Chapter 662 Arrival (1)

Shen Guanglin has never been in the habit of taking care of other people's emotions when speaking.

Because there is no need at all.

If it makes you happy, it's just a coincidence; if it makes you unhappy, there's nothing you can do about it.

Head Han asked him aggressively, did he want to confront the national project team?
However, unexpectedly, Shen Guanglin admitted it very generously.

There's nothing wrong with admitting that.

For Shen Guanglin, whether or not the country participates in this project is a matter for the country, it is a matter for their investigation team, and has nothing to do with Shen Guanglin's laboratory.

This does not involve political governance or national sentiment, this is purely a matter of the biosphere of the technology circle.

Whether or not the country participates in this matter is probably more of an economic consideration. If it involves righteousness, you don’t need to mention it. I, Shen, will definitely not make mistakes in this regard.

Internationally, there have always been comments: Dongfang Shen is a nationalist.

In this era, although the ideological struggle is still fierce, they all hope that China can participate in all major events in the world.

This is like the Los Angeles Olympics. The presence of the Chinese delegation has been warmly welcomed by the entire Western world.

Of course, Huaxia won 15 golds in the Los Angeles Olympics for the first time, and only 5 golds in Seoul. This is not that Huaxia sports has regressed. It is that CCCP and his partners finally resumed participating after boycotting the Olympic Games .

When it came to the Barcelona Olympics, this was the beginning of Huaxia Sports' take-off.

However, when Shen Guanglin generously admitted that he would join the Human Genome Project no matter what, Captain Han was not happy. He was furious, furious, incapable and furious.

In the end, he used the word "forbearance" and endured again and again.

Finally I held back.

Because, he has no good way to deal with Shen Guanglin.

This time the biological investigation team was organized in a hurry. Although he was the head of the team, people from Beijing University still accounted for half of the team. If they left him, there was nothing he could do.

You know, even the Wudaokou Technical School is not enough to look at at all. They are a biology department that was only established in 1984, and they have no background at all.

Of course, Shen Guanglin didn't want to refute the leader's face too much, so he explained it:

"We walk on two legs. Whether you want to participate in the Human Genome Project is the task of your research group, and I will not interfere;

However, my laboratory's participation in the Human Genome Project is independent of your plan, and my funding source is self-raised, which will certainly not occupy your budget. "

And such good things?

"Is that understandable in this way, we went to the International Biological Organization to pick up the tasks, no matter how much or how little we received, it will be done by your laboratory?"

Head Han suddenly enlightened. This is probably what Professor Shen said. He can help the country sequence for free without charging money?

Of course, Shen Guanglin meant this, but, didn't this steal the business of Capital University?
Comrade Dean of the School of Biology, of course, did not agree, "Mr. Han, if we receive too many tasks, what about the state funding? Can it be approved? And what about the approved money? How will it be distributed?"

"Of course it is under the control of the project team. After all, it is a national project. Of course we must obey the overall situation."

The words of Tuan Zhang and the dean of Beijing University are not on the same channel, which is also the result of Shen Guanglin's deliberate guidance.

"There is also an overall problem here. Whether Professor Shen's laboratory can undertake this project requires the authorization of our Capital University. Team leader Han must remember this, so as not to make mistakes that should not be made."

The dean’s speech is also hidden in the needle. If you want to go whoring for nothing, it is impossible. If you want to go whoring, you can only go whoring yourself.

Shen Guanglin nodded, "Yes, in China, for national projects, we only accept the tasks assigned by the school to the laboratory, and international tasks require money from them, not free."

"Technology mercenary?" Captain Han suddenly thought of a word.


What else is there to talk about, it's not speculative.

Everyone stopped talking and began to doze off.

The plane landed safely in Tokyo. May there be no air accidents in the world.

It is not good to act with the group, everything must be arranged by the team.

When they were about to get off the plane, they received the itinerary plan, gathered after getting off the bus, and took the car to the corresponding hotel together.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin, a young man, had to go to the bus with the delegation, which was a treatment he had not enjoyed for many years.

This car was found by someone from the National Office in Tokyo. The plan was that it was cheap, and the comfort was naturally discounted.

It is already hot at this time of day, the heat in D Beijing is even hotter than the Caribbean Sea.

I really didn't expect that there is room for a car without air conditioning in Fusang, and the tram is crazy.

According to what Shen has done in the past, since he has arrived in Tokyo, he will naturally need a luxury car and a beautiful assistant to pick him up.

In the past, these were arranged by Takeda and were standard for business trips.

Although, he will not have some stories that everyone wants to imagine with this beautiful assistant, but when a big man comes here, he must provide the service he should have, otherwise he will not entertain well, and Shen will be angry.

Everyone got in the car, but Shen hadn't come yet.

Head Han counted over and over again, and he became anxious.

There were only a dozen or so people, and there was nothing to count, except that Shen Guanglin didn't come.

It turned out that Takeda Company really sent a reception team over, Shen Guanglin saw it, and went over to explain a few words.

Of course, he didn't go with them, but planned to go with the regiment.

Professor Shen finally boarded the car.

The mood of the head and the leader finally relaxed.

Professor Shen probably went to the toilet, although they have already checked the toilet twice.

"Professor Shen, why did you go there just now? Why are you so slow? Everyone thought you were going to leave the group?"

Head Han was really nervous just now, but he relaxed when he saw Shen Guanglin came back, and couldn't help but ask in a joking tone.

"I want to leave the group, I will leave after the meeting."

Shen Guanglin didn't hide it either. He came to Fusang to see his sister, not for a meeting.

Participation in the meeting, the Human Genome Project, just happened to be the meeting.

"This is not good, we came out as a group, and we will go back together when we go back."

Head Han was unhappy again.

He has been unhappy several times during the journey with Shen Guanglin. This professor Shen is an out-and-out thorn.

If he was a researcher under him, he would have been on the bench long ago, so how could he be allowed to be a monster everywhere.

go back together?Naturally, Shen Guanglin would not agree to his proposal, did he go back with you?Then what am I still doing here?
Shen Guanglin said: "I didn't think of going with you in my original itinerary plan. It was just a temporary modification of my itinerary plan when we flew together. I bought the ticket myself. I still can't be regarded as a member of your inspection team. Bar."

The head of the group was dumbfounded, and after thinking about it, hey, this is really the case.

Everyone thought that Dabelko had invited Shen Guanglin to attend the International Biological Conference, but everyone neglected to forget that Shen Guanglin was not really a member of their investigation team, but just a temporary "traveler".

Who would have thought that people can go abroad without an international invitation these days, as long as they have money, they can go anywhere.

Moreover, this gap is even more obvious when you check in at the hotel.

The staff of the working group submitted the information about the arrival of the Huaxia delegation, and the other party gave a very embarrassing feedback: "You initially reported 12 people, but now there are 13 people. We need to coordinate with the organizing committee."

Fusang people are a bit rigorous and rigid in their work, and they have insufficient means to deal with unplanned things, so they can only report to their superiors.

However, Shen Guanglin didn't want to embarrass them, and he was indeed not in the original plan:

"Don't bother your superiors, I have a separate itinerary plan, and I am not a team member."

After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin waved towards the distance, and an intellectual beauty walked over quickly, nodding and bowing to say hello: "Professor Shen, you are here!"

This is the assistant sent by Takeda to be in charge of Professor Shen's itinerary.

"I'll just stay in this hotel today, please help me arrange my itinerary."

"Hi! No problem. We know that you are going to attend the International Biological Conference, and we have already reserved a room for you in advance." After speaking, she took out the materials and room card and handed them to Shen Guanglin.

The members of the inspection team were dumbfounded. What kind of show operation is this?

Shen Guanglin also wanted to keep a low profile, but his strength did not allow it.

Everyone lived in the standard room on the fourth floor provided by the organizing committee, and Shen Guanglin directly lived in the business suite on the tenth floor.

Fortunately, everyone's knowledge is not enough, and they don't realize how big a gap there is.

"Professor Xiao Shen, who is that girl?"

"Oh, she, I don't know her either. She is an employee of Takeda, who is living a good life. She is in charge of the reception work and does not conflict with the organizers of the biology conference."

After returning to the room to put down the surname Li, Shen Guanglin was not in a hurry to go back to rest, because they had to have a small meeting first.

On the way to the meeting room, everyone was still chatting cordially: "Do you know why foreigners live in standard rooms instead of double rooms when they travel on business?"


"Because they're afraid that it's not safe for men to live with men."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't understand this, it's like chicken talking to duck."

Small meeting room.

Everyone is here.

Since Head Han is the head of the group, he naturally has something to say.

Sure enough, it's the foreign affairs discipline again. Although everyone is used to going abroad, the discipline that should be emphasized should still be emphasized.

In particular, Head Han also insinuated, "This hotel has special services, please don't specialize, and maintain your own image."

This is probably an insinuation, Shen said that he did not understand.

(End of this chapter)

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