Start with a college teacher

Chapter 659 Chapter 682 Double standard

Chapter 659 Sixth Eighty-two Double Standard (2)

The foreign affairs department sent someone to visit Shen Guanglin, saying that two important overseas Chinese wanted to see him.

Moreover, they have set up a banquet at the Capital Hotel, waiting for Professor Shen to come to their door.

However, Professor Shen doesn't want to meet any important overseas Chinese. He is a scientist and has no obligation to receive foreign guests.

Facing the invitation, Shen Guanglin refused without hesitation.

"Okay, then goodbye, Professor Shen." The people from the foreign affairs department simply retreated, without any sloppiness or unwillingness.

Hey, this plot is a bit inconsistent.

According to the usual script, shouldn't it be said: They will find a reason to reprimand Shen, and then say that he is ignorant of the overall situation and destroying unity? Why did he leave so simply, without any nostalgia.

This shows that the foreign affairs department knows him well.

Over the years, the relationship between Shen Guanglin and the foreign affairs department was neither good nor bad.

We all spent time in the running-in, grew up in the running-in, and then became a tacit understanding.

Shen Guanglin went abroad a lot in the past few years. In the past, they really wanted to bring someone Shen into their management category, and wanted him to be an obedient and obedient baby.

However, Shen was very recalcitrant and would make trouble at every turn, but they didn't have any particularly effective way to deal with it, and they could only let it go.

But after they really let it go, they were pleasantly surprised to find that Boss Shen is not a vexatious person, he "knows taste" better than anyone else.

Every time Boss Shen goes abroad, he will get a lot of extra income, and he must leave a good fortune for the embassy and foreign affairs department.

Moreover, whoever helped him would definitely be rewarded.

Although everyone dared not accept particularly expensive gifts, Shen never lacked in etiquette. Everyone praised him for his thoughtfulness and care.

Therefore, making friends with Professor Shen is really not because of greed for power and wealth. Everyone likes dealing with Professor Shen very much because of his character.

As far as the foreign affairs department is concerned, other scholars may be really poor, but Professor Shen is not. He is not only the God of Wealth, but also a particularly generous God of Wealth.

The reason why those scholars are poor is that there is no way.

Now it is only Huaxia in 1987. Even among the top scholars in China, there are not many who can make a name for themselves in the world, and there are only one branch that can give lectures and collect money.

At this stage, the country is still relatively poor, and there is simply no money to spend on projects, and the result in turn is that the projects produced are worthless.

Therefore, to put it bluntly, Chinese scholars in this era were not paid attention to internationally.

Scholars in the third world can actually be regarded as a derogatory term.

There is only one Shen Guanglin in the whole world.

Some people are nothing in the world, so they can only be arrogant in the country, which is why they especially hate the showy Shen Guanglin.

Now, Shen Guanglin is in the limelight again.

How could it be so simple for him to produce results?

Those who care are watching what he is doing.

From the time when Shen Guanglin prepared to study leukemia to the successful release of the drug, it took just over half a year.

In such a short period of time, some people can't even complete the preliminary information collection.

Now, Shen Guanglin has directly canceled the second phase of the clinical trial, and the meaning is obvious: from today on, this drug will be used directly for treatment, no more experiments, and we can collect money.

Pfizer said what should we do?

You can also organize your own people to carry out the second phase of the clinical trial?Everyone is a partner, and Shen does not limit their development.

Professor Shen's reason is so simple and unpretentious.

The leukemia treatment drug 1605 is officially on the market, and the price is really not low. The domestic price is 200 yuan per box, and one box can last for a month.

It's not that they don't want to charge more money. In fact, the salary level of Chinese people in this era is 200 yuan a month.

Therefore, this pricing, even if the research and development expenses are deducted, is not very profitable.

Fortunately, this drug is not only effective for leukemia, but also for other tumors. Everyone tried it and found that it is really good, so the sales volume is good.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin made another form of pricing for foreign patients, that is, 2 US dollars, which is also a monthly dose.

This price is really a little expensive,

Mr. Shen also has a good reason. Anyway, you are rich. If you have money, then support us more.

Sure enough, the pricing was done, and the biological base began to make a lot of money every day. Compared with the cost of medicine, the cost of hospitalization is actually cheaper.

Moreover, in order to prevent domestic patients from reselling medicines, Shen Guanglin also stipulated that all medicine packaging must be recycled, even the small packaging in the box, and the barcode must match the number.

Just like renminbi, each box of medicine is coded, and it must be traceable to whom it is sold to.

Moreover, the color of the medicine for export and the medicine for domestic use are also different.

The people from the foreign affairs department left happily, but those who were looking for Shen were still busy.

There are patients who are waiting to be fed at home, so naturally it is impossible to just let it go.

That's right, the overseas Chinese who came to seek medical treatment this time are the Li family, Mrs. Li and her daughter.

These two women came to seek medical treatment, and they did not come to use beauty tricks. After all, Mrs. Li was already in her sixtieth year, and her daughter, although young, was already a mistress.

Shen is not surnamed Cao, nor is he the prime minister.

The mother and daughter came here to seek medical treatment seriously.

In fact, this is not the first time Mrs. Li has returned to China. The Capital Hotel is their permanent residence.

In the past, when they wanted to do something, relying on their status as overseas Chinese, they would directly invite people to get together in a hotel in the capital, and often the matter would be settled.

This time they invited Shen Guanglin to the banquet, and they were sincere in their words, but Professor Shen refused directly. This was the first time.

Of course, all of this was relayed by the foreign affairs department. Professor Shen was very busy and didn't have time to come, so he specially entrusted them to express his apology.

They expressed their understanding that Professor Shen was busy with work, but they couldn't just go back. The family still had to treat illnesses and save lives, so the mother and daughter of the Li family had no choice but to invite him again in person.

This time, they were accompanied by staff from the foreign affairs department, and they came here in person.

They first went to the school to look for Professor Shen but failed, and then went to the biological base, which is said to be the place where leukemia treatment drugs were developed.

Professor Shen is indeed there, he is fishing by the pond.

No matter where Shen Guanglin goes, as long as he passes by ponds, rivers, reservoirs, etc. with water, he always wonders if there are fish there?
However, Mr. Shen is a typical example of people who are still addicted to food. Since fishing skills cannot be improved, they should climb up the technology.

For this reason, he also set up a project team, specializing in underwater cameras, with the purpose of being able to see the underwater situation clearly and fish with purpose.

In later generations, the method of visual anchor fish also appeared, which was not tolerated by the law.

However, research and development of cameras is a good direction, and Hikvision has become a unicorn by virtue of this.

"Professor Shen, are you busy fishing every day?" Although the eldest lady of the Li family has become middle-aged, she still has a bad temper. She is used to being pampered and can't bear others' disrespect for them.

They thought that Professor Shen was really busy, but they didn't expect that he was busy fishing.

"Are you? Don't scientists have a life? Fishing makes me think more quietly."

Looking at the two women in front of him, he remembered the two important female overseas Chinese that the foreign affairs department said.

"Mr. Shen, I am Mrs. Li Zhang. My husband is ill and is not good at walking. I hope that Mr. can help my master out of this difficulty. I will offer you a small gift. I am very grateful."

What I said, feels the same as in ancient times. Shen Guanglin doesn't know this tune, and he is not a person who likes to receive gifts.

"Doctors are parents, and besides, I'm not a doctor. If you want to come here, you can just bring patients here for treatment. You don't need to bring special gifts."

After speaking, Shen Guanglin took a look at what they had brought.

I go!Mi Fu's map of hiking in the mountains in autumn is accompanied by a poem by Su Shi.

Shen Guanglin also didn't say that he never accepts gifts, some gifts can still be accepted.

"My husband really wants to come here in person, but he is really in poor health, and he is already incapable of functioning. Please, sir, send a medical team to the west to treat my husband. The payment will definitely not be a problem."

Mrs. Li Zhang spoke very sincerely, and the staff of the foreign affairs department who brought them here also said:
"Professor Shen, the Li family is a patriotic overseas Chinese. Mr. Li is dedicated to the old man. He has made contributions to the unity of the country and the nation. He also has leukemia. Let's see if he can do it."

This lobbyist also tried his best to persuade Shen Guanglin to help.

Shen Guanglin definitely didn't do it for Mi Fu's calligraphy and painting, he really wanted to cure illnesses and save people, he stopped fishing and took them directly to the treatment area to get medicine.

"Since Mr. Li is not good at walking, then you can bring some medicine back. If you have a deep enough relationship, you can also bring some Xiehe doctors there, just to see if they are willing to go with you."

Shen has always been so easy to talk to, it's really not because of the face of calligraphy and painting.

"Professor Shen, won't you go with me? We can reimburse the round trip expenses."

"No, I still have something to do. I'm going to Fusang soon."

This is Shen Guanglin's truth. I haven't been to Fusang for a long time. I haven't seen him for a day, and I miss him very much.

There were no twists and turns, and they went to pay the medical bills, and they planned to bring back half a year's worth of medicine.

However, after a little questioning, they were dumbfounded: as foreigners, the medical expenses for half a year cost 12 yuan, which is still in US dollars.

(End of this chapter)

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