Chapter 658

The wind is blowing, the water is cold, and the little pig is not afraid of the difficulty of the expedition.

The weather is getting hotter and short-sleeved can be worn in the capital, so Yishui will not be cold anymore.

Classmate Xiao Zhu is finally going to lead a team to go out, and Boss Shen personally goes to the airport to see him off.

There were a lot of people on this trip, both men and women, and it was almost a charter flight.

As a husband and wife, close to the water, and a leader, Xiao Zhu can naturally enjoy a good position.

So, Xiao Zhu and Jiajia sat in the first-class cabin in a row.

Where the relationship between these two people has reached is no longer something that outsiders can understand.

But judging from Mr. Shen's years of experience, judging from Jiajia's walking posture, the two must be just ordinary friends, and Xiaozhu has not won third base yet.

After all, according to some book friends, girls and women walk differently.Girls walk tightly, with elastic feet, as if they are equipped with springs; women walk with open straddles, walking rhythmically, which is a bit more charming.

Oops, judging by the situation, Xiao Zhu is still a bit out of sorts.

Shen Guanglin called Xiaozhu aside, and told him very solemnly: When you arrive in Citigroup, you must keep an eye on her, and if nothing else, she is afraid that she will leave the group and go away alone.

Little pig doesn't believe it, she won't do this!
Believe it or not, she has always wanted to study abroad, and she did not hesitate to commit herself to you for this. Now that her dream of studying abroad has been shattered, she may not really want to stay and never come back.

Women's thoughts, men, don't guess.

Mr. Shen has rich experience and extensive knowledge, so this kind of thing really has to be guarded against.

Especially in these years, the most fearful thing for the overseas inspection team is to bring young and beautiful women. They are less courageous than anyone else when they are in China, but they are more courageous than anyone else when they are abroad.

If something like this really happened, not only Xiao Zhu would be punished, but the entire project team would also be implicated.

Xiao Zhu was scared and asked the teacher what to do.

How to do?Do her sooner!

Shen Guanglin also said a few other points to pay attention to, don't give her too much money, and don't put your documents with her, you must be accompanied when you travel, this is the iron rule.

Xiao Zhu nodded obediently. It was a bit embarrassing for him to be exposed by the teacher all of a sudden without knowing her depth.

The two were whispering at the side, and others thought that Professor Shen was giving instructions to Team Leader Zhu face to face. After all, this was the first time a Chinese person made a big move in Times Square, and there were many things to explain, so it was only natural to say a few more words.

Everyone is finally leaving!

smug!This word can really be used to describe them who are about to go out.

Everyone is full of confidence and longing: labor and capital are going to show their achievements in the heart of imperialism!

Moreover, in order to finish the project perfectly, Shen Guanglin asked the Construction Engineering Group to borrow some workers.

When Shen Guanglin told the Construction Engineering Group about this request, it turned out that they paid more attention to it than anyone else, and even prepared to recruit elite soldiers from the skyscraper project team in Shanghai.

Shen Guanglin quickly stopped it. This is not acceptable. The construction of skyscrapers is the most important thing. This is just a large billboard. Don't be so outrageous, just a few skilled workers who can work normally will do.

The Construction Engineering Group doesn't think so. We don't need to transfer the manpower for the skyscraper, and there are also people for other projects.

Therefore, no matter the accompanying electricians or welders are dispatched skilled masters, and they all have a certain level, there are even so-called eighth-level welders, and the fish scale patterns welded out are neat and beautiful.

The technology is solid, the thinking is excellent, and they are the people who are talking about it.

In short, this expedition is only allowed to succeed and not to fail.

You know, this represents not only Shen Guanglin's laboratory, but also the image of our Huaxia.

In the past, no Huaxia products appeared in Times Square, and this was the first case.

Well, but not the last case!Shen Guanglin said softly.

According to the advertising effect, if such a high-tech product is installed in Times Square, would Ginza in Tokyo want to release it?Paris, London, do you want to have a shot?
This is the benefit of monopoly.

I have high technology, you don't.

The plane roared away, straight into the sky.

Saying goodbye to Little Pig and the others, Shen Guanglin had just returned to school when something came to his door. He said that two very important overseas Chinese were looking for him and wanted to invite him to the Beijing Hotel for dinner.

Overseas Chinese originally referred to overseas Chinese with Chinese nationality.

However, in the 80s, the descendants of Chinese people who had joined foreign nationality were also called overseas Chinese.

Of course, a long vocabulary was derived later, called overseas Chinese, and no longer entangled in specific identities.

In fact, very few people who were born and raised overseas did not become foreign nationals.

Even after some people went abroad, they obviously only got a green card, and they didn’t feel that they were Chinese anymore. Even if they didn’t apply for the nationality of the country where they were, they still felt that they were foreigners until a certain wave of epidemics came.

In this era, there were many overseas Chinese in Citigroup and Southeast Asia. Although they had no political status, they still accumulated a lot of wealth relying on hard work and ability.

These people are in a foreign land. Although they may not be patriotic, they still pay attention to the news of the motherland.

Therefore, the name Shen Guanglin was also one of the Chinese celebrities they were familiar with.

He even knows more about Mr. Shen than people in China.

After all, when chatting with people, who are the most powerful people in China, you will naturally talk about Shen Guanglin.

He is the light of the Chinese.

Recently, the news and news about Huaxia have been reported extensively in the newspapers, and none of them can be separated from someone Shen.

Newspapers used to love to report on Shen Guanglin, but this time the report was bigger and wider, and it couldn't be finished in a day or two, and it was even repeated in lengthy articles.

The great Dongfang Shen has recently made two amazing achievements, one of which is the invention of LEDs that can emit blue light, and has made countless new products for applications. It is said that another product will be used in Times Square soon. Woolen cloth.

And another great invention is that they invented a high-tech special medicine for the treatment of leukemia. It is a real high-tech special medicine, not an oriental magic medicine extracted from traditional Chinese medicine.

Traditional Chinese medicine oriental magic medicine was also popular in Citigroup for a period of time, and many people were deceived. Later, they no longer believed in such myths.

Therefore, the West has prejudices against Chinese medicine, and most of the time it is the bad consequences of their own nonsense.

The use of gene-targeted therapy to treat diseases is a pioneering work in the biological world. After this method was proposed, everyone in Huaxia Kingdom felt good. After all, everyone didn't know much about genetic engineering. They just thought it was very powerful and it was over.

After all, this is nothing compared to the magic of qigong masters and supernatural power masters for incurable diseases.

A piece of talisman paper can cure all diseases, and long-distance power can extinguish fires.

Who can do it?
But in Citigroup, especially in Citigroup's biological and medical fields, targeted drug treatment of genetic diseases is really like pouring cold water into a hot oil pan, and the oil splashes everywhere.

Shocked! As expected of the great Oriental Shen.

This is too great!
Our theoretical reserves and theoretical development have not yet been fully understood and perfected, and others have already produced the results.

It really is a genius who comes out every 4000 years!Much more reliable than the beauties you see once in 4000 years.

Just earlier this year, Citigroup just passed the Human Genome Project.

At the conference where members of Congress gathered, Dabelko's reason for appeal was that by sequencing human genes, it is possible to find out the location of the disease gene, and then carry out targeted treatment.

Today, this concept is still in the stage of theoretical completion. Everyone is skeptical about it and thinks it is a myth, but there may be a certain possibility.

After all, Citigroup itself is a very magical country. They have the world's most powerful high-tech, but there are also people who can't understand addition and subtraction within 100. There are even some people who don't believe in vaccines anyway. The Earth is round.

Of course, Citigroup doesn't believe in vaccines because they have had serious vaccine accidents. In 1955, 200 children were disabled and more than 10 children died because the inoculated virus in the polio vaccine produced by Kerte was still active.

Just when everyone was skeptical about the prospect of gene therapy, good news suddenly came from the East: Dongfang Shen has completed a breakthrough in leukemia by using gene-targeted therapy!

Moreover, there is an endorsement from Pfizer behind this matter.

They said it was true.

At present, papers on targeted drugs have been submitted to <Science> magazines and are waiting to be published.

Since Pfizer scientists participated in part of the research and development process, they introduced: The breakthrough point of Professor Shen's choice of treatment is the abnormal fusion of the Philadelphia chromosome.

Listen, in fact, Professor Shen also made a breakthrough based on our research.

Truly a great America.

In fact, in Citigroup, many overseas Chinese and Chinese are proud of the appearance of Dongfang Shen, especially now.

In New York's Chinatown, there is such a family, surnamed Li, whose ancestral home is in Anhui Province, and has been rich for generations.

They are not poor workers recruited during the railway construction era, but war immigrants who fled voluntarily during the war between warlords.

This family was originally from a warlord with a rich family background. They had a certain amount of economic accumulation before they came to Citigroup, and their lives are still rich after they come here.

In fact, there are many Chinese in exile, some of whom are quite controversial.

Patriotic and not patriotic are two different things. These people have money in their hands, so their journey back to China is still very pleasant, and they almost enjoy the treatment of God.

Therefore, the Chinese in this era still like to return to China very much. If they have a little money, they can get the identity and status of a patriotic overseas Chinese.

It can be said that how unbearable it was when he escaped back then, how glorious it is now when he comes back.

Unfortunately, from the year before last, the head of the Li family fell ill and was diagnosed with chronic myelogenous leukemia.

This is an incurable disease. In this day and age, no matter whether drug treatment or chemotherapy is used, it will cause great damage to the functions of the human body, and the effect has not improved.

When everyone was at a loss, the miraculous news came that Professor Shen Guanglin, a scientist from the motherland, had successfully developed a medicine for leukemia.

It is simply a blessing from God.

Regardless of whether it is true or not, I will definitely go back to my country to see it.

(End of this chapter)

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