Start with a college teacher

Chapter 67 Combat Strength

Chapter 67 Combat Strength

Shen Guanglin has always advertised himself as a foodie, but his real appetite is not too big, and he is not that greedy.

He was full just after eating a lot.

Whether eating crab claws, sashimi, or drinking red wine, he still maintains an elegant posture, which is called living delicacy.

In the past, Shen Guanglin thought about drifting around corners with one hand, while the other hand could still hold a glass of red wine steadily.

It's called style.

Unfortunately, he only has a Porsche, not even a Ferrari, let alone a Rafa.

Before eating, he thought that Li Li's combat effectiveness should not be too low.

The result did not disappoint him, he was full long ago, and his sister was still eating, eating, eating.

Shen Guanglin sat aside to help Li Li do some auxiliary work.

For example, peeling crab claws and dipping them in soy sauce and putting them in her mouth, helping her with fruits and tissues and drinks, and telling her stories.

Life cannot be without a sense of ritual.

According to legend, there is also a set of procedures for eating a buffet.

First of all, you can't get meaty and fishy within three days, it is best to cook cabbage in water every day;
Secondly, on the day of the decisive battle, you can eat a small amount of pickled cucumbers, hawthorn slices, etc., only drink water, not the staple food.

Don't be afraid if there is a little star in front of you, you can't die, so the state of being slightly drunk is just right.

Third, after the opening, you must keep your head clear, listen to the six directions, look in all directions, and don't act rashly and sit in the wrong position.

The seat you choose must be close to the main course, which is the essence of the entire cafeteria, and you can also see the update time of expensive dishes.

Fourth, we must pay attention to strategy and tactics, and basically follow a principle, that is, take fast and eat slowly.

There's never been an oversupply of expensive entrees.

Usually, a good dish comes out every once in a while.

At this time, you must take it quickly. Good things are fleeting, like a flash in the pan, a white horse that passes through the gap.

Therefore, when it is time to make a move, you must make a move, and you must not be soft-hearted at critical moments and delay fighter opportunities.

Fifth, we must chew slowly and gradually.

Under normal circumstances, the more you gobble, the less you eat; the more you can stuff it when you chew slowly.

And you have to eat in order.

Fruit base, eat greasy first, then eat light, eat more roasted, eat less fried.

Li Li rustled and ate, and Shen Guanglin spoke of Balabala.

It turns out that there is such a great knowledge to eat a buffet.

Chaotic fist can kill the old master.

Even without these strategies, the colleagues of the exchange group showed very good combat effectiveness.

After the meal, many people were unable to walk, so they could only move slowly.

In this state, although he didn't come in with the wall, it was not far from walking out with the wall.

In this way, without delaying Vice President Liu calling everyone for a meeting, he said that he was going to make arrangements for tomorrow.

After Shen Guanglin moved out, Vice President Liu enjoyed the big single room by himself, which was quite comfortable.

However, there is nothing to do with that.

The itinerary of the conference has already been issued, and only the topics of the first and last day have been included in the schedule.

Shen Guanglin was on the last day.

The two days in the middle are more flexible, and some scholars can apply for topic speeches on their own initiative.

As long as you submit the topic of your speech to the organizing committee, and the organizing committee thinks it is good, you can arrange it.

Of course, I don't know how many audiences there will be. My colleagues can always cheer.

Some professors are really moved by this idea, especially teachers with good English.

Of course, you can also take advantage of this time to go out for a walk.

For example, take a walk on the Walk of Fame in Hollywood and see the strippers in the red light district.

Vice-principal Liu talked there for most of the day.

After he finished speaking, Shen Guanglin felt that he was hungry again and could go for supper.

At the end, Shen Guanglin also said something. He reminded everyone that in Citiland, it is best not to go out at night. Guns are not allowed here, and the security is really not very good.

The comrades from the consulate will come to visit you tomorrow. This is the last thing that Vice President Liu explained.

Withdraw when you're done.
They registered each other's internal numbers for each room to facilitate contact.

In fact, the four rooms on their floor were opposite each other, only Shen Guanglin lived on this floor.

Don't be too specific.

The hotel room arrived quickly.

A man and a woman, alone in a room, should something happen?

Li Li said that if she wanted to watch TV, Teacher Shen would naturally accompany her.

There are quite a lot of well-known TV stations in Citi, such as CBS, Showtime, CW, etc. Of course, they also have some adult channels, but unfortunately they are paid for, and they are also graded, for fear of harming children.

Talk shows in this era are also very interesting. Most of the targets they satirize were CCCP, and they hardly mentioned China. Moreover, what happened to their new friend when they mentioned China, there was basically no hostile attitude.

In short, people are either indifferent or curious to view the world's most populous country.

The talk show was still pretty good. The two of them watched and forgot that they still had some physical work to do, and then the phone rang again.

It was Bai Bing who called, and she hadn't escaped yet.

It turned out that vice-principal Liu and another teacher were not acclimatized and had diarrhea.

It was estimated that he had acute gastroenteritis. They asked Mr. Shen what to do. After all, Mr. Shen was an English teacher, and I heard that he had experience going abroad.

Leaving Li Li in the room, he can go down and see for himself.

Standard rooms and business suites are not on the same floor, but it is convenient to have an elevator.

The others are okay, Professor Hu and Vice President Liu are almost collapsing.

Especially Principal Liu, who was vomiting and having diarrhea, the dinner seemed to be in vain, and it was all poured out without digesting it.

Professor Hu is in better condition, but he has diarrhea and no vomiting.

"I have food maternity and gentamicin here. Do you want to eat some?"

Shen Guanglin was born as an international student. Every time he went abroad, his mother prepared a bunch of medicines for him. Especially when he went to Yangcheng and Xiangjiang last time, he was seriously ill on the way back, and Shen Guanglin actively learned his lesson.

Going out this time, he prepared all the medicines, even gauze and bandages.

In this era, there are no Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets, but it is the same with "maternal food".

Maternal food is also called yeast tablet. This medicine has not been seen in later generations, but it is the main force in the treatment of indigestion in this era.

Of course, in this day and age, indigestion is not due to the food being eaten too well, but because the food is too bad to digest.

"Gentamicin" is another drug, which is a broad-spectrum antibiotic successfully developed independently in my country.

It was launched at the end of 1969 and named "gentamicin" to celebrate the success of the "Ninth Congress" and to celebrate the greatness of the working class.

Professor Hu and several other teachers took medicine and then went to rest.

Vice President Liu insisted on "thinking" for Professor Hu, and he insisted that he should call an ambulance.

Of course Shen Guanglin understood what he meant, but he still persuaded: "Ambulances are precious, and you must be prepared for the cost."

The teachers' funds have been distributed, and vice-principal Liu may not have enough money to call a bus, nor does he really underestimate him.

"How much does it cost to call an ambulance?"

Vice President Liu was particularly afraid of death. He felt that domestic medicines were not effective, and it was more reliable to buy American medicines.

Shen Guanglin answered honestly: "It should be one or two thousand anyway."



"Mr. Shen, don't be alarmist here, let the doctor take a look, how can it be so expensive if you don't take medicine or give injections."

Vice-principal Liu felt his weakness. An ambulance must be called. What if he died here.

Before speaking, he had gone to the toilet again, but his stomach was empty, only some foam.

The bubbles under the light are colored.

Vice President Liu also studied physics before he was transferred to the administrative post. He knew the principle of light refraction.

Shen Guanglin felt that he was not welcome, so you asked me to come down:

"Principal Liu, then you can call yourself. The phone in the room can be called. The number is 911. You decide for yourself."

Shen Guanglin went back, but he left some medicine, after all, he couldn't die without help.

Regarding the charging standard for ambulances, Shen Guanglin had the impression that there were charging regulations, but it appeared relatively late, and it seemed that it should not exceed $1776 or $1900.

Because I have never called this thing before, I dare not call it for ordinary trivial matters.

Come on, go back by yourself.

I have to say that in developed countries, the response speed is still very fast. Shen Guanglin just went upstairs, and within a few minutes, the ambulance had already whizzed over.

Because it is a five-star luxury hotel, they came by a senior care ambulance.

Vice-principal Liu is also very powerful. He was obviously too weak, so he insisted on getting on the stretcher.

The English-speaking teacher asked the price and followed.

The price given by the other party is really close to the people: "Emergency emergency at night, about 4000."

The teacher almost didn't fall, "Principal Liu, if we go to the hospital, we need to prepare $4000."

"How much?" Principal Liu raised his voice.


"Don't go!" He quickly got up, his state returned, and he was more than half cured.

(End of this chapter)

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