Start with a college teacher

Chapter 657 Cancellation of Clinical

Chapter 657 Cancellation of Clinic (3)

The temporary medical area of ​​the Great Wall Biological Base was extremely busy with people coming and going.

However, everyone is not busy in vain, busy but not chaotic, orderly in chaos.

Since the doctors and nurses of the Affiliated Hospital of Beijing Medical University have been withdrawn, the new addition is the joint working group of Xiehe and military doctors.

Hey, it's a great deal for these people.

When they first entered the arena, the leukemia project team of Shen Guanglin's laboratory had a special explanation: everyone must do a good job of keeping secrets, and the content that should not be leaked is not allowed to be leaked.

Moreover, everyone has an extra salary, and after taking this money, they have to keep this secret.

Otherwise, the consequences would be like a medical university, being ruthlessly kicked out.

They from Jingcheng Medical University still feel that they have been wronged. After working so hard for so long, they are finally about to produce results and honors, and now they are deprived of everything.

In fact, Shen Guanglin is also very upset: You have directly informed the Jingcheng Pharmaceutical Factory of our research progress. According to the contract, we will pursue your legal responsibilities.

It's just that, in this day and age, there really isn't much time to talk about the law.

I think it is right, so it should be done. Even if it is wrong, it should be forgiven. This is their mentality.

If you do bad things with good intentions, you should not be punished severely.

Shen Guanglin was not used to them, even if the principal of his own school came to intercede.

Moreover, he let it go: beep beep again, and they will not cooperate with them in the development of vaccines in the future.

You must know that the current cooperation is not a win-win situation. It is Shen Guanglin's laboratory that is leading them forward. If you still have opinions, please get off halfway.

Boss Shen's speed is very fast.

Classmate Xiaozhu is not slow.

After parking the car, Xiaozhu took Jiajia to get out of the car, and introduced to her: "This is the main site of another project of our laboratory, and the research and development of leukemia drugs started from here."

During these days of waiting for the trip, the intimacy of the two people who have established a relationship has grown by leaps and bounds.

Although the two of them haven't reached the point where they are in harmony with each other, they have already had normal physical contact.

Holding hands in a place where no one is around, this is already the limit of intimate activities, and the little pig can be happy for a long time.

During the past few days, Xiaozhu took Jiajia for a ride in his car, visiting the streets and alleys of the capital.

Cars are a rarity in this day and age, and there are no individuals who can afford a car. Everyone drives a car from their work unit.

Moreover, classmate Xiao Zhu is a thief with money, so he doesn't hesitate to buy anything. In this era, he can be said to have achieved the freedom of wealth.

If all the money in his hand is exchanged for a house, then there will be no more struggles in the future.

Little Zhu Tian is one of the backbone members of Shen Guanglin's laboratory. It is really not too much to own a car. After all, they have created so much wealth for him.

Of course, all this wealth is the wealth of the laboratory. Boss Shen has done a good job in this regard. The laboratory's money can be used to distribute welfare and improve everyone's life, but he himself has never spent a penny of the laboratory's money.

Because, he is not short of money at all.

Now Li Rong is not short of money. Boss Shen bought a lot of houses out of nowhere. He lost the property certificates to Li Rong and ignored it. The rent collection was all done by Li Rong.

It's not that I haven't encountered street bandit Road Hog who deliberately refused to give money, and Li Rong is not a cowardly person. She put on her uniform directly and called a few colleagues from her original unit.

With the intervention of powerful agencies, everyone suddenly became more honest.

Those renting houses may not be really poor, but many of them just want to take advantage of it.

Xiao Zhu satisfies Jiajia's vanity by using the method taught by Boss Shen.

Of course, he didn't betray Teacher Shen either. Although Shen Guanglin came up with these bad ideas about chasing girls, speaking these words would damage the teacher's wise image.

Jiajia looked at the foreigners coming in and out, and was very curious: "What do these people do, and which country are they from?"

"There are people from any country, most of them are from Citigroup. After all, they are the ones who made the most of this research, so let's do our best. Xiao Ma will be very successful now, and it is said that he will go to the United Nations Medical Congress to make a theme What about the speech?"

"Professor Shen isn't going?"

"Professor Shen is a low-key person who doesn't like to show off. Everyone just needs to know that this is the achievement of Professor Shen." Xiao Zhu still knows Boss Shen. He is a contradictory person. He likes others to praise him. But he himself doesn't like to praise himself.

This is called illusory Ruogu.

Speaking of it, Xiaozhu is still very envious of Xiaoma. After all, what he is researching is a good prescription for curing diseases and saving lives, and it is a pioneering use of gene therapy to treat leukemia. This significance is really extraordinary.

I hate that I learned physics instead of biology.

Some people have even mentioned that the 21st century is the century of biology.

Humph, really wait for the 21st century, those who study biology will thank you.

Although Xiao Zhu's own work is great and he may have earned a lot of money, the leader of the physics group is Zhang Cheng after all.

Xiao Zhu and the others are just the person in charge of the sub-project, and there are teams parallel to him. Each team is responsible for different content, but the credit is not small.

Moreover, the blue light LED is an idea proposed by Professor Shen himself, and the bald Zhang Cheng had already made a prototype long before Xiaozhu joined the project team.

"Team leader, you are already very powerful." Jiajia looked at him with tenderness in his eyes: "When are we going to Citigroup?"

"Wait until the cargo ship arrives. The materials needed for installation have already been packed and set off from Jinmen Port. It is estimated that they have already crossed the Strait of Malacca to the Indian Ocean."

Xiao Zhu is also concerned about this batch of equipment. They went out this time to earn foreign exchange, 1000 million US dollars, even for Shen Guanglin's laboratory, this is a large sum of money.

"Why don't we go to the Pacific Ocean? Isn't there a Pacific Ocean between us and Citigroup?" Jiajia majored in liberal arts, and geography is a compulsory subject, so she still knows a little about geography.

"It's different. New York is on the west coast, farther from the Pacific Ocean, and it has to bypass the Panama Canal."

"You know so much."

"I'll teach you slowly."

The air is filled with the sour smell of love.

In the Great Wall Biological Base, there are still quite a few beautiful girls. For example, the girl at the front desk named Li Yan is very good-looking, but there are not many examples of beauties matching beasts.

Jiajia Xiaoniao's feeling of being human is so in line with the fantasy of most men that even Shen Guanglin was taken aback when he saw it.

Li Rong has never done this in public, and only her younger sister has such a gentle side.

When he saw Jiajia, he couldn't help thinking of his sister who was far away in Fusang.

And Jiajia has long been used to being watched by others, she is good-looking, and you will not be bothered even if you are bothered.

However, Xiao Zhu was embarrassed, especially when he saw Professor Shen looking at him with a smile in front of him, he suddenly became ashamed.


"Professor Shen!"

Jiajia also greeted Shen Guanglin very politely. It would be even better if Professor Shen was pursuing her.

Unfortunately, I heard that Professor Shen is already married.

Shen Guanglin smiled like a kind father, he took out two boxes from his bag, "There is nothing to give you, this is a pair of couple watches, you can keep it."

"It's too expensive, we can't accept it, how embarrassing it is." Xiao Zhu declined, but still stretched out his hand.

"Just keep the congratulatory gift that the teacher gave you. In this way, there will be some changes in the itinerary going abroad, so you should be mentally prepared." Shen Guanglin talked about another matter.

ah?Mishap, what mishap?
"It's like this. When we reported the itinerary and personnel list to the foreign affairs department, there was a little problem with Jiajia, because she was still a student of the National People's University, and it was a bit unfair to go to Citigroup with our expert group. But, If you go out to visit in the name of family members, then there is no problem."

Shen Guanglin explained that when he went out to visit the group, what he was most afraid of was that the young and beautiful women would go out. He was not afraid of anything else but that they would leave the group.

Needless to say, Jiajia really had this idea.

"Professor Shen, what happened to the girls who left the group?"

"I don't know very well, but most of them are not doing well. Some of them went to nightclubs to be ladies."

"What is Miss."

"It's the kiln sister who deals in flesh and blood business."

Ah, no, classmate Jiajia turned pale with fright.

Shen Guanglin continued the topic just now and said, "I asked them to define your relationship as husband and wife, otherwise it would be difficult for the foreign affairs department to arrange the itinerary. This time, I will tell you specially."

Student Xiaozhu was naturally delighted. Although Jiajia was surprised, she didn't say anything.

As long as you can go out and see the world.

"Let's go, I'll take you around to see the operation of the medical team. After I come out, I'll take you to eat roast duck."

After Shen Guanglin finished speaking, he went in first, leaving behind the younger two, you look at me, I look at you, and followed in.

"Our relationship has been formalized. We will be husband and wife in the future."

But Jiajia said with a guilty conscience: "Who has established a relationship with you."

"Well, anyway, the trip is in the name of husband and wife. When the time comes, everyone will travel with a female companion, and they will all be husband and wife."

Xiaozhu is very proud, this is the arrangement he dreamed of, and the teacher is very powerful, he made the best use of the situation, and unknowingly pushed people to a dead end.

Shen Guanglin took Jia Jia and Xiao Zhu to inspect his kingdom, and listened to the praise and gratitude of the patient's family members by the way. This is still a very comfortable thing.

However, as soon as Shen Guanglin entered the door, he saw a family crying.

It turned out that a leukemia patient died.

It was the late stage. Although the family members were grieving, they were still in good mood. They were still grateful to the hospital, but lamented that they came too late.

Looking at the sad family, everyone felt uncomfortable. Shen Guanglin asked the doctor in the experimental group, "Is the treatment not effective?"

The doctor didn't speak to the face, and only said when he went to another place, "They are taking a placebo."

What?Shen Guanglin expressed his incomprehension.

"They are taking a placebo, and it is now in the second phase of clinical trials. There is no way to avoid this situation." The clinician explained.

In the second phase of clinical trials, drugs are given to a small number of patients to observe their therapeutic effects and detect adverse reactions.

This process is actually cruel, because some patients took placebos, and placebos have no therapeutic effect, and these people took medicines, as if they were useless, until they died.

Since chronic leukemia is already at an advanced stage, what difference does it make to kill someone if you take a placebo?
Shen Guanglin couldn't take it anymore: "The second phase of clinical trials will be stopped immediately! All patients are taking their medicines normally!"

Shen Guanglin doesn't want to use this method as a comparative laboratory, it is irresponsible to patients.

Moreover, the medicine for leukemia is not an ordinary cold medicine, and the effect of this medicine cannot be verified by the way of cold medicine.

This is a choice between life and death. You can't just verify the side effects. A better solution is to use medicine to treat the disease instead of considering the side effects.

Even if this kind of medicine has great side effects, is it because of the existence of side effects not to use it?

Now, even arsenic can treat leukemia, why can't our 1605 do it.

Shen Guanglin was furious, saying that this matter is over and no more clinical trials.

What if the FDA does not approve it?
"Then don't export it. Anyway, they have money, so it's the same to come to Huaxia for treatment."

(End of this chapter)

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