Start with a college teacher

Chapter 663 Request to speak

Chapter 663 Request to speak (2)

This little meeting is finally over.

Shen Guanglin, who had just received the education of self-cleaning and self-care, went out, and met the young lady who was in charge of reception in a blink of an eye.

The courtesy of the Fusang people was impeccable, and the young lady bowed deeply: "Shen Sang, our president would like to invite you to dinner."

The tenderness of bowing his head gave him a glimpse of the deep ditch.

"You don't need to eat. There will be a meeting tomorrow. I will act together with the inspection team today. You can come back after our meeting is over. You don't need to come again these days."

Shen Guanglin explained that although this young lady is beautiful, the time is wrong.

"Hi!" After bowing, the young lady turned around obediently and left, followed by the eyes of the middle-aged and elderly people in the hip-wrapping skirt.

"Do you think Xiao Shen has ever enjoyed the sugar-coated shells of imperialism?"

"Who knows? But he is young and in good health, so he must have shells to eat."

The next day is the International Biological Congress, and there are many things to prepare for.

Everyone has their own thoughts and factions.

What's more, people from Capital University put aside the investigation group and held another small meeting in Shen Guanglin's room, which was hosted by the dean of the School of Biology.

The business suite was really different. Their own room was already very good. They didn't expect Shen Guanglin's room to be so good that he could even cook by himself.

Everyone is surprised after watching it, and they are still ready to talk about business.

"Xiao Shen, what do you think, we will fully support you."

Shen Guanglin really didn't have any special ideas, and he didn't want to destroy the unity: "So, at the meeting tomorrow, you can just keep in line with the inspection team. I have to make a judgment based on the situation."

Just such a small matter, it's not worth the fuss.

Shen Guanglin also emphasized that he really does not participate in or care about whether the national project team is willing to accept tasks and how many tasks he is willing to accept.

The reason why Shen Guanglin was willing to come with the delegation this time was to see if he could get some international contract work.

Make money, not shabby.

Moreover, Shen Guanglin wanted to use this international conference to advertise his new product.

It's just that he didn't tell these people in Capital University. After all, different people have different positions. He is already very satisfied that the people in Capital University can pay attention to Shen Guanglin's feelings.

In case someone Shen does something out of the ordinary, it's better not to implicate them.

Everyone had a short meeting, and then they were ready to break up.

What people like Shen Guanglin know best is to use sugar-coated cannonballs, no, no one needs to leave the room, the cannonballs have already been taken out.

"It's not easy for everyone to come out for a trip. It doesn't matter whether the meeting has results or not. Everyone has to bring something back."

After speaking, Shen Guanglin gave each person $500.

This amount is not too much, just enough to buy a large piece.

Shen Guanglin also said that this is the travel expenses he applied for, and now that Takeda has paid for it, he will not need the money.

Everyone wanted to decline, but Shen Guanglin could only say, is it necessary for someone Shen to go to the university to give lectures to make money?

It also makes sense.

Everyone went back, saying that they would definitely keep a distance from Professor Xiao Shen.

Because, Shen Guanglin was really going to be a demon.

After all, this is an international conference, and there are more media than actual participants.

Such a good opportunity, if you don't advertise his products, wouldn't you be blind?

Therefore, Shen Guanglin repeatedly emphasized that they should keep a distance from him.

Anyway, the whole family doesn't talk about each other, so don't be surprised if something happened to Mr. Shen at the meeting, just treat it normally.

Let's say goodbye to this in advance.

This international biological conference is really not peaceful.

No, before the meeting started, Shen Guanglin received another news: Dabelko has lost power.

This time the meeting was chaired by Watson of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.

That's right, it is Watson, the discoverer of the NDA double helix structure. He is known as the father of DNA and has a greater reputation.

Moreover, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, also known as Cold Spring Laboratory, is known as the Holy Land of life science in the world, "the cradle of molecular biology".

However, in 2019, they suddenly announced that they would cut off any connection with Watson and revoke all titles and honors including honorary chairman, Oliver R Grace honorary professor and honorary trustee.

I don't know what happened here.

However, at present, Watson is still a powerful figure in Citi's biological world, and he is in the limelight for a while.

In the evening, some people heard that Professor Shen had arrived in Fusang, and wanted to see him, but Shen Guanglin refused, saying that he wanted to have a good rest.

He doesn't want to be involved in this kind of business, it's boring.

After all, he didn't know Dabelko well, and he didn't know Watson well, but he knew Franklin better.

The next day is the official meeting.

For this International Biological Conference, it is no problem to say that "the participants are packed together", because the scene is full of people.

However, among these people, there are not many real biologists, only those from countries willing to participate, and the rest are journalists.

The meeting officially started.

Sure enough, it was Watson who presided over the meeting.

It seems that Dabelko has really lost his power, and the struggle among foreigners is quite fierce.

Moreover, they really want to greet and make friends, usually after the meeting.

However, when introducing important people, Watson still introduced Professor Shen Guanglin solemnly.

"It's a real honor that Professor Shen Guanglin actually took the time to come to our international biological conference."

People in Citigroup are easy to get straight to the point when they speak, Professor Watson continued,

"The purpose of today's meeting is to determine the composition of the Human Genome Project. You may have heard it, and after such a long period of preparation, the Human Genome Sequencing Project is now officially established!
Before that, everyone had made certain breakthroughs in gene sequencing and gene therapy.For example, Professor Shen of Huaxia has developed a drug for treating leukemia based on the principles of genomics, which is a very good application.

The purpose of the meeting today is one. Everyone confirms the participation quota, assigns sequencing tasks, and does not do useless work. "

In short, this is a "cake-sharing" conference.

People from Citigroup may not be able to do other things, but they are very familiar with doing such things.

As early as many years ago, he proposed to open the door and share interests.

Watson said that the Human Genome Project is an international activity, and all countries that want to participate must contribute money together. Everyone will receive corresponding tasks according to the amount of money they are willing to contribute, and they will accept the leadership of the International Biology Group.

Not much nonsense, this meeting is fairly efficient.

Watson finished speaking quickly, followed by speeches from various countries.

The meeting went quickly, with each country only having 10 minutes to present their decisions.

Moreover, what they want to talk about is not professional knowledge, but just the amount of funding their country has invested in the sequencing program and the types of tasks it plans to receive.

It's kind of like an auction.

In fact, there are not many countries participating in the meeting who are willing to join the Human Genome Project.

They are Citigroup, Fuso, England, France, West Germany, and then China, which is on the sidelines.

The initial scale of the Human Genome Project was ambitious. The original plan was to spend $30 billion to sequence the 30 billion base pairs of the human body to map the human genome.

Now, the technology has improved, and it is estimated that $10 billion can accomplish this task.

In fact, Shen Guanglin can do this with less money, it depends on whether he can get a job.

Everyone spoke one after another, and announced the funds they were willing to undertake and the tasks they were willing to receive. The delegation was the last to speak.

After all, their attitude so far has not been particularly clear.

Moreover, even if they do not participate, countries around the world have received almost the same number of DNA chromosomes to be sequenced.

Perhaps, listing the delegation as the last to speak is not the finale, but the order dictates it.

If you come, we will take you to play, if you don’t come, then we can play by ourselves.

   The representative took the stage to speak.

However, to everyone's surprise, the speaker was not the expected Shen Guanglin, although he was in the venue, but a middle-aged man whom everyone did not know.

"We are willing to participate in the Human Genome Project. However, considering the fact that we are a developing country, we apply: to sequence 1% of the human genome!"

That's okay, I finally got involved.

This guy has been talking about it all day long, so he decided to accept the mission a long time ago.

Since this is the case, then you have tested this and that along the way, so why did you come here?

The resignation of the head of the delegation also marks the end of the speeches of the representatives of various countries.

Watson re-entered the stage and was about to make a concluding speech. He routinely asked: "Which gentleman has anything to add?"


Shen Guanglin raised his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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