Shake up the stupefied Li Li.

Hearing the sound of the rushing water and looking at the hazy figure, Teacher Shen was confused.

In "Moonlight on the Lotus Pond", Mr. Zhu Ziqing wrote the sentence for the lotus flower as follows: "Among the layers of leaves, there are scattered white flowers, some blooming gracefully, some shyly blooming; just like The pearls are like the stars in the blue sky and the beauty just out of the bath.”

Shen Guanglin never felt how beautiful the beauty in the bath was. After all, he had also seen the beauty who shared the bath, so it was not unusual.

Until he saw Li Li brushing her hair out, her skin was shattered, her face was white and rosy, but she showed her peerless appearance without makeup. It was really beautiful!

"Don't look, let's eat, I'm hungry."

How can we eat at this time? Isn't this a beast?

Shen Guanglin rushed forward and put his hands up and down, and he didn't stop until the phone rang.

Tell them to go down to dinner.

Li Li pushed him away and went to the mirror to fix her makeup. Shen Guanglin went to the bathroom to wash his face and let his brother calm down.

However, when he came out, Li Li was putting on lipstick, and she also had a red foundation on her face...

Don't do it, goddess!

Under the education of Shen Guanglin, Li Li could only wash her face angrily.

Go downstairs for dinner.

The cafeteria is on the second floor.

Shen Guanglin downstairs saw that Bai Bing had the same makeup as Li Li before, and couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Hello, Miss Pomegranate!

Below is the meal time.

Shen Guanglin didn't sit with those teachers, he took Li Li to act alone.

The dishes look pretty good. King crab legs, oysters, steak, and sushi are all available. Finally, I have the feeling of eating with a female companion in later generations.

Open up!
Today, these Chinese are going to teach the young bosses of Citiland a good lesson.

(End of this chapter)

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