Start with a college teacher

Chapter 664 Chapter 687 Request a battle

Chapter 664 The sixth eighth seventh request for a war (3)

Watson saw that it was a young oriental man who raised his hand.

"Dongfang Chen?"

he asked suspiciously.

Although Westerners have little recognition of Orientals, Shen Guanglin is well-known.

Although Watson has never met Shen Guanglin in person, he has seen his photos and videos.

This is like, although Chinese people look at black people in the same way, they can still recognize Kobe Jordan.

Although the relationship between Shen Guanglin and Dabelko is better, Dabelko failed in the leadership competition of the Human Genome Project after all. The official leader appointed by Citigroup is Watson, who is after all the discovery of the DNA double helix structure. Those who have more reputation.

"Yes, I am Shen Guanglin, the leader of Shen Guanglin's laboratory at Huaxia Capital University."

Naturally, Shen Guanglin would not suffer from stage fright. He had something to say, and he didn't care about the desperate winking of someone from the inspection team, he did have something to say.

How can it be possible to come here and not get any work, and this is the end.

International conferences generally last for three to five days.

Why is everyone like sharing a birthday cake, only sang a birthday song, two hours have not passed, and this is coming to an end.

So what's the point of my coming?
Shen Guanglin and Watson shook hands on the podium.

"I have seen Dongfang Shen's leukemia treatment plan, which is very creative and can be used for reference. It can be said that he has been at the forefront of all of us biological beings. Now, let us invite the great Dongfang Shen to speak! "

Watson still gave Shen Guanglin this face. After all, Shen Guanglin is a world-renowned scientist.

"Hi everyone, I'm Shen Guanglin, and I'm a big shot."

Everyone smiled knowingly, and Shen was quite humorous.

"If anyone here has never heard of me, it means that you are not a big shot in the scientific world."

Shen Guanglin's speech had also been prepared long ago.

Chinese people pay attention to seriousness, but in international conferences, appropriate humor is a bonus, which they don't understand.

Anyway, it was still early, so Shen Guanglin gave a grand and detailed introduction of his recent achievements, including the invention process of leukemia treatment medicine and LED blue light diode.

Yes, this is an advertisement.

Moreover, in order to show his awesomeness, Shen Guanglin also took out a fan, the one with LED lights.

There are many such fans on Taobao in later generations, and the screen can be displayed when it is rotated. This is a toy that is fast enough to deceive people's eyesight. Everyone can see the content displayed inside.

This technology is a small creative product in later generations, and a fan like this only costs a dozen or 20 yuan.

However, if Shen Guanglin showed it in this era, it would really amaze everyone.

This fan is DC, it doesn't need to be plugged in, and it has a battery.

Everyone watched, Shen Guanglin opened the two fan blades, and then switched on the electricity.

Everyone didn't know what he was going to do, so they watched the "fan" spin up and spin faster and faster.

The light spots formed a picture. In the picture, a beautiful woman walked to the door, opened the door, and a sentence floated out from the door: Human Genome Project.

The applause of the audience was thunderous.

It's science fiction, it's magic!

That's right, Mr. Shen came here to advertise. There are so many media on the scene, is there a better way to show it than this.

The media reporters are crazy, this is a new achievement that has never been shown in the capital.

Simply amazing!
Everyone was immersed in this kind of magic and shock, and couldn't let go of it for a long time.

Head Han was the first to wake up, "Professor Shen, this is an international biological conference, not your new product launch event, so hurry up!"

That's right, this is the venue of the International Biological Congress.

Only then did everyone realize that although this product is amazing, today is indeed an important international meeting, and the final result is about to be announced.

At this time, Watson also had to say, "Shen, do you have something to say about the Human Genome Project? If not, then the stage will be given over to me."

After speaking, he waved his hands and shrugged his shoulders, feeling that his gesture was very humorous.

Of course Shen Guanglin had something else to say.

"Mr. Watson, don't worry, I just asked everyone to relax." After finishing speaking, Shen Guanglin glanced at Han Tuanzhan, and then continued: "I have two plans for the Human Genome Project. Of course, It can also be considered a suggestion.”

"Then please continue."

Watson did not proceed to the podium, it would be impolite to dismiss a scientist of world renown.

Seeing that Shen Guanglin was about to talk about business, the audience really became quiet again.

"I have a suggestion, my laboratory is backed by the best university in the world, Jingcheng University.

Moreover, our laboratory is very familiar with gene sequencing work, but our funding situation is too tight, and there are too many projects to be done.

Everyone, can this work? Can the human genome sequencing project be contracted to my laboratory?

In other words, you contribute money, I contribute, and we share the results. Rest assured, the Human Genome Project is the common wealth of mankind, and we will not register it as a patent. "

Shen Guanglin talked eloquently on the stage, talking about the benefits of this work. His subordinates are all skilled workers, and he has already completed part of the human gene sequencing during the research and development of leukemia, and has accumulated technology.

Now, as long as everyone pays some money, they can share the results without having to worry about it, which is great.

Not to mention, some people are really tempted, anyway, they are all paid, so it is not a test to find someone to test.

Not even Watson said yes or no.

After hesitating for a while, he suddenly asked, "Shen, how many chromosomes does your laboratory want to test? How much does it cost?"

He is the team leader of the entire Human Genome Project. Perhaps, he has the right to allocate a certain amount of funds to Shen Guanglin's laboratory, which can be regarded as a kind of incense.

However, what Shen Guanglin said next really scared Watson.

"Isn't the entire Human Genome Project worth $10 billion? You just need to give me $8 million, how about I help you finish the test?"

There was a boom under the stage.

You have tested the genes yourself, what do you want us biologists to do?
"Or give me 4 million dollars, I will test half of it for you, I will spend 4 million dollars to test half, you will spend 6 million dollars to test the other half, and I promise to test faster than you, how? This is not to improve efficiency, save Is it time?"

Shen Guanglin spoke again. For him, the Human Genome Testing Project is a business. He wants to be the contractor of this project.

However, some people in the Huaxia delegation were extremely unwilling to use business thinking to solve this matter. Seeing Shen Guanglin talking eloquently, they were already too ashamed.

It's just that the representatives of Citigroup and other countries are a little indifferent, and they really feel a little moved.

However, Watson would not agree to this matter. After all, this is an international event. He, Watson, is the team leader, and he has the limelight and honor.

If this matter is outsourced to a laboratory, what's the point, and what role can I play, Watson?


At this moment, Head Han could no longer care about offending Shen Guanglin, he yelled: "Professor Shen, come down quickly, this is an international conference, not a vegetable market!"

Shen Guanglin ignored him and looked directly at Watson, can this business be done?
Of course not!

Watson regretfully rejected his proposal, "Although your proposal is very good from an economic point of view, I have to reject you. After all, this is not just a matter of money, but also involves cooperation between countries. This is an international honor, and everyone needs a sense of participation."

After thinking about this, he wanted Shen Guanglin to come down again.

However, Shen Guanglin was still unwilling to give up just like that, "If not, would it be enough to give me one or two chromosomes? Our laboratory is not greedy."

"Sorry, that doesn't work either."

Watson was already on his way to the podium, ready to take over the microphone and end the meeting.

Shen Guanglin slammed the table suddenly, which startled everyone.

The noisy head Han and the people who were discussing were silent. They looked at Shen Guanglin to see what he was going to do.

Shen Guanglin said to Watson, "I will say the last word."

OK, you say.

"Since we have no possibility of cooperation, I have to announce another matter here."

Shen Guanglin was no longer that philistine face of a businessman, he changed his face very quickly, and was very solemnly preparing to announce another decision.

Everyone is curious, what are you going to announce?Is it going to be an advertisement again?
Of course not.

After stabilizing his emotions, Shen Guanglin said slowly: "Starting today, I will set up a brand new project team, with the purpose of completing the human genome testing plan first before the international project team.

Rich people all over the world, your chance is here!I have technology here, do you have money? "

That's right, someone Shen asked for a fight.

(End of this chapter)

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