Chapter 654 Revenge (1)

Shen Guanglin counted, and there were 5 people who opposed him, including 2 people with medical university background and 3 people from Jingcheng Pharmaceutical.

There are 11 people in the review meeting. It is not impossible to force a vote, but it is not perfect.

This is the same as when the top leader makes a major decision, forcibly breaking away from the masses to make a decision is to leave something to talk about.

The meeting adjourned before reaching the voting stage.

They object for the sake of objecting, never caring for specific reasons.

This gang has always been like this.

This is true now, it was true in the 90s, and it will remain true in the 2020s.

They do it all the time, and they don't think they're wrong.

They don't need to have a point of view, they just need to have a position, and that's enough.

Viewpoints change as positions change.

After all, the ass decides the head.

In Huaxia, when did you ever "be right about things and not people"?
They are targeting people, from small things to big things.

Because of the different factions, in recent years, some projects with very large investment and a lot of investment can be dismissed, even including super-large projects such as large aircraft, let alone a small review meeting.

In fact, they were targeting Shen Guanglin, not Capital University.

Even the committee members of the Beijing University faction were angry, and they wanted to ease the relationship and explain it.

After all, public is public, private is private, and everyone is still good friends in private, but they have different positions in this review meeting.

When the meeting was over, they caught up and explained that there was a reason for this incident.

First of all, Shen Guanglin did not meet the request of Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory to produce leukemia treatment drugs, which is ignorant of good and evil;

At the same time, Shen also drove away the medical team of Jingcheng Medical University who cooperated well.

Everyone has worked so hard for so long, for what?Isn't it just to be able to make some achievements, awards and awards?

Now, the results have come out, and at the moment of sharing the fruits of victory, kicking people away with one kick, what does it mean?
Use people to face forward, not use people to face back!
Therefore, they don't care whether they keep it secret or not, it's all an excuse.

They didn't publicize it everywhere, they just told the higher authorities and the Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

Moreover, Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory is inextricably linked with Jingcheng Medical University.

Students of medical universities, after graduating, if they don't go to the hospital, they can only go to the pharmaceutical factory.

Moreover, their reasons are also very strong. Since the treatment of leukemia has achieved results, shouldn’t it be possible to implement the project as soon as possible and relieve the patient’s pain earlier?
The heart of doctors and parents.

Somebody Shen's parents are acting like a fan, which makes people feel disgusted. They only know how to prepare their own lives for foreign countries.

Therefore, what they objected to was Shen Guanglin, not Capital University, and hoped that the school could understand.

Shen Guanglin was also too high-profile, and now, something went wrong at the results evaluation meeting of leukemia treatment drugs.

However, these experts don't care what contribution you, Shen Guanglin, have made in the past. I don't need your salary. I can say whatever I want, and you can't stop me.

The judges of Jingcheng University can forgive this matter, but Jingcheng University cannot.

It's a question of position.

Originally, Jingcheng University thought it was a sure thing, and it was just a formality. All the judges were carefully selected, and they were all people related to Jingcheng University. Card.

In particular, the face-changing behavior of these people from Jingcheng Medical University caught people off guard.

You know, Jingcheng University and Jingcheng Medical University were originally a family, but they separated because of special reasons.

Over the years, there have been calls for the re-merger of the two schools, and Capital University never thought that they would have a backstab.

Of course, before the review meeting, Shen Guanglin did not report that he had a falling out with the medical university. He, Shen, did not need to report to others.

The meeting was adjourned, and everyone was very unhappy.

The judges from the Jingcheng University faction left angrily, and the judges from the Medical University and Jingcheng Pharmaceutical chased after them and tried to explain, as if they were sentient beings.

Only Shen Guanglin didn't care.

This matter is no longer a matter for ordinary judges to make decisions, and the school still has the final say.

The principal soon found out about this, his face was livid, but he didn't speak.

Incompetent rants are not his style.

The school committee meeting, Shen Guanglin attended.

"Xiao Shen, what do you think of this matter?"

In fact, some judges wanted Shen Guanglin to take a step back.

After all, they had decades of private friendship with the medical university, and it was only five or six years since Shen Guanglin came out.

Externally, he, Shen, is a direct descendant of the Capital University.

But internally, everyone knows that Shen Guanglin's roots are not clear.

He just got a Ph.D. from Capital University, and he also lacked the process of studying for a Ph.D.

This is the same as the old Guo who talked about cross talk. To the outside world, he is Hou's apprentice, but Hou is gone, and Hou's other apprentices don't seem to recognize this senior brother.

Shen Guanglin didn't pay attention to some people's expectant eyes. I don't get angry with that: "I stand aside and watch. It's nothing to do with me. I don't need awards, and I don't need funds. Everything Listen to the school."

Double entendre.

This is why Shen is aloof.

Shen Guanglin's words imply a mystery. This is working for the school. If the school is sloppy, he will not say anything about it, but if he wants to apply for funds in the future, he will not expect someone from Shen to cooperate.

Everyone is an old comrade who has worked for many years, and immediately understood what Shen Guanglin meant.

This matter did not have any impact on Shen Guanglin. The results were appraised well, he just got a few words of praise, and he made too many results, not bad for this one.

Moreover, achievements such as insect-resistant cotton are enough to ensure that Professor Xiao Shen can enter the department as a member of the department. No matter how many honors he has, so what can he do.

Capital University is different, they really need the money!

"This incident is an organized and premeditated evil act. It is not aimed at Professor Shen. This is a serious challenge to the prestige of our Capital University. This kind of thing will never be tolerated!"

The principal sets the tone.

"In this matter, we must prove to the outside world that Capital University is not a soft persimmon!
These people who said strange things at the judging meeting, they are all people who deliberately undermine the unity, have bad intentions, and are not righteous. They are making enemies of Capital University! "

The principal's speech was full of murderous intent, and several school leaders who figured out the serious relationship were also gearing up, their hatred was hard to appease.

You know, cutting off people's wealth is like killing their parents.

The results of Shen Guanglin's laboratory have always been the source of income for Capital University and are indispensable.

Of course, Shen Guanglin doesn't care. You like to comment or not. Anyway, I don't ask you for money. I won't take money if the country gives it.

Moreover, what Shen lacked was not a domestic award, but a Nobel.

However, Shen Guanglin could or would not want this money, but Capital University couldn't. He didn't want this money, and he didn't want the next money. So what's the use of school leaders like them?

Aren't they just pulling their teeth from others at critical moments?

And this is porridge in their own bowls, how dare you flies shit around?Do you think the fly swatter of Capital University is not sharp?

You know, since Professor Shen came these years, the source of funding for Capital University is obviously much richer than that of Wudaokou Technical School.

If you have money, you can do a lot of things.

Improve the campus environment, improve the quality of teaching, purchase experimental equipment, and hire elite talents.
It is not obvious that there is only one sum of money in a year, but it is different if there is such a sum of money every year.

Now, Capital University even has Professor Shen's dependency syndrome.

If in a certain year, Shen Guanglin's laboratory did not produce any scientific research results that could cheat money, and if Capital University did not get that extra income, they would feel that they would not be able to survive this day.

After unifying the mind, it is time to act next.

Revenge, sometimes you can't stay overnight to report, they have to show Shen Guanglin how much the school protects you.

The binding force of Jingcheng University on Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory may be a little lower, but they are really a father beating his son on Jingcheng Medical University.

Just at the meeting place, without shy away from others, the principal made a phone call and yelled at the leaders of the Medical University:
"It's a pity that you are still the students of Jingcheng University, and you have committed treachery! What? You seem to be very powerful and amazing with Jingcheng University, don't you?"

The leaders of Jingcheng Medical University didn't know what was going on, and they were suddenly reprimanded by the "superior leaders", and they were completely confused.

After all kinds of apologies, he finally knew that the judges of his school had voted against Professor Shen Guanglin's achievement appraisal meeting at Capital University.

It's okay, it's simply disorganized and undisciplined!
Then there was another apology, and on the premise that he was really ignorant, he talked about how to end it.

"The flood rushed into the Dragon King Temple, how did this matter end?"

The principal of Peking University has also eased up. The leukemia achievement review and appraisal meeting will be held again after a while. We are still a family.

"Then I want them to change their attitude at the next review meeting? Don't worry, I will definitely criticize them severely. We made a mistake in this matter."

The review voice on the other end of the phone was very sincere. He didn't know what made the principal of his alma mater furious, and now it was finally over.

In fact, most of the management of the medical university came from Beijing University, after all, they have not separated for many years.

However, the principal said, "No, they don't have to change their attitudes, they just need to change their jobs."

What do you mean?
I don't understand over the phone.

"It doesn't have any special meaning. They are probably not suitable for continuing to undertake heavy teaching tasks and administrative work in medical universities and affiliated hospitals. Our suggestion here is to let them retire early."

This is the attitude of Capital University, otherwise it is not enough to show its authority.

"However, the youngest of the two of them is less than 50 years old, and they are the backbone of the school."

"Then you can retire and let young comrades who are less than 50 years old do it!"

What is strength, this is strength.

There is an idiom called Daoyou and Pindao. Everyone is a mixed job. As an adult, he has to be responsible for his own decisions.

The opinions of the two sides quickly reached a consensus.

(End of this chapter)

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