Chapter 661 Visit (2)

After seeing off the mother and daughter, Shen Guanglin was really disturbed.

It is impossible to reduce the price, and Shen Guanglin also explained that all the medicines taken overseas are priced at 2 US dollars and will not be treated differently.

What about sending Mr. Li back to China?
That's also $2 a month, but that saves $500 a day in travel expenses for medical staff.

How to choose is their business, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to bother with it.

Moreover, thinking of "A Chinese Ghost Story", Shen Guanglin realized that he hadn't been to Xiangjiang for a long time.

He has never seen how beautiful Nie Xiaoqian is and how long her legs are.

No, it's almost summer vacation, do you want to go to Xiangjiang for a tour?
Li Rong had to go to work and had no time at all.

She is not like Shen, who has winter and summer vacations, as well as irregular holidays.As a civil servant of the government, she is very busy with work and really doesn't have that much time.

Shen was waiting for her words.

He said that he would go by himself, otherwise some people would always come to annoy him, and he would be very upset.

Li Rong expressed her understanding. Shen Guanglin had achieved results recently, and too many people came to her, and she was a little upset, let alone Brother Guanglin.

It's good to go out and relax.

Then, he bought a plane ticket to Tokyo.

Why do you have to go through Tokyo from the capital to Xiangjiang?

Is it okay to go to Xiangjiang through the diversion?He doesn't want to change planes from Shencheng, does he?Not only did he have to pass through Tokyo, but he also passed through Kyoto.

"Professor Shen, are you going to Fusang tomorrow?"

Before Shen Guanglin left, another group of people came to the door, even the matter of his going to Fusang was not let go, and even this was questioned.

It turned out that Shen Guanglin was brought by the dean of the school's School of Biology. They dragged him into a meeting room, and it seemed that something was wrong.

"Yeah, I'm going to Fusang, what's the matter?" Looking at the crowd, he was stunned.

Is it a big deal to go to Fusang by yourself, and so many people need to care about it.

Also, there are so many people I don't know.

"Professor Shen, it's a small matter for us to find you. Dalbeco from Citigroup is also going to visit Fusang recently. He sent an invitation letter to our Chinese biological community, and he named you and hopes that you can go too."

The dean of the School of Biology didn't speak, but a person about his age did.

Shen Guanglin also knew this person. He seemed to be from the Academy of Sciences who was engaged in biology.

"When did this happen? Why didn't I, Shen, know about it? He told me this only when he was going out." Shen Guanglin really didn't know about it, and no one told him about it.

"Just a few days ago, they said they were going to hold a special conference in Fusang, about the Human Genome Project. It is said that scientists from all over the world will go, and we plan to send a delegation to participate. We people are member of the expedition."

The person who spoke was surnamed Han, and Shen Guanglin finally remembered that he is now the temporary head of the regiment.

For the existence of the inspection team, Shen Guanglin expressed his surprise. Why didn't he know about it? He had to organize a group to go to Fusang to talk about it.

"Professor Shen was busy earlier, so I didn't delay your time. Now that you have booked a ticket to Fusang, I thought you had received another invitation."

It turned out that they had no intention of taking him to play at all, and they had no choice but to come to him this time, for fear of being betrayed.

Of course Shen Guanglin didn't receive another invitation, he didn't even know it happened.

He left this matter to the game between the school and the state ministries, but he didn't pay attention.

However, the school did not go so smoothly when doing this job. It can be seen from the wry smile on the face of the dean of the School of Biology. In this prosperous age, there are too many people who want to participate. Capital University really can't cover the sky with one hand. .

Perhaps, if Shen Guanglin hadn't just bought a ticket to Fusang, they wouldn't have come here in such a hurry.

Shen Guanglin didn't want to be familiar with them, but he asked curiously:
"Looking at you, is the country planning to join the Human Genome Project?"

Head Han froze for a moment, thought for a while, and then said: "It's hard to say, the main reason is that our country doesn't have that much money. After all, even if one tenth of a billion dollars is taken out, it will cost 10 million dollars." , the country is more hesitant in this regard.”

"Don't you want to participate?" Shen Guanglin didn't believe it.

All those present were well-known scholars who studied biology, and many of them were acquaintances of Shen Guanglin.

In addition to those from Capital University, there are also scholars from Wudaokou Technical School and Academy of Sciences, and even scholars from Agricultural University and other schools.

Of course they wanted to participate, otherwise they wouldn't have set up a delegation.

Now, since Shen Guanglin is going to Fusang, he can only go together.

After all, Dalbeco had originally invited Shen Guanglin. At first they had a reason to say that Professor Shen was busy and had no time to go. Now that he was going to Fusang, it was a bit too much to say that he was not free.

After all, it was the Human Genome Project conference, and Shen Guanglin agreed.

It's been a long time since I traveled with a group, and it's still a bit aggravating to switch back to economy class.

However, Shen Guanglin doesn't want to show his economic superiority in front of everyone, so let's try our best to integrate into the group.

However, when it comes to the sequencing of the human genome, he is not prepared to intervene.

This matter has been handed over to the school to deal with. How much money the school can win is the school's business.

He also told the school that it is his own freedom to decide what someone wants to do.

The plane is not far from the capital to Tokyo, so you don't need to sleep on the way, just chat for a while and you will be there.

"Professor Xiao Shen, do you know who paid for Citigroup's Human Genome Project?"

Head Han deliberately sat next to Shen Guanglin. He wanted to chat with him, probably to ease the relationship.

After all, he was the one who insisted on keeping Shen Guanglin a secret.

Faced with the sudden enthusiasm of Captain Han, Shen Guanglin could only deal with it casually.

"It's the Ministry of Energy of Citigroup. It is said that the Ministry of Energy paid for it. After all, it is not much, only 10 billion US dollars." Shen Guanglin still knows this, and he does not have no sources of information in Citigroup.

"Then do you think it has any special significance for them to set the meeting place in Fusang? Didn't it mean that England, West Germany, and France would also participate in it?"

It seems that the head of the Han group knows a lot of news, and he has done a lot of homework for the Human Genome Project.

However, in this way, the plan of Shen Guanglin and Beijing University will come to nothing.

According to Shen Guanglin's original plan, the school took over the project and received the money, and then someone Shen helped the school make it.

Sure enough, the dean of the School of Biology didn't look particularly good-looking.

Shen Guanglin replied indifferently: "Who made the little devil rich?"

Several people who were watching laughed, and Professor Xiao Shen was still interesting.

I heard that he has a lot of contacts with Fusang's company. I didn't expect to be such a young man. This little devil is so kind.

"Professor Shen, we went to Fusang for the sake of good neighborliness and friendship, but we must respect others enough. This is the discipline of foreign affairs. Please pay attention to it."

Head Han suddenly became serious. He felt that this "little devil" sounded a little uncomfortable, and couldn't help criticizing Shen Guanglin.

Shen Guanglin didn't bother with him either, "Who made Xiaori. The Fusang people who live a good life rich? Dabelko came here to beg for alms. Everyone divides the cake according to their own strength, and each family has to pay some money." .”

That's the way it is, and it's not hard to guess at all.

"Professor Shen, if it's really a task assignment meeting, how many tasks do you think we should receive?" Head Han didn't continue the topic just now.

"How do I know this? I'm not the head of the inspection team. How much work I do depends on how many tasks my school receives and how many tasks the school assigns to me."

After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin winked at Comrade Dean of the School of Biology, saying that we will have a good cooperation in the future.

The dean also nodded cryptically, as long as everyone knows it well.

"In your plan, will your laboratory participate in the Human Genome Project?" Leader Han changed his words.

"Of course I will. This is a grand event in the international biological community. We meet at the right time, and it's unreasonable not to participate. In the future, I still want to be the next Watson."

Shen Guanglin did his part when it was time to express his opinion. He felt that his achievements might not be smaller than Watson's.

Watson is the one who discovered the double helix structure of DNA and won the Nobel Prize.

Recently, it has been reported in the media that Watson and Dabelko are competing for the dominance of the Human Genome Project.

"It's too hasty for you to do this, it's a bit disgraceful! It's not clear whether our country will participate in the Human Genome Project. What's the point of your joining? There is no organization and discipline."

Head Han felt offended by the importance of himself and the delegation, and felt a little unhappy, so he couldn't help but want to scold the young man.

How could Shen Guanglin be afraid of him: "When will the country prohibit us from participating in foreign research projects? The spirit of 863 encourages us to join in the research and development of international advanced technologies."

"You mean, even if our country does not participate in this project, your laboratory will participate?"

"Of course!" Shen Guanglin admitted without hesitation.
Of course he will.

Even, if it doesn't scare others, his laboratory can sequence the human genome itself.

This thing is very simple, as long as he takes out the fourth-generation PCR.

At present, this technology is coded in the confidential warehouse of the laboratory, and even Pfizer has not told it.

After all, the third-generation PCR instrument has just been launched, and the bonus has not been eaten yet.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin's industrial empire started from being an OEM, and he still wants to get more from the project team to live it out.

It's always good to earn some extra money.

You know, this is a $10 billion project.

In later generations, only 998 people can do genetic screening, but now it costs 10 billion.

Technological progress can make up for all shortcomings.

(End of this chapter)

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