Chapter 655 Sales (2)

In this review meeting, there were two participants from the Medical University, one from the school and the other from the hospital.

Now, the two of them really received the notice of being retired.

Moreover, the school has written the application for them. Due to their personal health problems, they are not qualified for the current job, so they apply for a temporary suspension of work and resume work after their physical condition improves. I kindly ask the leaders for their consent.

Later, the signatures of the leaders at all levels were all signed, and the person concerned fell ill.

"What? Retired? I'm in good health. I went to play football in Shichahai yesterday! I scored twice!"

However, individual struggles were in vain and notices were posted in schools and hospitals.

My family knows my own affairs, you know what you have done, and the school has nothing to do.

"It's okay if I quit, I'll go to another hospital! With my status as an expert, I'm afraid I can't find a job? .

No, the file will not be released, and the school must also consider the impact.

You are better off than I am.

There are no private hospitals in this era, unless you are a barefoot doctor in the countryside.

From an expert judge with status and status to a barefoot doctor in the countryside, it's thanks to you all who figured it out.

"Can I go to sea?"

"It's okay to go to sea, but it's better to retire without pay, at least you can get a salary."

It only took two days, and the fate of the two had been decided, which made people resentful, but also puzzled.

Why does Capital University favor Shen Guanglin so much?

Not for anything else, just for money.

The school is short of money.

In fact, Shen Guanglin's laboratory is also short of money, but in a different way.

For now, all the income of Shen Guanglin's laboratory comes from donations and dividends, of which dividends are only a small amount. After all, PCR instruments have just started selling.

There are still a lot of donations, although unstable, but the amount is large, and they have recently collapsed.

Speaking of donations, there are too many sources. These people donate money to Shen Guanglin's laboratory, which is one of the reasons why Shen Guanglin is annoying.

Everyone has worked hard to apply for a little overseas funds, and it is already a great achievement to be able to give 5 or 10 US dollars.

Shen Guanglin's laboratory is good. Donations of less than 100 million US dollars are not eligible to watch the research projects of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

That's right, the laboratory is very formal now, and the sponsor who takes the money can know the research topics of Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

Even if they don't know the progress of the research, they can know what kind of ideas Shen Guanglin's laboratory is based on, what means they want to use, and what kind of project research they want to complete.

Fusang people like to spend this money the most.

Even some research institutes will use money to buy news.

Moreover, if you give money, we can also increase research efforts in this topic.

As for someone conducting a scientific research competition after learning about the research topics of Shen Guanglin's laboratory, let's cut it off?
Welcome, warm welcome!We could not have wished for it.

What Shen Guanglin's laboratory hopes most is that someone will come to a scientific research competition, and everyone will battle together and race on a certain project.

But everyone refused to fight.

The purpose of their spending money is to confirm whether Shen Guanglin's laboratory is making efforts in this direction. If there is overlap, then let's change the subject.

Shen Guanglin's international reputation is far greater than his domestic reputation.

In China, Shen Guanglin is also very popular at Capital University.

This is also due to the fact that he is better at being a man, and after obtaining the results, he left the bonus to the school.

Otherwise, this person would have been outraged.

The school has spent money, so of course it has to show something, and they have to protect Professor Shen well.

This time, Capital University took it seriously and reported directly to the superiors to the judges, and the language was very serious.

It was written directly: the judges acted extremely unfairly, did not seriously evaluate the scientific research results at the review meeting, and talked about other things, and there were suspicions of extortion and violation of professional ethics.

Moreover, they also named the names of these five people.

Among them, two people from Jingcheng Medical University have been dealt with, leaving only three people from Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory.

You thought you were embarrassing Shen Guanglin, but in fact you were challenging the bottom line of Capital University.

Now, it's your turn.

A person's ability may be limited, but the ability of an organization is really extremely powerful.

If you violate the rules of the game, you will suffer backlash.

If this matter cannot be handled well, what will be the face of Capital University.

After learning that the two judges from Jingcheng Medical University had been retired, the judges with a background in pharmaceutical factories regretted it. They should not have accepted the invitation from Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory, and should not have been arrogant.

But it seems to be too late.

Capital University severely criticized their behavior, and the minutes of the meeting faithfully recorded what they said, and there is also a recording.

If it is not tricky, why not evaluate the results at the review meeting, but conduct personal attacks instead.

Now, it's their turn to get waxed.

The most common way for academics to influence the political or business world is to be a consultant or a judge.

Insights into world affairs are all knowledge. Now, even the foreign trade department needs experts to review the purchase of imported equipment, let alone the identification of scientific research results.

And pharmaceuticals is an extremely recurrent field, and in this field, the role of experts is extremely strong.

Although the results review committee this time is only a temporary organization, it is also the norm in this era.

Now that they had kicked the steel plate, they didn't know who to turn to, so they could only find Shen Guanglin again, apologize to him, explain the situation and beg for forgiveness.

However, it has not helped.

Someone Shen can not pursue it, but Capital University can't.

"Professor Shen, if this is the case, there is still a long way to go, let's wait and see!"

What's the point?Pray that the threat will not be fulfilled, this is your usual method, I am afraid you used the wrong person.

Does Mr. Shen have any weaknesses that you can threaten?
Yes, he bought a lot of fixed assets such as houses, and built a high-end community, Tiangong No. [-], and spent a lot of money on personal consumption.

For example, he spent a lot of money to buy a lot of luxury goods, and the watch alone cost less than one million dollars. Moreover, there are more than a dozen Guanghao cars under his name, his laboratory, and Guanghao cars.

Other units still don’t have enough food and clothing to keep warm. Shen Guanglin’s laboratory is no longer satisfied with issuing RMB. Since last year, they have issued foreign exchange and foreign exchange certificates.

Without him, it is too rich.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory does not have as much RMB as foreign exchange.

There has been no reasonable income for a long time, and now the laboratory has run out of RMB in its accounts, and it is almost not enough to maintain daily operations, so they can only send foreign exchange as wages.

There is no way, the Great Wall Group wants to build skyscrapers, and the funds are tight. They haven't donated money to Shen Guanglin's laboratory for a long time.

What can the laboratory do?
There are so many people who eat horse chews and have no reasonable source of income. Now the only channel for RMB to come in is Great Wall Biology.

Moreover, due to the research and development of leukemia treatment drugs and vaccines, Great Wall Biology has not been in business for a long time, and the animals they cultivated are used up by themselves.

Exchange foreign currency for RMB?
Whoever does this kind of thing is stupid.

Those few still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. After finishing threatening Shen Guanglin, this old man's journey would not be long.

In Huaxia, in the biological world, the status of Jingcheng University can really be said to be the only one of Gao Shan Yangzhi.

Especially the Department of Biology, Wudaokou Technical School is not worthy of giving them shoes.

After all, the Biology Department of Wudaokou Technical School was restructured as early as 1952, and the new school was established in 1984, which is shorter than the time when Shen began to study biology, without any background.

As for the graduates of Jingcheng University, many of them are engaged in academic teaching. Even now, most of the teachers in Wudaokou Technical School are from Jingcheng University.

They look down on those who graduated from other schools, and only those from Beijing University can barely be recognized.

In Huaxia, the relationship between teachers and students, and the relationship between alumni is too close.

Capital University is trying its best to do one thing, and who can really stop it.

Members who can enter the achievement selection committee all have certain status and status.

However, no matter how powerful an individual is, he is powerless when facing an organization.

It's like, someone Shen is a physics major, and he has made such great achievements in physics one after another, but when formulating the 863 plan, the physics team still didn't let him participate.

Fortunately, Mr. Shen was not discouraged, and he did not lose his footing. After exploring the field of biopharmaceuticals, he returned to the field of physics and achieved astonishing achievements.

In order to display his scientific research achievements, Shen Guanglin really prepared a very large exhibition hall, which is used to display LED products.

Of course, their products cannot be officially sold to the outside world, and they can only sell part of them through exhibitions.

The exhibitors also said that the current price is relatively expensive. After all, mass production has not yet been realized. The current price is about ten times that after mass production.

Just tell the truth.

Everyone believed it, but still bought it.

Whether it is used by scientific research institutions for research or individual users to try it out, they all feel that this thing is not expensive.

Many people travel thousands of miles just to see high-tech products.

The most eye-catching thing is the colorful LED screen. Such a large LED screen is simply too gorgeous.

Many people proposed to give them one of these too, but Shen Guanglin initially disagreed, but after thinking about it, it would be a good thing for publicity and promotion, so he agreed.

The first product of LED screens for commercialization is about to come out!

It's a billboard for Times Square.

New York is the heart of the world, and Times Square is the heart of New York.

In this position, Shen did not want to give up.

Is it expensive to make LED screens in this era?

Of course it is expensive, the cost alone is 100 million, or US dollars.

But considering that Citigroup bigwigs are not short of money in this era, Shen is also a person with feelings, and he is not black-hearted. Let's make it cheaper, as long as 1000 million US dollars.

The offer is out.

The other party agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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