Chapter 68

When Shen Guanglin returned to the room, Li Li fell asleep.

She didn't even know how to lock the door.

Shen Guanglin didn't know what happened to Vice President Liu later, but he could think of it.

The ambulance came and went, but it couldn't come in vain, and they left reluctantly by asking them for a service fee of $500.

For this trip, each group member had an activity fund of 1000 US dollars. Vice President Liu spent half of it at once, and he didn't sleep well all night.

Shen Guanglin didn't care about this. After he came back, he took a shower and went to bed.

Naturally, instead of sleeping on the sofa, they got into the bed and slept together.

There is physical contact, and there is also a little rabbit teasing, but there is no further action, and it is considered that there is no war on the Western Front.

Li Li never woke up, but her hot body seemed to explain some problems.

Until they got up the next day, the two of them didn't go beyond that step. After all, this was a foreign country, and Shen Guanglin didn't think about "taking advantage of people's danger".

When it comes to falling in love, it is still necessary to take it step by step, it is too boring to reap the fruits all at once.

The breakfast is still a buffet, this time everyone restrained a lot, with bread, fried eggs, milk, and at most a few slices of bacon.

This stomach still needs to be nourished, and it cannot be spoiled.

Today is the first day of the successful holding of the "International Conference on Theoretical Physics Exchange".

The atmosphere is full of gongs and drums, firecrackers blaring, red flags fluttering, and a sea of ​​people.

None of the above four conditions are met.

The main conference hall is not big, and the conference hall that can accommodate 300 people is only 2/3 of the seat, and other places are empty.

Although the popularity is not enough, but the specifications are not low.

There are many high-end scholars at this conference, the most famous of which is the Nobel Prize winner in physics, Professor Feynman from Caltech.

Professor Feynman is really not simple. He graduated from MIT in his early years and participated in the Manhattan Project. In 1965, he won the Nobel Prize in Physics for his contributions to quantum electrodynamics.

Of course, Professor Feynman also has several hobbies, such as playing bongos, deciphering the hieroglyphs of the Mayan civilization, studying how to pick the locks of safes, and visiting strip clubs.

There are many hobbies that are the same as Shen Guanglin. For example, Feynman likes to play bongo drums, and Shen Guanglin likes to dance in discos; both of them like to study how to open the safe; visiting strip clubs is also the driving force for Shen Guanglin to travel.

Caltech is also not easy.

It is one of the top private research universities in the world. Chinese people know that it is because a certain tycoon surnamed Chen donated 1.15 million US dollars to it, and this matter has caused great controversy in China.

Later, when Chen Fuhao saw that there were too many people scolding him, he backhanded an additional $10 billion.

Rich and willful.

However, even if domestic universities accept donations, it is a chronic disease that they are used extremely irregularly.

Even in 2020, it's still the same.

Logically speaking, donations are all directional, whoever donates to and which aspect they donate to are all planned.

The school should use the money in the right place, don't spend it indiscriminately, and use the money according to the wishes of the donors.

But how do these universities in the country do it?
As long as you donate this money, it is not yours. Not only do you have no right to distribute, but you also have no right to know. They also have a very high-sounding reason to play a greater role in the name.

This urine sex is learned from the Red Society.

The meeting started.

The agenda of the first day was very simple, basically high-end scholars told about some major events in the physics world in the past period, and then arranged for celebrities to start their bragging speeches.

Feynman's speech was the most interesting. Although he was too old to produce new scientific research results, he was still very funny and regarded as an idol in the physics community.

Everyone looked at Feynman with a pilgrimage mood, including Shen Guanglin.

Feynman is considered the most brilliant theoretical physicist since Einstein, and the first to propose the concept of nanometers.

Seeing Feynman, Shen Guanglin really thought of Nano.

Even the "nano effect" has not been mentioned yet, but in the era of Shen Guanglin, the nano effect had five characteristics, which were summed up one by one.

To elaborate, that is volume effect; surface effect; quantum size; quantum tunneling; dielectric confinement.

As early as 1959, Feynman made a prediction that human beings can use small machines to make even smaller machines, which will eventually become the arrangement of atoms one by one according to human wishes to create extremely small products. This is the concept of nanometers. propose.

By 1974, Donny Gooch used to describe precision machining, positioning nanometers as the limits of mechanical micromachining technology.

In later generations, 1 nanometer has been successfully broken through, and the institution to study it is the IMC laboratory in Belgium.

And 3nm has also been mass-produced, and many companies can implement it, such as Tancredo, IMC, Intel, IBM.

Shen Guanglin quickly took out the notebook and wrote it down: Nano Effect.

In fact, the nano-effect is a very magical phenomenon. Nano-materials have strange or abnormal physical and chemical properties that traditional materials do not have at the nano-scale.

For example, copper, which was originally well-conducted, no longer conducts electricity when it reaches the nanometer limit; while silicon dioxide, which was originally non-conductive, starts to conduct electricity when it reaches the nanometer limit.

The discovery of graphene was also discovered because of the desire to process graphite in smaller sizes.

What to use to achieve it?

adhesive tape.

Oh, there are too many treasures in physics, and if these achievements are taken out casually, Mr. Shen will become a master of physics.

Different from Shen Guanglin's joy.

Vice-principal Liu did not mean to be happy at all.

I spent $500 on a meal yesterday, and my purchasing plan was disrupted. What should I do?

The whole morning, Vice Principal Liu spent in chagrin and remorse.

He didn't rest well yesterday, and he was very tired. He didn't wait for the morning meeting to end. He left the venue early and went back to rest.

Yesterday's discipline fed the dog.

People can't stand it anymore.

Lunch or buffet.

Vice-principal Liu did not delay, and showed up at the hotel restaurant on time.

Shen Guanglin found an opportunity that no one noticed and said a few words to Bai Bing:
"You sent $500 to Vice President Liu when no one was present, and said that you were grateful that he was able to provide you this opportunity to go abroad. It must be seen inadvertently."

Bai Bing agreed.

"Do you want to spread the word? Do you want to share my remaining $500?"

Bai Bing only thought about getting out of the group, she didn't think about taking the money with her.

"It's too late, and you don't want to share the money. You are hurting people. Maybe there will be a law in the future to not blame the public."

Shen Guanglin stopped her from trying to make up for her "sin". Other teachers really couldn't take her money, otherwise there would be political mistakes.

"Mr. Shen, this is the last chance. If you don't take my body away, you won't know when you can see me again in the future."

Bai Bing is still thinking about the promise to Shen Guanglin. After contacting him in the past few days, Shen Guanglin is tall and handsome, with good education and good image. He is really a good match.

It would be better if he could stay with him in Citiland.

"You leave yours, don't say that some of these are gone, are you as beautiful as my girlfriend?"

Shen Guanglin is not Luo Zhixiang's teacher, he is not a master of time management, APM is not enough, and he can't play two-line operation.

"What's the matter without her being good-looking! I don't want it for nothing, goodbye!"

Bai Bing walked away angrily, looking amazing.

(End of this chapter)

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