Chapter 653 Review (2)

Of course, Shen Guanglin was not prepared to actually authorize the production of leukemia drugs to them.

All these things are nothing but a means of hypocrisy and obedience.

Now it seems that they have nothing good to show.

"If it's just a matter of remuneration, I'm afraid it won't work. Haven't you heard that I have the final say in the entire laboratory, and I can spend the money in it as I want?"

Although Shen Guanglin had never spent money indiscriminately, no one could refute what he said.

"That's different. Our factory has the treatment of traveling abroad and inspecting abroad, and we can bring back duty-free electrical appliances."

"Unfortunately, we also have it." Shen Guanglin thought for a while, and opened the drawer, "Besides, we can't spend all the foreign exchange certificates in our laboratory, which is really troublesome."

The stacks in the drawer were full of foreign exchange certificates, which were gifts that Shen Guanglin originally planned to reward the students.

Rewards are not good for anything else, and money is the most affordable.

Even a deputy minister can't do it, so why talk about cooperation?
There is no need to talk about this matter anymore.

Moreover, the actions of Shen Guanglin's laboratory were really swift and resolute.

When Director Qiao and the others returned to the unit, they had already heard that Shen Guanglin's laboratory had driven away all the staff of the Medical University.

They are doing it wrong!They want to monopolize the results!
The results originally belonged to their laboratory, so it was not exclusive at all.

What should patients do?
There are so many hospitals in the capital city, so there are even more hospitals that want to cooperate. Shen Guanglin also wanted the Affiliated Hospital of Medical University to participate because he thought that the two schools had a good relationship.

Now, if they are so ignorant, there is nothing they can do.

There are not many other things in the capital, except that there are many hospitals. Apart from Xiehe, there are Temple of Heaven, Temple of Earth, Tongren, Anzhen, and the General Army.

Just mentioning it casually, there are a lot of people who are willing to cooperate in clinical practice.

That's the end of the matter.

A few days after the incident, the list of the Committee for the Evaluation of Special Drugs for Leukemia Treatment came out.

Shen Guanglin didn't care, it turned out that was the case.

So what if it was determined to be a failure? It didn't affect him in the slightest.

Moreover, if you decide that you are unsuccessful, it will not affect my status in the scientific community. In the end, it will only prove that you are incompetent.

Although Shen Guanglin didn't care, the principals of Capital University and the deans of the School of Biology were very active. They worked hard to help Shen Guanglin study the contents of the list and formulate various countermeasures.

After all, Capital University has been separated from medical research for a long time. They have biology majors, but no pharmaceutical-related majors.

In the field of pharmaceuticals, their background is not deep.

However, the principal still organized a special meeting to screen and tackle key problems in the list of judges, with one purpose: must pass!

The meaning of the principal is also very clear: everyone in this circle has acquaintances, if you are acquaintances, go to work; .Don't let them be judges.

Shen Guanglin attended the meeting and found it very interesting.

It turns out that this thing is the same as the list of experts selected for the bid evaluation committee when bidding in later generations.

If you can do your job, then do it; if you really can’t do it, then you leave.

Shen Guanglin said he understood, and he learned it again.

If you are willing to do these tasks, then do it. Mr. Shen does not agree or object.

After all, the result was determined to be successful, and the school took the money, and he, Shen, didn't pay any attention to it. He was just cooperating with the work.

Now, Shen Guanglin's sponsors are already screaming and begging Professor Shen to start a new project.

Come on, drive it, money is no object.

Of course, Shen Guanglin also knew that money was not a problem, but now he still wanted to take it easy.

He was exhausted during this period, and it was time for him to take a break, and he also wanted to find some time to solve the major issues in life.

The meeting ended satisfactorily, and everyone had a division of labor, saying that we have seen this kind of trivial matter a lot at Capital University, and we can take it down without any problems, because we are all acquaintances.

Shen Guanglin was also bored, so he took a list and left. Only then did he see that there were quite a few acquaintances on the list. Among them were several from the Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory, like Qiao Zhenhua, Zhang Aiping, and there was also the Jingcheng Medical University. several people.

Now it's interesting.

The review will be held in the Academy of Sciences. After all, it is preparing to apply for a national award. Everyone attaches great importance to it, and the scene is very lively.

"I read Professor Shen's research and development plan for leukemia treatment drugs. It is very interesting, has broad prospects, and has curative effects. However, I have to say a few unpleasant things. Let's just listen to it. I'm speaking straight, so don't mind. "

This review meeting was not in the usual harmonious atmosphere.

From the first expert who spoke, it was full of tension.

"First of all, here I want to talk about enlightenment and politics. Now, politics, ideology, and civilization are being talked about in China. Does Professor Shen's leukemia treatment medicine talk about politics? I think so.

Professor Shen is the person in charge of Shen Guanglin Laboratory of Beijing University. We heard that their laboratory has a lot of funds. Why do they have to cooperate with foreign companies when developing new drugs? This problem is very serious. I think this is not explained politics! The reason why politics is not enough. "

The one who spoke was a pharmaceutical expert and a member of the academic department of Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory. In the past, he was not so sharp in speaking, and he didn't know what happened today.

The judges of the Medical University also continued to speak:
"Yes! When the project was established, why didn't you ask our domestic pharmaceutical companies first? Why did you directly cooperate with foreign companies for such a sensational drug, and it is a groundbreaking drug? Why not? Let’s cooperate with domestic institutions, I think there is something wrong with it!”

Shen Guanglin also attended the appraisal meeting, and he sounded fine. Although these people were attacking him, he was not angry.

Shen Guanglin was not angry, but the people of Capital University couldn't listen anymore. The person who spoke was also a member of the academic department, surnamed Tao, who was not familiar with Shen Guanglin at ordinary times.

Committee Tao knocked on the table:

"Are you the results of the appraisal, or are you here to raise doubts? If it is the result of the appraisal, let's see if the drug is effective, whether it meets the national high-tech standards, and talking about other things, isn't it today's topic?"

"Old Tao, you can't say that. We also have good intentions. It's unreasonable to distribute part of this achievement when we have the opportunity to keep it in the country!"

"Yes, that's it! Moreover, I also heard that some people have been entrusted with foreign funds all the year round, and whoever gives the most money will study in which direction."

Haha, someone Shen did that. It seems that everyone is not stupid.

It is estimated that they want to do the same, but the foreign genes don't trust them and don't give them money at all.

The topic of accepting order-based research immediately opened up a hornet's nest, and the conference room was buzzing.

Even, some people say, there is more harm if there is talent but no virtue.

Shen Guanglin still didn't speak, watching their performance.

However, Comrade Dean of the School of Biology, Beijing University was angry, and the table slapped, "What are you talking about here, you don't understand the matter clearly, so why ask questions? Let's talk about the treatment of leukemia first." , This is the key point! And the entire scientific research results and research and development plan belong to our Capital University completely, and have nothing to do with foreign companies and institutions!"

"Really? If they pay for it, they will be Lei Feng for nothing?"

Experts from Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory expressed disbelief.

"Of course it's true! It's only when the subsequent economic benefits are distributed that they will take up a certain percentage. When you come to do the review, don't you even read the information?"

This is a bit embarrassing.

"Professor Shen's laboratory is the laboratory of our Capital University. All the results of their laboratory belong to Huaxia, Capital University and Professor Shen himself. Even if it is a joint venture or cooperation project, the scientific research results themselves are completely experimental. The room belongs entirely to Capital University! This is the premise of cooperation.

You don't ask right and wrong, just question here, is it interesting? "

At this time, another committee member from Capital University spoke up, "Today's judging meeting is divorced from reality, and there are also problems with the identities and attitudes of the jury members. I suggest adjourning the meeting."

(End of this chapter)

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