Chapter 660

In the business world, it is normal for there to be a gap between domestic and foreign prices.

Shipping costs, tax rates, labor, pricing strategies, these all have an impact.

For example, the K9 series of a well-known electric bus is priced at 200 million domestically and 400 million overseas, which is a double gap;

A well-known mobile phone is also priced in this way. The domestic price is more than 3000, and the foreign price is more than 7000. There is also a lot of room;
Moreover, there is a well-known laptop computer brand, and the domestic and foreign prices are also different, hehehe.

Now, Shen Guanglin's laboratory also sets two prices for the leukemia treatment medicine, and the gap between them is ridiculous.

In China, medicines for Huaxia people are cheaper, and the monthly cost is about 200 yuan.Although this price is still very expensive, and many people still cannot afford it, everyone gritted their teeth, borrowed a little, moved a little, and the state unit reimbursed a little, which is probably affordable;
However, if the patient is a foreigner, sorry, the price is 2 US dollars a month.After all, this is an overseas version, who made you rich, then let you experience the happiness of rich people.

What if everyone is not rich?If the price is really unaffordable, there is no way.

Running a business is not doing charity. Mr. Shen is a narrow-minded nationalist. He is not a savior. After spending so much money on research and development, we must also consider the return cycle.

Long before the price was set, all the shareholders had signed the agreement. Shen Guanglin could not sell it freely in China, and domestic drugs could not be exported overseas.

Everyone is a community of interests. In order to earn some black-hearted money, we have entered into an offensive and defensive alliance, which is what the title should mean.

Mrs. Li Zhang and Miss Li Jia ran over excitedly. When the treatment team quoted a monthly medical fee of 2 U.S. dollars, and the travel expenses of the medical staff were not included, and the price would not be lower than 500 U.S. dollars per person per day, the mother Both girls were stunned.

This is money grabbing!

Overseas Chinese have a little money, but our money is not blown by the wind.

Moreover, the degree to which they plan carefully and meticulously is beyond the comprehension of ordinary people.

In foreign countries, in Chinatown, some people are already very rich, the kind that they can't spend in a few lifetimes, but they are still working on saving money, saving money desperately, saving money desperately.

You know, overseas, the most harsh to the Chinese will always be the Chinese.

Shen Guanglin has already heard many such cases, domestic overseas students wash dishes overseas, what do they eat?It's all leftover meals from the guests.

In overseas Chinese restaurants, customers often order only a few dishes, most of which are dishes like Kung Pao Chicken and Mapo Tofu or sweet and sour dishes.

Occasionally, if there are leftovers from customers, they will not be poured out at all, but folded into several large basins.

When all the customers are gone and the restaurant closes, all the waiters will be called together, and everyone will eat the leftovers.

There are even toothpicks and cigarette butts in some dishes.

Of course, even the boss himself ate the leftovers with him, that's how they got their money.

Therefore, the mother and daughter came to ask for medicine with full of hope, and the budget was not much. They felt that they could spend a little more money and give a good opinion in front of Professor Shen.

But they were still intimidated by the sky-high $2 medical bill.

However, this price is set by Boss Shen, and no one else has the right to change it.

So, Shen Guanglin was teaching in the school classroom when they interrupted the teaching process and called him out.

A group of people just came over like this. It was not aggressive, but it was real under the eyes of everyone.

In addition to their mother and daughter, there are also staff from the foreign affairs department and school staff responsible for outreach and reception.

"Professor Shen, why do you treat us differently?"

Seeing Shen Guanglin, the Misses Li were very upset, as if they were asking questions.

They have already inquired about it. Others are also taking this medicine. As long as 200 yuan a month is enough, charging them 200 dollars is already too much, and now they are quoting 2 dollars. Is there any reason?
Looking at this group of wonderful people, Shen Guanglin was very upset: "I'm in class, please come back after class."

Turning his head, Shen Guanglin faced the comrades in charge of the school's reception, and said very seriously: "From now on, when I am in class, no one can disturb me, not even the principal! If you dare to disturb me in class so brazenly again, then you Don't do this job anymore! If you don't believe me, just see if I have this influence in school!"

The faces of the school reception staff turned pale with fright.

"Hey, Professor Shen! Professor Shen!" Miss Li was still yelling, but Shen Guanglin ignored her and went back to the classroom.

The sky and the earth are big, and everything is not as big as class.

Recently, Boss Shen felt that he was a bit too high-profile, and really needed to find a sense of calm in class.

Moreover, the nutrition of the students in these classes has kept up, and many girls have grown up really well. Although as a teacher, you have to be moral and keep the bottom line, but spending more time with young people will still make you feel happier.

Moreover, everyone also likes Professor Shen's class very much.Although his classroom atmosphere is not lively, and his lectures are not lively, but Professor Shen is not a person who likes to put on airs. He can ask any questions, even questions about his private life.

Some students even asked him: "Professor Shen, they say you are very rich, how much money do you have?"

Shen Guanglin also answered this question very seriously, "I don't know how much money I have. It's true that I can't spend it all. In fact, I don't have a lot of money, but I have more money at my disposal. The money is not my own. Yes, it is the society that the people place for me to control, and how to make better use of them is my social responsibility.”

Damn, it was pretended by him.

"We also want to have this responsibility." Many students sighed in the audience.

"There will be." Shen Guanglin expressed his belief in them, "Whether you are in business or politics in the future, you will have a lot of opportunities to get in touch with money. Please don't be slaves to money and establish a correct view of money."

Everyone didn't believe it, but they still felt that Professor Shen was very charismatic.

Finally get out of class was over, and the two elder sisters and aunts did not leave. The little cheongsam swayed in the early summer wind, which was very republican.

Although they were impatient in their hearts, they didn't show it on their faces, and they followed closely behind Shen Guanglin step by step.

They followed Shen Guanglin to his office.

"To make a long story short, I have other things to do later, so I can't stay with you all the time." Shen Guanglin looked at his watch. Patek Philippe is still not as good-looking as a Rolex. No wonder wealthy upstarts want to buy a Rolex.

I saw the watch, I haven't seen my brother for a long time, I heard that he is shooting a movie called "A Chinese Ghost Story", and he also found a sports student to be the heroine, who is half a head taller than him.

After hearing this, Shen said that he really wanted to meet this female athlete who was half his head taller than him. Doesn't this mean that you don't need to wear high heels when doing activities.

Seeing Shen Guanglin looking at his watch and meditating, Miss Li couldn't wait any longer:
"Professor Shen, why do we need 2 dollars a month to get medicine, isn't this robbery?"

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted, and only then did Shen realize that there are still several people here, and he always likes to wander off lately.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't like hearing her words.

This pricing is his masterpiece. No one has said that this price is unreasonable before. They are the first.

"Have you encountered robbery? If you encounter robbery, you can report to the police station. You shouldn't come to my office to find me. I'm not familiar with the police station."

"Your laboratory is robbing!"

Shen Guanglin's complexion turned a little dark, it's true that you are overseas Chinese, and I have no obligation to spoil you.

Mrs. Li Zhang quickly came out to smooth things over: "That's not what we mean, it's just that the prices of the medicines in your laboratory are too expensive, how can ordinary people afford them?"

Although their family has some assets, they are not willing to waste this money, especially since they already know that other people's medical treatment only costs 200 yuan a month.

People from the foreign affairs department also chimed in: "Ms. Li is a patriotic overseas Chinese. Professor Shen, please consider it carefully. After all, we are all descendants of the Chinese people and are connected by blood."

Shen Guanglin gave him a blank look, and he immediately swallowed back the words that followed.

What Shen Guanglin meant was, if you talk more, your foreign affairs department will pay for this money?

"Aren't you overseas Chinese? This is not the status of ordinary people. Who can afford to live in a Beijing hotel?" They were not polite, and Shen Guanglin's words were no longer pleasant.

"But our money didn't come from the wind. Professor Shen, it's not fair! Others only need 200 yuan for medical treatment, and it's our turn to pay a sky-high price. We can't really let us be taken advantage of."

Sister Li still looked unconvinced. They came here to express their dissatisfaction.

"Then do you think that the money for my lab came from the wind? You mean we can only be taken advantage of by ourselves? I'll tell you how much money we spent on researching and developing this drug."

After a simple calculation, according to the current proportion of leukemia patients, even if the drug costs 2 US dollars a month, it will take 5 years to pay back the cost if patients all over the world come to take the drug.

Of course, Shen Guanglin did not say that this drug is actually effective for other tumors, and the population of other tumors is much larger than the population of leukemia.

"My drug was developed with the money of the capitalists, and they also want to make money, not for charity. I was able to get 200 yuan to give to the Huaxia people, which is already in the face of my research and development."

After saying this, Shen Guanglin was already serving tea to see off the guests.

His meaning is obvious, this disease, if you have money, you can treat it, if you don't have money, it doesn't look like you don't have money.

"We are also Chinese! We also want to enjoy the treatment of Chinese people." They didn't mention the cost or expenditure anymore, they just wanted to pursue fair treatment.

"Oh? Then take out your ID card and have a look?"

The identity card system has been in place since 1984, and although a letter of introduction is required to go out now, the identity card is still popular.

"You are making it difficult on purpose. You know that we came from Citigroup."

"Then tell me what contributions you have made to the country? Could it be that you just asked the country to return the ancestral home that was confiscated a few years ago?"

Shen Guanglin really couldn't believe how patriotic these patriotic overseas Chinese were.

It is undeniable that some people really care about the motherland and the people, and they have contributed a lot to the construction and development of the country.

But there are also many people who take this opportunity to get back their lost property.

They couldn't refute this, because they really asked the government to return to their ancestral home.

"We even gave you a pair of calligraphy and painting!"

"You don't get paid for nothing, that painting is at the front desk of the Beijing Hotel, you can take it back to your country."

What is going on every day.

(End of this chapter)

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